ENTRY 40621 20230919 42154062100000001 SUBENT 40621001 20230919 42154062100100001 BIB 14 32 4062100100002 TITLE Fast neutron radiative capture cross sections 4062100100003 and d-wave strength functions 4062100100004 AUTHOR (V.N.Kononov,E.D.Poletaev,B.D.Yurlov, 4062100100005 M.V.Bokhovko,L.E.Kazakov,V.M.Timokhov) 4062100100006 REFERENCE (C,81GRENOB,,518,1981) 4062100100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4062100100008 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Pulsed Van-de-Graaff accelerator EG-1 4062100100009 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Metal lithium targets were used 4062100100010 METHOD (TOF) Resolution 2 nsec/m 4062100100011 DETECTOR (STANK) Liquid scintillation detector with 4062100100012 B-10 loaded toluene, volume 17 litres for 4062100100013 prompt gamma-rays detection. 4062100100014 (NAICR) B-10 plug and Na-I(Tl) 4062100100015 (GLASD) Li-6 thin glass scintillator 4062100100016 ANALYSIS Amplitude weighting method and saturated 4062100100017 resonance method were used 4062100100018 MONITOR For determination of the absolute value of the 4062100100019 capture cross sections the standard (Gold) or the 4062100100020 saturated resonance method was used. 4062100100021 CORRECTION Corrections have been made for isotopic impurities, 4062100100022 multiple neutron scattering and resonance 4062100100023 self-shielding, for background. 4062100100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty 4062100100025 STATUS (APRVD) Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100100026 HISTORY (19820315R) 4062100100027 (19820316C) 4062100100028 (19821026U) 4062100100029 (19840522U) Correction in SUBENT 40621033 4062100100030 (20230919A) Page 518 was added in REFERENCE. 4062100100031 Upper -> lower case correction. 4062100100032 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR -partial uncertainties are not given.4062100100033 Reaction was corrected in Subents 007 - 034. 4062100100034 ENDBIB 32 0 4062100100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4062100199999 SUBENT 40621002 20230919 42154062100200001 BIB 3 5 4062100200002 REACTION (66-DY-160(N,G)66-DY-161,,SIG) 4062100200003 SAMPLE Oxide Dy(2)O(3) powder 65.5 % enrichment, 4062100200004 diameter 40 mm, thickness 0.00597 nuclei/b 4062100200005 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100200006 Data are on Fig.1 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4062100200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100200009 DATA 4 49 4062100200010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 4062100200011 KEV KEV MB MB 4062100200012 1.6000E+01 2.0000E+01 1.6490E+03 1.3690E+02 4062100200013 2.0000E+01 2.4000E+01 1.2970E+03 1.0070E+02 4062100200014 2.4000E+01 2.8000E+01 1.1890E+03 8.9000E+01 4062100200015 2.8000E+01 3.2000E+01 1.0610E+03 7.7000E+01 4062100200016 3.2000E+01 3.6000E+01 1.1360E+03 8.1000E+01 4062100200017 3.6000E+01 4.0000E+01 9.8300E+02 7.0000E+01 4062100200018 4.0000E+01 4.4000E+01 9.6000E+02 6.8000E+01 4062100200019 4.4000E+01 4.8000E+01 8.6000E+02 6.0000E+01 4062100200020 4.8000E+01 5.2000E+01 8.3600E+02 5.8000E+01 4062100200021 5.2000E+01 5.6000E+01 8.0000E+02 5.5000E+01 4062100200022 5.6000E+01 6.0000E+01 7.5500E+02 5.2000E+01 4062100200023 6.0000E+01 6.4000E+01 7.0800E+02 4.8000E+01 4062100200024 6.4000E+01 6.8000E+01 7.0500E+02 4.8000E+01 4062100200025 6.8000E+01 7.2000E+01 7.0300E+02 4.7000E+01 4062100200026 7.2000E+01 7.6000E+01 6.8400E+02 4.6000E+01 4062100200027 7.6000E+01 8.0000E+01 6.5900E+02 4.4000E+01 4062100200028 8.0000E+01 8.4000E+01 6.8800E+02 4.6000E+01 4062100200029 8.4000E+01 8.8000E+01 6.1600E+02 4.1000E+01 4062100200030 8.8000E+01 9.2000E+01 6.2900E+02 4.2000E+01 4062100200031 9.2000E+01 9.6000E+01 5.9500E+02 4.0000E+01 4062100200032 9.6000E+01 1.0000E+02 5.5200E+02 3.7000E+01 4062100200033 1.0000E+02 1.1000E+02 4.9800E+02 3.5000E+01 4062100200034 1.1000E+02 1.2000E+02 4.5400E+02 3.2000E+01 4062100200035 1.2000E+02 1.3000E+02 4.3500E+02 3.1000E+01 4062100200036 1.3000E+02 1.4000E+02 4.2500E+02 3.0000E+01 4062100200037 1.4000E+02 1.5000E+02 3.9000E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100200038 1.5000E+02 1.6000E+02 3.8500E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100200039 1.6000E+02 1.7000E+02 3.7400E+02 2.6000E+01 4062100200040 1.7000E+02 1.8000E+02 3.5900E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100200041 1.8000E+02 1.9000E+02 3.4300E+02 2.4000E+01 4062100200042 1.9000E+02 2.0000E+02 3.3200E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100200043 2.0000E+02 2.1000E+02 3.3000E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100200044 2.1000E+02 2.2000E+02 3.3500E+02 2.4000E+01 4062100200045 2.2000E+02 2.3000E+02 3.2200E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100200046 2.3000E+02 2.4000E+02 3.2700E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100200047 2.4000E+02 2.5000E+02 2.8700E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100200048 2.5000E+02 2.6000E+02 3.0800E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100200049 2.6000E+02 2.7000E+02 2.8700E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100200050 2.7000E+02 2.8000E+02 3.0600E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100200051 2.8000E+02 2.9000E+02 3.2300E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100200052 2.9000E+02 3.0000E+02 2.9900E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100200053 3.0000E+02 3.2000E+02 2.7200E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100200054 3.2000E+02 3.4000E+02 2.6900E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100200055 3.4000E+02 3.6000E+02 2.7900E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100200056 3.6000E+02 3.8000E+02 2.5500E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100200057 3.8000E+02 4.0000E+02 2.3800E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100200058 4.0000E+02 4.2000E+02 2.9100E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100200059 4.2000E+02 4.4000E+02 1.5300E+02 1.1000E+01 4062100200060 4.4000E+02 4.6000E+02 2.7500E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100200061 ENDDATA 51 0 4062100200062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4062100299999 SUBENT 40621003 20230919 42154062100300001 BIB 3 5 4062100300002 REACTION (66-DY-161(N,G)66-DY-162,,SIG) 4062100300003 SAMPLE Oxide DY(2)O(3) powder, 92.2 % enrichment, 4062100300004 diameter 40 mm, thickness 0.00903 nuclei/b 4062100300005 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100300006 Data are on Fig.1 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4062100300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100300009 DATA 4 49 4062100300010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 4062100300011 KEV KEV MB MB 4062100300012 1.6000E+01 2.0000E+01 2.8060E+03 2.3300E+02 4062100300013 2.0000E+01 2.4000E+01 2.3960E+03 1.8600E+02 4062100300014 2.4000E+01 2.8000E+01 2.1830E+03 1.6400E+02 4062100300015 2.8000E+01 3.2000E+01 1.9170E+03 1.4000E+02 4062100300016 3.2000E+01 3.6000E+01 1.7330E+03 1.2400E+02 4062100300017 3.6000E+01 4.0000E+01 1.6050E+03 1.1400E+02 4062100300018 4.0000E+01 4.4000E+01 1.5220E+03 1.0900E+02 4062100300019 4.4000E+01 4.8000E+01 1.4340E+03 1.0000E+02 4062100300020 4.8000E+01 5.2000E+01 