ENTRY 40588 20230724 42144058800000001 SUBENT 40588001 20230724 42144058800100001 BIB 16 42 4058800100002 TITLE Fission cross-section measurement for u-233 and 4058800100003 U-235 at the neutron energy 2. keV 4058800100004 AUTHOR (A.V.Murzin,A.F.Rudyk,V.A.Libman) 4058800100005 REFERENCE ((C,77KIEV,2,252,1977)= 4058800100006 (R,INDC(CCP)-118,(2),252,1977)) 4058800100007 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4058800100008 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) WWR-M reactor 4058800100009 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4058800100010 INC-SPECT 2 keV neutron beam - 3.E+05 neutrons/(sec*cm2) at 4058800100011 sample position. 4058800100012 METHOD (FNB) Scandium filter length 960 mm. 4058800100013 DETECTOR (SOLST) Stilbene detector for fission neutrons 4058800100014 detection 4058800100015 (GELI) Ge(Li) detector for gamma, 25 cm3 volume 4058800100016 (PROPC) Recoil proton counter 4058800100017 MONITOR ((MONIT)5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG) 4058800100018 478.keV gamma were registered. 4058800100019 PART-DET (N) 4058800100020 (G) 4058800100021 CORRECTION Corrections on multiple scattering and background 4058800100022 were made 4058800100023 For neutron attenuation in sample. 4058800100024 STATUS (APRVD) Murzin, 1982-12-09 4058800100025 COMMENT Of compiler. M.M. 2006.06.06. 4058800100026 - In text of reference the c-s data values are 4058800100027 7.54 +- 0.17 b for U-233, 4058800100028 6.19 +- 0.12 b for U-235. 4058800100029 But STATUS is APRVD of author 1982.12.09. 4058800100030 Probably, data were revised by the author. 4058800100031 - There are values of systematical uncertainties in 4058800100032 INDC(CCP)-118,(2),252,1977, Table 1, 2 ; 4058800100033 they were not inserted in this Entry, because data were4058800100034 probably revised by authors and uncertainties values 4058800100035 could been changed after revision. 4058800100036 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty 4058800100037 HISTORY (19821214C) 4058800100038 (20060606A) M.M. Reference correction was made. 4058800100039 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4058800100040 Samples description was added. 4058800100041 (20230724U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4058800100042 Ref. INDC(CCP)-118,(2),252,1977 was added. 4058800100043 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. 4058800100044 ENDBIB 42 0 4058800100045 COMMON 4 3 4058800100046 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT MONIT-ERR 4058800100047 KEV KEV B PER-CENT 4058800100048 2.0 0.3 13.55 1. 4058800100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4058800100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4058800199999 SUBENT 40588002 20230724 42144058800200001 BIB 2 7 4058800200002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),,SIG,,AV) 4058800200003 Averaged over scandium filter neutrons energy range 4058800200004 SAMPLE U-233 samples of 0.89, 4.03, 11.72 g/cm2 thickness, 4058800200005 of 98.9% enrichment. 4058800200006 B-10 sample of 0.11 g/cm2 thickness and 4058800200007 85.8% enrichment 4058800200008 (92-U-233,ENR=0.989) 4058800200009 ENDBIB 7 0 4058800200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4058800200011 DATA 2 1 4058800200012 DATA DATA-ERR 4058800200013 B B 4058800200014 8.11 0.25 4058800200015 ENDDATA 3 0 4058800200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4058800299999 SUBENT 40588003 20230724 42144058800300001 BIB 2 7 4058800300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,AV) 4058800300003 Averaged over scandium filter neutrons energy range 4058800300004 SAMPLE U-235 samples of 0.95, 3.4, 13.3 g/cm2 thickness, 4058800300005 of 90% enrichment. 4058800300006 B-10 sample of 0.11 g/cm2 thickness and 4058800300007 85.8% enrichment 4058800300008 (92-U-235,ENR=0.858) 4058800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 4058800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4058800300011 DATA 2 1 4058800300012 DATA DATA-ERR 4058800300013 B B 4058800300014 6.27 0.13 4058800300015 ENDDATA 3 0 4058800300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4058800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4058899999999