ENTRY            40490   20160601                             41764049000000001 
SUBENT        40490001   20160601                             41764049000100001 
BIB                 17         53                                 4049000100002 
TITLE       The thermal-neutron fission cross section and the     4049000100003 
            fission-resonance integral for 243Cm                  4049000100004 
AUTHOR     (K.D.Zhuravlev,N.I.Kroshkin)                           4049000100005 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSNIR)                                              4049000100006 
REFERENCE  (J,AE,47,(1),55,1979)                                  4049000100007 
           (J,SJA,47,565,1979) English translation of J,AE,47,(1) 4049000100008 
           #doi:10.1007/BF01133444                                4049000100009 
REL-REF    (R,,Yu.S.Zamyatnin,R,YK-14,22,1974) Ref. for decay data4049000100010 
           (M,40436001,K.D.Zhuravlev+,R,YK-19,3,1975)             4049000100011 
           Details of method.                                     4049000100012 
           (M,40436001,K.D.Zhuravlev+,J,AE,39,(4),285,1975)       4049000100013 
           Details of method.                                     4049000100014 
           (M,40436001,K.D.Zhuravlev+,J,SJA,39,907,1975)          4049000100015 
            English translation of J,AE,39 .                      4049000100016 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)  For thermal neutrons             4049000100017 
           (92-U-235(N,F),,RI)                                    4049000100018 
MONIT-REF  (,,R,BNL-325,1,1973)                                   4049000100019 
SAMPLE       Curium-242 content is   0.15+-0.07  %                4049000100020 
             Curium-243             37.29+-1.34  %                4049000100021 
             Curium-244             61.61+-1.34  %                4049000100022 
             Curium-245              0.94+-0.10  %                4049000100023 
             On Al backing of 0.1 mm thickness.                   4049000100024 
             U, Cm samples of about 10 mm diameter.               4049000100025 
             Number of nuclei in sample was defined by spontaneous4049000100026 
             fission number of Cm-244 and Cm-242.                 4049000100027 
METHOD      Method of cadmium ratio                               4049000100028 
            Cd ratio for U-235 for 1 mm thickness Cd filtered beam4049000100029 
            was 40.                                               4049000100030 
DECAY-DATA Half-lives for spontaneous fission from REL-REF of     4049000100031 
           Yu.S.Zamyatnin are:                                    4049000100032 
             Cm-244: (1.270+-0.007)E+7YR                          4049000100033 
             Cm-242: (6.09+-0.18)E+6YR                            4049000100034 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)  Reactor 'CM-2'                                 4049000100035 
FACILITY   (REAC,4RUSNIR)  Reactor 'CM-2'                         4049000100036 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    4049000100037 
DETECTOR   (FISCH)                                                4049000100038 
CORRECTION  Introduced on  Cm-244 and Cm-245 fission.             4049000100039 
            For the fact, that U c-s do not follow the 1/SQRT(E)  4049000100040 
            low -  0.965.                                         4049000100041 
            For Cm - it was supposed that c-s follows  1/sqrt(E)  4049000100042 
            low.                                                  4049000100043 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Not specified                              4049000100044 
HISTORY    (19800807C) Compiled at the CJD                        4049000100045 
           (19870410U) REACTION code in SAN 002 corrected and     4049000100046 
                     EN-MIN in SAN 003 introduced                 4049000100047 
           (20110726A) Upper -> lower case correction.            4049000100048 
           Reference of Engl.translation was added.               4049000100049 
           BIB information was added.                             4049000100050 
           Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.                4049000100051 
           (20160601U) SD: DECAY-DATA Corrected following         4049000100052 
                           MEMO CP-D/888.                         4049000100053 
           (20170710U) M.M. Previous correction of SD was         4049000100054 
           checked at CJD . TITLE corrected.                      4049000100055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 4049000100056 
COMMON               4          3                                 4049000100057 
MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR                       4049000100058 
B          B          B          B                                4049000100059 
  582.2       1.3       275.        5.                            4049000100060 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4049000100061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 4049000199999 
SUBENT        40490002   20110726                             41534049000200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 4049000200002 
REACTION   (96-CM-243(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)                             4049000200003 
INC-SPECT   Thermal neutrons .                                    4049000200004 
             Temperature of Maxwellian neutron spectrum at reactor4049000200005 
            output was 353 K.                                     4049000200006 
REL-REF    (A,10681001,C.E.Bemis+,J,NSE,63,413,197708)            4049000200007 
           Agree with value of C.E.Bemis+ 609.6+-25.9 B.          4049000200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of J,AE,47,(1),55,1979.                  4049000200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4049000200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4049000200011 
DATA                 3          1                                 4049000200012 
EN-DUMMY   DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4049000200013 
EV         B          B                                           4049000200014 
 2.5300E-02  672.       60.                                       4049000200015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4049000200016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 4049000299999 
SUBENT        40490003   20110726                             41534049000300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 4049000300002 
REACTION   (96-CM-243(N,F),,RI)                                   4049000300003 
REL-REF    (A,10681005,C.E.Bemis+,J,NSE,63,413,197708)            4049000300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of J,AE,47,(1),55,1979.                  4049000300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 4049000300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4049000300007 
DATA                 3          1                                 4049000300008 
EN-MIN     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4049000300009 
EV         B          B                                           4049000300010 
 0.68        1480.      150.                                      4049000300011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4049000300012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 4049000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4049099999999