ENTRY            40508   20230724                             42144050800000001 
SUBENT        40508001   20230724                             42144050800100001 
BIB                 18         66                                 4050800100002 
TITLE       Cross section for the formation of gamma-quanta       4050800100003 
            during the interaction of fast neutrons with carbon,  4050800100004 
            lead, and rhenium nuclei                              4050800100005 
AUTHOR     (M.V.Savin,Yu.A.Khokhlov,I.N.Paramonova,               4050800100006 
           V.A.Chirkin,V.N.Ludin,N.N.Zalyalov)                    4050800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,SJA,49,686,1980)     English of AE, 49, 236         4050800100008 
           (J,AE,49,236,1980) Issue 4.  Graphs only.              4050800100009 
           ((C,75KIEV,4,191,1975)=                                4050800100010 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-099,(4),1975)) Preliminary results for Re 4050800100011 
            and Pb on figures.                                    4050800100012 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4050800100013 
REL-REF    (M,40346001,M.V.Savin+,J,SNP,23,269,1976)              4050800100014 
            Detector response function measurement method using   4050800100015 
           sources of discrete gamma-lines.                       4050800100016 
SAMPLE      Natural isotopic mixture                              4050800100017 
MONITOR    See analysis.                                          4050800100018 
METHOD     (TOF)  For neutrons.                                   4050800100019 
           Time scale was calibrated by variable delay and checked4050800100020 
           according to the carbon resonances in transmission     4050800100021 
           measurement.                                           4050800100022 
           Several series, each consisted of                      4050800100023 
           - measurement with the sample,                         4050800100024 
           - background measurement,                              4050800100025 
           - time and amplitude calibration,                      4050800100026 
           - energy distributions and neutron flux on the sample  4050800100027 
FACILITY   (LINAC,4RUSKUR)  Linear electron accelerator           4050800100028 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Tantalum-beryllium target irradiated by the    4050800100029 
                   electron beam                                  4050800100030 
PART-DET   (N,G)                                                  4050800100031 
DETECTOR   (STANK) Liquid scintillation detector for gammas.      4050800100032 
            Diameter 54 mm, high 38 mm.                           4050800100033 
            Angle between between neutron beam and gamma-detector 4050800100034 
            was ~125 deg.                                         4050800100035 
           (SCIN)  Stilbene scintillation detector for neutrons.  4050800100036 
            Diameter 30 mm, high 10 mm.                           4050800100037 
           . All-wave neutron counter was served as monitor.      4050800100038 
ANALYSIS   (4PI1A) DE is obtained as DA/DE times 4PI              4050800100039 
           In formula (1) of J,SNP,23,269,1976 for cross section  4050800100040 
           calculation the authors used                           4050800100041 
            - total neutron cross section SIGMAtotal(En),         4050800100042 
            - A coefficient taking into account geometry          4050800100043 
           and normalization according to monitor channel.        4050800100044 
CORRECTION  For backgrounds - 3 - 10 % for Re, 0-2 % for Pb       4050800100045 
            For multiple scattering, calculated by Monte Carlo    4050800100046 
           method < ~ 5 %, 17 %, 15 % for C, Re, Pb, respectively.4050800100047 
            For gamma-quanta angular distribution < 5.% for C.    4050800100048 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error                                   4050800100049 
           (ERR-S)  Statistical                                   4050800100050 
           (ERR-1,4.,5.) Determining the neutron flux absolute    4050800100051 
           value.                                                 4050800100052 
           (ERR-2) Gamma-detector calibration.                    4050800100053 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in the method of analysis.         4050800100054 
           (ERR-4,1.,4.) Uncertainty due to time resolution       4050800100055 
            (+-0.135 nsec/m) - ~4.% at En=9 MeV, <1.% at En<5 MeV.4050800100056 
STATUS     (APRVD) Savin 1982-11                                  4050800100057 
HISTORY    (19830204C) + +  Compiled at the centre - CJD  + +     4050800100058 
           (19931015A)  Pointers deleted. All data for definite   4050800100059 
                      element transferred in one subent.          4050800100060 
                      Several author names corrected              4050800100061 
           (19990902A)  Errors in data tables corrected,          4050800100062 
                        4-digit dates introduced                  4050800100063 
           (20010315A)  Corrected at CJD                          4050800100064 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050800100065 
           (20230724A) Ref. R,INDC(CCP)-099,(4),1975 was added.   4050800100066 
            Upper -> lower case correction.                       4050800100067 
COMMENT    Data for linear gamma-spectrum on lead see Entry 40542 4050800100068 
ENDBIB              66          0                                 4050800100069 
COMMON               2          3                                 4050800100070 
ERR-2      ERR-3                                                  4050800100071 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               4050800100072 
 2.5        15.                                                   4050800100073 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4050800100074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 4050800199999 
SUBENT        40508002   20230724                             42144050800200001 
BIB                  4         12                                 4050800200002 
REACTION   (75-RE-0(N,X)0-G-0,,DE,,FCT/AV) Times Delta-E-Gamma    4050800200003 
            averaged over energy interval in data section         4050800200004 
SAMPLE      Metallic powder, density  9.89 gram/cm3               4050800200005 
STATUS     (TABLE) From author.                                   4050800200006 
            On Fig. 2 of J,SJA,49,686,1981 - data for 8 Egamma    4050800200007 
            energy ranges.                                        4050800200008 
HISTORY    (19931015A) All data for rhenium from SAN 004 - 007    4050800200009 
                     collected in this Subentry                   4050800200010 
           (20010315U)  Reaction code corrected                   4050800200011 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050800200012 
           (20230724U) EN-SEC (E-MIN/MAX,G) was deleted according 4050800200013 
            to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA).                 4050800200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4050800200015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4050800200016 
DATA                 7        186                                 4050800200017 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      4050800200018 
ERR-T                                                             4050800200019 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MB/MEV     MB/MEV     4050800200020 
MB/MEV                                                            4050800200021 
       10.8        9.6         5.       4.75        50.        20.4050800200022 
        22.                                                       4050800200023 
       10.8        9.6       4.75        4.5        66.        23.4050800200024 
        26.                                                       4050800200025 
       10.8        9.6        4.5       4.25        33.        13.4050800200026 
        15.                                                       4050800200027 
       10.8        9.6       4.25         4.        41.        17.4050800200028 
        18.                                                       4050800200029 
       10.8        9.6         4.       3.75       122.        42.4050800200030 
        46.                                                       4050800200031 
       10.8        9.6       3.75        3.5        65.        22.4050800200032 
        25.                                                       4050800200033 
       10.8        9.6        3.5       3.25       171.        70.4050800200034 
        75.                                                       4050800200035 
       10.8        9.6       3.25         3.       155.        54.4050800200036 
        60.                                                       4050800200037 
       10.8        9.6         3.       2.75       231.        54.4050800200038 
        66.                                                       4050800200039 
       10.8        9.6       2.75        2.5       149.        35.4050800200040 
        42.                                                       4050800200041 