1.3290E+03 9.2000E+01 4062100300021 5.2000E+01 5.6000E+01 1.2250E+03 8.5000E+01 4062100300022 5.6000E+01 6.0000E+01 1.1870E+03 8.1000E+01 4062100300023 6.0000E+01 6.4000E+01 1.1780E+03 8.0000E+01 4062100300024 6.4000E+01 6.8000E+01 1.0980E+03 7.4000E+01 4062100300025 6.8000E+01 7.2000E+01 1.0470E+03 7.0000E+01 4062100300026 7.2000E+01 7.6000E+01 9.8800E+02 6.6000E+01 4062100300027 7.6000E+01 8.0000E+01 9.7500E+02 6.5000E+01 4062100300028 8.0000E+01 8.4000E+01 9.3100E+02 6.2000E+01 4062100300029 8.4000E+01 8.8000E+01 9.0100E+02 6.0000E+01 4062100300030 8.8000E+01 9.2000E+01 8.6100E+02 5.8000E+01 4062100300031 9.2000E+01 9.6000E+01 8.3500E+02 5.6000E+01 4062100300032 9.6000E+01 1.0000E+02 7.9500E+02 5.3000E+01 4062100300033 1.0000E+02 1.1000E+02 7.3000E+02 5.1000E+01 4062100300034 1.1000E+02 1.2000E+02 6.7700E+02 4.8000E+01 4062100300035 1.2000E+02 1.3000E+02 6.3300E+02 4.5000E+01 4062100300036 1.3000E+02 1.4000E+02 5.9400E+02 4.2000E+01 4062100300037 1.4000E+02 1.5000E+02 5.2200E+02 3.7000E+01 4062100300038 1.5000E+02 1.6000E+02 5.1800E+02 3.6000E+01 4062100300039 1.6000E+02 1.7000E+02 4.9100E+02 3.5000E+01 4062100300040 1.7000E+02 1.8000E+02 4.7100E+02 3.3000E+01 4062100300041 1.8000E+02 1.9000E+02 4.4000E+02 3.1000E+01 4062100300042 1.9000E+02 2.0000E+02 4.3300E+02 3.1000E+01 4062100300043 2.0000E+02 2.1000E+02 4.0900E+02 2.9000E+01 4062100300044 2.1000E+02 2.2000E+02 4.0400E+02 2.9000E+01 4062100300045 2.2000E+02 2.3000E+02 3.8800E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100300046 2.3000E+02 2.4000E+02 3.4900E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100300047 2.4000E+02 2.5000E+02 3.5100E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100300048 2.5000E+02 2.6000E+02 3.4600E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100300049 2.6000E+02 2.7000E+02 3.4100E+02 2.4000E+01 4062100300050 2.7000E+02 2.8000E+02 3.4000E+02 2.4000E+01 4062100300051 2.8000E+02 2.9000E+02 3.3000E+02 2.4000E+01 4062100300052 2.9000E+02 3.0000E+02 3.0900E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100300053 3.0000E+02 3.2000E+02 3.0000E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100300054 3.2000E+02 3.4000E+02 2.9600E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100300055 3.4000E+02 3.6000E+02 2.7800E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100300056 3.6000E+02 3.8000E+02 2.6300E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100300057 3.8000E+02 4.0000E+02 2.7300E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100300058 4.0000E+02 4.2000E+02 2.6300E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100300059 4.2000E+02 4.4000E+02 2.2700E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100300060 4.4000E+02 4.6000E+02 2.2500E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100300061 ENDDATA 51 0 4062100300062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4062100399999 SUBENT 40621004 20230919 42154062100400001 BIB 3 5 4062100400002 REACTION (66-DY-162(N,G)66-DY-163,,SIG) 4062100400003 SAMPLE Oxide, powder, 95.1 % enrichment, 4062100400004 thickness 0.00897 nuclei/b, diameter 40 mm 4062100400005 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100400006 Data are on Fig.1 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 4062100400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100400009 DATA 4 49 4062100400010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 4062100400011 KEV KEV MB MB 4062100400012 1.6000E+01 2.0000E+01 6.4800E+02 5.4000E+01 4062100400013 2.0000E+01 2.4000E+01 5.2100E+02 4.0000E+01 4062100400014 2.4000E+01 2.8000E+01 4.8900E+02 3.7000E+01 4062100400015 2.8000E+01 3.2000E+01 4.6100E+02 3.4000E+01 4062100400016 3.2000E+01 3.6000E+01 4.1900E+02 3.0000E+01 4062100400017 3.6000E+01 4.0000E+01 3.8400E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100400018 4.0000E+01 4.4000E+01 3.8600E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100400019 4.4000E+01 4.8000E+01 3.5200E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100400020 4.8000E+01 5.2000E+01 3.1400E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100400021 5.2000E+01 5.6000E+01 3.1400E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100400022 5.6000E+01 6.0000E+01 3.1000E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100400023 6.0000E+01 6.4000E+01 3.1500E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100400024 6.4000E+01 6.8000E+01 2.9800E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100400025 6.8000E+01 7.2000E+01 2.8800E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100400026 7.2000E+01 7.6000E+01 2.9200E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100400027 7.6000E+01 8.0000E+01 2.8000E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100400028 8.0000E+01 8.4000E+01 2.5200E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100400029 8.4000E+01 8.8000E+01 2.2800E+02 1.5000E+01 4062100400030 8.8000E+01 9.2000E+01 2.2400E+02 1.5000E+01 4062100400031 9.2000E+01 9.6000E+01 2.0600E+02 1.4000E+01 4062100400032 9.6000E+01 1.0000E+02 1.9400E+02 1.3000E+01 4062100400033 1.0000E+02 1.1000E+02 1.8700E+02 1.3000E+01 4062100400034 1.1000E+02 1.2000E+02 1.6500E+02 1.2000E+01 4062100400035 1.2000E+02 1.3000E+02 1.5300E+02 1.1000E+01 4062100400036 1.3000E+02 1.4000E+02 1.4200E+02 1.0000E+01 4062100400037 1.4000E+02 1.5000E+02 1.4500E+02 1.0000E+01 4062100400038 1.5000E+02 1.6000E+02 1.3500E+02 9.5000E+00 4062100400039 1.6000E+02 1.7000E+02 1.3100E+02 9.2000E+00 4062100400040 1.7000E+02 1.8000E+02 1.3000E+02 9.2000E+00 4062100400041 1.8000E+02 1.9000E+02 1.2200E+02 8.6000E+00 4062100400042 1.9000E+02 2.0000E+02 1.1800E+02 8.3000E+00 4062100400043 2.0000E+02 2.1000E+02 1.2300E+02 8.7000E+00 4062100400044 2.1000E+02 2.2000E+02 1.1600E+02 8.2000E+00 4062100400045 2.2000E+02 2.3000E+02 1.1700E+02 8.3000E+00 4062100400046 2.3000E+02 2.4000E+02 1.1600E+02 8.2000E+00 4062100400047 2.4000E+02 2.5000E+02 1.0700E+02 7.6000E+00 4062100400048 2.5000E+02 2.6000E+02 1.1400E+02 8.1000E+00 4062100400049 2.6000E+02 2.7000E+02 1.1000E+02 7.9000E+00 4062100400050 2.7000E+02 2.8000E+02 1.1500E+02 8.2000E+00 4062100400051 2.8000E+02 2.9000E+02 1.1700E+02 8.4000E+00 4062100400052 2.9000E+02 3.0000E+02 1.0600E+02 7.6000E+00 4062100400053 3.0000E+02 3.2000E+02 1.0200E+02 7.4000E+00 4062100400054 3.2000E+02 3.4000E+02 1.0500E+02 7.6000E+00 4062100400055 3.4000E+02 3.6000E+02 9.3000E+01 6.7000E+00 4062100400056 3.6000E+02 3.8000E+02 9.4000E+01 6.8000E+00 4062100400057 3.8000E+02 4.0000E+02 9.6000E+01 6.9900E+00 4062100400058 4.0000E+02 4.2000E+02 1.0100E+02 7.4000E+00 4062100400059 4.2000E+02 4.4000E+02 8.8000E+01 6.4000E+00 4062100400060 4.4000E+02 4.6000E+02 8.9000E+01 6.5000E+00 4062100400061 ENDDATA 51 0 4062100400062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4062100499999 SUBENT 40621005 20230919 42154062100500001 BIB 3 5 4062100500002 REACTION (66-DY-163(N,G)66-DY-164,,SIG) 4062100500003 SAMPLE Oxide powder, 92.5 % enrichment, 4062100500004 thickness 0.008894 nuclei/b, diameter 40 mm 4062100500005 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100500006 Data are on Fig.1 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4062100500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100500009 DATA 4 49 4062100500010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 