ENTRY 40617 20230919 42154061700000001 SUBENT 40617001 20230919 42154061700100001 BIB 11 20 4061700100002 TITLE Total neutron cross-sections for molybdenum 4061700100003 and zirconium at low energies 4061700100004 AUTHOR (M.V.Pasechnik,M.B.Fedorov,V.D.Ovdienko, 4061700100005 G.A.Smetanin,T.I.Yakovenko) 4061700100006 REFERENCE ((C,80KIEV,1,304,1980)= 4061700100007 (R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980)) 4061700100008 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4061700100009 REL-REF (M,40614001,M.B.Fedorov,R,INDC(CCP)-169,(3),309,1980) 4061700100010 (M,,V.D.Ovdienko+,J,UFZ,25,664,1980) 4061700100011 Method and prelim.results for isotopes Mo-92,95,100, 4061700100012 C-12, O-16 -total C-S at 1.0 - 5.0 MeV energy range. 4061700100013 FACILITY (VDG,4UKRIJD) 4061700100014 INC-SOURCE (D-BE) For measurements on molybdenum 4061700100015 (P-T) For measurements on zirconium 4061700100016 METHOD (TOF,TRN) 4061700100017 DETECTOR (SCIN) 4061700100018 STATUS (APRVD) Fedorov, 1981-12 4061700100019 HISTORY (19830221C) 4061700100020 (20230919A) Ref. INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980 was added. 4061700100021 BIB information was updated. 4061700100022 ENDBIB 20 0 4061700100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4061700199999 SUBENT 40617002 20230919 42154061700200001 BIB 5 15 4061700200002 REACTION (42-MO-92(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700200003 SAMPLE (42-MO-92,ENR=0.922) 4061700200004 Mo-92 content is 92.2 % 4061700200005 Mo-94 content is 1.32 % 4061700200006 Mo-95 content is 1.57 % 4061700200007 Mo-96 content is 1.44 % 4061700200008 Mo-97 content is 0.70 % 4061700200009 Mo-98 content is 2.09 % 4061700200010 Mo-100 content is 0.68 % 4061700200011 Metallic Mo. 4061700200012 REL-REF (A,10524006,A.B.Smith+,J,NP/A,244,213,1975) 4061700200013 (A,10277002,P.Lambropoulos+,J,NP/A,201,1,1973) 4061700200014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700200015 STATUS (TABLE) From author. 4061700200016 Data are on Fig.1 of INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980 4061700200017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700200019 DATA 3 54 4061700200020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700200021 MEV B B 4061700200022 0.458 7.85 1.04 4061700200023 0.471 7.20 0.82 4061700200024 0.484 7.78 0.63 4061700200025 0.498 8.35 0.63 4061700200026 0.512 8.14 0.53 4061700200027 0.527 8.35 0.54 4061700200028 0.542 7.61 0.53 4061700200029 0.558 7.22 0.47 4061700200030 0.575 6.82 0.42 4061700200031 0.592 6.77 0.39 4061700200032 0.610 6.82 0.36 4061700200033 0.629 6.74 0.30 4061700200034 0.648 6.70 0.27 4061700200035 0.668 6.70 0.28 4061700200036 0.689 6.76 0.27 4061700200037 0.711 6.56 0.27 4061700200038 0.734 6.60 0.27 4061700200039 0.758 6.75 0.26 4061700200040 0.783 6.53 0.24 4061700200041 0.810 6.46 0.24 4061700200042 0.837 6.71 0.25 4061700200043 0.866 6.52 0.26 4061700200044 0.896 6.14 0.29 4061700200045 0.927 6.25 0.29 4061700200046 0.960 6.05 0.28 4061700200047 0.994 5.73 0.28 4061700200048 1.031 5.62 0.26 4061700200049 1.069 5.88 0.25 4061700200050 1.109 5.66 0.25 4061700200051 1.151 5.57 0.26 4061700200052 1.195 5.55 0.28 4061700200053 1.242 5.58 0.29 4061700200054 1.291 5.60 0.31 4061700200055 1.343 5.70 0.30 4061700200056 1.395 5.66 0.28 4061700200057 1.455 5.66 0.25 4061700200058 1.516 5.51 0.22 4061700200059 1.58 5.21 0.21 4061700200060 1.65 4.96 0.20 4061700200061 1.71 5.04 0.23 4061700200062 1.77 4.87 0.22 4061700200063 1.84 4.78 0.22 4061700200064 1.92 