       10.8        9.6        2.5       2.25       128.        29.4050800200042 
        37.                                                       4050800200043 
       10.8        9.6       2.25         2.       395.        67.4050800200044 
        93.                                                       4050800200045 
       10.8        9.6         2.       1.75       280.        14.4050800200046 
        48.                                                       4050800200047 
       10.8        9.6       1.75        1.5       331.        15.4050800200048 
        57.                                                       4050800200049 
       10.8        9.6        1.5       1.25       436.        18.4050800200050 
        74.                                                       4050800200051 
       10.8        9.6       1.25         1.       524.        22.4050800200052 
        89.                                                       4050800200053 
        9.6       8.43        3.5       3.25       177.        56.4050800200054 
        63.                                                       4050800200055 
        9.6       8.43       3.25         3.       300.        96.4050800200056 
       108.                                                       4050800200057 
        9.6       8.43         3.       2.75       337.        85.4050800200058 
       101.                                                       4050800200059 
        9.6       8.43       2.75        2.5       308.        58.4050800200060 
        76.                                                       4050800200061 
        9.6       8.43        2.5       2.25       290.        56.4050800200062 
        73.                                                       4050800200063 
        9.6       8.43       2.25         2.       387.        45.4050800200064 
        78.                                                       4050800200065 
        9.6       8.43         2.       1.75       546.        26.4050800200066 
        93.                                                       4050800200067 
        9.6       8.43       1.75        1.5       546.        28.4050800200068 
        93.                                                       4050800200069 
        9.6       8.43        1.5       1.25       492.        24.4050800200070 
        83.                                                       4050800200071 
        9.6       8.43       1.25         1.       873.        45.4050800200072 
       148.                                                       4050800200073 
       8.43       7.38         5.       4.75        56.        28.4050800200074 
        37.                                                       4050800200075 
       8.43       7.38       4.75        4.5        84.        29.4050800200076 
        32.                                                       4050800200077 
       8.43       7.38        4.5       4.25        96.        29.4050800200078 
        33.                                                       4050800200079 
       8.43       7.38       4.25         4.        63.        19.4050800200080 
        22.                                                       4050800200081 
       8.43       7.38         4.       3.75       103.        31.4050800200082 
        35.                                                       4050800200083 
       8.43       7.38       3.75        3.5       111.        31.4050800200084 
        36.                                                       4050800200085 
       8.43       7.38        3.5       3.25       172.        52.4050800200086 
        59.                                                       4050800200087 
       8.43       7.38       3.25         3.       327.       100.4050800200088 
       114.                                                       4050800200089 
       8.43       7.38         3.       2.75       245.        60.4050800200090 
        71.                                                       4050800200091 
       8.43       7.38       2.75        2.5       331.        76.4050800200092 
        92.                                                       4050800200093 
       8.43       7.38        2.5       2.25       457.       103.4050800200094 
       127.                                                       4050800200095 
       8.43       7.38       2.25         2.       395.        59.4050800200096 
        86.                                                       4050800200097 
       8.43       7.38         2.       1.75       704.        40.4050800200098 
       119.                                                       4050800200099 
       8.43       7.38       1.75        1.5       463.        24.4050800200100 
        78.                                                       4050800200101 
       8.43       7.38        1.5       1.25       838.        30.4050800200102 
       137.                                                       4050800200103 
       8.43       7.38       1.25         1.       959.        39.4050800200104 
       159.                                                       4050800200105 
       7.38        6.6         5.       4.75        11.         5.4050800200106 
         6.                                                       4050800200107 
       7.38        6.6       4.75        4.5         7.         3.4050800200108 
         4.                                                       4050800200109 
       7.38        6.6        4.5       4.25        18.         4.4050800200110 
         5.                                                       4050800200111 
       7.38        6.6       4.25         4.        56.        17.4050800200112 
        20.                                                       4050800200113 
       7.38        6.6         4.       3.75        65.        22.4050800200114 
        25.                                                       4050800200115 
       7.38        6.6       3.75        3.5        74.        21.4050800200116 
        25.                                                       4050800200117 
       7.38        6.6        3.5       3.25       212.        80.4050800200118 
        94.                                                       4050800200119 
       7.38        6.6       3.25         3.       127.        25.4050800200120 
        32.                                                       4050800200121 
       7.38        6.6         3.       2.75       281.        40.4050800200122 
        60.                                                       4050800200123 
       7.38        6.6       2.75        2.5       342.        52.4050800200124 
        75.                                                       4050800200125 
       7.38        6.6        2.5       2.25       307.        36.4050800200126 
        61.                                                       4050800200127 
       7.38        6.6       2.25         2.       408.        48.4050800200128 
        81.                                                       4050800200129 
       7.38        6.6         2.       1.75       558.        22.4050800200130 
        92.                                                       4050800200131 
       7.38        6.6       1.75        1.5       655.        28.4050800200132 
       108.                                                       4050800200133 
       7.38        6.6        1.5       1.25       781.        33.4050800200134 
       129.                                                       4050800200135 
       7.38        6.6       1.25         1.       922.        44.4050800200136 
       153.                                                       4050800200137 
        6.6       5.86         5.       4.75        20.         8.4050800200138 
         9.                                                       4050800200139 
        6.6       5.86       4.75        4.5        34.        14.4050800200140 
        15.                                                       4050800200141 
        6.6       5.86        4.5       4.25        80.        33.4050800200142 
        36.                                                       4050800200143 
        6.6       5.86       4.25         4.        12.         6.4050800200144 
         6.                                                       4050800200145 
        6.6       5.86         4.       3.75        61.        25.4050800200146 
        26.                                                       4050800200147 
        6.6       5.86       3.75        3.5       115.        47.4050800200148 
        50.                                                       4050800200149 
        6.6       5.86        3.5       3.25       166.        47.4050800200150 
        54.                                                       4050800200151 
        6.6       5.86       3.25         3.       242.        72.4050800200152 
        82.                                                       4050800200153 
        6.6       5.86         3.       2.75       177.        15.4050800200154 
        32.                                                       4050800200155 
        6.6       5.86       2.75        2.5       375.        23.4050800200156 
        63.                                                       4050800200157 
        6.6       5.86        2.5       2.25       249.        11.4050800200158 
        41.                                                       4050800200159 
