ENTRY 40474 20240618 42174047400000001 SUBENT 40474001 20240618 42174047400100001 BIB 10 43 4047400100002 TITLE Measurement of the 233U and 241Pu fission cross 4047400100003 sections relative to the 235U fission cross section 4047400100004 in the neutron energy range 0.024 - 7.4 MeV 4047400100005 AUTHOR (B.I.Fursov, V.M.Kupriyanov, G.N.Smirenkii) 4047400100006 Compiler's note: "Smirenkii" in J,SJA,44,262,1978 4047400100007 should read "Smirenkin". 4047400100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4047400100009 REFERENCE (J,SJA,44,262,1978) Eng.trans.of AE,44,236,1978 4047400100010 (J,AE,44,236,1978) Final results 4047400100011 (P,YFI-25,10,1977) Table in primary ref. repeated. 4047400100012 INDC(CCP)-171 - table of YFI-25 content only. 4047400100013 REL-REF (I,40501001,B.I.Fursov+,C,75KIEV,6,3,1975) 4047400100014 =INDC(CCP)-099,(6),3,1975 4047400100015 Experimental details 4047400100016 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Electrostatic accelerators 4047400100017 INC-SOURCE (P-T,D-D,P-LI7) TiH2 for T(p,n) neutrons, LiF on Mo 4047400100018 for 7Li(p,n) neutrons. Below En=127 keV 7Li(p,n) 4047400100019 neutrons at 120 deg used. 4047400100020 METHOD The result from the glass detector was normalized 4047400100021 to the thermal value, and the result from the fission 4047400100022 chamber was normalized to the glass detector result. 4047400100023 CORRECTION Corrected for 4047400100024 - background neutrons from Mo and Ti backing 4047400100025 - fission of admixture, 4047400100026 - angular anisotropy of fission (for glass method), 4047400100027 - energy dependence of fragment detection efficiency,4047400100028 HISTORY (19781222C) Compiled at the centre 4047400100029 (20150218A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4047400100030 Corrections according last EXFOR rules and Dict. 4047400100031 (20170313A) M.M. Articles were checked, BIB information4047400100032 was updated in FACILITY, INC-SOURCE,STATUS,COMMENT. 4047400100033 Subent 002 was split into Subents 002,004, 4047400100034 Subent 003 was split into Subents 003,003 4047400100035 to present partial uncertainties correctly for two 4047400100036 different methods. 4047400100037 75KIEV,6,3,1975 was moved in REL-REF. 4047400100038 (20180724A) On. Major revisions in 002-004. 4047400100039 (20201213A) On. Major revisions in 004-005. 4047400100040 (20210920U) M.M. Minor correction of free text in 4047400100041 Subents 004, 005. 4047400100042 (20240327U) On. Minor revisions in 002-003. 4047400100043 (20240618U) M.M. Minor correction of free text. 4047400100044 STATUS was updated for new rule. 4047400100045 ENDBIB 43 0 4047400100046 NOCOMMON 0 0 4047400100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 4047400199999 SUBENT 40474002 20240618 42174047400200001 BIB 9 30 4047400200002 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400200003 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.9331) 4047400200004 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9997) 4047400200005 DETECTOR (GLASD) 4047400200006 MONITOR ((92-U-233(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)) 4047400200007 Measured by neutrons (thermal to superthermal ratio 4047400200008 ~1E+04, spectrum temperature 27+/-11 deg-C) from the 4047400200009 BR-10 reactor thermal column. 