4.73 0.21 4061700200065 1.99 4.70 0.21 4061700200066 2.08 4.54 0.15 4061700200067 2.16 4.47 0.16 4061700200068 2.26 4.33 0.30 4061700200069 2.36 4.14 0.17 4061700200070 2.46 3.97 0.18 4061700200071 2.58 3.78 0.18 4061700200072 2.70 3.68 0.18 4061700200073 2.83 3.60 0.18 4061700200074 2.97 3.48 0.16 4061700200075 3.12 4.20 0.16 4061700200076 ENDDATA 56 0 4061700200077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 4061700299999 SUBENT 40617003 20230919 42154061700300001 BIB 4 13 4061700300002 REACTION (42-MO-95(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700300003 SAMPLE (42-MO-92,ENR=0.949) 4061700300004 Mo-92 content is 0.39 % 4061700300005 Mo-94 content is 0.73 % 4061700300006 Mo-95 content is 94.9 % 4061700300007 Mo-96 content is 2.26 % 4061700300008 Mo-97 content is 0.61 % 4061700300009 Mo-98 content is 0.84 % 4061700300010 Mo-100 content is 0.27 % 4061700300011 Metallic Mo. 4061700300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700300013 STATUS (TABLE) From author. 4061700300014 Data are on Fig.1 of INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980 4061700300015 ENDBIB 13 0 4061700300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700300017 DATA 3 54 4061700300018 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700300019 MEV B B 4061700300020 0.458 8.12 1.20 4061700300021 0.471 8.20 0.77 4061700300022 0.484 8.26 0.60 4061700300023 0.498 8.58 0.54 4061700300024 0.512 8.49 0.56 4061700300025 0.527 8.59 0.56 4061700300026 0.542 8.27 0.47 4061700300027 0.558 8.26 0.42 4061700300028 0.575 7.96 0.44 4061700300029 0.592 8.13 0.38 4061700300030 0.610 7.96 0.33 4061700300031 0.629 7.99 0.31 4061700300032 0.648 7.91 0.30 4061700300033 0.668 7.73 0.26 4061700300034 0.689 7.44 0.28 4061700300035 0.711 7.25 0.29 4061700300036 0.734 7.22 0.27 4061700300037 0.758 7.09 0.25 4061700300038 0.783 7.23 0.24 4061700300039 0.810 7.24 0.22 4061700300040 0.837 7.36 0.22 4061700300041 0.866 7.42 0.27 4061700300042 0.896 7.56 0.27 4061700300043 0.927 7.59 0.27 4061700300044 0.960 7.58 0.30 4061700300045 0.994 7.25 0.32 4061700300046 1.031 7.17 0.26 4061700300047 1.069 7.10 0.27 4061700300048 1.109 6.87 0.26 4061700300049 1.151 6.87 0.22 4061700300050 1.195 6.78 0.23 4061700300051 1.242 6.70 0.26 4061700300052 1.291 6.15 0.29 4061700300053 1.343 5.95 0.29 4061700300054 1.395 5.61 0.29 4061700300055 1.455 5.75 0.29 4061700300056 1.516 5.29 0.24 4061700300057 1.58 5.53 0.23 4061700300058 1.65 5.42 0.23 4061700300059 1.71 5.23 0.20 4061700300060 1.77 5.04 0.19 4061700300061 1.84 5.14 0.19 4061700300062 1.92 5.07 0.18 4061700300063 1.99 5.07 0.19 4061700300064 2.08 5.17 0.18 4061700300065 2.16 5.17 0.18 4061700300066 2.26 4.86 0.20 4061700300067 2.36 4.59 0.21 4061700300068 2.46 4.41 0.19 4061700300069 2.58 4.14 0.19 4061700300070 2.70 4.05 0.18 4061700300071 2.83 4.12 0.18 4061700300072 2.97 4.06 0.16 4061700300073 3.12 4.02 0.16 4061700300074 ENDDATA 56 0 4061700300075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4061700399999 SUBENT 40617004 20230919 42154061700400001 BIB 5 15 4061700400002 REACTION (42-MO-100(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700400003 SAMPLE (42-MO-100,ENR=0.8699) 4061700400004 Mo-92 content is 1.52 % 4061700400005 Mo-94 content is 1.22 % 4061700400006 Mo-95 content is 1.74 % 4061700400007 Mo-96 content is 2.08 % 4061700400008 Mo-97 content is 2.12 % 4061700400009 Mo-98 content is 4.33 % 4061700400010 Mo-100 content is 86.99 % 4061700400011 Metallic Mo. 4061700400012 REL-REF (A,10524009,A.B.Smith+,J,NP/A,244,213,1975) 4061700400013 (A,10277026,P.Lambropoulos+,J,NP/A,201,1,1973) 4061700400014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700400015 STATUS (TABLE) From author. 