ENTRY 40553 20230303 42124055300000001 SUBENT 40553001 20230303 42124055300100001 BIB 11 35 4055300100002 TITLE Absolute measurements of fission cross-sections 4055300100003 for U-233, Np-237 and Pu-239 by fission-spectrum 4055300100004 neutrons of Cf-252 4055300100005 AUTHOR (V.M.Adamov,L.V.Drapchinskij,S.S.Kovalenko, 4055300100006 K.A.Petrzhak,G.Ju.Kudrjavtsev,L.A.Pleskachevskij, 4055300100007 A.M.Sokolov) 4055300100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI) 4055300100009 REFERENCE ((C,77KIEV,3,158,1977)= 4055300100010 (S,INDC(CCP)-118,(3),158,1977)) Data given 4055300100011 (P,YFI-24,19,1977) 4055300100012 (C,77NBS,,313,1977) 4055300100013 Same 237Np(n,f) cross section given 4055300100014 REL-REF (M,,V.M.Adamov+,S,INDC(CCP)-099,(6),19,1975) = 4055300100015 (M,,V.M.Adamov+,C,75KIEV,6,19,1975) 4055300100016 Experimental details. U-235, -238. 4055300100017 (O,49547001,V.M.Adamov+,C,77NBS,,313,1977) 4055300100018 Data for U-233,235,238,Pu-239 for 14.8 MeV and 4055300100019 Cf252 spectrum. 4055300100020 (O,40552003,V.M.Adamov+,C,77NBS,,313,1977) 4055300100021 Np data for 14.8 MeV. 4055300100022 MONITOR Absolute measurements 4055300100023 METHOD (COINC,ASSOP) Coincidence of fission-fragment 4055300100024 of Cf-252 with those of nucleus under study 4055300100025 INC-SOURCE (CF252) 4055300100026 INC-SPECT Fission spectrum of Cf-252 4055300100027 DETECTOR (FISCH) 4055300100028 HISTORY (19800307C) Compiled at the centre 4055300100029 (19861021A) SAN 002, 004 deleted on the reason of data 4055300100030 repetition in SAN 40547002, 40547008 4055300100031 (20200315A) ref. C,77NBS,,313,1977 was added. 4055300100032 Upper -> lower case correction. 4055300100033 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4055300100034 Ref. C,75KIEV,6,19,1975 was moved in REL-REF. 4055300100035 STATUS was added in data Subent. 4055300100036 (20230303U) Subent 003 was corrected. 4055300100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4055300100038 COMMON 1 3 4055300100039 KT 4055300100040 MEV 4055300100041 1.42 4055300100042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4055300100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 4055300199999 NOSUBENT 40553002 20200315 41864055300200001 SUBENT 40553003 20230303 42124055300300001 BIB 5 26 4055300300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 4055300300003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-237,2.11E+6YR) Half-life used for calc.of the 4055300300004 number of nuclei in target is (2.11+-0.01)E+6 years 4055300300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error of the NU-BAR of Cf-252 4055300300006 (ERR-2) Error of the data from geometrical factor 4055300300007 (ERR-3) Error in the solid angle arising at the 4055300300008 weighing of the sample in the small-solid- 4055300300009 angle camera 4055300300010 (ERR-4) Statistical error arising at the sample 4055300300011 weighing 4055300300012 (ERR-5) Error of the isotope fraction determination 4055300300013 arising at the sample weighing 4055300300014 (ERR-6) Error of the fissionable isotope half-life 4055300300015 arising at the sample weighing 4055300300016 (ERR-7) Statistical error arising by the number-of- 4055300300017 fissions determination 4055300300018 (ERR-8) Error due to the extrapolation of the fission- 4055300300019 fragments spectrum to zero-energy arising by 4055300300020 the number-of-fission determination 4055300300021 (ERR-9) Error due to the absorption in a layer by 4055300300022 the number-of-fissions determination 4055300300023 (ERR-T) Total error (absolute value 23. mb). 4055300300024 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Conf.Proc.77NBS,,313,1977 4055300300025 Table 2 of INDC(CCP)-118,3,158,1977 4055300300026 HISTORY (20230303U) ERR-T=23 mb was deleted from Data block 4055300300027 according to memo CP-D/1070. 4055300300028 ENDBIB 26 0 4055300300029 COMMON 9 6 4055300300030 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 4055300300031 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 4055300300032 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4055300300033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4055300300034 .35 .91 .3 .45 .1 .47 4055300300035 .95 .41 .28 4055300300036 ENDCOMMON 6 0 4055300300037 DATA 3 1 4055300300038 DATA ERR-T ERR-HL 4055300300039 MB PER-CENT YR 4055300300040 1442. 1.59 0.01E+6 4055300300041 ENDDATA 3 0 4055300300042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 4055300399999 NOSUBENT 40553004 20200315 41864055300400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 4055399999999