ENTRY 40511 20240712 42174051100000001 SUBENT 40511001 20240712 42174051100100001 BIB 13 32 4051100100002 TITLE The gamma-spectrum arising in the 3 MeV neutrons 4051100100003 interaction with U-238 nuclei 4051100100004 AUTHOR (E.M.Kozulin,G.A.Tutin,A.A.Filatenkov) 4051100100005 REFERENCE ((C,80KIEV,2,25,1980)= 4051100100006 (S,INDC(CCP)-169,(2),25,1980)) 4051100100007 No Engl.translation in R,INDC(CCP)-161,1981 4051100100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI) 4051100100009 EN-SEC (E,G) 4051100100010 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 4051100100011 SAMPLE Cylindrical sample from metallic uranium (d=22 mm, 4051100100012 h=27 mm), place at 4 cm distance from neutron source 4051100100013 target. 4051100100014 FACILITY (NGEN,4RUSRI) NG-400 neutron generator. 4051100100015 METHOD (TOF) 4051100100016 . Background was measured without sample and with 4051100100017 H(2)C(2)O(4) sample. 4051100100018 DETECTOR (GELI) Placed at 90 deg angle relative to incident 4051100100019 neutron beam. Energy resolution 3.9 keV at 4051100100020 Egamma= 1 MeV. 4051100100021 Ra-226 was used for gamma-spectrometer calibration. 4051100100022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 4051100100023 COMMENT In COMMON section the angle of measuring was given 4051100100024 HISTORY (19810617C) 4051100100025 (19880519U) Several keywords and codes corrected 4051100100026 (19890119U) Obsolete code in SAN 002 changed, keyword 4051100100027 'FLAG' to SAN 002 transferred and minor errors in 4051100100028 free texts corrected 4051100100029 (20230724U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4051100100030 Ref.,INDC(CCP)-169,2,25,1980 was added. 4051100100031 PART-DET (G) was deleted according to a comment of 4051100100032 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4051100100033 (20240712A) Subent 002 was corrected. 4051100100034 ENDBIB 32 0 4051100100035 COMMON 2 3 4051100100036 EN ANG 4051100100037 MEV ADEG 4051100100038 3. 90. 4051100100039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4051100100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4051100199999 SUBENT 40511002 20240712 42174051100200001 BIB 4 12 4051100200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,,SPC,,REL) 4051100200003 FLAG (1.) Value of SPC for this line is the sum of SPCs 4051100200004 for 679 and 680 keV gamma energy 4051100200005 (2.) Probability that these levels are random was 4051100200006 estimated to be 0.05 - 0.10 (E-LVL-INI is given in 4051100200007 brackets in the article table). 4051100200008 STATUS (TABLE,,E.M.Kozulin+,S,INDC(CCP)-169,(2),25,1980) 4051100200009 HISTORY (19890119U) Code 'PAR' in SF5 of REACTION keyword was 4051100200010 deleted, keyword 'FLAG' from SAN 001 was transferred 4051100200011 (20230724A) LVL-INI/FIN were added. 4051100200012 (20240712A) Line for 680.1 keV gamma was deleted - 4051100200013 see FLAG 1. 4051100200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4051100200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4051100200016 DATA 7 62 4051100200017 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL-INI LVL-FIN 4051100200018 FLAG 4051100200019 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV KEV 4051100200020 NO-DIM 4051100200021 159.4 .6 80. 20. 307.2 148.4 4051100200022 4051100200023 198.6 .6 22. 