4047400200010 REL-REF (R,,C.Westcott,R,AECL-1101,1960) 4047400200011 Energy dependence of 233,235U(n,f) g-factor 4047400200012 CORRECTION Corrections factors at En=3 MeV: 4047400200013 Angular anisotropy 0.38 4047400200014 Fission of admixture isotopes 2.96 4047400200015 Neutrons scattered on target structure 0.15 4047400200016 Laboratory neutron background 0.12 4047400200017 Background of neutrons from (p,n) reactions 0.10 4047400200018 ERR-ANALYS Errors at En=3 MeV: 4047400200019 Glass detector field of view 0.40% 4047400200020 Angular anisotropy 0.35% 4047400200021 Statistics of fast neutron measurement 0.62% 4047400200022 Fission of admixture isotopes 0.16% 4047400200023 Neutrons scattered on target structure 0.32% 4047400200024 Laboratory neutron background 0.28% 4047400200025 Background of neutrons from (p,n) reactions 0.18% 4047400200026 Inelastic scattering 0.20% 4047400200027 (ERR-T) Mean square sum of all uncertainties involved 4047400200028 (ERR-1) 233U/235U atom numbers ratio (0.76%) 4047400200029 STATUS (TABLE,,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,44,262,1978)) Table 1 4047400200030 HISTORY (20180724A) On. MONITOR added. 4047400200031 (20240327U) On. STATUS=COREL deleted. 4047400200032 ENDBIB 30 0 4047400200033 COMMON 3 3 4047400200034 KT-NRM MONIT ERR-1 4047400200035 DEG-C NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400200036 27. 0.9293 0.76 4047400200037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4047400200038 DATA 4 11 4047400200039 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 4047400200040 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400200041 0.127 20. 1.467 1.20 4047400200042 0.320 40. 1.681 1.16 4047400200043 0.500 34. 1.680 1.26 4047400200044 1.000 31. 1.557 1.21 4047400200045 1.50 49. 1.521 1.28 4047400200046 2.25 72. 1.501 1.20 4047400200047 3.00 84. 1.493 1.24 4047400200048 4.00 146. 1.471 1.16 4047400200049 5.00 126. 1.442 1.20 4047400200050 6.00 142. 1.497 1.27 4047400200051 7.00 173. 1.351 1.39 4047400200052 ENDDATA 13 0 4047400200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 4047400299999 SUBENT 40474003 20240618 42174047400300001 BIB 10 33 4047400300002 REACTION ((94-PU-241(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400300003 SAMPLE (94-PU-241,ENR=0.9602) 4047400300004 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9997) 4047400300005 DETECTOR (GLASD) 4047400300006 MONITOR ((94-PU-241(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)) 4047400300007 Measured by neutrons (thermal to superthermal ratio 4047400300008 ~1E+04, spectrum temperature 27+/-11 deg-C) from the 4047400300009 BR-10 reactor thermal column. 4047400300010 MONIT-REF (,H.Lemmel,C,75WASH,1,286,1975) 4047400300011 REL-REF (R,,C.Westcott,R,AECL-1101,1960) 4047400300012 Energy dependence of 235U(n,f) g-factor 4047400300013 (R,,C.Wagemans+,J,ANE,2,541,1975) 4047400300014 Energy dependence of 241Pu(n,f) g-factor 4047400300015 CORRECTION Corrections factors at En=3 MeV: 4047400300016 Angular anisotropy 0.52 4047400300017 Fission of admixture isotopes 5.03 4047400300018 Neutrons scattered on target structure 0.47 4047400300019 Laboratory neutron background 0.14 4047400300020 Background of neutrons from (p,n) reactions 0.16 4047400300021 ERR-ANALYS Errors at En=3 MeV: 4047400300022 Glass detector field of view 0.40% 4047400300023 Angular anisotropy 0.30% 4047400300024 Statistics of fast neutron measurement 0.58% 4047400300025 Fission of admixture isotopes 0.28% 4047400300026 Background of neutrons scattered on target 0.30% 4047400300027 Laboratory neutron background 0.24% 4047400300028 Background of neutrons from (p,n) reactions 0.22% 4047400300029 Inelastic scattering 0.20% 4047400300030 (ERR-T) Mean square sum of all uncertainties involved 4047400300031 (ERR-1) 233U/235U atom numbers ratio (1.35%) 4047400300032 STATUS (TABLE,,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,44,262,1978)) Table 1 4047400300033 HISTORY (20180724A) On. MONITOR added. 