4062100500011 KEV KEV MB MB 4062100500012 1.6000E+01 2.0000E+01 1.4920E+03 1.2400E+02 4062100500013 2.0000E+01 2.4000E+01 1.1900E+03 9.2000E+01 4062100500014 2.4000E+01 2.8000E+01 1.1460E+03 8.6000E+01 4062100500015 2.8000E+01 3.2000E+01 1.0330E+03 7.5000E+01 4062100500016 3.2000E+01 3.6000E+01 9.7400E+02 6.8000E+01 4062100500017 3.6000E+01 4.0000E+01 8.9500E+02 6.4000E+01 4062100500018 4.0000E+01 4.4000E+01 8.2600E+02 5.8000E+01 4062100500019 4.4000E+01 4.8000E+01 7.8000E+02 5.5000E+01 4062100500020 4.8000E+01 5.2000E+01 7.6400E+02 5.3000E+01 4062100500021 5.2000E+01 5.6000E+01 7.4000E+02 5.1000E+01 4062100500022 5.6000E+01 6.0000E+01 7.0000E+02 4.8000E+01 4062100500023 6.0000E+01 6.4000E+01 6.7800E+02 4.6000E+01 4062100500024 6.4000E+01 6.8000E+01 6.8600E+02 4.6000E+01 4062100500025 6.8000E+01 7.2000E+01 6.5400E+02 4.4000E+01 4062100500026 7.2000E+01 7.6000E+01 6.2000E+02 4.1000E+01 4062100500027 7.6000E+01 8.0000E+01 5.8700E+02 3.9000E+01 4062100500028 8.0000E+01 8.4000E+01 5.5700E+02 3.7000E+01 4062100500029 8.4000E+01 8.8000E+01 5.3700E+02 3.6000E+01 4062100500030 8.8000E+01 9.2000E+01 5.2100E+02 3.5000E+01 4062100500031 9.2000E+01 9.6000E+01 4.4000E+02 2.9000E+01 4062100500032 9.6000E+01 1.0000E+02 4.6600E+02 3.1000E+01 4062100500033 1.0000E+02 1.1000E+02 4.4600E+02 3.1000E+01 4062100500034 1.1000E+02 1.2000E+02 4.2100E+02 3.0000E+01 4062100500035 1.2000E+02 1.3000E+02 4.1100E+02 2.9000E+01 4062100500036 1.3000E+02 1.4000E+02 3.8500E+02 2.7000E+01 4062100500037 1.4000E+02 1.5000E+02 3.6100E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100500038 1.5000E+02 1.6000E+02 3.6100E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100500039 1.6000E+02 1.7000E+02 3.5000E+02 2.5000E+01 4062100500040 1.7000E+02 1.8000E+02 3.2400E+02 2.3000E+01 4062100500041 1.8000E+02 1.9000E+02 3.1600E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100500042 1.9000E+02 2.0000E+02 3.0700E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100500043 2.0000E+02 2.1000E+02 3.0100E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100500044 2.1000E+02 2.2000E+02 3.1200E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100500045 2.2000E+02 2.3000E+02 2.9400E+02 2.1000E+01 4062100500046 2.3000E+02 2.4000E+02 2.8300E+02 2.0000E+01 4062100500047 2.4000E+02 2.5000E+02 2.7300E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100500048 2.5000E+02 2.6000E+02 2.6600E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100500049 2.6000E+02 2.7000E+02 2.5200E+02 1.8000E+01 4062100500050 2.7000E+02 2.8000E+02 2.4800E+02 1.8000E+01 4062100500051 2.8000E+02 2.9000E+02 2.4200E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100500052 2.9000E+02 3.0000E+02 2.1400E+02 1.5000E+01 4062100500053 3.0000E+02 3.2000E+02 2.1000E+02 1.5000E+01 4062100500054 3.2000E+02 3.4000E+02 2.0000E+02 1.4000E+01 4062100500055 3.4000E+02 3.6000E+02 1.8000E+02 1.3000E+01 4062100500056 3.6000E+02 3.8000E+02 1.6300E+02 1.2000E+01 4062100500057 3.8000E+02 4.0000E+02 1.6100E+02 1.2000E+01 4062100500058 4.0000E+02 4.2000E+02 1.5500E+02 1.1000E+01 4062100500059 4.2000E+02 4.4000E+02 1.3300E+02 9.7000E+00 4062100500060 4.4000E+02 4.6000E+02 1.3800E+02 1.0000E+01 4062100500061 ENDDATA 51 0 4062100500062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4062100599999 SUBENT 40621006 20230919 42154062100600001 BIB 3 5 4062100600002 REACTION (66-DY-164(N,G)66-DY-165,,SIG) 4062100600003 SAMPLE Oxide powder DY(2)O(3), 97.2 % enrichment, 4062100600004 thickness 0.00885 nuclei/b, diameter 40 mm 4062100600005 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15 4062100600006 Data are on Fig.1 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 4062100600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4062100600009 DATA 4 49 4062100600010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 4062100600011 KEV KEV MB MB 4062100600012 1.6000E+01 2.0000E+01 3.4500E+02 5.5000E+01 4062100600013 2.0000E+01 2.4000E+01 2.6200E+02 3.8000E+01 4062100600014 2.4000E+01 2.8000E+01 2.6000E+02 3.4000E+01 4062100600015 2.8000E+01 3.2000E+01 2.4000E+02 2.8000E+01 4062100600016 3.2000E+01 3.6000E+01 2.1500E+02 2.2000E+01 4062100600017 3.6000E+01 4.0000E+01 1.8300E+02 1.9000E+01 4062100600018 4.0000E+01 4.4000E+01 1.7300E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100600019 4.4000E+01 4.8000E+01 1.6700E+02 1.7000E+01 4062100600020 4.8000E+01 5.2000E+01 1.6100E+02 1.6000E+01 4062100600021 5.2000E+01 5.6000E+01 1.6400E+02 1.6000E+01 4062100600022 5.6000E+01 6.0000E+01 1.5000E+02 1.4000E+01 4062100600023 6.0000E+01 6.4000E+01 1.4400E+02 1.3000E+01 4062100600024 6.4000E+01 6.8000E+01 1.4800E+02 1.4000E+01 4062100600025 6.8000E+01 7.2000E+01 1.6200E+02 1.5000E+01 4062100600026 7.2000E+01 7.6000E+01 1.4000E+02 1.2000E+01 4062100600027 7.6000E+01 8.0000E+01 1.1500E+02 1.0000E+01 4062100600028 8.0000E+01 8.4000E+01 1.0100E+02 8.7000E+00 4062100600029 8.4000E+01 8.8000E+01 9.4000E+01 8.0200E+00 4062100600030 8.8000E+01 9.2000E+01 9.4000E+01 7.9000E+00 4062100600031 9.2000E+01 9.6000E+01 8.5000E+01 7.0400E+00 4062100600032 9.6000E+01 1.0000E+02 8.3000E+01 6.8000E+00 4062100600033 1.0000E+02 1.1000E+02 6.8000E+01 5.7000E+00 4062100600034 1.1000E+02 1.2000E+02 6.9000E+01 5.8000E+00 4062100600035 1.2000E+02 1.3000E+02 6.1000E+01 5.1000E+00 4062100600036 1.3000E+02 1.4000E+02 6.3000E+01 5.3000E+00 4062100600037 1.4000E+02 1.5000E+02 5.8000E+01 4.9000E+00 4062100600038 1.5000E+02 1.6000E+02 5.2000E+01 4.9000E+00 4062100600039 1.6000E+02 1.7000E+02 5.2000E+01 4.4000E+00 4062100600040 1.7000E+02 1.8000E+02 5.0000E+01 4.3000E+00 4062100600041 1.8000E+02 1.9000E+02 5.1000E+01 4.4000E+00 4062100600042 1.9000E+02 2.0000E+02 4.7000E+01 4.1000E+00 4062100600043 2.0000E+02 2.1000E+02 4.8000E+01 4.2000E+00 4062100600044 2.1000E+02 2.2000E+02 4.8000E+01 4.2000E+00 4062100600045 2.2000E+02 2.3000E+02 4.3000E+01 3.7000E+00 4062100600046 2.3000E+02 2.4000E+02 4.5000E+01 3.9000E+00 4062100600047 2.4000E+02 2.5000E+02 4.7000E+01 4.1000E+00 4062100600048 2.5000E+02 2.6000E+02 4.6000E+01 3.9700E+00 4062100600049 2.6000E+02 2.7000E+02 4.6000E+01 3.9700E+00 4062100600050 2.7000E+02 2.8000E+02 4.8000E+01 4.1000E+00 4062100600051 2.8000E+02 2.9000E+02 4.9000E+01 4.2000E+00 4062100600052 2.9000E+02 3.0000E+02 4.3000E+01 3.7000E+00 4062100600053 3.0000E+02 3.2000E+02 4.4000E+01 3.8000E+00 4062100600054 3.2000E+02 3.4000E+02 4.1000E+01 3.5000E+00 4062100600055 3.4000E+02 3.6000E+02 4.0000E+01 3.5000E+00 4062100600056 3.6000E+02 3.8000E+02 3.8000E+01 3.3000E+00 4062100600057 3.8000E+02 4.0000E+02 4.0000E+01 3.5000E+00 4062100600058 4.0000E+02 4.2000E+02 3.9000E+01 3.4000E+00 4062100600059 4.2000E+02 4.4000E+02 3.7000E+01 3.2000E+00 4062100600060 4.4000E+02 4.6000E+02 3.7000E+01 3.2000E+00 4062100600061 ENDDATA 51 0 4062100600062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4062100699999 SUBENT 40621007 20230919 42154062100700001 BIB 5 12 4062100700002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,EL),,STF) 4062100700003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062100700004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used. 4062100700005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062100700006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062100700007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062100700008 