8. 1128.7 930.8 4051100200024 4051100200025 212.3 .7 20. 6. 1179.4 966.8 4051100200026 4051100200027 218.0 .6 21. 6. 950.0 731.9 4051100200028 4051100200029 223.6 .7 20. 5. 4051100200030 4051100200031 270.2 .6 15. 4. 950.0 680.1 4051100200032 4051100200033 288.0 .6 11. 3. 1226.4 997.7 4051100200034 2. 4051100200035 296.6 .6 12. 3. 1245.9 950.0 4051100200036 2. 4051100200037 326.0 .4 19. 3. 1057.5 732.9 4051100200038 4051100200039 331.5 .4 16. 3. 1368.1 1037.3 4051100200040 2. 4051100200041 352.3 .3 28. 3. 4051100200042 4051100200043 369.4 .4 14. 2. 1368.1 997.7 4051100200044 2. 4051100200045 376.7 .3 19. 2. 4051100200046 4051100200047 396.4 .3 16. 2. 1128.7 731.9 4051100200048 4051100200049 423.9 .4 12. 2. 1355.1 930.6 4051100200050 2. 4051100200051 448.4 .2 31. 3. 1128.7 680.1 4051100200052 4051100200053 457.7 .2 19. 2. 1037.4 680.1 4051100200054 4051100200055 490.3 .4 14. 2. 1222.9 731.9 4051100200056 4051100200057 519.4 .2 26. 2. 827.1 307.2 4051100200058 4051100200059 583.6 .1 84. 3. 731.9 146.4 4051100200060 4051100200061 606.6 .2 26. 2. 4051100200062 4051100200063 635.2 .1 100. 2. 680.1 44.9 4051100200064 4051100200065 659.2 .3 13. 2. 965.9 307.2 4051100200066 4051100200067 679.0 .3 107. 4. 827.1 148.4 4051100200068 1. 4051100200069 687.0 .1 90. 4. 731.9 44.9 4051100200070 4051100200071 706.7 .3 17. 2. 4051100200072 4051100200073 768.3 .3 14. 1. 4051100200074 4051100200075 798.9 .3 10. 1. 4051100200076 4051100200077 808.4 .2 16. 2. 4051100200078 4051100200079 815.0 .4 11. 1. 4051100200080 4051100200081 818.1 .2 16. 2. 966.8 148.4 4051100200082 4051100200083 836.8 .5 10. 1. 4051100200084 4051100200085 849.7 .2 28. 3. 997.7 148.4 4051100200086 4051100200087 880.8 .4 12. 1. 926.3 44.9 4051100200088 4051100200089 885.8 .1 65. 3. 930.8 44.9 4051100200090 4051100200091 905.6 .2 30. 2. 950.0 44.9 4051100200092 4051100200093 911.4 .2 30. 2. 1059.7 148.4 4051100200094 4051100200095 952.7 .2 30. 2. 997.7 44.9 4051100200096 4051100200097 957.3 .2 33. 2. 1105.8 148.4 4051100200098 4051100200099 967.2 .3 11. 1. 966.8 0. 4051100200100 4051100200101 1015.1 .1 117. 6. 1059.7 44.9 4051100200102 4051100200103 1019.7 .2 28. 2. 1168.2 148.4 4051100200104 4051100200105 1061.0 .1 68. 4. 1060.9 0. 4051100200106 4051100200107 1084.1 .2 26. 2. 1128.7 44.9 4051100200108 4051100200109 1090.9 .3 12. 1. 4051100200110 4051100200111 1123.1 .3 10.7 .3 1168.2 44.9 4051100200112 4051100200113 1160.4 .3 9.6 .9 4051100200114 4051100200115 1179.4 .3 15. 1. 1179.4 0. 4051100200116 4051100200117 1215.9 .3 11. 1. 4051100200118 4051100200119 1223.2 .3 9.6 .9 1222.9 0. 4051100200120 4051100200121 1278.8 .3 10. 1. 1278.9 0. 4051100200122 4051100200123 1361.5 .6 5.4 .8 4051100200124 4051100200125 1368.3 .3 13. 1. 1368.1 0. 4051100200126 2. 4051100200127 1410.7 .4 8.1 .9 4051100200128 4051100200129 1437.1 .3 13. 1. 4051100200130 4051100200131 1446.2 .4 7.9 .9 4051100200132 4051100200133 1507.1 .4 7.9 .9 4051100200134 4051100200135 1759.6 .5 6.0 .7 4051100200136 4051100200137 1801.9 .5 5.7 .8 4051100200138 4051100200139 1856.7 .5 5.8 .8 2163.5 307.2 4051100200140 2. 4051100200141 1994.1 .5 5.6 .7 4051100200142 4051100200143 2014.8 .5 5.2 .7 2163.5 148.4 4051100200144 2. 4051100200145 ENDDATA 128 0 4051100200146 ENDSUBENT 145 0 4051100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4051199999999