4047400300034 (20240327U) On. STATUS=COREL deleted. 4047400300035 ENDBIB 33 0 4047400300036 COMMON 3 3 4047400300037 KT-NRM MONIT ERR-1 4047400300038 DEG-C NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400300039 27. 1.8692 1.35 4047400300040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4047400300041 DATA 4 11 4047400300042 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 4047400300043 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400300044 0.127 20. 1.344 1.66 4047400300045 0.320 40. 1.344 1.64 4047400300046 0.500 34. 1.310 1.61 4047400300047 1.000 31. 1.304 1.70 4047400300048 1.50 49. 1.401 1.73 4047400300049 2.25 72. 1.302 1.64 4047400300050 3.00 84. 1.293 1.65 4047400300051 4.00 146. 1.296 1.75 4047400300052 5.00 126. 1.301 1.67 4047400300053 6.00 142. 1.345 1.69 4047400300054 7.00 173. 1.238 1.74 4047400300055 ENDDATA 13 0 4047400300056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4047400399999 SUBENT 40474004 20240618 42174047400400001 BIB 7 25 4047400400002 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400400003 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.9331) 4047400400004 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9997) 4047400400005 DETECTOR (IOCH) 4047400400006 MONITOR ((92-U-233(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400400007 Normalized to the glass detector result 4047400400008 ERR-ANALYS -Statistical error from scattering of results 4047400400009 (0.2-1.3% at 0 deg, increasing to 1.3% at 24 keV) 4047400400010 -Scattering and laboratory neutron background 4047400400011 (1.1% at 120 deg) 4047400400012 -(d,n) neutron background (<0.8%) 4047400400013 -Basic data 4047400400014 (1.4%,increasing to 2.2-2.4% at the energy rage limit)4047400400015 (ERR-T) Quadrature sum of the following errors: 4047400400016 (ERR-2,0.5,1.8) Energy dependence of fission cross 4047400400017 section ratio (0.5-1.8%)4047400400018 (ERR-3) Absolute values obtained by the glass method 4047400400019 (1.23%)4047400400020 (ERR-4) Normalization of the energy curve to the 4047400400021 reference values (0.16%)4047400400022 STATUS (TABLE,,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,44,262,1978)) Table 2 4047400400023 (DEP,40474002) Glass detector result 4047400400024 HISTORY (20170313A) M.M. Data were moved from Subent 002. 4047400400025 (20180724A) On. DATA corrected at 0.024 and 2.30 MeV. 4047400400026 (20201213A) On. ANALYSIS -> MONITOR.ERR-ANALYS revised.4047400400027 ENDBIB 25 0 4047400400028 COMMON 2 3 4047400400029 ERR-3 ERR-4 4047400400030 PER-CENT PER-CENT 4047400400031 1.23 0.16 4047400400032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4047400400033 DATA 4 81 4047400400034 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 4047400400035 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400400036 0.024 12. 1.340 2.18 4047400400037 0.040 14. 1.348 2.08 4047400400038 0.060 17. 1.336 2.03 4047400400039 0.080 21. 1.362 1.93 4047400400040 0.100 25. 1.414 1.83 4047400400041 0.115 26. 1.448 1.90 4047400400042 0.127 20. 1.472 1.40 4047400400043 0.150 20. 1.488 1.44 4047400400044 0.180 20. 1.512 1.41 4047400400045 0.210 19. 1.570 1.49 4047400400046 0.240 18. 1.603 1.43 4047400400047 0.270 18. 1.646 1.42 4047400400048 0.300 18. 1.685 1.43 4047400400049 0.320 40. 1.674 1.36 4047400400050 0.350 38. 1.686 1.41 4047400400051 0.380 37. 1.692 1.48 4047400400052 0.420 36. 1.688 1.43 4047400400053 0.460 35. 