4061700400016 Data are on Fig.1 of INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980 4061700400017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700400019 DATA 3 54 4061700400020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700400021 MEV B B 4061700400022 0.458 8.55 0.98 4061700400023 0.471 8.98 0.62 4061700400024 0.484 8.83 0.57 4061700400025 0.498 8.86 0.57 4061700400026 0.512 9.02 0.53 4061700400027 0.527 8.64 0.52 4061700400028 0.542 8.19 0.48 4061700400029 0.558 7.98 0.45 4061700400030 0.575 7.86 0.38 4061700400031 0.592 7.93 0.34 4061700400032 0.610 7.96 0.31 4061700400033 0.629 8.07 0.31 4061700400034 0.648 7.81 0.30 4061700400035 0.668 7.70 0.26 4061700400036 0.689 7.54 0.25 4061700400037 0.711 7.53 0.53 4061700400038 0.734 7.43 0.23 4061700400039 0.758 7.56 0.24 4061700400040 0.783 7.71 0.24 4061700400041 0.810 7.77 0.24 4061700400042 0.837 7.57 0.23 4061700400043 0.866 7.42 0.23 4061700400044 0.896 7.28 0.22 4061700400045 0.927 7.16 0.23 4061700400046 0.960 7.14 0.24 4061700400047 0.994 7.07 0.24 4061700400048 1.031 7.24 0.22 4061700400049 1.069 7.12 0.21 4061700400050 1.109 6.97 0.20 4061700400051 1.151 6.94 0.24 4061700400052 1.195 6.87 0.29 4061700400053 1.242 6.56 0.32 4061700400054 1.291 6.33 0.33 4061700400055 1.343 6.19 0.32 4061700400056 1.395 5.82 0.29 4061700400057 1.455 5.79 0.21 4061700400058 1.516 5.93 0.18 4061700400059 1.58 5.98 0.18 4061700400060 1.65 5.80 0.18 4061700400061 1.71 5.77 0.16 4061700400062 1.77 5.58 0.16 4061700400063 1.84 5.47 0.15 4061700400064 1.92 5.31 0.15 4061700400065 1.99 5.31 0.15 4061700400066 2.08 5.32 0.16 4061700400067 2.16 5.24 0.16 4061700400068 2.26 5.09 0.16 4061700400069 2.36 4.84 0.16 4061700400070 2.46 4.69 0.16 4061700400071 2.58 4.51 0.16 4061700400072 2.70 4.51 0.16 4061700400073 2.83 4.38 0.15 4061700400074 2.97 4.39 0.15 4061700400075 3.12 4.38 0.15 4061700400076 ENDDATA 56 0 4061700400077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 4061700499999 SUBENT 40617005 20230919 42154061700500001 BIB 5 15 4061700500002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700500003 MONITOR For Zr isotopes cross-sections determination 4061700500004 the oxygen cross-section was measured by neutron 4061700500005 transmission through water layers of different 4061700500006 thicknesses. 4061700500007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.972) 4061700500008 Zr-90 content is 97.2 % 4061700500009 Zr-91 content is 0.75 % 4061700500010 Zr-92 content is 0.79 % 4061700500011 Zr-94 content is 0.96 % 4061700500012 Zr-96 content is 0.30 % 4061700500013 Oxide ZrO(2). 4061700500014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700500015 STATUS (TABLE,,M.V.Pasechnik+,R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980) 4061700500016 Table 3. 4061700500017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700500019 DATA 3 4 4061700500020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700500021 MEV B B 4061700500022 0.442 9.98 1.29 4061700500023 0.507 7.34 0.65 4061700500024 0.572 8.45 0.23 4061700500025 0.637 8.07 0.17 4061700500026 ENDDATA 6 0 4061700500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4061700599999 SUBENT 40617006 20230919 42154061700600001 BIB 5 15 4061700600002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700600003 MONITOR For Zr isotopes cross-sections determination 4061700600004 the oxygen cross-section was measured by neutron 4061700600005 transmission through water layers of different 4061700600006 thicknesses. 