ENTRY 40489 20241024 42194048900000001 SUBENT 40489001 20241024 42194048900100001 BIB 15 51 4048900100002 TITLE Yields of some fragments from fission of 235U, 238U, 4048900100003 and 239PU by neutrons from spectrum of BR-1 fast 4048900100004 reactor 4048900100005 AUTHOR (L.N.Yurova,A.V.Bushuev,V.N.Ozerkov,V.V.Chachin, 4048900100006 A.V.Zvonarev,Yu.G.Liforov,Yu.V.Koleganov, 4048900100007 V.V.Miller,O.V.Gorbatyuk) 4048900100008 REFERENCE (J,SJA,47,528,1979) English of AE,47,26 4048900100009 (J,AE,47,26,1979) Issue 1 4048900100010 INSTITUTE (4RUSMIF,4RUSFEI) 4048900100011 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) Reactor BR-1 4048900100012 INC-SOURCE (REAC) For fast neutrons. 4048900100013 (THCOL) For thermal neutrons - graphite thermal column 4048900100014 of 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm size. 4048900100015 INC-SPECT Fast fission neutron spectrum of the fast reactor. 4048900100016 Maximal neutron flux in the reactor core center 4048900100017 10**10 n/(cm2*sec). 4048900100018 SAMPLE Thin foils of plutonium and uranium oxides placed 4048900100019 in aluminum container of 3 mm diameter, 15 mm height, 4048900100020 wall thickness 0.5 mm. 4048900100021 (92-U-235,ENR=0.90) 4048900100022 PART-DET (FF,DG) 4048900100023 DETECTOR (TRD) Polished glass disks of 7 mm diameter, 1 mm 4048900100024 thickness. Placed in the sample container. 4048900100025 Tracks were counted several times by different 4048900100026 operators to be not more than 2.E+3. 4048900100027 (GELI) for measurement of gamma-spectra of irradiated 4048900100028 samples. Energy resolution 1.69 keV at 1333 keV gamma 4048900100029 energy. 4048900100030 METHOD (RVAL) R-method. 4048900100031 Cooling time 8 hr, measurement time 4-6 days. 4048900100032 CORRECTIONS For contribution of 238U and 240Pu fission in the 4048900100033 activity of U and Pu samples - 1.016 and 1.015, 4048900100034 respectively. 4048900100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error consists of: 4048900100036 . errors arising during irradiation, 4048900100037 . errors of corrections, 4048900100038 (ERR-1,,1.) statistical error in determination of ratio4048900100039 at gamma-spectra measurement, 4048900100040 (ERR-2) track counting over the entire series (18-20). 4048900100041 STATUS Data of this ENTRY in part coincides with those of 4048900100042 RIDER's ENTRY 90755. RIDER's reference 79YUR1. 4048900100043 HISTORY (19800808C) Compiled at the centre CJD 4048900100044 (19911206U) Obsolete keywords corrected. 4048900100045 Connection to RIDER's ENTRY 90755 established 4048900100046 (19920809U) 'PRE' in monitor and in all reaction codes 4048900100047 are replaced by 'CUM' 4048900100048 (19930929A) SUBENTS are rearranged according to new 4048900100049 rules of compilation 4048900100050 (20220722A) Update for current rules and dictionaries. 4048900100051 (20241024A) Subent 004 was corrected. 4048900100052 Status was updated for new rules. 4048900100053 ENDBIB 51 0 4048900100054 COMMON 1 3 4048900100055 ERR-2 4048900100056 PER-CENT 4048900100057 1.3 4048900100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4048900199999 SUBENT 40489002 20241024 42194048900200001 BIB 3 8 4048900200002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST)// 4048900200003 (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)) Ratio of yields 4048900200004 for the fission by fast and thermal neutrons 4048900200005 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 1 4048900200006 HISTORY (19920809U) 'PRE' replaced by 'CUM' 4048900200007 (19930929A) Data for absolute yield transferred to 4048900200008 SUBENT 40489005 4048900200009 (20241024A) MONITOR was deleted. 4048900200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4048900200011 COMMON 2 3 4048900200012 EN-MEAN-NM EN-MEAN-DN 4048900200013 EV EV 4048900200014 1.3E+06 2.53E-02 4048900200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900200016 DATA 5 14 4048900200017 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T 4048900200018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4048900200019 39. 91. 1. 1.005 0.015 4048900200020 40. 95. 0.96 0.05 4048900200021 40. 97. 1.054 0.019 4048900200022 41. 95. 0.97 0.04 4048900200023 41. 97. 1.074 0.016 4048900200024 42. 