of the statistical theory 4062100700009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062100700010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100700011 (SPSDD,40513002) Data are the same. 4062100700012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062100700013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062100700014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062100700015 COMMON 3 3 4062100700016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062100700017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062100700018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062100700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062100700020 DATA 2 1 4062100700021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062100700022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062100700023 1.1600E-04 2.9000E-05 4062100700024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062100700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062100799999 SUBENT 40621008 20230919 42154062100800001 BIB 5 12 4062100800002 REACTION (60-ND-142(N,EL),,STF) 4062100800003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062100800004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062100800005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062100800006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062100800007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062100800008 of the statistical theory 4062100800009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062100800010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100800011 (SPSDD,40513005) Data are the same. 4062100800012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062100800013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062100800014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062100800015 COMMON 3 3 4062100800016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062100800017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062100800018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062100800019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062100800020 DATA 2 1 4062100800021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062100800022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062100800023 6.0000E-05 1.2000E-05 4062100800024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062100800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062100899999 SUBENT 40621009 20230919 42154062100900001 BIB 5 12 4062100900002 REACTION (60-ND-144(N,EL),,STF) 4062100900003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062100900004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062100900005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062100900006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062100900007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062100900008 of the statistical theory 4062100900009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062100900010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062100900011 (SPSDD,40513006) Data are the same. 4062100900012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062100900013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062100900014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062100900015 COMMON 3 3 4062100900016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062100900017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062100900018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062100900019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062100900020 DATA 2 1 4062100900021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062100900022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062100900023 1.3000E-04 2.0000E-05 4062100900024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062100900025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062100999999 SUBENT 40621010 20230919 42154062101000001 BIB 5 12 4062101000002 REACTION (60-ND-146(N,EL),,STF) 4062101000003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101000004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101000005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101000006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101000007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101000008 of the statistical theory 4062101000009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101000010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101000011 (SPSDD,40513007) Data are the same. 4062101000012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101000013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101000014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101000015 COMMON 3 3 4062101000016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101000017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101000018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101000020 DATA 2 1 4062101000021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101000022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101000023 1.2500E-04 2.7000E-05 4062101000024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101099999 SUBENT 40621011 20230919 42154062101100001 BIB 5 12 4062101100002 REACTION (60-ND-148(N,EL),,STF) 4062101100003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101100004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101100005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101100006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101100007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101100008 of the statistical theory 4062101100009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101100010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101100011 (SPSDD,40513008) Data are the same. 4062101100012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101100013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101100014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101100015 COMMON 3 3 4062101100016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101100017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101100018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101100020 DATA 2 1 4062101100021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101100022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101100023 9.8000E-05 2.0000E-05 4062101100024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101199999 SUBENT 40621012 20230919 42154062101200001 BIB 5 12 4062101200002 REACTION (60-ND-150(N,EL),,STF) 4062101200003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101200004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101200005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101200006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101200007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101200008 of the statistical theory 4062101200009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101200010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101200011 (SPSDD,40513009) Data are the same. 4062101200012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101200013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101200015 COMMON 3 3 