        6.6       5.86       2.25         2.       428.        22.4050800200160 
        71.                                                       4050800200161 
        6.6       5.86         2.       1.75       576.        29.4050800200162 
        96.                                                       4050800200163 
        6.6       5.86       1.75        1.5       586.        27.4050800200164 
        97.                                                       4050800200165 
        6.6       5.86        1.5       1.25       633.        27.4050800200166 
       104.                                                       4050800200167 
        6.6       5.86       1.25         1.       945.        41.4050800200168 
       155.                                                       4050800200169 
       5.86       5.23         5.       4.75        14.         5.4050800200170 
         6.                                                       4050800200171 
       5.86       5.23       4.75        4.5        20.         8.4050800200172 
         9.                                                       4050800200173 
       5.86       5.23        4.5       4.25        28.        11.4050800200174 
        12.                                                       4050800200175 
       5.86       5.23       4.25         4.        62.        25.4050800200176 
        27.                                                       4050800200177 
       5.86       5.23         4.       3.75        96.        39.4050800200178 
        42.                                                       4050800200179 
       5.86       5.23       3.75        3.5        87.        35.4050800200180 
        38.                                                       4050800200181 
       5.86       5.23        3.5       3.25        99.        37.4050800200182 
        39.                                                       4050800200183 
       5.86       5.23       3.25         3.       161.        48.4050800200184 
        54.                                                       4050800200185 
       5.86       5.23         3.       2.75       262.        40.4050800200186 
        58.                                                       4050800200187 
       5.86       5.23       2.75        2.5       155.        18.4050800200188 
        30.                                                       4050800200189 
       5.86       5.23        2.5       2.25       331.        30.4050800200190 
        60.                                                       4050800200191 
       5.86       5.23       2.25         2.       361.        32.4050800200192 
        65.                                                       4050800200193 
       5.86       5.23         2.       1.75       517.        35.4050800200194 
        89.                                                       4050800200195 
       5.86       5.23       1.75        1.5       540.         6.4050800200196 
        93.                                                       4050800200197 
       5.86       5.23        1.5       1.25       664.        30.4050800200198 
       110.                                                       4050800200199 
       5.86       5.23       1.25         1.       959.        45.4050800200200 
       158.                                                       4050800200201 
       5.23       4.67       4.75        4.5         3.         2.4050800200202 
         2.                                                       4050800200203 
       5.23       4.67        4.5       4.25        20.         9.4050800200204 
         9.                                                       4050800200205 
       5.23       4.67       4.25         4.        37.        16.4050800200206 
        17.                                                       4050800200207 
       5.23       4.67         4.       3.75        70.        30.4050800200208 
        32.                                                       4050800200209 
       5.23       4.67       3.75        3.5        50.        22.4050800200210 
        23.                                                       4050800200211 
       5.23       4.67        3.5       3.25       108.        35.4050800200212 
        39.                                                       4050800200213 
       5.23       4.67       3.25         3.        75.        27.4050800200214 
        30.                                                       4050800200215 
       5.23       4.67         3.       2.75       207.        32.4050800200216 
        46.                                                       4050800200217 
       5.23       4.67       2.75        2.5       136.        26.4050800200218 
        34.                                                       4050800200219 
       5.23       4.67        2.5       2.25       252.        30.4050800200220 
        50.                                                       4050800200221 
       5.23       4.67       2.25         2.       423.        52.4050800200222 
        85.                                                       4050800200223 
       5.23       4.67         2.       1.75       423.        27.4050800200224 
        72.                                                       4050800200225 
       5.23       4.67       1.75        1.5       423.        27.4050800200226 
        72.                                                       4050800200227 
       5.23       4.67        1.5       1.25       623.        28.4050800200228 
       102.                                                       4050800200229 
       5.23       4.67       1.25         1.       966.        45.4050800200230 
       159.                                                       4050800200231 
       4.67       4.18        4.5       4.25        11.         5.4050800200232 
         6.                                                       4050800200233 
       4.67       4.18       4.25         4.        21.         8.4050800200234 
         9.                                                       4050800200235 
       4.67       4.18         4.       3.75        32.        12.4050800200236 
        13.                                                       4050800200237 
       4.67       4.18       3.75        3.5        30.        12.4050800200238 
        13.                                                       4050800200239 
       4.67       4.18        3.5       3.25        24.         9.4050800200240 
        10.                                                       4050800200241 
       4.67       4.18       3.25         3.       143.        28.4050800200242 
        36.                                                       4050800200243 
       4.67       4.18         3.       2.75       156.        30.4050800200244 
        39.                                                       4050800200245 
       4.67       4.18       2.75        2.5       215.        40.4050800200246 
        53.                                                       4050800200247 
       4.67       4.18        2.5       2.25       228.        29.4050800200248 
        46.                                                       4050800200249 
       4.67       4.18       2.25         2.       286.        36.4050800200250 
        58.                                                       4050800200251 
       4.67       4.18         2.       1.75       393.        31.4050800200252 
        69.                                                       4050800200253 
       4.67       4.18       1.75        1.5       461.        32.4050800200254 
        79.                                                       4050800200255 
       4.67       4.18        1.5       1.25       491.        34.4050800200256 
        85.                                                       4050800200257 
       4.67       4.18       1.25         1.       938.        60.4050800200258 
       160.                                                       4050800200259 
       4.18       3.75         4.       3.75        13.         7.4050800200260 
         7.                                                       4050800200261 
       4.18       3.75       3.75        3.5         4.         3.4050800200262 
         3.                                                       4050800200263 
       4.18       3.75        3.5       3.25        15.         5.4050800200264 
         6.                                                       4050800200265 
       4.18       3.75       3.25         3.       116.        41.4050800200266 
        45.                                                       4050800200267 
       4.18       3.75         3.       2.75       105.        31.4050800200268 
        36.                                                       4050800200269 
       4.18       3.75       2.75        2.5       174.        43.4050800200270 
        52.                                                       4050800200271 
       4.18       3.75        2.5       2.25       253.        38.4050800200272 
        56.                                                       4050800200273 
       4.18       3.75       2.25         2.       228.        35.4050800200274 
        50.                                                       4050800200275 
       4.18       3.75         2.       1.75       268.        29.4050800200276 
