ENTRY            40428   20170206                             41754042800000001 
SUBENT        40428001   20170206                             41754042800100001 
BIB                 14         33                                 4042800100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4042800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,SNP,24,570,1976) Eng.trans.of YF,24,(6),1089,1976   4042800100004 
           (J,YF,24,(6),1089,197612)                              4042800100005 
           (P,YFI-24,8,197706)                                    4042800100006 
AUTHOR     (S.K.Lisin,L.N.Morozov,V.A.Pchelin,L.V.Chistyakov,     4042800100007 
           V.A.Shigin,V.M.Shubko)                                 4042800100008 
TITLE      Barriers for fragments in fission of Th-232 by neutrons4042800100009 
FACILITY   (VDG,4RUSKUR) Electrostatic accelerator                4042800100010 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)  Neutrons with En less 2.MeV                     4042800100011 
           (D-D)  Neutrons with En equal or more 2.MeV            4042800100012 
            For En less 2.MeV resolution is 50.keV, for En equal  4042800100013 
             or more 2.MeV resolution is 100.keV.                 4042800100014 
SAMPLE      Metallic Th of weight 5 or 10 g.                      4042800100015 
METHOD     (CHSEP)                                                4042800100016 
DETECTOR   (D4PI) Methane-flow counter with geometry close to 4PI.4042800100017 
PART-DET   (B) Beta activity was measured.                        4042800100018 
CORRECTION  For backgrounds :                                     4042800100019 
            - of neutrons from D(d,n) reaction - < 10%,           4042800100020 
            - neutrons scattered in the target backing and water  4042800100021 
            cooling target  ~ 25%,                                4042800100022 
            - from deuterons driven into the target backing < 5%. 4042800100023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,30.)  Error for FY less than 1.E-4 and   4042800100024 
            for symmetrical-fission yields at 2 MeV - 30%,        4042800100025 
             error  for FY for other cases - ~ 10%.               4042800100026 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl. I from YF,24,(6),1089,1976                4042800100027 
HISTORY    (19791025C)                                            4042800100028 
           (19840210A) some minor errors and ERR-1,ERR-2 corrected4042800100029 
           (20150218A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4042800100030 
             Ref. on Engl.transl. of YF added. Subent 3 added.    4042800100031 
             Author's name corrected.                             4042800100032 
           (20170206A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information  4042800100033 
           was updated in TITLE,SAMPLE,CORRECTION,DETECTOR,       4042800100034 
           ERR-ANALYS                                             4042800100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 4042800100036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4042800100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 4042800199999 
SUBENT        40428002   20170206                             41754042800200001 
BIB                  2          5                                 4042800200002 
REACTION   ((90-TH-232(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/                     4042800200003 
           (90-TH-232(N,F)38-SR-89,CUM,FY)) FY are given          4042800200004 
             relative to yield of Sr-89                           4042800200005 
HISTORY    (20150218A) SD: DATA-MAX added. REACTION code  changed 4042800200006 
            to ratio.                                             4042800200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4042800200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4042800200009 
DATA                 5         78                                 4042800200010 
EN         ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-MAX              4042800200011 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4042800200012 
       1.26        33.        77.     0.0020                      4042800200013 
       1.26        42.        99.       0.31                      4042800200014 
       1.26        48.       115.              0.000066           4042800200015 
       1.26        50.       121.               0.00010           4042800200016 
       1.26        50.       125.               0.00021           4042800200017 
       1.26        51.       127.     0.0002                      4042800200018 
       1.26        51.       129.      0.010                      4042800200019 
       1.26        56.       140.       1.11                      4042800200020 
       1.26        58.       141.       0.78                      4042800200021 
       1.26        58.       144.       1.25                      4042800200022 
        1.4        42.        99.       0.34                      4042800200023 
        1.4        48.       115.              0.000022           4042800200024 
        1.4        50.       121.   0.000034                      4042800200025 
        1.4        50.       125.    0.00005                      4042800200026 