1.685 1.43 4047400400054 0.500 34. 1.685 1.38 4047400400055 0.540 33. 1.686 1.41 4047400400056 0.580 33. 1.683 1.46 4047400400057 0.620 32. 1.680 1.41 4047400400058 0.660 32. 1.682 1.40 4047400400059 0.700 32. 1.669 1.37 4047400400060 0.740 32. 1.665 1.36 4047400400061 0.780 31. 1.657 1.37 4047400400062 0.820 31. 1.643 1.36 4047400400063 0.860 31. 1.632 1.36 4047400400064 0.900 31. 1.604 1.36 4047400400065 0.950 31. 1.559 1.35 4047400400066 1.00 31. 1.544 1.34 4047400400067 1.05 34. 1.533 1.36 4047400400068 1.10 37. 1.524 1.35 4047400400069 1.15 40. 1.534 1.36 4047400400070 1.20 42. 1.521 1.36 4047400400071 1.25 44. 1.531 1.35 4047400400072 1.30 45. 1.523 1.36 4047400400073 1.35 46. 1.530 1.35 4047400400074 1.40 47. 1.519 1.34 4047400400075 1.45 48. 1.514 1.34 4047400400076 1.50 49. 1.514 1.36 4047400400077 1.60 60. 1.505 1.36 4047400400078 1.70 61. 1.501 1.38 4047400400079 1.80 63. 1.493 1.35 4047400400080 1.90 66. 1.493 1.40 4047400400081 2.00 68. 1.501 1.35 4047400400082 2.10 70. 1.506 1.36 4047400400083 2.20 71. 1.504 1.37 4047400400084 2.25 72. 1.506 1.35 4047400400085 2.30 73. 1.499 1.35 4047400400086 2.40 74. 1.504 1.36 4047400400087 2.50 75. 1.503 1.35 4047400400088 2.60 77. 1.504 1.36 4047400400089 2.70 78. 1.504 1.36 4047400400090 2.80 79. 1.508 1.36 4047400400091 2.90 82. 1.498 1.36 4047400400092 3.00 84. 1.505 1.36 4047400400093 3.10 86. 1.502 1.38 4047400400094 3.20 88. 1.494 1.36 4047400400095 3.30 91. 1.491 1.37 4047400400096 3.40 93. 1.490 1.37 4047400400097 3.60 192. 1.486 1.54 4047400400098 3.80 182. 1.488 1.47 4047400400099 4.00 146. 1.477 1.43 4047400400100 4.20 141. 1.479 1.44 4047400400101 4.40 132. 1.464 1.43 4047400400102 4.60 131. 1.453 1.44 4047400400103 4.80 125. 1.454 1.40 4047400400104 5.00 126. 1.439 1.40 4047400400105 5.20 129. 1.432 1.40 4047400400106 5.40 131. 1.430 1.39 4047400400107 5.60 135. 1.444 1.42 4047400400108 5.80 138. 1.465 1.44 4047400400109 6.00 142. 1.498 1.48 4047400400110 6.20 147. 1.496 1.50 4047400400111 6.40 152. 1.456 1.45 4047400400112 6.60 160. 1.418 1.49 4047400400113 6.80 167. 1.382 1.55 4047400400114 7.00 173. 1.341 1.53 4047400400115 7.20 178. 1.318 1.58 4047400400116 7.40 183. 1.276 1.78 4047400400117 ENDDATA 83 0 4047400400118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 4047400499999 SUBENT 40474005 20240618 42174047400500001 BIB 7 25 4047400500002 REACTION ((94-PU-241(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400500003 SAMPLE (94-PU-241,ENR=0.9602) 4047400500004 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9997) 4047400500005 DETECTOR (IOCH) 4047400500006 MONITOR ((94-PU-241(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4047400500007 Normalized to the glass detector result 4047400500008 ERR-ANALYS -Statistical error from scattering of results 4047400500009 (0.2-1.3% at 0 deg, increasing to 1.3% at 24 keV) 4047400500010 -Scattering and laboratory neutron background 4047400500011 (0.5% at 120 deg) 4047400500012 -(d,n) neutron background (<1.15%) 4047400500013 -Basic data 4047400500014 (1.9%,increasing to 2.2-2.4% at the energy rage limit)4047400500015 (ERR-T) Quadrature sum of the following errors: 4047400500016 (ERR-2,0.5,1.8) Energy dependence of fission cross 4047400500017 section ratio (0.5-1.8%)4047400500018 (ERR-3) Absolute values obtained by the glass method 4047400500019 (1.68%)4047400500020 (ERR-4) Normalization of the energy curve to the 4047400500021 reference values (0.25%)4047400500022 STATUS (TABLE,,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,44,262,1978)) Table 2 4047400500023 (DEP,40474002) Glass detector result 4047400500024 HISTORY (20170313A) M.M. Data were moved from Subent 003. 