        51.                                                       4050800200277 
       4.18       3.75       1.75        1.5       493.        31.4050800200278 
        84.                                                       4050800200279 
       4.18       3.75        1.5       1.25       445.        27.4050800200280 
        76.                                                       4050800200281 
       4.18       3.75       1.25         1.       921.        58.4050800200282 
       156.                                                       4050800200283 
       3.75        3.4       3.25         3.        48.        22.4050800200284 
        23.                                                       4050800200285 
       3.75        3.4         3.       2.75        48.        16.4050800200286 
        18.                                                       4050800200287 
       3.75        3.4       2.75        2.5       104.        16.4050800200288 
        23.                                                       4050800200289 
       3.75        3.4        2.5       2.25       164.        27.4050800200290 
        38.                                                       4050800200291 
       3.75        3.4       2.25         2.       302.        50.4050800200292 
        70.                                                       4050800200293 
       3.75        3.4         2.       1.75       272.        23.4050800200294 
        49.                                                       4050800200295 
       3.75        3.4       1.75        1.5       469.        28.4050800200296 
        80.                                                       4050800200297 
       3.75        3.4        1.5       1.25       478.        30.4050800200298 
        82.                                                       4050800200299 
       3.75        3.4       1.25         1.       826.        51.4050800200300 
       140.                                                       4050800200301 
        3.4       3.06       3.25         3.        50.        20.4050800200302 
        22.                                                       4050800200303 
        3.4       3.06         3.       2.75        68.        25.4050800200304 
        27.                                                       4050800200305 
        3.4       3.06       2.75        2.5        85.        29.4050800200306 
        32.                                                       4050800200307 
        3.4       3.06        2.5       2.25       105.        19.4050800200308 
        25.                                                       4050800200309 
        3.4       3.06       2.25         2.       200.        21.4050800200310 
        38.                                                       4050800200311 
        3.4       3.06         2.       1.75       345.        36.4050800200312 
        65.                                                       4050800200313 
        3.4       3.06       1.75        1.5       323.        21.4050800200314 
        55.                                                       4050800200315 
        3.4       3.06        1.5       1.25       462.        28.4050800200316 
        79.                                                       4050800200317 
        3.4       3.06       1.25         1.       696.        43.4050800200318 
       118.                                                       4050800200319 
       3.06       2.77       2.75        2.5        30.         9.4050800200320 
        10.                                                       4050800200321 
       3.06       2.77        2.5       2.25       145.        22.4050800200322 
        31.                                                       4050800200323 
       3.06       2.77       2.25         2.       144.        22.4050800200324 
        32.                                                       4050800200325 
       3.06       2.77         2.       1.75       321.        28.4050800200326 
        58.                                                       4050800200327 
       3.06       2.77       1.75        1.5       298.        19.4050800200328 
        50.                                                       4050800200329 
       3.06       2.77        1.5       1.25       377.        23.4050800200330 
        64.                                                       4050800200331 
       3.06       2.77       1.25         1.       847.        52.4050800200332 
       144.                                                       4050800200333 
       2.77        2.5       2.75        2.5        16.         5.4050800200334 
         6.                                                       4050800200335 
       2.77        2.5        2.5       2.25        12.         3.4050800200336 
         4.                                                       4050800200337 
       2.77        2.5       2.25         2.       128.        22.4050800200338 
        30.                                                       4050800200339 
       2.77        2.5         2.       1.75       233.        24.4050800200340 
        44.                                                       4050800200341 
       2.77        2.5       1.75        1.5       232.        15.4050800200342 
        40.                                                       4050800200343 
       2.77        2.5        1.5       1.25       411.        20.4050800200344 
        68.                                                       4050800200345 
       2.77        2.5       1.25         1.       748.        35.4050800200346 
       123.                                                       4050800200347 
        2.5       2.26       2.25         2.        42.        15.4050800200348 
        16.                                                       4050800200349 
        2.5       2.26         2.       1.75       125.        19.4050800200350 
        27.                                                       4050800200351 
        2.5       2.26       1.75        1.5       249.        15.4050800200352 
        42.                                                       4050800200353 
        2.5       2.26        1.5       1.25       345.        26.4050800200354 
        60.                                                       4050800200355 
        2.5       2.26       1.25         1.       692.        31.4050800200356 
       114.                                                       4050800200357 
       2.26       2.06         2.       1.75        64.        13.4050800200358 
        16.                                                       4050800200359 
       2.26       2.06       1.75        1.5       130.        14.4050800200360 
        25.                                                       4050800200361 
       2.26       2.06        1.5       1.25       252.        16.4050800200362 
        42.                                                       4050800200363 
       2.26       2.06       1.25         1.       654.        57.4050800200364 
       118.                                                       4050800200365 
       2.06       1.87       1.75        1.5        93.        15.4050800200366 
        21.                                                       4050800200367 
       2.06       1.87        1.5       1.25       173.        15.4050800200368 
        31.                                                       4050800200369 
       2.06       1.87       1.25         1.       478.        47.4050800200370 
        87.                                                       4050800200371 
       1.87        1.7       1.75        1.5        25.         7.4050800200372 
         8.                                                       4050800200373 
       1.87        1.7        1.5       1.25       152.        25.4050800200374 
        35.                                                       4050800200375 
       1.87        1.7       1.25         1.       595.        51.4050800200376 
       107.                                                       4050800200377 
        1.7       1.55        1.5       1.25        40.         9.4050800200378 
        11.                                                       4050800200379 
        1.7       1.55       1.25         1.       402.        42.4050800200380 
        76.                                                       4050800200381 
       1.55        1.4        1.5       1.25        30.         3.4050800200382 
         7.                                                       4050800200383 
       1.55        1.4       1.25         1.       298.        36.4050800200384 
        60.                                                       4050800200385 
        1.4       1.28        1.5       1.25       116.        29.4050800200386 
        35.                                                       4050800200387 
        1.4       1.28       1.25         1.       292.        57.4050800200388 
        73.                                                       4050800200389 
       1.28       1.17       1.25         1.       195.        47.4050800200390 
        56.                                                       4050800200391 
       1.17       1.06       1.25         1.       148.        34.4050800200392 
        41.                                                       4050800200393 
ENDDATA            376          0                                 4050800200394 
