ENTRY 40418 20190114 41814041800000001 SUBENT 40418001 20190114 41814041800100001 BIB 6 36 4041800100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI) 4041800100003 REFERENCE (C,73KIEV,4,138,1973) Preliminary data - figures only, 4041800100004 relative to Li-6(n,a) reaction. 4041800100005 (C,77KIEV,3,197,1977) Curve is given up to 10 MeV. 4041800100006 Relative to U-235(n,f) reaction. 4041800100007 (R,INDC(CCP)-118,197,1977) The same as 77KIEV,3,197 4041800100008 (C,82ANTWER,,479,1982) Details of measurement relative 4041800100009 to U-235. 4041800100010 (P,YFI-25,43,1977) Data for 0.015 - 2.14 MeV 4041800100011 (R,INDC(CCP)-0238,1984) 4041800100012 Authors: M.Blinov,G.Boykov,V.Vitenko . 4041800100013 Average spectra ratios to Maxwellian of 1.42 MeV. 4041800100014 (R,INDC(NDS)-146,161,1983) 4041800100015 Authors: O.Batenkov,M.Blinov, G.Boykov,V.Vitenko, 4041800100016 V.Rubchenya . 4041800100017 Figures only. 4041800100018 AUTHOR (M.V.Blinov,V.A.Vitenko,V.T.Tuz,N.M.Kazarinov, 4041800100019 I.T.Krisyuk) 4041800100020 TITLE Measurement of neutron spectrum from spontaneous 4041800100021 fission of Cf-252 in a broad energy range 4041800100022 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight 4041800100023 HISTORY (19790208C) 4041800100024 (20111219A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4041800100025 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4041800100026 DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. 4041800100027 Reaction of Subent 002 was corrected ,DE,N, -> NU/DE,,4041800100028 Subent 003 was added. 4041800100029 (20120303A) M.M. Subent 003 was corrected. 4041800100030 Reference Conf.Proc.82ANTWER,,479,1982 was added. 4041800100031 (20140603A) Subent 006 was added. 4041800100032 Subent 004 data for flight path 50.cm were moved in 4041800100033 Subent 005 (according to recommendation of NDS,IAEA, 4041800100034 see memo CP-D/714 . 4041800100035 (20190114A) Ref. INDC(CCP)-0238 was inserted . 4041800100036 Subents 004,005,006 were corrected. 4041800100037 Subents 007-009 were added. 4041800100038 ENDBIB 36 0 4041800100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 4041800100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4041800199999 SUBENT 40418002 20111219 41554041800200001 BIB 6 8 4041800200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),,NU/DE,,REL) 4041800200003 Reference quantity not given 4041800200004 DETECTOR (SOLST) Li-I crystal with Eu - LiI(Eu) 4041800200005 MONITOR (3-LI-6(N,T)2-HE-4,,SIG) 4041800200006 For neutron detector efficiency. 4041800200007 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-IV,,1974) 4041800200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical Error 4041800200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table of P,YFI-25,43,1977. 4041800200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4041800200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4041800200012 DATA 3 29 4041800200013 E DATA ERR-S 4041800200014 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4041800200015 1.5000E-02 1.1400E+02 2.0000E+01 4041800200016 2.5000E-02 1.5200E+02 1.8000E+01 4041800200017 4.0000E-02 1.9300E+02 1.6000E+01 4041800200018 6.7000E-02 2.4000E+02 1.6000E+01 4041800200019 9.0000E-02 2.6500E+02 1.7000E+01 4041800200020 1.1300E-01 2.9000E+02 1.7000E+01 4041800200021 1.2700E-01 3.4000E+02 1.5000E+01 4041800200022 1.6300E-01 3.5600E+02 1.3000E+01 4041800200023 1.9700E-01 3.8300E+02 1.2000E+01 4041800200024 2.4300E-01 3.9000E+02 8.0000E+00 4041800200025 2.6000E-01 4.0200E+02 8.0000E+00 4041800200026 2.8800E-01 4.3000E+02 9.0000E+00 4041800200027 3.1700E-01 4.6200E+02 1.0000E+01 4041800200028 3.5200E-01 4.6000E+02 1.2000E+01 4041800200029 3.9200E-01 4.9600E+02 1.4000E+01 4041800200030 4.3800E-01 5.0800E+02 1.6000E+01 4041800200031 4.9700E-01 4.9500E+02 1.5000E+01 4041800200032 