4062101200016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101200017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101200018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101200020 DATA 2 1 4062101200021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101200022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101200023 2.8000E-04 5.0000E-05 4062101200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101299999 SUBENT 40621013 20230919 42154062101300001 BIB 5 12 4062101300002 REACTION (62-SM-144(N,EL),,STF) 4062101300003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101300004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101300005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101300006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101300007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101300008 of the statistical theory 4062101300009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101300010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101300011 (SPSDD,40513010) Data are the same. 4062101300012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101300013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101300015 COMMON 3 3 4062101300016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101300017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101300018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101300020 DATA 2 1 4062101300021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101300022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101300023 2.3300E-04 4.4000E-05 4062101300024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101399999 SUBENT 40621014 20230919 42154062101400001 BIB 5 12 4062101400002 REACTION (62-SM-147(N,EL),,STF) 4062101400003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101400004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101400005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101400006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101400007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101400008 of the statistical theory 4062101400009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101400010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101400011 (SPSDD,40513011) Data are the same. 4062101400012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101400013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101400015 COMMON 3 3 4062101400016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101400017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101400018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101400020 DATA 2 1 4062101400021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101400022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101400023 1.2900E-04 2.8000E-05 4062101400024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101499999 SUBENT 40621015 20230919 42154062101500001 BIB 5 12 4062101500002 REACTION (62-SM-148(N,EL),,STF) 4062101500003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101500004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101500005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101500006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101500007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101500008 of the statistical theory 4062101500009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101500010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101500011 (SPSDD,40513012) Data are the same. 4062101500012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101500013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101500014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101500015 COMMON 3 3 4062101500016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101500017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101500018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101500020 DATA 2 1 4062101500021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101500022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101500023 3.5000E-04 4.6000E-05 4062101500024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101599999 SUBENT 40621016 20230919 42154062101600001 BIB 5 12 4062101600002 REACTION (62-SM-149(N,EL),,STF) 4062101600003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101600004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101600005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101600006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101600007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101600008 of the statistical theory 4062101600009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101600010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101600011 (SPSDD,40513013) Data are the same. 4062101600012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101600013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101600014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101600015 COMMON 3 3 4062101600016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101600017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101600018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101600020 DATA 2 1 4062101600021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101600022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101600023 1.5300E-04 1.8000E-05 4062101600024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101699999 SUBENT 40621017 20230919 42154062101700001 BIB 5 12 4062101700002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,EL),,STF) 4062101700003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101700004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101700005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101700006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101700007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101700008 of the statistical theory 4062101700009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101700010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101700011 (SPSDD,40513014) Data are the same. 4062101700012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101700013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101700014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101700015 COMMON 3 3 4062101700016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101700017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101700018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101700020 DATA 2 1 4062101700021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101700022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101700023 5.3000E-04 1.0000E-04 4062101700024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101799999 SUBENT 40621018 20230919 42154062101800001 BIB 5 12 4062101800002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,EL),,STF) 4062101800003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101800004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101800005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101800006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101800007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101800008 of the statistical theory 4062101800009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101800010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101800011 (SPSDD,40513015) Data are the same. 4062101800012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101800013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101800014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101800015 COMMON 3 3 4062101800016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101800017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101800018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101800019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101800020 DATA 2 1 4062101800021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101800022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101800023 3.5000E-04 6.0000E-05 4062101800024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101899999 SUBENT 40621019 20230919 42154062101900001 BIB 5 12 4062101900002 REACTION (62-SM-154(N,EL),,STF) 4062101900003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062101900004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062101900005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062101900006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062101900007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062101900008 of the statistical theory 4062101900009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062101900010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062101900011 (SPSDD,40513016) Data are the same. 4062101900012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062101900013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062101900014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062101900015 COMMON 3 3 4062101900016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062101900017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062101900018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062101900019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062101900020 DATA 2 1 4062101900021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062101900022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062101900023 4.6000E-04 7.0000E-05 4062101900024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062101900025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062101999999 SUBENT 40621020 20230919 42154062102000001 BIB 5 12 4062102000002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,EL),,STF) 4062102000003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102000004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102000005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102000006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102000007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102000008 of the statistical theory 4062102000009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102000010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102000011 (SPSDD,40513017) Data are the same. 4062102000012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102000013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062102000014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062102000015 COMMON 3 3 4062102000016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102000017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102000018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102000020 DATA 2 1 4062102000021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102000022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102000023 2.9700E-04 8.3000E-05 4062102000024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062102099999 SUBENT 40621021 20230919 42154062102100001 BIB 5 12 4062102100002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,EL),,STF) 4062102100003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102100004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102100005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102100006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102100007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102100008 of the statistical theory 4062102100009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102100010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102100011 (SPSDD,40513018) Data are the same. 4062102100012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102100013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062102100014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062102100015 COMMON 3 3 4062102100016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102100017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102100018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102100020 DATA 2 1 4062102100021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102100022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102100023 5.3500E-04 1.1800E-04 4062102100024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062102199999 SUBENT 40621022 20230919 42154062102200001 BIB 5 12 4062102200002 REACTION (64-GD-156(N,EL),,STF) 4062102200003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102200004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102200005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102200006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102200007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102200008 of the statistical theory 4062102200009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102200010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102200011 (SPSDD,40513019) Data are the same. 4062102200012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102200013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062102200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062102200015 COMMON 3 3 4062102200016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102200017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102200018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102200020 DATA 2 1 4062102200021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102200022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102200023 2.6000E-04 4.0000E-05 4062102200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062102299999 SUBENT 40621023 20230919 42154062102300001 BIB 5 12 4062102300002 REACTION (64-GD-158(N,EL),,STF) 4062102300003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102300004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102300005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102300006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102300007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102300008 of the statistical theory 4062102300009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102300010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102300011 (SPSDD,40513020) Data are the same. 4062102300012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102300013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062102300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062102300015 COMMON 3 3 4062102300016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102300017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102300018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102300020 DATA 2 1 4062102300021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102300022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102300023 