ENTRY 40574 20240712 42174057400000001 SUBENT 40574001 20240712 42174057400100001 BIB 13 31 4057400100002 TITLE Scattering of neutrons with energy 0.8 - 2.75 MeV 4057400100003 by Sm-150 nucleus 4057400100004 AUTHOR (E.A.Andreev,V.K.Basenko,S.A.Pshenichnyy, 4057400100005 S.P.Sit'ko,I.A.Korzh,V.A.Mishchenko,N.M.Pravdivyy) 4057400100006 REFERENCE ((C,77KIEV,2,17,1977)= 4057400100007 (S,INDC(CCP)-118,(2),17,1977)) 4057400100008 Data and excitation function curves are given 4057400100009 REL-REF (I,,V.V.Zhuk+,C,73KIEV,4,203,1973) 4057400100010 Experimental details 4057400100011 INSTITUTE (4UKRKGU) Andreev,Basenko,Pshenichnyy,Sit'ko 4057400100012 (4UKRIJD) Korzh, Mishchenko,Pravdivyy 4057400100013 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 4057400100014 SAMPLE Cylinder 30. mm diam, 40. mm height, oxide Sm(2)O(3), 4057400100015 Sm-150 content is 92.9 % 4057400100016 (62-SM-150,ENR=0.929) 4057400100017 METHOD (TOF) 4057400100018 (ASSOP) For absolute monitoring. 4057400100019 DETECTOR (GELI) 46 cm3 volume. For gamma registration. 4057400100020 MONITOR Absolute measurements with help of He-3 ions 4057400100021 PART-DET (G) 4057400100022 (HE3) Associated particle from D(d,n)He-3 4057400100023 (P) Associated particle from D(d,p)T reaction 4057400100024 (T) Associated particle from D(d,p)T reaction 4057400100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 4057400100026 HISTORY (19790103C) 4057400100027 (20230724U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4057400100028 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4057400100029 STATUS was added. 4057400100030 Subent 003 was added. 4057400100031 (20240712A) DATA-ERR was corrected in Subent 003. 4057400100032 Minor corrections in all Subents. 4057400100033 ENDBIB 31 0 4057400100034 COMMON 1 3 4057400100035 EN 4057400100036 MEV 4057400100037 2.75 4057400100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4057400100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4057400199999 SUBENT 40574002 20240712 42174057400200001 BIB 2 2 4057400200002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,INL)62-SM-150,PAR,SIG) 4057400200003 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Andreev+,S,INDC(CCP)-118,(2),17,1977) 4057400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 4057400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 4057400200006 DATA 3 16 4057400200007 E-LVL DATA DATA-ERR 4057400200008 KEV MB MB 4057400200009 333.95 580. 70. 4057400200010 740.42 120. 20. 4057400200011 773.35 360. 40. 4057400200012 1046.14 275. 35. 4057400200013 1071.4 370. 40. 4057400200014 1165.75 290. 40. 4057400200015 1193.81 250. 30. 4057400200016 1417.33 80. 20. 4057400200017 1504.53 110. 14. 4057400200018 1603. 60. 10. 4057400200019 1658.41 65. 10. 4057400200020 1713.27 120. 25. 4057400200021 1927.3 50. 8. 4057400200022 1951.24 50. 8. 4057400200023 1970.44 30. 6. 4057400200024 2024.60 30. 6. 4057400200025 ENDDATA 18 0 4057400200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4057400299999 SUBENT 40574003 20240712 42174057400300001 BIB 7 14 4057400300002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,INL)62-SM-150,PAR,SIG,G) 4057400300003 MISC-COL (MISC1) Spin of the initial level 4057400300004 (MISC2) Parity of the initial level 4057400300005 (MISC3) Spin of the final level 4057400300006 (MISC4) Parity of the final level 4057400300007 EN-SEC (E,G) 4057400300008 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 4057400300009 FLAG (1.) Spin of the initial level known uncertainly 4057400300010 (2.) Parity of the initial level known uncertainly 4057400300011 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Andreev+,S,INDC(CCP)-118,(2),17,1977) 4057400300012 HISTORY (20230724S) Subent was re-stored from archive and 4057400300013 recompiled. 4057400300014 (20240712A) Misprint in DATA-ERR was corrected 0. -> 8.4057400300015 for 1927.3 keV gamma energy. 4057400300016 ENDBIB 14 0 4057400300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 4057400300018 DATA 10 24 4057400300019 E LVL-INI DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 4057400300020 MISC3 MISC4 FLAG FLAG 4057400300021 KEV KEV MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM 4057400300022 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4057400300023 272.8 1046.14 35. 7. 2. +1. 4057400300024 4. +1. 4057400300025 298.1 1071.4 35. 7. 3. -1. 4057400300026 4. +1. 4057400300027 333.95 333.95 2630. 220. 2. +1. 4057400300028 0. +1. 4057400300029 345.9 1417.33 30. 6. 2. +1. 4057400300030 3. -1. 4057400300031 406.5 740.42 160. 20. 0. +1. 4057400300032 2. +1. 4057400300033 420.5 1193.81 60. 9. 2. +1. 4057400300034 4. +1. 4057400300035 425.3 1165.75 45. 8. 1. -1. 4057400300036 0. +1. 4057400300037 439.4 773.35 590. 50. 4. +1. 4057400300038 2. -1. 4057400300039 712.2 1046.14 270. 30. 2. +1. 4057400300040 2. +1. 4057400300041 737.5 1071.4 360. 35. 3. -1. 4057400300042 2. +1. 4057400300043 831.8 1165.75 140. 16. 1. -1. 4057400300044 2. +1. 4057400300045 859.8 1193.81 120. 15. 2. +1. 4057400300046 2. +1. 4057400300047 938.9 1713.27 75. 11. 1. -1. 4057400300048 2. +1. 2. 4057400300049 978.5 2024.60 30. 6. 4. +1. 4057400300050 2. +1. 4057400300051 1083.4 1417.33 50. 8. 2. +1. 4057400300052 2. +1. 4057400300053 1165.75 1165.75 100. 13. 1. -1. 4057400300054 0. +1. 4057400300055 1170.6 1504.53 110. 14. 3. +1. 4057400300056 2. +1. 4057400300057 1170.9 1951.24 50. 8. 3. -1. 4057400300058 4. +1. 1. 4057400300059 1193.8 1193.81 75. 11. 2. +1. 4057400300060 0. +1. 4057400300061 1269. 1603. 60. 10. 4057400300062 2. +1. 4057400300063 1324.5 1658.41 5. 10. 2. -1. 4057400300064 2. 1. 2. 4057400300065 1379.3 1713.27 45. 8. 1. -1. 4057400300066 4. +1. 2. 4057400300067 1636.5 1970.44 30. 6. 4. +1. 4057400300068 2. +1. 4057400300069 1927.3 1927.3 50. 8. 2. +1. 4057400300070 +1. 1. 2. 4057400300071 ENDDATA 52 0 4057400300072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 4057400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4057499999999