5.7000E-01 5.0500E+02 1.5000E+01 4041800200033 6.5000E-01 5.2300E+02 1.4000E+01 4041800200034 7.4200E-01 5.2900E+02 1.4000E+01 4041800200035 8.4600E-01 5.0400E+02 1.3000E+01 4041800200036 9.7000E-01 5.0200E+02 1.3000E+01 4041800200037 1.1200E+00 4.7500E+02 1.2000E+01 4041800200038 1.2200E+00 4.6600E+02 1.1000E+01 4041800200039 1.3500E+00 4.4000E+02 1.0000E+01 4041800200040 1.5000E+00 4.2800E+02 9.0000E+00 4041800200041 1.6800E+00 3.8100E+02 8.0000E+00 4041800200042 1.8800E+00 3.6100E+02 7.0000E+00 4041800200043 2.1400E+00 3.3000E+02 6.0000E+00 4041800200044 ENDDATA 31 0 4041800200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 4041800299999 SUBENT 40418003 20120303 41564041800300001 BIB 8 31 4041800300002 REACTION 1(98-CF-252(0,F)0-NN-1,,KEM) Spectrum temperature. 4041800300003 2(98-CF-252(0,F)0-NN-1,,KEM) Spectrum temperature. 4041800300004 DETECTOR 1(SOLST) Li-I crystal with Eu - LiI(Eu) 4041800300005 2(IOCH) Ionization chamber with U-235 films 4041800300006 MONITOR 1(3-LI-6(N,T)2-HE-4,,SIG) 4041800300007 For neutron detector efficiency. 4041800300008 2(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800300009 MONIT-REF 1(,,3,ENDF/B-IV,,1974) 4041800300010 2(,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 4041800300011 G.V.Antcipov+,J,YK,1975,(20),1,1975 - was used in 4041800300012 P,YFI-25,43,1977 . 4041800300013 CORRECTION2 For neutron scattering by detectors and environment : 4041800300014 from 3% at 10 keV to 0.7% at 1 MeV for detectors, 4041800300015 from 30% at 10 kev to 0.5 % at 1 MeV for air medium. 4041800300016 For time resolution 4041800300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 4041800300018 Error of DATA 1 is 5.- 7. % . 4041800300019 2(MONIT-ERR,,4.) Max.uncertainty of U-235 fis.c-s. 4041800300020 (ERR-1,6.,16.) Error of intensity registration 4041800300021 from 16.% at 10 keV to 6 % at 1 MeV - one sigma. 4041800300022 STATUS (TABLE) 4041800300023 1(DEP,40418002) 4041800300024 Text of P,YFI-25,43,1977 4041800300025 2(DEP,40418004) 4041800300026 Text of C,82ANTWER,,479,982 . 4041800300027 Ratio of measured spectrum to Maxwellian one of 4041800300028 T=1.42 MeV is given on Fig.4 of C,82ANTWER, 4041800300029 together with other measurements and evaluation - 4041800300030 quality of plot is not enough good for digitizing. 4041800300031 HISTORY (20120303A) DATA 2 value 1.41+-0.03 of P,YFI-25,43,19774041800300032 was replaced by that of C,282ANTWER,,479,1982. 4041800300033 ENDBIB 31 0 4041800300034 NOCOMMON 0 0 4041800300035 DATA 3 1 4041800300036 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 4041800300037 MEV MEV MEV 4041800300038 1.38 1.418 0.024 4041800300039 ENDDATA 3 0 4041800300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4041800399999 SUBENT 40418004 20190114 41814041800400001 BIB 8 17 4041800400002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,REL) 4041800400003 Data are given on fig. in arbitrary units. 4041800400004 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber with U-235 films 4041800400005 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800400006 MONIT-REF (,G.V.Antcipov+,J,YK,,(20),1,1975) 4041800400007 MISC-COL (MISC) TOF base. 4041800400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized. 4041800400009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. of Conf.Proc. 4th All Union Conf.on 4041800400010 Neutron Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977,v.3,p.197,1977 4041800400011 was digitized. 4041800400012 (COREL,40418005) 50 cm flight path data 4041800400013 Relative spectrum for 25 cm flight path is on Fig.15 4041800400014 of rep. INDC(CCP)-0238 - without error bars. 4041800400015 HISTORY (20140603A) Data for flight path 50 cm were moved in 4041800400016 Subent 005 . 