1.9000E-04 3.0000E-05 4062102300024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062102399999 SUBENT 40621024 20230919 42154062102400001 BIB 5 12 4062102400002 REACTION (64-GD-160(N,EL),,STF) 4062102400003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102400004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102400005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102400006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102400007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102400008 of the statistical theory 4062102400009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102400010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102400011 (SPSDD,40513021) Data are the same. 4062102400012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102400013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062102400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062102400015 COMMON 3 3 4062102400016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102400017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102400018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102400020 DATA 2 1 4062102400021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102400022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102400023 1.3000E-04 2.0000E-05 4062102400024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062102499999 SUBENT 40621025 20230919 42154062102500001 BIB 5 10 4062102500002 REACTION (66-DY-160(N,EL),,STF) 4062102500003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102500004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102500005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102500006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102500007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102500008 of the statistical theory 4062102500009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102500010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102500011 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102500012 ENDBIB 10 0 4062102500013 COMMON 3 3 4062102500014 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102500015 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102500016 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102500017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102500018 DATA 2 1 4062102500019 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102500020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102500021 1.5500E-04 5.3000E-05 4062102500022 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4062102599999 SUBENT 40621026 20230919 42154062102600001 BIB 5 10 4062102600002 REACTION (66-DY-161(N,EL),,STF) 4062102600003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102600004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102600005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102600006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102600007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102600008 of the statistical theory 4062102600009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102600010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102600011 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102600012 ENDBIB 10 0 4062102600013 COMMON 3 3 4062102600014 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102600015 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102600016 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102600018 DATA 2 1 4062102600019 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102600020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102600021 1.0800E-04 2.5000E-05 4062102600022 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4062102699999 SUBENT 40621027 20230919 42154062102700001 BIB 5 10 4062102700002 REACTION (66-DY-162(N,EL),,STF) 4062102700003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102700004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102700005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102700006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102700007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102700008 of the statistical theory 4062102700009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102700010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102700011 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102700012 ENDBIB 10 0 4062102700013 COMMON 3 3 4062102700014 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102700015 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102700016 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102700017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102700018 DATA 2 1 4062102700019 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102700020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102700021 1.5800E-04 8.0000E-05 4062102700022 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4062102799999 SUBENT 40621028 20230919 42154062102800001 BIB 5 10 4062102800002 REACTION (66-DY-163(N,EL),,STF) 4062102800003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102800004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102800005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102800006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102800007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102800008 of the statistical theory 4062102800009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102800010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102800011 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102800012 ENDBIB 10 0 4062102800013 COMMON 3 3 4062102800014 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102800015 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102800016 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102800017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102800018 DATA 2 1 4062102800019 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102800020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102800021 1.1700E-04 7.5000E-05 4062102800022 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4062102899999 SUBENT 40621029 20230919 42154062102900001 BIB 5 10 4062102900002 REACTION (66-DY-164(N,EL),,STF) 4062102900003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062102900004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062102900005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062102900006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062102900007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062102900008 of the statistical theory 4062102900009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062102900010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062102900011 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062102900012 ENDBIB 10 0 4062102900013 COMMON 3 3 4062102900014 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062102900015 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062102900016 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062102900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062102900018 DATA 2 1 4062102900019 DATA DATA-ERR 4062102900020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062102900021 