ENDSUBENT          393          0                                 4050800299999 
SUBENT        40508003   20230724                             42144050800300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4050800300002 
REACTION   (75-RE-0(N,X)0-G-0,,DE,,FCT/AV) Times Delta-E-Gamma    4050800300003 
            averaged over energy interval in data section         4050800300004 
SAMPLE      Metallic powder, density 9.89 gram/cm3                4050800300005 
STATUS     (TABLE) From author.                                   4050800300006 
HISTORY    (20010315U)  Reaction code corrected                   4050800300007 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050800300008 
           (20230724U) EN-SEC (E-MIN/MAX,G) was deleted according 4050800300009 
            to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA).                 4050800300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4050800300011 
COMMON               2          3                                 4050800300012 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN                                                 4050800300013 
MEV        MEV                                                    4050800300014 
        9.6       8.43                                            4050800300015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4050800300016 
DATA                 5          3                                 4050800300017 
E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      ERR-T                 4050800300018 
MEV        MEV        MB/MEV     MB/MEV     MB/MEV                4050800300019 
         5.        4.5       143.        48.        54.           4050800300020 
        4.5         4.       250.        82.        92.           4050800300021 
         4.        3.5       202.        64.        72.           4050800300022 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 4050800300023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4050800399999 
NOSUBENT      40508004   20230724                             42144050800400001 
NOSUBENT      40508005   20230724                             42144050800500001 
NOSUBENT      40508006   20230724                             42144050800600001 
NOSUBENT      40508007   20230724                             42144050800700001 
SUBENT        40508008   20230724                             42144050800800001 
BIB                  5         15                                 4050800800002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(N,X)0-G-0,,DE,,FCT/AV) Times Delta-E-Gamma    4050800800003 
            averaged over energy interval in data section         4050800800004 
REL-REF    (N,20941012,J.L.Perkin,J,NP,60,561,1964)               4050800800005 
            Data used for comparison.                             4050800800006 
SAMPLE      Metallic cone                                         4050800800007 
STATUS     (TABLE) From author.                                   4050800800008 
            On Fig. 3 of J,SJA,49,686,1981 - data for 8 Egamma    4050800800009 
            energy ranges.                                        4050800800010 
HISTORY    (19931015A) All data for lead from SAN 010 - 013       4050800800011 
                     collected in this Subentry                   4050800800012 
           (19990922A)  Secondary energy corrected                4050800800013 
           (20010315U)  Reaction code corrected                   4050800800014 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050800800015 
           (20230724U) EN-SEC (E-MIN/MAX,G) was deleted according 4050800800016 
            to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA).                 4050800800017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 4050800800018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4050800800019 
DATA                 7        171                                 4050800800020 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      4050800800021 
ERR-T                                                             4050800800022 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MB/MEV     MB/MEV     4050800800023 
MB/MEV                                                            4050800800024 
      10.48       9.07         4.       3.75       167.        51.4050800800025 
        58.                                                       4050800800026 
      10.48       9.07       3.75        3.5       132.        40.4050800800027 
        45.                                                       4050800800028 
      10.48       9.07        3.5       3.25       139.        20.4050800800029 
        22.                                                       4050800800030 
      10.48       9.07       3.25         3.        91.        30.4050800800031 
        34.                                                       4050800800032 
      10.48       9.07         3.       2.75       314.        97.4050800800033 
       110.                                                       4050800800034 
      10.48       9.07       2.75        2.5       593.       168.4050800800035 
       195.                                                       4050800800036 
      10.48       9.07         2.       1.75       347.        91.4050800800037 
       107.                                                       4050800800038 
      10.48       9.07       1.75        1.5       373.        94.4050800800039 
       113.                                                       4050800800040 
      10.48       9.07        1.5       1.25       303.        79.4050800800041 
        94.                                                       4050800800042 
      10.48       9.07       1.25         1.       576.       150.4050800800043 
       178.                                                       4050800800044 
       9.07       7.96       4.75        4.5        73.        23.4050800800045 
        26.                                                       4050800800046 
       9.07       7.96        4.5       4.25       112.        35.4050800800047 
        40.                                                       4050800800048 
       9.07       7.96       4.25         4.       177.        56.4050800800049 
        64.                                                       4050800800050 
       9.07       7.96         4.       3.75       171.        54.4050800800051 
        62.                                                       4050800800052 
       9.07       7.96       3.75        3.5       138.        45.4050800800053 
        49.                                                       4050800800054 
       9.07       7.96       3.25         3.       203.        65.4050800800055 
        73.                                                       4050800800056 
       9.07       7.96         3.       2.75       498.       144.4050800800057 
       166.                                                       4050800800058 
       9.07       7.96       2.75        2.5       686.       199.4050800800059 
       229.                                                       4050800800060 
       9.07       7.96        2.5       2.25       455.       132.4050800800061 
       152.                                                       4050800800062 
       9.07       7.96       2.25         2.        42.        10.4050800800063 
        12.                                                       4050800800064 
       9.07       7.96         2.       1.75       349.        89.4050800800065 
       106.                                                       4050800800066 
       9.07       7.96       1.75        1.5       460.       117.4050800800067 
       139.                                                       4050800800068 
       9.07       7.96        1.5       1.25       387.        99.4050800800069 
       118.                                                       4050800800070 
       9.07       7.96       1.25         1.       697.       178.4050800800071 
       212.                                                       4050800800072 
       7.96         7.         5.       4.75        83.        43.4050800800073 
        45.                                                       4050800800074 
       7.96         7.        3.5       3.25       137.        55.4050800800075 
        59.                                                       4050800800076 
       7.96         7.       3.25         3.       156.        62.4050800800077 
        67.                                                       4050800800078 
       7.96         7.         3.       2.75       423.       116.4050800800079 
       135.                                                       4050800800080 
       7.96         7.       2.75        2.5       716.       198.4050800800081 
       229.                                                       4050800800082 
       7.96         7.        2.5       2.25       399.       110.4050800800083 
       127.                                                       4050800800084 
       7.96         7.       2.25         2.       118.        34.4050800800085 
        40.                                                       4050800800086 
       7.96         7.         2.       1.75       291.        56.4050800800087 
        73.                                                       4050800800088 
       7.96         7.       1.75        1.5       425.        81.4050800800089 