4041800400017 (20190114A) Status information is updated 4041800400018 Code PR wad added in SF5 4041800400019 ENDBIB 17 0 4041800400020 COMMON 3 3 4041800400021 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG MISC 4041800400022 PER-CENT ARB-UNITS CM 4041800400023 0.38E-02 0.72E-02 25. 4041800400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4041800400025 DATA 3 35 4041800400026 E DATA DATA-ERR 4041800400027 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4041800400028 0.140E-01 1.999 0.893 4041800400029 0.250E-01 3.186 0.680 4041800400030 0.349E-01 2.665 0.595 4041800400031 0.503E-01 3.363 0.397 4041800400032 0.699E-01 4.318 0.397 4041800400033 0.911E-01 4.224 0.354 4041800400034 0.117 5.677 0.397 4041800400035 0.152 5.698 0.425 4041800400036 0.182 6.855 0.397 4041800400037 0.223 6.693 0.354 4041800400038 0.275 7.353 0.326 4041800400039 0.336 7.844 0.425 4041800400040 0.384 8.549 0.383 4041800400041 0.435 7.892 0.397 4041800400042 0.490 8.910 0.440 4041800400043 0.535 8.936 0.397 4041800400044 0.569 8.352 0.397 4041800400045 0.627 8.945 0.326 4041800400046 0.677 8.716 0.368 4041800400047 0.749 8.954 0.354 4041800400048 0.818 8.922 0.312 4041800400049 0.900 7.912 0.255 4041800400050 1.008 8.193 0.283 4041800400051 1.124 7.650 0.255 4041800400052 1.252 7.888 0.227 4041800400053 1.415 7.672 0.212 4041800400054 1.625 7.086 0.170 4041800400055 1.841 6.188 4041800400056 2.161 5.233 4041800400057 2.552 4.363 4041800400058 2.977 3.393 4041800400059 3.686 2.507 4041800400060 4.613 1.479 4041800400061 5.746 0.635 4041800400062 7.700 0.229 4041800400063 ENDDATA 37 0 4041800400064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 4041800499999 SUBENT 40418005 20190114 41814041800500001 BIB 8 15 4041800500002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,REL) 4041800500003 Data are given on fig. in arbitrary units. 4041800500004 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber with U-235 films 4041800500005 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800500006 MONIT-REF (,G.V.Antcipov+,J,YK,,(20),1,1975) 4041800500007 MISC-COL (MISC) TOF base. 4041800500008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized. 4041800500009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. of Proc.of 4th All Union Conf.on Neutron 4041800500010 Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977,3,197,1977 was digitized. 4041800500011 (COREL,40418004) 25 cm flight path data 4041800500012 Relative spectrum for 50 cm flight path is on Fig.15 4041800500013 of rep.INDC(CCP)-0238 - without error bars. 4041800500014 HISTORY (20140703T) Data were moved from Subent 004. 4041800500015 (20190114A) Status information is updated 4041800500016 Code PR wad added in SF5 4041800500017 ENDBIB 15 0 4041800500018 COMMON 3 3 4041800500019 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG MISC 4041800500020 PER-CENT ARB-UNITS CM 4041800500021 0.38E-02 0.72E-02 50. 4041800500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4041800500023 DATA 3 33 4041800500024 E DATA DATA-ERR 4041800500025 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4041800500026 0.0536 4.397 0.680 4041800500027 0.0846 4.680 0.652 4041800500028 0.124 4.498 0.397 4041800500029 0.175 6.615 0.482 4041800500030 0.252 7.072 0.368 4041800500031 0.362 7.912 0.411 4041800500032 0.459 7.962 0.312 4041800500033 0.567 7.629 0.297 4041800500034 0.670 8.007 0.439 4041800500035 0.768 8.144 0.312 4041800500036 0.969 7.470 0.255 4041800500037 1.160 8.032 0.397 4041800500038 1.242 7.520 0.382 4041800500039 1.328 7.957 0.354 4041800500040 1.378 7.133 0.368 4041800500041 1.504 6.932 0.297 4041800500042 1.580 7.299 0.255 4041800500043 1.710 6.715 0.283 4041800500044 1.817 5.919 0.269 4041800500045 1.964 6.129 0.255 4041800500046 2.138 5.474 0.241 4041800500047 2.304 5.117 0.198 4041800500048 2.465 4.520 0.170 4041800500049 2.703 4.049 0.156 4041800500050 2.981 3.620 4041800500051 3.283 2.922 4041800500052 