99. 1.044 0.016 4048900200025 44. 103. 1.03 0.03 4048900200026 52. 132. 1.172 0.017 4048900200027 53. 131. 1.216 0.028 4048900200028 53. 133. 1.053 0.018 4048900200029 54. 135. 1.059 0.015 4048900200030 57. 140. 0.980 0.017 4048900200031 58. 143. 0.943 0.013 4048900200032 60. 147. 0.96 0.04 4048900200033 ENDDATA 16 0 4048900200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4048900299999 SUBENT 40489003 20241024 42194048900300001 BIB 4 8 4048900300002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST)// 4048900300003 (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)) Ratio of yields 4048900300004 for the fast and for the thermal neutrons 4048900300005 MONITOR No information 4048900300006 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 1 4048900300007 HISTORY (19920809U) 'PRE' replaced by 'CUM' 4048900300008 (19930908A) Data for absolute yield transferred to 4048900300009 SUBENT 40489006 4048900300010 ENDBIB 8 0 4048900300011 COMMON 2 3 4048900300012 EN-MEAN-NM EN-MEAN-DN 4048900300013 EV EV 4048900300014 1.3E+06 2.53E-02 4048900300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900300016 DATA 5 14 4048900300017 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T 4048900300018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4048900300019 39. 91. 1. 1.081 0.022 4048900300020 40. 95. 0.98 0.03 4048900300021 40. 97. 1.047 0.019 4048900300022 41. 95. 0.95 0.03 4048900300023 41. 97. 1.047 0.019 4048900300024 42. 99. 1.031 0.014 4048900300025 44. 103. 0.97 0.03 4048900300026 52. 132. 1.015 0.017 4048900300027 53. 131. 1.112 0.023 4048900300028 53. 133. 0.984 0.016 4048900300029 54. 135. 0.968 0.020 4048900300030 57. 140. 1.045 0.024 4048900300031 58. 143. 0.988 0.017 4048900300032 60. 147. 0.96 0.04 4048900300033 ENDDATA 16 0 4048900300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4048900399999 SUBENT 40489004 20241024 42194048900400001 BIB 3 10 4048900400002 REACTION ((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST)// 4048900400003 (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)) Ratio of yields 4048900400004 for the fast neutrons and the thermal neutrons 4048900400005 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 1 4048900400006 HISTORY (19920809U) 'PRE' replaced by 'CUM' 4048900400007 (19930908A) Data for absolute yield transferred to 4048900400008 SUBENT 40489007 4048900400009 (20241024A) SF1 of in the denominator was corrected: 4048900400010 92-U-238 -> 92-U-235 as given in the Table 1. 4048900400011 MONITOR was deleted. 4048900400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4048900400013 COMMON 2 3 4048900400014 EN-MEAN-NM EN-MEAN-DN 4048900400015 EV EV 4048900400016 1.3E+06 2.53E-02 4048900400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900400018 DATA 5 10 4048900400019 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T 4048900400020 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4048900400021 39. 91. 1. 0.693 0.028 4048900400022 40. 97. 0.945 0.027 4048900400023 41. 97. 0.990 0.026 4048900400024 42. 99. 1.168 0.026 4048900400025 52. 132. 1.203 0.023 4048900400026 53. 131. 1.008 0.031 4048900400027 53. 133. 1.071 0.023 4048900400028 54. 135. 1.156 0.030 4048900400029 57. 140. 0.964 0.019 4048900400030 58. 143. 0.808 0.017 4048900400031 ENDDATA 12 0 4048900400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4048900499999 SUBENT 40489005 20241024 42194048900500001 BIB 5 7 4048900500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST) 4048900500003 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4048900500004 MONIT-REF (,W.H.Walker,R,IAEA-169,(1),285,1974) 4048900500005 Paper # 11a, Conf. at 1973. 4048900500006 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 2 4048900500007 (DEP,40489002) Ratio fast/thermal 4048900500008 HISTORY (19930929C) + + Compiled at the centre + + 4048900500009 ENDBIB 7 0 4048900500010 COMMON 2 3 4048900500011 EN-MEAN EN-NRM 4048900500012 EV EV 4048900500013 1.3E+06 0.0253 4048900500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900500015 DATA 7 14 4048900500016 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T MONIT 4048900500017 MONIT-ERR 4048900500018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 4048900500019 PC/FIS 4048900500020 39. 