       106.                                                       4050800800090 
       7.96         7.        1.5       1.25       588.       112.4050800800091 
       147.                                                       4050800800092 
       7.96         7.       1.25         1.       767.       145.4050800800093 
       192.                                                       4050800800094 
         7.       6.18         5.       4.75        21.        10.4050800800095 
        11.                                                       4050800800096 
         7.       6.18       4.75        4.5        57.        28.4050800800097 
        30.                                                       4050800800098 
         7.       6.18        4.5       4.25        53.        28.4050800800099 
        28.                                                       4050800800100 
         7.       6.18       4.25         4.       138.        72.4050800800101 
        74.                                                       4050800800102 
         7.       6.18         4.       3.75       144.        58.4050800800103 
        62.                                                       4050800800104 
         7.       6.18       3.75        3.5       106.        43.4050800800105 
        46.                                                       4050800800106 
         7.       6.18        3.5       3.25        91.        44.4050800800107 
        46.                                                       4050800800108 
         7.       6.18       3.25         3.       249.        63.4050800800109 
        75.                                                       4050800800110 
         7.       6.18         3.       2.75       487.       123.4050800800111 
       146.                                                       4050800800112 
         7.       6.18       2.75        2.5       489.        94.4050800800113 
       123.                                                       4050800800114 
         7.       6.18        2.5       2.25       360.        64.4050800800115 
        87.                                                       4050800800116 
         7.       6.18       2.25         2.       130.        23.4050800800117 
        31.                                                       4050800800118 
         7.       6.18         2.       1.75       241.        36.4050800800119 
        53.                                                       4050800800120 
         7.       6.18       1.75        1.5       359.        53.4050800800121 
        78.                                                       4050800800122 
         7.       6.18        1.5       1.25       569.        85.4050800800123 
       125.                                                       4050800800124 
         7.       6.18       1.25         1.       743.       111.4050800800125 
       163.                                                       4050800800126 
       6.18        5.5       4.75        4.5        39.        20.4050800800127 
        21.                                                       4050800800128 
       6.18        5.5        4.5       4.25        28.        14.4050800800129 
        15.                                                       4050800800130 
       6.18        5.5         4.       3.75        97.        40.4050800800131 
        43.                                                       4050800800132 
       6.18        5.5       3.75        3.5        77.        38.4050800800133 
        40.                                                       4050800800134 
       6.18        5.5        3.5       3.25        80.        38.4050800800135 
        40.                                                       4050800800136 
       6.18        5.5       3.25         3.       264.        97.4050800800137 
       106.                                                       4050800800138 
       6.18        5.5         3.       2.75       406.        78.4050800800139 
       102.                                                       4050800800140 
       6.18        5.5       2.75        2.5       468.        89.4050800800141 
       117.                                                       4050800800142 
       6.18        5.5        2.5       2.25       412.        78.4050800800143 
       103.                                                       4050800800144 
       6.18        5.5         2.       1.75       463.        46.4050800800145 
        93.                                                       4050800800146 
       6.18        5.5       1.75        1.5       317.        37.4050800800147 
        63.                                                       4050800800148 
       6.18        5.5        1.5       1.25       310.        37.4050800800149 
        62.                                                       4050800800150 
       6.18        5.5       1.25         1.       703.        82.4050800800151 
       140.                                                       4050800800152 
        5.5        4.9       4.75        4.5        15.         4.4050800800153 
         5.                                                       4050800800154 
        5.5        4.9        4.5       4.25        28.         8.4050800800155 
         9.                                                       4050800800156 
        5.5        4.9       4.25         4.        19.         8.4050800800157 
         8.                                                       4050800800158 
        5.5        4.9         4.       3.75        68.        20.4050800800159 
        23.                                                       4050800800160 
        5.5        4.9       3.75        3.5       135.        41.4050800800161 
        46.                                                       4050800800162 
        5.5        4.9        3.5       3.25       134.        38.4050800800163 
        44.                                                       4050800800164 
        5.5        4.9       3.25         3.       205.        60.4050800800165 
        68.                                                       4050800800166 
        5.5        4.9         3.       2.75       276.        52.4050800800167 
        69.                                                       4050800800168 
        5.5        4.9       2.75        2.5       645.       122.4050800800169 
       161.                                                       4050800800170 
        5.5        4.9        2.5       2.25       132.        33.4050800800171 
        40.                                                       4050800800172 
        5.5        4.9       2.25         2.       163.        33.4050800800173 
        42.                                                       4050800800174 
        5.5        4.9         2.       1.75       196.        26.4050800800175 
        41.                                                       4050800800176 
        5.5        4.9       1.75        1.5       270.        36.4050800800177 
        56.                                                       4050800800178 
        5.5        4.9        1.5       1.25       309.        42.4050800800179 
        65.                                                       4050800800180 
        5.5        4.9       1.25         1.       648.        88.4050800800181 
       136.                                                       4050800800182 
        4.9        4.4       4.25         4.        18.         8.4050800800183 
         9.                                                       4050800800184 
        4.9        4.4         4.       3.75        38.        15.4050800800185 
        16.                                                       4050800800186 
        4.9        4.4       3.75        3.5        31.        12.4050800800187 
        13.                                                       4050800800188 
        4.9        4.4        3.5       3.25       120.        45.4050800800189 
        49.                                                       4050800800190 
        4.9        4.4       3.25         3.       155.        59.4050800800191 
        64.                                                       4050800800192 
        4.9        4.4         3.       2.75       364.        96.4050800800193 
       113.                                                       4050800800194 
        4.9        4.4       2.75        2.5       353.        93.4050800800195 
       109.                                                       4050800800196 
        4.9        4.4        2.5       2.25       108.        29.4050800800197 
        34.                                                       4050800800198 
        4.9        4.4       2.25         2.       108.        27.4050800800199 
        33.                                                       4050800800200 
        4.9        4.4         2.       1.75       217.        42.4050800800201 
        54.                                                       4050800800202 
        4.9        4.4       1.75        1.5       224.        36.4050800800203 
        51.                                                       4050800800204 
        4.9        4.4        1.5       1.25       222.        36.4050800800205 
        51.                                                       4050800800206 
        4.9        4.4       1.25         1.       496.        81.4050800800207 