3.575 2.295 4041800500053 3.940 1.739 4041800500054 4.423 1.324 4041800500055 5.551 0.807 4041800500056 6.420 0.433 4041800500057 7.219 0.288 4041800500058 8.710 0.126 4041800500059 ENDDATA 35 0 4041800500060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 4041800599999 SUBENT 40418006 20190114 41814041800600001 BIB 11 39 4041800600002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD) 4041800600003 Ratio of Cf spectrum ( average for three flight bases 4041800600004 25,50,100 cm) to Maxwellian of 1.42 MeV. 4041800600005 DETECTOR (IOCH) Fast ionization chamber with U-235 4041800600006 Fast ionization chamber with Cf layers. 4041800600007 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800600008 for dependence of neutron detector efficiency on 4041800600009 energy of neutrons. 4041800600010 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 4041800600011 SAMPLE Cf layers of 4cm diameter, 0.75 microg (5.1E+5 fis/sec)4041800600012 and 0.3 microg (2.0E+5 fis/sec) in weight. 4041800600013 CORRECTION For neutron scattering by the fragment and neutron 4041800600014 detectors - 3% at 10 keV to 0.7% at 1 MeV - 4041800600015 and by environment (air) - from 30% at 10 keV to 0.5% 4041800600016 at 1 MeV for 25 cm flight base. 4041800600017 For time resolution. 4041800600018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error bars digitized, where given . 4041800600019 Total error in spectrum determination from 16% ( one 4041800600020 sigma) at 10 keV to 5% at higher energy. 4041800600021 .Quantization error for scale X 0.247 %. 4041800600022 .Quantization error for scale Y 0.1641 %. 4041800600023 .Calibration of the time scale was done with accuracy 4041800600024 0.1% with quartz generator. 4041800600025 (MONIT-ERR,,4.) U-235 fis.c-s uncertainty < 4.% . 4041800600026 MISC-COL (MISC) Data digitized as they given on figure - 4041800600027 deviation from Maxwellian spectrum in per-cents. 4041800600028 COMMENT Of compiler. Data were digitized from figure according 4041800600029 to proposal of NDS,IAEA (N.Otsuka, R.Capote). 4041800600030 Quality of digitized data is not very good due to 4041800600031 overlapping of symbols on figure. 4041800600032 To obtain NU/DE,,MXD the digitized data were multiplied4041800600033 by 100. ( for NO-DIM) and then were summed with 1. at 4041800600034 each point ( for real ratio) . 4041800600035 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of Proc.Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and 4041800600036 Technol.,Antwerp 1982,479,1982. Solid circles. 4041800600037 (SPSDD,40418008) Superseded by newer publication of 4041800600038 Cf-252 spectrum to Maxwellian spectrum of 1.42 MeV . 4041800600039 HISTORY (20140603C) Subent was added. 4041800600040 (20190114A) MEV -> KEV in E 4041800600041 ENDBIB 39 0 4041800600042 COMMON 3 3 4041800600043 E-ERR-DIG MISC-ERR-D KT-NRM 4041800600044 PER-CENT SEE TEXT MEV 4041800600045 1.603 0.255 1.42 4041800600046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4041800600047 DATA 5 98 4041800600048 E DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR 4041800600049 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM SEE TEXT SEE TEXT 4041800600050 11.57 0.97373 0.14212 -2.6270 14.212 4041800600051 16.08 0.93643 -6.3568 4041800600052 20.33 1.11426 11.426 4041800600053 24.85 0.98973 -1.0269 4041800600054 28.57 1.05875 0.08593 5.8748 8.593 4041800600055 34.14 0.93263 -6.7366 4041800600056 38.14 1.00173 0.17326 4041800600057 47.43 1.04078 4.0776 4041800600058 56.63 1.05515 5.5146 4041800600059 65.27 1.03821 3.8214 4041800600060 76.05 1.00472 0.47243 4041800600061 85.87 1.05065 5.0654 4041800600062 87.97 1.09190 9.1903 4041800600063 97.49 0.92469 -7.5313 4041800600064 101.07 0.98078 -1.9224 4041800600065 106.53 1.01864 1.8639 4041800600066 112.23 1.04163 4.1628 4041800600067 120.77 1.01663 