1.5700E-04 6.2000E-05 4062102900022 ENDDATA 3 0 4062102900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4062102999999 SUBENT 40621030 20230919 42154062103000001 BIB 5 12 4062103000002 REACTION (68-ER-166(N,EL),,STF) 4062103000003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062103000004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062103000005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062103000006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062103000007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062103000008 of the statistical theory 4062103000009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062103000010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062103000011 (SPSDD,40513022) Data are the same. 4062103000012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062103000013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062103000014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062103000015 COMMON 3 3 4062103000016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062103000017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062103000018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062103000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062103000020 DATA 2 1 4062103000021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062103000022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062103000023 4.6500E-04 7.2000E-05 4062103000024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062103000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062103099999 SUBENT 40621031 20230919 42154062103100001 BIB 5 12 4062103100002 REACTION (68-ER-168(N,EL),,STF) 4062103100003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062103100004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062103100005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062103100006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062103100007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062103100008 of the statistical theory 4062103100009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062103100010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062103100011 (SPSDD,40513023) Data are the same. 4062103100012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062103100013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062103100014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062103100015 COMMON 3 3 4062103100016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062103100017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062103100018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062103100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062103100020 DATA 2 1 4062103100021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062103100022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062103100023 2.9800E-04 4.8000E-05 4062103100024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062103100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062103199999 SUBENT 40621032 20230919 42154062103200001 BIB 5 12 4062103200002 REACTION (68-ER-170(N,EL),,STF) 4062103200003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062103200004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062103200005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062103200006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062103200007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062103200008 of the statistical theory 4062103200009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062103200010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062103200011 (SPSDD,40513024) Data are the same. 4062103200012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062103200013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062103200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062103200015 COMMON 3 3 4062103200016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062103200017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062103200018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062103200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062103200020 DATA 2 1 4062103200021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062103200022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062103200023 2.3500E-04 3.0000E-05 4062103200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062103200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062103299999 SUBENT 40621033 20230919 42154062103300001 BIB 5 12 4062103300002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,EL),,STF) 4062103300003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062103300004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062103300005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062103300006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062103300007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062103300008 of the statistical theory 4062103300009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062103300010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062103300011 (SPSDD,40513003) Data are the same. 4062103300012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062103300013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062103300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062103300015 COMMON 3 3 4062103300016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062103300017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062103300018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062103300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062103300020 DATA 2 1 4062103300021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062103300022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062103300023 2.3000E-04 3.2000E-05 4062103300024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062103300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062103399999 SUBENT 40621034 20230919 42154062103400001 BIB 5 12 4062103400002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,EL),,STF) 4062103400003 ANALYSIS Maximum likelihood method in the framework of the 4062103400004 statistical theory of nuclear reactions was used 4062103400005 COMMENT d-wave neutron strength functions were determined 4062103400006 from the experimental average radiative neutron 4062103400007 capture cross-section curves in the framework 4062103400008 of the statistical theory 4062103400009 STATUS (TABLE) From the author Yurlov, 1982-03-15. 4062103400010 Data are on Fig.2 of C,81GRENOB,,518,1981 4062103400011 (SPSDD,40513004) 4062103400012 HISTORY (20230919A) Reaction was corrected : (N,G) -> (N,EL). 4062103400013 Code SPSDD was added in STATUS. 4062103400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4062103400015 COMMON 3 3 4062103400016 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L 4062103400017 KEV KEV NO-DIM 4062103400018 1.6000E+01 4.6000E+02 2. 4062103400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4062103400020 DATA 2 1 4062103400021 DATA DATA-ERR 4062103400022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4062103400023 6.8700E-05 1.8000E-05 4062103400024 ENDDATA 3 0 4062103400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4062103499999 ENDENTRY 34 0 4062199999999