       144.                                                       4050800800208 
        4.4       3.96       4.25         4.         5.         4.4050800800209 
         4.                                                       4050800800210 
        4.4       3.96         4.       3.75        19.        13.4050800800211 
        13.                                                       4050800800212 
        4.4       3.96       3.75        3.5        16.        12.4050800800213 
        12.                                                       4050800800214 
        4.4       3.96        3.5       3.25        86.        33.4050800800215 
        36.                                                       4050800800216 
        4.4       3.96       3.25         3.       134.        54.4050800800217 
        58.                                                       4050800800218 
        4.4       3.96         3.       2.75       223.        81.4050800800219 
        89.                                                       4050800800220 
        4.4       3.96       2.75        2.5       250.        91.4050800800221 
       100.                                                       4050800800222 
        4.4       3.96        2.5       2.25       104.        38.4050800800223 
        41.                                                       4050800800224 
        4.4       3.96       2.25         2.        93.        33.4050800800225 
        36.                                                       4050800800226 
        4.4       3.96         2.       1.75       119.        30.4050800800227 
        35.                                                       4050800800228 
        4.4       3.96       1.75        1.5       198.        30.4050800800229 
        43.                                                       4050800800230 
        4.4       3.96        1.5       1.25       222.        34.4050800800231 
        48.                                                       4050800800232 
        4.4       3.96       1.25         1.       318.        47.4050800800233 
        70.                                                       4050800800234 
       3.96       3.57         4.       3.75         5.         3.4050800800235 
         3.                                                       4050800800236 
       3.96       3.57       3.75        3.5         3.         2.4050800800237 
         2.                                                       4050800800238 
       3.96       3.57        3.5       3.25        55.        30.4050800800239 
        31.                                                       4050800800240 
       3.96       3.57       3.25         3.        53.        29.4050800800241 
        30.                                                       4050800800242 
       3.96       3.57         3.       2.75       174.        36.4050800800243 
        45.                                                       4050800800244 
       3.96       3.57       2.75        2.5       214.        44.4050800800245 
        55.                                                       4050800800246 
       3.96       3.57        2.5       2.25       147.        30.4050800800247 
        38.                                                       4050800800248 
       3.96       3.57         2.       1.75       101.        11.4050800800249 
        20.                                                       4050800800250 
       3.96       3.57       1.75        1.5       223.        29.4050800800251 
        46.                                                       4050800800252 
       3.96       3.57        1.5       1.25       134.        16.4050800800253 
        27.                                                       4050800800254 
       3.96       3.57       1.25         1.       351.        44.4050800800255 
        71.                                                       4050800800256 
       3.57       3.23        3.5       3.25        10.         7.4050800800257 
         7.                                                       4050800800258 
       3.57       3.23       3.25         3.        55.        39.4050800800259 
        40.                                                       4050800800260 
       3.57       3.23         3.       2.75        70.        30.4050800800261 
        33.                                                       4050800800262 
       3.57       3.23       2.75        2.5       160.        68.4050800800263 
        73.                                                       4050800800264 
       3.57       3.23        2.5       2.25        13.         7.4050800800265 
         7.                                                       4050800800266 
       3.57       3.23       2.25         2.        47.        20.4050800800267 
        22.                                                       4050800800268 
       3.57       3.23         2.       1.75        85.        16.4050800800269 
        21.                                                       4050800800270 
       3.57       3.23       1.75        1.5       140.        24.4050800800271 
        33.                                                       4050800800272 
       3.57       3.23        1.5       1.25       206.        32.4050800800273 
        45.                                                       4050800800274 
       3.57       3.23       1.25         1.       272.        22.4050800800275 
        60.                                                       4050800800276 
       3.23       2.93       3.25         3.         5.         6.4050800800277 
         6.                                                       4050800800278 
       3.23       2.93         3.       2.75        45.         9.4050800800279 
        12.                                                       4050800800280 
       3.23       2.93       2.75        2.5        52.        10.4050800800281 
        13.                                                       4050800800282 
       3.23       2.93        2.5       2.25        93.        18.4050800800283 
        24.                                                       4050800800284 
       3.23       2.93         2.       1.75        70.        12.4050800800285 
        16.                                                       4050800800286 
       3.23       2.93       1.75        1.5       124.        18.4050800800287 
        27.                                                       4050800800288 
       3.23       2.93        1.5       1.25       131.        17.4050800800289 
        27.                                                       4050800800290 
       3.23       2.93       1.25         1.       279.        35.4050800800291 
        57.                                                       4050800800292 
       2.93       2.65       2.75        2.5         4.         2.4050800800293 
         2.                                                       4050800800294 
       2.93       2.65       2.25         2.        17.         7.4050800800295 
         8.                                                       4050800800296 
       2.93       2.65         2.       1.75        45.         9.4050800800297 
        11.                                                       4050800800298 
       2.93       2.65       1.75        1.5       134.        27.4050800800299 
        34.                                                       4050800800300 
       2.93       2.65        1.5       1.25       201.        33.4050800800301 
        46.                                                       4050800800302 
       2.93       2.65       1.25         1.       230.        25.4050800800303 
        45.                                                       4050800800304 
       2.65       2.44       2.75        2.5         8.         6.4050800800305 
         6.                                                       4050800800306 
       2.65       2.44        2.5       2.25        16.        10.4050800800307 
        10.                                                       4050800800308 
       2.65       2.44         2.       1.75        41.        11.4050800800309 
        12.                                                       4050800800310 
       2.65       2.44       1.75        1.5        82.        12.4050800800311 
        18.                                                       4050800800312 
       2.65       2.44        1.5       1.25        99.        17.4050800800313 
        24.                                                       4050800800314 
       2.65       2.44       1.25         1.       26.7        47.4050800800315 
        63.                                                       4050800800316 
       2.44       2.22       2.25         2.        18.         6.4050800800317 
         8.                                                       4050800800318 
       2.44       2.22         2.       1.75        22.         5.4050800800319 
         6.                                                       4050800800320 
       2.44       2.22       1.75        1.5        52.        11.4050800800321 
        13.                                                       4050800800322 
       2.44       2.22        1.5       1.25        83.        21.4050800800323 
        24.                                                       4050800800324 