1.6629 4041800600068 133.15 1.03618 3.6183 4041800600069 144.17 1.02439 2.4388 4041800600070 148.24 1.00613 0.61285 4041800600071 153.60 1.04239 4.2387 4041800600072 161.79 1.06207 6.2071 4041800600073 168.99 0.99914 -0.08554 4041800600074 178.69 0.96263 -3.7374 4041800600075 179.06 1.02377 2.3770 4041800600076 187.44 1.02695 2.6945 4041800600077 194.04 1.03842 3.8416 4041800600078 200.74 1.03006 3.0056 4041800600079 204.46 1.06636 6.6363 4041800600080 207.37 0.97873 -2.1271 4041800600081 213.51 0.99848 -0.15215 4041800600082 216.21 1.03315 3.3149 4041800600083 227.40 1.00656 0.65624 4041800600084 232.75 1.01972 1.9718 4041800600085 245.04 1.02288 2.2877 4041800600086 259.06 0.98140 -1.8599 4041800600087 261.18 1.05410 5.4096 4041800600088 273.08 1.02257 2.2568 4041800600089 286.06 1.04557 4.5574 4041800600090 299.20 1.02396 2.3961 4041800600091 302.95 1.05533 5.5326 4041800600092 322.49 1.04854 4.8537 4041800600093 343.07 1.02192 2.1918 4041800600094 357.38 1.04990 4.9898 4041800600095 359.08 1.02179 2.1788 4041800600096 376.25 1.05306 5.3056 4041800600097 389.07 1.03148 3.1476 4041800600098 418.92 1.02466 2.4655 4041800600099 443.36 1.01458 1.4577 4041800600100 469.51 1.02268 2.2677 4041800600101 475.38 1.05239 5.2390 4041800600102 502.57 1.01091 1.0914 4041800600103 526.07 1.01244 1.2437 4041800600104 541.41 1.01897 1.8966 4041800600105 579.47 1.00390 0.38979 4041800600106 620.66 1.01031 1.0313 4041800600107 660.55 0.99691 -0.30860 4041800600108 699.63 1.00997 0.99719 4041800600109 719.31 0.98676 -1.3245 4041800600110 740.49 1.00155 0.15467 4041800600111 785.10 1.04435 4.4350 4041800600112 789.10 1.02616 2.6156 4041800600113 802.23 1.00793 0.79294 4041800600114 830.95 1.03593 3.5925 4041800600115 874.62 1.03247 3.2474 4041800600116 919.40 0.99101 -0.89860 4041800600117 991.33 1.02551 2.5506 4041800600118 1031.4 1.01713 1.7130 4041800600119 1042.6 0.99727 -0.27333 4041800600120 1091.8 1.01201 1.2010 4041800600121 1110.0 0.99544 -0.45645 4041800600122 1169.1 1.01181 1.1815 4041800600123 1259.0 1.00830 0.82984 4041800600124 1267.4 1.03638 3.6375 4041800600125 1380.0 1.02291 2.2911 4041800600126 1469.9 1.03430 3.4300 4041800600127 1637.7 1.02573 2.5729 4041800600128 1695.6 1.04216 4.2157 4041800600129 1824.5 1.01551 1.5505 4041800600130 1954.2 1.02192 2.1920 4041800600131 2033.0 1.01024 1.0239 4041800600132 2093.1 1.02834 2.8335 4041800600133 2165.1 1.01667 1.6670 4041800600134 2254.3 1.02978 2.9777 4041800600135 2331.6 1.01481 1.4806 4041800600136 2483.2 1.02124 2.1238 4041800600137 2659.8 1.02931 2.9306 4041800600138 2798.5 1.01429 1.4286 4041800600139 3016.1 1.03556 3.5558 4041800600140 3190.4 1.01061 1.0608 4041800600141 3514.5 1.00372 0.37213 4041800600142 3762.4 0.99526 -0.47364 4041800600143 4076.8 1.00660 0.66040 4041800600144 4813.9 1.02927 2.9268 4041800600145 5271.5 1.01579 1.5788 4041800600146 5841.1 1.01384 1.3843 4041800600147 6696.1 1.00519 0.51904 4041800600148 ENDDATA 100 0 4041800600149 ENDSUBENT 148 0 4041800699999 SUBENT 40418007 20190114 41814041800700001 BIB 11 59 4041800700002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD) 4041800700003 Ratio of Cf spectrum to Maxwellian of 1.42 MeV 4041800700004 obtained at second measurement step for 50 cm flight 4041800700005 path. 4041800700006 SAMPLE Cf layers of 4cm diameter, homogeneity ~10% , 4041800700007 on Pt backings. 4041800700008 Different weights from 0.01 to 1. microgram . 4041800700009 Intensity 4.51*10**5 fissions/sec . 4041800700010 . 99.9% U-235 layer on 0.005 mm thickness Al foil as 4041800700011 standard; covered by Au, average layer thickness 4041800700012 1.09+-0.05 mg/cm2 . 4041800700013 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber as fission fragment detector.4041800700014 Fast ionization chamber with U-235 layer as neutron 4041800700015 detector. 4041800700016 Working gas is methane . 