91. 1. 5.96 0.14 5.93 4048900500021 0.11 4048900500022 40. 95. 6.24 0.33 6.50 4048900500023 0.09 4048900500024 40. 97. 6.36 0.16 6.03 4048900500025 0.10 4048900500026 41. 95. 6.30 0.30 6.50 4048900500027 0.03 4048900500028 41. 97. 6.48 0.15 6.03 4048900500029 0.10 4048900500030 42. 99. 6.40 0.12 6.13 4048900500031 0.06 4048900500032 44. 103. 3.22 0.10 3.12 4048900500033 0.04 4048900500034 52. 132. 4.92 0.13 4.20 4048900500035 0.09 4048900500036 53. 131. 3.43 0.10 2.82 4048900500037 0.07 4048900500038 53. 133. 7.11 0.20 6.75 4048900500039 0.16 4048900500040 54. 135. 6.99 0.20 6.60 4048900500041 0.10 4048900500042 57. 140. 6.23 0.13 6.36 4048900500043 0.06 4048900500044 58. 143. 5.61 0.11 5.95 4048900500045 0.08 4048900500046 60. 147. 2.16 0.10 2.25 4048900500047 0.04 4048900500048 ENDDATA 32 0 4048900500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4048900599999 SUBENT 40489006 20241024 42194048900600001 BIB 5 7 4048900600002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST) 4048900600003 MONITOR (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4048900600004 MONIT-REF (,W.H.Walker,R,IAEA-169,(1),285,1974) 4048900600005 Paper # 11a, Conf. at 1973. 4048900600006 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 2 4048900600007 (DEP,40489003) Ratio fast/thermal 4048900600008 HISTORY (19930929C) + + Compiled at the centre + + 4048900600009 ENDBIB 7 0 4048900600010 COMMON 2 3 4048900600011 EN-MEAN EN-NRM 4048900600012 EV EV 4048900600013 1.3E+06 0.0253 4048900600014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900600015 DATA 7 14 4048900600016 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T MONIT 4048900600017 MONIT-ERR 4048900600018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 4048900600019 PC/FIS 4048900600020 39. 91. 1. 2.75 0.08 2.54 4048900600021 0.05 4048900600022 40. 95. 4.91 0.17 5.01 4048900600023 0.08 4048900600024 40. 97. 5.85 0.15 5.59 4048900600025 0.10 4048900600026 41. 95. 4.75 0.17 5.01 4048900600027 0.08 4048900600028 41. 97. 5.85 0.15 5.59 4048900600029 0.10 4048900600030 42. 99. 6.52 0.21 6.32 4048900600031 0.20 4048900600032 44. 103. 6.65 0.32 6.95 4048900600033 0.29 4048900600034 52. 132. 5.31 0.15 5.23 4048900600035 0.12 4048900600036 53. 131. 4.16 0.13 3.74 4048900600037 0.09 4048900600038 53. 133. 6.81 0.22 6.92 4048900600039 0.19 4048900600040 54. 135. 7.44 0.29 7.69 4048900600041 0.26 4048900600042 57. 140. 5.84 0.16 5.59 4048900600043 0.09 4048900600044 58. 143. 4.46 0.10 4.51 4048900600045 0.06 4048900600046 60. 147. 2.05 0.10 2.13 4048900600047 0.07 4048900600048 ENDDATA 32 0 4048900600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4048900699999 SUBENT 40489007 20241024 42194048900700001 BIB 4 7 4048900700002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST) 4048900700003 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4048900700004 Paper # 11a, 1973. 4048900700005 Published in IAEA-169 (1974). 4048900700006 STATUS (TABLE,,L.N.Yurova+,J,SJA,47,528,1979) Table 2 4048900700007 (DEP,40489004) Ratio fast/thermal 4048900700008 HISTORY (19930929C) + + Compiled at the centre + + 4048900700009 ENDBIB 7 0 4048900700010 COMMON 2 3 4048900700011 EN-MEAN EN-NRM 4048900700012 EV EV 4048900700013 1.3E+06 2.53E-02 4048900700014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4048900700015 DATA 7 10 4048900700016 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T MONIT 4048900700017 MONIT-ERR 4048900700018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 4048900700019 PC/FIS 4048900700020 39. 91. 1. 4.11 0.12 5.93 4048900700021 0.11 4048900700022 40. 97. 5.70 0.23 6.03 4048900700023 0.1 4048900700024 41. 97. 5.97 0.20 6.03 4048900700025 0.1 4048900700026 42. 99. 7.17 0.17 6.13 4048900700027 0.06 4048900700028 52. 132. 5.05 0.16 4.20 4048900700029 0.09 4048900700030 53. 131. 2.84 0.11 2.82 4048900700031 0.07 4048900700032 53. 133. 7.23 0.23 6.75 4048900700033 0.16 4048900700034 54. 135. 7.62 0.28 6.60 4048900700035 0.10 4048900700036 57. 140. 6.13 0.13 6.36 4048900700037 0.06 4048900700038 58. 143. 4.81 0.12 5.95 4048900700039 0.08 4048900700040 ENDDATA 24 0 4048900700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4048900799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4048999999999