       2.44       2.22       1.25         1.       161.        34.4050800800325 
        43.                                                       4050800800326 
       2.22       2.03       2.25         2.        12.        11.4050800800327 
        11.                                                       4050800800328 
       2.22       2.03         2.       1.75        13.         4.4050800800329 
         5.                                                       4050800800330 
       2.22       2.03       1.75        1.5        45.        13.4050800800331 
        15.                                                       4050800800332 
       2.22       2.03        1.5       1.25        67.        18.4050800800333 
        21.                                                       4050800800334 
       2.22       2.03       1.25         1.       136.        36.4050800800335 
        42.                                                       4050800800336 
       2.03       1.84         2.       1.75         7.         3.4050800800337 
         3.                                                       4050800800338 
       2.03       1.84       1.75        1.5        13.         4.4050800800339 
         4.                                                       4050800800340 
       2.03       1.84        1.5       1.25        22.         7.4050800800341 
         8.                                                       4050800800342 
       2.03       1.84       1.25         1.       111.        28.4050800800343 
        34.                                                       4050800800344 
       1.84       1.68       1.75        1.5        17.         6.4050800800345 
         7.                                                       4050800800346 
       1.84       1.68        1.5       1.25        56.         5.4050800800347 
         6.                                                       4050800800348 
       1.84       1.68       1.25         1.        96.        17.4050800800349 
        24.                                                       4050800800350 
       1.68       1.53       1.75        1.5         7.         4.4050800800351 
         4.                                                       4050800800352 
       1.68       1.53        1.5       1.25        11.         5.4050800800353 
         6.                                                       4050800800354 
       1.68       1.53       1.25         1.        70.        18.4050800800355 
        21.                                                       4050800800356 
       1.53       1.41        1.5       1.25        13.         5.4050800800357 
         6.                                                       4050800800358 
       1.53       1.41       1.25         1.        44.        11.4050800800359 
        13.                                                       4050800800360 
       1.41       1.28       1.25         1.        58.        18.4050800800361 
        20.                                                       4050800800362 
       1.28       1.18       1.25         1.        44.        14.4050800800363 
        15.                                                       4050800800364 
       1.18       1.06       1.25         1.        33.        13.4050800800365 
        14.                                                       4050800800366 
ENDDATA            346          0                                 4050800800367 
ENDSUBENT          366          0                                 4050800899999 
SUBENT        40508009   20230724                             42144050800900001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4050800900002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(N,X)0-G-0,,DE,,FCT/AV) Times Delta-E-Gamma    4050800900003 
            averaged over energy interval in data section         4050800900004 
SAMPLE     Metallic cone                                          4050800900005 
STATUS     (TABLE) From author.                                   4050800900006 
HISTORY    (20010315U)  Reaction code corrected                   4050800900007 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050800900008 
           (20230724U) EN-SEC (E-MIN/MAX,G) was deleted according 4050800900009 
            to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA).                 4050800900010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4050800900011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4050800900012 
DATA                 7          6                                 4050800900013 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      4050800900014 
ERR-T                                                             4050800900015 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MB/MEV     MB/MEV     4050800900016 
MB/MEV                                                            4050800900017 
      10.48       9.07        2.5         2.       336.        96.4050800900018 
       110.                                                       4050800900019 
      10.48       9.07        4.5         4.       280.        86.4050800900020 
        98.                                                       4050800900021 
      10.48       9.07         5.        4.5       156.        48.4050800900022 
        54.                                                       4050800900023 
       7.96         7.         4.        3.5       300.       118.4050800900024 
       128.                                                       4050800900025 
       7.96         7.        4.5         4.       282.       112.4050800900026 
       122.                                                       4050800900027 
       7.96         7.         5.        4.5       197.        78.4050800900028 
        86.                                                       4050800900029 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 4050800900030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 4050800999999 
NOSUBENT      40508010   20230724                             42144050801000001 
NOSUBENT      40508011   20230724                             42144050801100001 
NOSUBENT      40508012   20230724                             42144050801200001 
NOSUBENT      40508013   20230724                             42144050801300001 
SUBENT        40508014   20230724                             42144050801400001 
BIB                  6         14                                 4050801400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,X)0-G-0,PAR,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over energy   4050801400003 
             interval given in data section                       4050801400004 
SAMPLE      Graphite cone                                         4050801400005 
REL-REF    (D,10025003,D.M.Drake+,J,NSE,40,294,1970)              4050801400006 
            Lower at En 5.8 and 6.21 MeV                          4050801400007 
           (A,10490001,V.C.Rogers+,J,NSE,58,298,1975)             4050801400008 
           (A,10399001,G.L.Morgan+,J,NIM,128,125,1975) Issue 1.   4050801400009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Error due to inelastic scattering              4050801400010 
STATUS     (TABLE) From author.                                   4050801400011 
            Data on Fig.1 of J,SJA,49,686,1981                    4050801400012 
HISTORY    (20010315U)  Reaction code corrected                   4050801400013 
           (20010315U) Last checking has been done.               4050801400014 
           (20230724U) EN-SEC (E,G) was deleted according         4050801400015 
            to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA).                 4050801400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4050801400017 
COMMON               1          3                                 4050801400018 
E                                                                 4050801400019 
MEV                                                               4050801400020 
       4.44                                                       4050801400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4050801400022 
DATA                 6         11                                 4050801400023 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S      ERR-5      4050801400024 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         4050801400025 
       4.85       5.14        58.         6.         4.           4050801400026 
       5.14       5.46       107.        10.         5.           4050801400027 
       5.46        5.8       162.        15.         7.           4050801400028 
        5.8       6.18       247.        23.        10.           4050801400029 
       6.18        6.6       256.        21.         9.           4050801400030 
        6.6       7.06       195.        19.         9.        14.4050801400031 
       7.06       7.56       304.        30.        14.        18.4050801400032 
       7.56       8.12       356.        34.        16.        20.4050801400033 
       8.12       8.76       294.        29.        13.        25.4050801400034 
       8.76       9.47       300.        31.        14.        28.4050801400035 
       9.47      10.27       310.        47.        35.        30.4050801400036 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 4050801400037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 4050801499999 
ENDENTRY            14          0                                 4050899999999