4041800700017 Time resolution of Cf chamber 0.51+-0.02 nsec. 4041800700018 Total time resolution of spectrometer 1.32+-0.02 nsec.4041800700019 Neutron detection efficiency : 4041800700020 (6.48+-0.06)*10**-8 measured by two Cf layers; 4041800700021 (8.11+-0.13)*10**-8 measured by U-235 . 4041800700022 Fragment registration efficiency ~ 80%. 4041800700023 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800700024 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 4041800700025 U-235 fission induced by Cf-252 spon.fission neutrons.4041800700026 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 4041800700027 (,D.E.Cullen+,J,NSE,83,497,1983) 4041800700028 CORRECTION For : 4041800700029 random coincidence background, 4041800700030 true-random coincidence background, 4041800700031 kinematic effects and anisotropy ( see Table 1 of 4041800700032 INDC(CCP)-0238,1984), 4041800700033 neutron scattering by air, 4041800700034 scattering by the chambers, 4041800700035 time resolution and uncertainty in path length ( see 4041800700036 Table 2 of INDC(CCP)-0238,1984). 4041800700037 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,,U) Statistical uncertainty 1.8 - 6.5% 4041800700038 Details of uncertainties are given in Table 7 of 4041800700039 INDC(CCP)-0238,1984 as dependence from group energy. 4041800700040 Sources of uncertainties: 4041800700041 Time resolution +-0.08 nsec 4041800700042 (ERR-1,,,F) dTAUk - time-of-flight of channel -0.07 % 4041800700043 (ERR-2,,,F) dL - path length 0.5% 4041800700044 (ERR-3,2.5,6.0,P) U-235 standard cross section 4041800700045 2.5 - 6.0 % 4041800700046 (ERR-4,,1.2,F) dH - correction for uncertainty in path 4041800700047 length < 1.2 % 4041800700048 (ERR-5,,1.5,F) dNa - correction for neutron scattering 4041800700049 in surrounding air < 1.5% 4041800700050 (ERR-6,,2.5,F) dNb - background < 2.5% 4041800700051 (ERR-7,,0.1,F) dM - correction for the true-random 4041800700052 coincidence background< 0.1 % 4041800700053 (ERR-8,,1.,F) dNd - correction for neutron scattering 4041800700054 by the structural materials of detectors < 1.% 4041800700055 (ERR-9,,0.3,F) dK - correction for anisotropy and 4041800700056 kinematic effects < 0.3% 4041800700057 MISC-COL (MISC) Flight path 4041800700058 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of rep. INDC(CCP)-0238,1984 4041800700059 (COREL,40418005) Spectrum in arbitrary units. 4041800700060 HISTORY (20190114C) Subent was added. 4041800700061 ENDBIB 59 0 4041800700062 COMMON 6 3 4041800700063 KT-NRM MISC ASSUM ASSUM-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 4041800700064 MEV CM MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 4041800700065 1.42 50. 1216. 20. 0.07 0.5 4041800700066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4041800700067 DATA 3 73 4041800700068 E DATA ERR-S 4041800700069 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4041800700070 11.360 0.846 4.6 4041800700071 9.054 0.831 3.5 4041800700072 7.721 0.827 3.4 4041800700073 6.886 0.893 3.3 4041800700074 6.415 0.913 3.2 4041800700075 5.991 0.968 3.0 4041800700076 5.608 0.954 3.0 4041800700077 5.261 0.984 2.8 4041800700078 4.898 1.002 2.3 4041800700079 4.524 1.000 2.1 4041800700080 4.192 1.019 2.0 4041800700081 3.895 1.015 1.9 4041800700082 3.629 1.007 1.9 4041800700083 3.389 0.993 1.8 4041800700084 3.172 1.024 1.8 4041800700085 2.975 1.025 1.7 4041800700086 2.797 1.023 1.7 4041800700087 2.634 1.026 1.7 4041800700088 2.484 0.997 1.7 4041800700089 2.347 1.027 1.7 4041800700090 2.221 0.988 1.8 4041800700091 2.105 1.010 1.8 4041800700092 1.998 1.027 1.8 4041800700093 1.899 1.033 1.8 4041800700094 1.807 1.017 1.8 4041800700095 1.722 1.070 1.8 4041800700096 1.642 1.036 1.9 4041800700097 1.568 1.034 2.0 4041800700098 1.499 1.033 2.0 4041800700099 1.434 1.043 2.0 4041800700100 1.373 1.011 2.1 4041800700101 