ENTRY 40558 20230724 42144055800000001 SUBENT 40558001 20230724 42144055800100001 BIB 12 21 4055800100002 TITLE Study of 160Gd excited levels in (n,n'gamma) reaction 4055800100003 AUTHOR (Ya.Ya.Berzin',T.V.Guseva,Yu.Ya.Tamberg) 4055800100004 REFERENCE (C,83MOSCOW,,123,1983) 4055800100005 INSTITUTE (4LATIFL) 4055800100006 FACILITY (REAC,4LATIFL) IRT reactor. 4055800100007 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4055800100008 INC-SPECT Fast neutrons of IRT reactor 4055800100009 SAMPLE Oxide Gd(2)O(3), weight 17 gram, Gd-160 content 4055800100010 is 98.6 %. 4055800100011 (64-GD-160,ENR=0.986) 4055800100012 DETECTOR (GELI) Detector volume 40 cm3 , 4055800100013 resolution 3 keV for 1332 keV. 4055800100014 METHOD Spectra were measured at 90 deg angle, at 60 cm 4055800100015 distance from sample. 4055800100016 COMMENT 360 gamma lines, included 320 new ones, 4055800100017 were detected 4055800100018 HISTORY (19830826C) 4055800100019 (20060801U) Correction according to Memo CP-E/089. 4055800100020 Dates were corrected for 4-digit year. M.M. 4055800100021 (20230724A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4055800100022 STATUS was added. Reaction was corrected in Subent 002.4055800100023 ENDBIB 21 0 4055800100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 4055800100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4055800199999 SUBENT 40558002 20230724 42144055800200001 BIB 4 10 4055800200002 REACTION ((64-GD-160(N,INL)64-GD-160,,SPC)// 4055800200003 (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,SPC)) 4055800200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4055800200005 article. 4055800200006 STATUS (TABLE,,Ya.Ya.Berzin',C,83MOSCOW,,123,1983) 4055800200007 HISTORY (20230724A) RECTION was corrected as ratio to 4055800200008 846 keV gamma line intensity ( taken per 1000. in the 4055800200009 table of the article; divided by 1000 in DATA block 4055800200010 to obtain NO-DIM units). 4055800200011 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. 4055800200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4055800200013 COMMON 2 3 4055800200014 EN-DUMMY E-DN 4055800200015 MEV MEV 4055800200016 1. 846. 4055800200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4055800200018 DATA 4 62 4055800200019 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4055800200020 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4055800200021 75.47 13. 1150. E-03 100. E-03 4055800200022 121.92 10. 5.3 E-03 6. E-03 4055800200023 172.54 10. 118. E-03 3. E-03 4055800200024 195.89 10. 110. E-03 7. E-03 4055800200025 265.20 10. 53.5 E-03 2. E-03 4055800200026 356.08 13. 3.9 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200027 432.91 14. 7.4 E-03 20. E-03 4055800200028 513.08 22. 63. E-03 8. E-03 4055800200029 633.21 14. 20. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200030 740.23 28. 3.1 E-03 4. E-03 4055800200031 743.71 21. 6.7 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200032 803.4 5. 62. E-03 20. E-03 4055800200033 809.2 4. 86. E-03 20. E-03 4055800200034 817.0 5. 67. E-03 18. E-03 4055800200035 822.4 18. 54. E-03 3. E-03 4055800200036 899.54 16. 39. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200037 913.45 16. 90. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200038 924.93 17. 23. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200039 982.34 16. 93. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200040 988.74 16. 69. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200041 995.39 17. 33. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200042 1041.42 16. 27. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200043 1072.95 15. 17.6 E-03 1. E-03 4055800200044 1145.0 2. 6.5 E-03 1. E-03 4055800200045 1149.2 2. 46. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200046 1179.1 2. 11. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200047 1188.0 2. 21. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200048 1198.5 4. 5. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200049 1204.5 3. 9. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200050 1215.0 2. 52. E-03 2. E-03 4055800200051 1224.4 2. 30. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200052 1250.5 2. 13. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200053 1276.0 2. 33. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200054 1301.9 2. 46. E-03 3. E-03 4055800200055 1304.3 2. 13. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200056 1313.0 8. 4.5 E-03 8. E-03 4055800200057 1360.7 2. 6.5 E-03 9. E-03 4055800200058 1388.7 2. 14. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200059 1405.1 2. 5.0 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200060 1416.9 2. 6.5 E-03 1. E-03 4055800200061 1435.8 2. 4.2 E-03 3. E-03 4055800200062 1483.1 2. 4.4 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200063 1493.5 2. 5.6 E-03 4. E-03 4055800200064 1507.7 2. 5.9 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200065 1510.6 6. 7.2 E-03 15. E-03 4055800200066 1523.8 2. 7.8 E-03 4. E-03 4055800200067 1568.9 3. 7.8 E-03 1. E-03 4055800200068 1573.0 3. 5.2 E-03 7. E-03 4055800200069 1586.7 2. 15. E-03 1. E-03 4055800200070 1590.8 3. 5.9 E-03 6. E-03 4055800200071 1599.2 3. 5.5 E-03 6. E-03 4055800200072 1727.5 8. 2.8 E-03 10. E-03 4055800200073 1805.6 3. 2.8 E-03 3. E-03 4055800200074 1811.0 2. 7.2 E-03 7. E-03 4055800200075 1891.0 3. 5.3 E-03 6. E-03 4055800200076 1951.7 9. 4.0 E-03 7. E-03 4055800200077 1956.3 4. 4.6 E-03 7. E-03 4055800200078 1970.3 4. 4.0 E-03 7. E-03 4055800200079 2062.1 3. 3.3 E-03 3. E-03 4055800200080 2108.4 4. 3.2 E-03 5. E-03 4055800200081 2130.3 3. 3.7 E-03 3. E-03 4055800200082 2197.0 2. 3.4 E-03 15. E-03 4055800200083 ENDDATA 64 0 4055800200084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 4055800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4055899999999