4061700600007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.893) 4061700600008 Zr-90 content is 5.80 % 4061700600009 Zr-91 content is 89.3 % 4061700600010 Zr-92 content is 3.14 % 4061700600011 Zr-94 content is 1.50 % 4061700600012 Zr-96 content is 0.26 % 4061700600013 Oxide ZrO(2). 4061700600014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700600015 STATUS (TABLE,,M.V.Pasechnik+,R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980) 4061700600016 Table 3. 4061700600017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700600019 DATA 3 4 4061700600020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700600021 MEV B B 4061700600022 0.442 10.85 1.06 4061700600023 0.507 8.77 0.56 4061700600024 0.572 9.46 0.21 4061700600025 0.637 8.94 0.33 4061700600026 ENDDATA 6 0 4061700600027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4061700699999 SUBENT 40617007 20230919 42154061700700001 BIB 5 15 4061700700002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700700003 MONITOR For Zr isotopes cross-sections determination 4061700700004 the oxygen cross-section was measured by neutron 4061700700005 transmission through water layers of different 4061700700006 thicknesses. 4061700700007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-92,ENR=0.920) 4061700700008 Zr-90 content is 4.46 % 4061700700009 Zr-91 content is 1.47 % 4061700700010 Zr-92 content is 92.0 % 4061700700011 Zr-94 content is 1.82 % 4061700700012 Zr-96 content is 0.25 % 4061700700013 Oxide ZrO(2). 4061700700014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700700015 STATUS (TABLE,,M.V.Pasechnik+,R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980) 4061700700016 Table 3. 4061700700017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700700019 DATA 3 4 4061700700020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700700021 MEV B B 4061700700022 0.442 12.74 1.70 4061700700023 0.507 8.79 0.57 4061700700024 0.572 9.52 0.20 4061700700025 0.637 8.48 0.11 4061700700026 ENDDATA 6 0 4061700700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4061700799999 SUBENT 40617008 20230919 42154061700800001 BIB 5 15 4061700800002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,TOT),,SIG) 4061700800003 MONITOR For Zr isotopes cross-sections determination 4061700800004 the oxygen cross-section was measured by neutron 4061700800005 transmission through water layers of different 4061700800006 thicknesses. 4061700800007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-100,ENR=0.922) 4061700800008 Zr-90 content is 4.29 % 4061700800009 Zr-91 content is 1.34 % 4061700800010 Zr-92 content is 1.90 % 4061700800011 Zr-94 content is 92.2 % 4061700800012 Zr-96 content is 0.27 % 4061700800013 Oxide ZrO(2). 4061700800014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4061700800015 STATUS (TABLE,,M.V.Pasechnik+,R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),304,1980) 4061700800016 Table 3. 4061700800017 ENDBIB 15 0 4061700800018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4061700800019 DATA 3 4 4061700800020 EN DATA ERR-S 4061700800021 MEV B B 4061700800022 0.442 12.74 1.70 4061700800023 0.507 8.79 0.57 4061700800024 0.572 9.52 0.20 4061700800025 0.637 8.48 0.11 4061700800026 ENDDATA 6 0 4061700800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4061700899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 4061799999999