1.316 0.997 2.2 4041800700102 1.263 1.040 2.2 4041800700103 1.213 1.011 2.3 4041800700104 1.166 0.992 2.4 4041800700105 1.121 1.029 2.4 4041800700106 1.079 1.025 2.4 4041800700107 1.039 0.982 2.5 4041800700108 1.002 0.999 2.6 4041800700109 0.966 0.974 2.7 4041800700110 0.932 1.045 2.7 4041800700111 0.900 1.020 2.8 4041800700112 0.870 0.992 2.9 4041800700113 0.828 0.994 2.2 4041800700114 0.776 0.958 2.3 4041800700115 0.728 0.957 2.4 4041800700116 0.685 1.013 2.4 4041800700117 0.645 0.954 2.6 4041800700118 0.609 0.949 2.7 4041800700119 0.561 0.985 2.0 4041800700120 0.505 1.013 2.2 4041800700121 0.456 1.032 2.3 4041800700122 0.414 1.011 2.5 4041800700123 0.378 0.949 2.8 4041800700124 0.346 1.008 2.9 4041800700125 0.318 1.037 3.1 4041800700126 0.293 0.976 3.4 4041800700127 0.272 0.963 3.6 4041800700128 0.248 0.968 3.2 4041800700129 0.220 0.932 3.1 4041800700130 0.192 1.033 3.3 4041800700131 0.170 0.925 3.8 4041800700132 0.151 1.002 4.0 4041800700133 0.136 1.086 4.2 4041800700134 0.122 1.017 4.8 4041800700135 0.110 1.079 5.1 4041800700136 0.098 1.031 4.7 4041800700137 0.084 1.017 4.7 4041800700138 0.071 0.951 5.4 4041800700139 0.062 1.033 5.6 4041800700140 0.054 0.926 6.9 4041800700141 0.047 0.891 8.0 4041800700142 0.042 0.963 8.4 4041800700143 ENDDATA 75 0 4041800700144 ENDSUBENT 143 0 4041800799999 SUBENT 40418008 20190114 41814041800800001 BIB 10 50 4041800800002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD) 4041800800003 Ratio of Cf spectrum to Maxwellian of 1.42 MeV from 4041800800004 two measurement steps ( average for 25, 50, 100 cm 4041800800005 flight paths) , average for 79 energy groups 4041800800006 SAMPLE Cf layers of 4cm diameter, homogeneity ~10% , 4041800800007 on Pt backings. 4041800800008 Different weights from 0.01 to 1. microgram . 4041800800009 Intensity 4.51*10**5 fissions/sec . 4041800800010 . 99.9% U-235 layer on 0.005 mm thickness Al foil as 4041800800011 standard; covered by Au, average layer thickness 4041800800012 1.09+-0.05 mg/cm2 . 4041800800013 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber as fission fragment detector.4041800800014 Fast ionization chamber with U-235 layer as neutron 4041800800015 detector. 4041800800016 Working gas is methane . 4041800800017 Time resolution of Cf chamber 0.51+-0.02 nsec. 4041800800018 Total time resolution of spectrometer 1.32+-0.02 nsec.4041800800019 Neutron detection efficiency : 4041800800020 (6.48+-0.06)*10**-8 measured by two Cf layers; 4041800800021 (8.11+-0.13)*10**-8 measured by U-235 . 4041800800022 Fragment registration efficiency ~ 80%. 4041800800023 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4041800800024 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 4041800800025 U-235 fission induced by Cf-252 spon.fission neutrons.4041800800026 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 4041800800027 (,D.E.Cullen+,J,NSE,83,497,1983) 4041800800028 CORRECTION For : 4041800800029 random coincidence background, 4041800800030 true-random coincidence background, 4041800800031 kinematic effects and anisotropy ( see Table 1 of 4041800800032 INDC(CCP)-0238,1984), 4041800800033 neutron scattering by air, 4041800800034 scattering by the chambers, 4041800800035 time resolution and uncertainty in path length ( see 4041800800036 Table 2 of INDC(CCP)-0238,1984). 4041800800037 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty was determined according to 4041800800038 formula 11.1 in INDC(CCP)-0238,1984 . 4041800800039 Sources of uncertainties: 4041800800040 - statistics in channels, 4041800800041 - corrections. 4041800800042 (MONIT-ERR,2.5,4.) U-235 fis.c-s uncertainty < 4.