4047400500025 (20180724U) On. Data checked against the article. 4047400500026 (20201213A) On. ANALYSIS -> MONITOR.ERR-ANALYS revised.4047400500027 ENDBIB 25 0 4047400500028 COMMON 2 3 4047400500029 ERR-3 ERR-4 4047400500030 PER-CENT PER-CENT 4047400500031 1.68 0.25 4047400500032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4047400500033 DATA 4 81 4047400500034 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 4047400500035 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4047400500036 0.024 12. 1.297 2.42 4047400500037 0.040 14. 1.306 2.22 4047400500038 0.060 17. 1.296 2.19 4047400500039 0.080 21. 1.330 2.16 4047400500040 0.100 25. 1.346 2.12 4047400500041 0.115 26. 1.356 1.95 4047400500042 0.127 20. 1.360 1.83 4047400500043 0.150 20. 1.363 1.81 4047400500044 0.180 20. 1.360 1.96 4047400500045 0.210 19. 1.357 1.91 4047400500046 0.240 18. 1.379 1.82 4047400500047 0.270 18. 1.383 1.85 4047400500048 0.300 18. 1.360 1.84 4047400500049 0.320 40. 1.356 1.82 4047400500050 0.350 38. 1.339 1.82 4047400500051 0.380 37. 1.331 1.84 4047400500052 0.420 36. 1.320 1.85 4047400500053 0.460 35. 1.324 1.83 4047400500054 0.500 34. 1.325 1.83 4047400500055 0.540 33. 1.322 1.87 4047400500056 0.580 33. 1.346 1.83 4047400500057 0.620 32. 1.325 1.94 4047400500058 0.660 32. 1.320 1.84 4047400500059 0.700 32. 1.318 1.85 4047400500060 0.740 32. 1.331 1.82 4047400500061 0.780 31. 1.352 1.82 4047400500062 0.820 31. 1.357 1.83 4047400500063 0.860 31. 1.357 1.83 4047400500064 0.900 31. 1.337 1.83 4047400500065 0.950 31. 1.317 1.83 4047400500066 1.00 31. 1.302 1.82 4047400500067 1.05 34. 1.296 1.83 4047400500068 1.10 37. 1.301 1.82 4047400500069 1.15 40. 1.318 1.82 4047400500070 1.20 42. 1.332 1.82 4047400500071 1.25 44. 1.360 1.82 4047400500072 1.30 45. 1.378 1.82 4047400500073 1.35 46. 1.394 1.83 4047400500074 1.40 47. 1.406 1.82 4047400500075 1.45 48. 1.399 1.84 4047400500076 1.50 49. 1.399 1.81 4047400500077 1.60 60. 1.398 1.81 4047400500078 1.70 61. 1.379 1.84 4047400500079 1.80 63. 1.371 1.81 4047400500080 1.90 66. 1.362 1.81 4047400500081 2.00 68. 1.337 1.81 4047400500082 2.10 70. 1.324 1.81 4047400500083 2.20 71. 1.307 1.83 4047400500084 2.25 72. 1.306 1.81 4047400500085 2.30 73. 1.310 1.81 4047400500086 2.40 74. 1.289 1.84 4047400500087 2.50 75. 1.294 1.83 4047400500088 2.60 77. 1.290 1.82 4047400500089 2.70 78. 1.291 1.82 4047400500090 2.80 79. 1.289 1.82 4047400500091 2.90 82. 1.286 1.82 4047400500092 3.00 84. 1.286 1.84 4047400500093 3.10 86. 1.281 1.82 4047400500094 3.20 88. 1.278 1.82 4047400500095 3.30 91. 1.275 1.84 4047400500096 3.40 93. 1.279 1.84 4047400500097 3.60 192. 1.283 1.89 4047400500098 3.80 182. 1.286 1.97 4047400500099 4.00 146. 1.290 1.90 4047400500100 4.20 141. 1.293 1.90 4047400500101 4.40 132. 1.289 1.92 4047400500102 4.60 131. 1.295 1.90 4047400500103 4.80 125. 1.295 1.91 4047400500104 5.00 126. 1.301 1.91 4047400500105 5.20 129. 1.304 1.90 4047400500106 5.40 131. 1.318 1.89 4047400500107 5.60 135. 1.328 1.90 4047400500108 5.80 138. 1.330 1.88 4047400500109 6.00 142. 1.327 1.94 4047400500110 6.20 147. 1.319 1.91 4047400500111 6.40 152. 1.291 1.93 4047400500112 6.60 160. 1.256 1.95 4047400500113 6.80 167. 1.236 2.01 4047400500114 7.00 173. 1.221 2.05 4047400500115 7.20 178. 1.199 2.11 4047400500116 7.40 183. 1.186 2.16 4047400500117 ENDDATA 83 0 4047400500118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 4047400599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4047499999999