        1.4        51.       127.    0.00023                      4042800200027 
        1.4        51.       129.     0.0092                      4042800200028 
        1.4        56.       140.       1.20                      4042800200029 
        1.4        58.       141.       0.87                      4042800200030 
        1.4        58.       144.       0.96                      4042800200031 
       1.49        33.        77.     0.0018                      4042800200032 
       1.49        42.        99.       0.36                      4042800200033 
       1.49        48.       115.    0.00002                      4042800200034 
       1.49        50.       121.   0.000028                      4042800200035 
       1.49        50.       125.   0.000036                      4042800200036 
       1.49        51.       127.    0.00033                      4042800200037 
       1.49        51.       129.      0.013                      4042800200038 
       1.49        56.       140.       1.32                      4042800200039 
       1.59        33.        77.    0.00088                      4042800200040 
       1.59        42.        99.       0.36                      4042800200041 
       1.59        48.       115.   0.000015                      4042800200042 
       1.59        50.       121.   0.000017                      4042800200043 
       1.59        50.       125.   0.000029                      4042800200044 
       1.59        51.       127.    0.00027                      4042800200045 
       1.59        51.       129.     0.0086                      4042800200046 
       1.59        56.       140.       1.05                      4042800200047 
       1.59        58.       141.       0.77                      4042800200048 
       1.59        58.       144.       0.90                      4042800200049 
       1.72        33.        77.     0.0010                      4042800200050 
       1.72        42.        99.       0.34                      4042800200051 
       1.72        48.       115.   0.000015                      4042800200052 
       1.72        50.       121.   0.000025                      4042800200053 
       1.72        50.       125.   0.000031                      4042800200054 
       1.72        51.       127.    0.00023                      4042800200055 
       1.72        51.       129.     0.0070                      4042800200056 
       1.72        56.       140.       1.12                      4042800200057 
       1.72        58.       141.       0.92                      4042800200058 
       1.72        58.       144.       0.88                      4042800200059 
        2.0        33.        77.     0.0014                      4042800200060 
        2.0        42.        99.       0.38                      4042800200061 
        2.0        48.       115.    0.00016                      4042800200062 
        2.0        50.       121.    0.00018                      4042800200063 
        2.0        50.       125.    0.00012                      4042800200064 
        2.0        51.       127.    0.00055                      4042800200065 
        2.0        51.       129.     0.0092                      4042800200066 
        2.0        56.       140.       1.18                      4042800200067 
        2.0        58.       141.       0.90                      4042800200068 
        2.0        58.       144.       0.86                      4042800200069 
        3.0        33.        77.     0.0018                      4042800200070 
        3.0        42.        99.       0.37                      4042800200071 
        3.0        48.       115.     0.0023                      4042800200072 
        3.0        50.       121.     0.0016                      4042800200073 
        3.0        50.       125.    0.00067                      4042800200074 
        3.0        56.       140.        1.1                      4042800200075 
        3.9        33.        77.     0.0040                      4042800200076 
        3.9        42.        99.       0.34                      4042800200077 
        3.9        48.       115.     0.0061                      4042800200078 
        3.9        50.       121.     0.0059                      4042800200079 
        3.9        50.       125.     0.0014                      4042800200080 
        3.9        56.       140.        1.2                      4042800200081 
        4.8        33.        77.     0.0051                      4042800200082 
        4.8        48.       115.      0.016                      4042800200083 
        4.8        50.       125.     0.0047                      4042800200084 
        13.        33.        77.     0.0075                      4042800200085 
        13.        42.        99.       0.35                      4042800200086 
        13.        48.       115.       0.16                      4042800200087 
        13.        50.       121.       0.12                      4042800200088 
        13.        50.       125.       0.05                      4042800200089 
        13.        56.       140.        1.2                      4042800200090 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4042800200091 
ENDSUBENT           90          0                                 4042800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4042899999999