% , 4041800800043 - time resolution and path length ( Table 3 in 4041800800044 INDC(CCP)-0238,1984), 4041800800045 - experimental intensity (Table 4 in 4041800800046 INDC(CCP)-0238,1984) 4041800800047 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of rep. INDC(CCP)-0238,1984 4041800800048 (DEP,40418007) Spectra ratio for 50 cm flight path 4041800800049 (DEP,40418004) Spectrum for 25 cm flight path 4041800800050 This data supersede data of Subent 006. 4041800800051 HISTORY (20190114C) Subent was added. 4041800800052 ENDBIB 50 0 4041800800053 COMMON 3 3 4041800800054 KT-NRM ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 4041800800055 MEV MB MB 4041800800056 1.42 1216. 20. 4041800800057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4041800800058 DATA 3 79 4041800800059 E DATA ERR-T 4041800800060 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4041800800061 11.360 0.880 8.5 4041800800062 9.054 0.851 6.3 4041800800063 7.721 0.832 5.8 4041800800064 6.886 0.893 5.3 4041800800065 6.415 0.920 5.1 4041800800066 5.991 0.959 5.0 4041800800067 5.608 0.954 4.8 4041800800068 5.261 0.980 4.8 4041800800069 4.898 0.995 4.5 4041800800070 4.524 1.002 4.3 4041800800071 4.192 1.015 4.2 4041800800072 3.895 1.011 3.7 4041800800073 3.629 1.007 3.6 4041800800074 3.389 0.990 3.5 4041800800075 3.172 1.020 3.5 4041800800076 2.975 1.028 3.4 4041800800077 2.797 1.023 3.4 4041800800078 2.634 1.023 3.4 4041800800079 2.484 0.905 3.4 4041800800080 2.347 1.025 3.4 4041800800081 2.221 0.993 3.5 4041800800082 2.105 1.011 3.5 4041800800083 1.998 1.025 3.2 4041800800084 1.899 1.035 3.0 4041800800085 1.807 1.017 3.0 4041800800086 1.722 1.052 3.0 4041800800087 1.642 1.036 3.0 4041800800088 1.568 1.034 3.0 4041800800089 1.499 1.030 3.0 4041800800090 1.434 1.039 3.0 4041800800091 1.373 1.015 3.1 4041800800092 1.316 1.005 3.1 4041800800093 1.263 1.037 3.1 4041800800094 1.213 1.015 3.1 4041800800095 1.166 1.010 3.1 4041800800096 1.121 1.030 3.1 4041800800097 1.079 1.021 3.2 4041800800098 1.039 0.990 3.2 4041800800099 1.002 1.000 3.3 4041800800100 0.966 0.981 4.1 4041800800101 0.932 1.037 4.1 4041800800102 0.900 1.025 4.2 4041800800103 0.870 1.000 4.2 4041800800104 0.828 0.994 4.1 4041800800105 0.776 0.964 4.1 4041800800106 0.728 0.969 4.1 4041800800107 0.685 1.005 4.2 4041800800108 0.645 0.965 4.2 4041800800109 0.609 0.980 4.2 4041800800110 0.561 0.990 4.0 4041800800111 0.505 1.013 4.0 4041800800112 0.456 1.025 4.0 4041800800113 0.414 1.015 4.1 4041800800114 0.378 0.975 4.2 4041800800115 0.346 1.005 4.2 4041800800116 0.318 1.010 4.3 4041800800117 0.293 0.991 4.3 4041800800118 0.272 0.967 4.4 4041800800119 0.248 0.981 4.5 4041800800120 0.220 0.936 4.5 4041800800121 0.192 1.000 4.5 4041800800122 0.170 0.960 4.5 4041800800123 0.151 0.999 4.5 4041800800124 0.136 1.040 4.7 4041800800125 0.122 1.017 4.8 4041800800126 0.110 1.038 4.8 4041800800127 0.098 1.021 4.9 4041800800128 0.084 1.015 6.6 4041800800129 0.071 0.971 6.7 4041800800130 0.061 0.999 6.7 4041800800131 0.053 0.940 6.7 4041800800132 0.047 0.931 6.7 4041800800133 0.041 0.952 6.8 4041800800134 0.034 0.921 6.8 4041800800135 0.029 1.020 7.1 4041800800136 0.025 0.964 7.4 4041800800137 0.020 1.000 7.8 4041800800138 0.016 0.926 8.5 4041800800139 0.012 0.963 11.6 4041800800140 ENDDATA 81 0 4041800800141 ENDSUBENT 140 0 4041800899999 SUBENT 40418009 20190114 41814041800900001 BIB 4 6 4041800900002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE) 4041800900003 ANALYSIS Average energy for neutron spectrum at 0.01 - 10 MeV 4041800900004 energy range 4041800900005 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 38 of rep. INDC(CCP)-0238,1984 4041800900006 (DEP,40418007) Spectrum ratio 4041800900007 HISTORY (20190114C) Subent was added. 4041800900008 ENDBIB 6 0 4041800900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4041800900010 DATA 1 1 4041800900011 DATA 4041800900012 MEV 4041800900013 2.116 4041800900014 ENDDATA 3 0 4041800900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4041800999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 4041899999999