ENTRY 40632 20231003 42154063200000001 SUBENT 40632001 20231003 42154063200100001 BIB 12 29 4063200100002 TITLE Fission cross section of th229 for monochromatic 4063200100003 neutrons in the 0.02-0.8 eV region 4063200100004 AUTHOR (Yu.Ya.Konakhovich,M.I.Pevzner) 4063200100005 REFERENCE (J,SJA,8,39,1961) Engl.translation of AE,8,47,1960. 4063200100006 (J,AE,8,47,1960) 4063200100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4063200100008 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSKUR) IRT reactor. 4063200100009 (SPECC) Crystal neutron spectrometer. 4063200100010 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Horizontal beam of IRT reactor. 4063200100011 Cd ratio was 2.34 for thorium and 15.2 for boron in 4063200100012 IRT reactor spectrum. 4063200100013 INC-SPECT Monochromatic neutrons. 4063200100014 SAMPLE Thorium oxide on platinum foil. Mass Th-229 is 6.E-5g.4063200100015 Rectangular layer of 20 x 26 mm sides. 4063200100016 The amount of Th-229 was determined by alpha activity 4063200100017 of layer. 4063200100018 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-229,7300.YR) 4063200100019 DETECTOR (FISCH) Filled with argon (92 percent) and carbon 4063200100020 dioxide (8 percent), pressure 500 mm Hg 4063200100021 (PROPC) 4063200100022 STATUS (SCSRS) 4063200100023 HISTORY (19831005T) Converted from ENTRY 80037 4063200100024 (19860730U) INSTITUTE code was corrected and some data 4063200100025 points were inserted . 4063200100026 (20231003A) BIB information was updated. 4063200100027 Upper -> lower case correction. 4063200100028 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4063200100029 Author name V.F.Gerasimov was deleted - absent in 4063200100030 the article. 4063200100031 ENDBIB 29 0 4063200100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 4063200100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4063200199999 SUBENT 40632002 20231003 42154063200200001 BIB 2 3 4063200200002 REACTION (90-TH-229(N,0),,EN) 4063200200003 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.Ya.Konakhovich,J,SJA,8,39,1961) 4063200200004 Text on page 40. 4063200200005 ENDBIB 3 0 4063200200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4063200200007 DATA 1 3 4063200200008 DATA 4063200200009 EV 4063200200010 0.240 4063200200011 0.563 4063200200012 0.727 4063200200013 ENDDATA 5 0 4063200200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4063200299999 SUBENT 40632003 20231003 42154063200300001 BIB 2 3 4063200300002 REACTION (90-TH-229(N,F),,WID,,S0) 4063200300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4063200300004 article. 4063200300005 ENDBIB 3 0 4063200300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4063200300007 DATA 3 2 4063200300008 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR 4063200300009 MEV B*EV B*EV 4063200300010 2.4000E-07 3.4000E+01 7.5000E+00 4063200300011 5.6300E-07 7.0000E+00 3.3000E+00 4063200300012 ENDDATA 4 0 4063200300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4063200399999 SUBENT 40632004 20231003 42154063200400001 BIB 6 11 4063200400002 REACTION (90-TH-229(N,F),,SIG) 4063200400003 MONITOR (90-TH-229(N,F),,SIG,,MXW) 4063200400004 Energy scale was calibrated according to 0.654 eV 4063200400005 level of iridium by measuring the total cross section. 4063200400006 MONIT-REF (,,R,BNL-325,1958) 2nd edition. 4063200400007 FLAG (1.) Data taken from the curve of the AE article. 4063200400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4063200400009 article. 4063200400010 STATUS Source od data is not clear. Data are presented on 4063200400011 figure ( page 40 ) of J,SJA,8,39,1961 as open circles 4063200400012 with and without error bars - 23 points. 4063200400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4063200400014 COMMON 3 3 4063200400015 EN-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR 4063200400016 EV B B 4063200400017 0.0253 45. 11. 4063200400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4063200400019 DATA 4 29 4063200400020 EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4063200400021 MEV B B NO-DIM 4063200400022 1.5800E-08 6.0000E+01 4063200400023 2.5000E-08 4.5000E+01 1.1000E+01 4063200400024 3.4500E-08 4.1000E+01 8. 1. 4063200400025 6.0000E-08 3.3000E+01 4063200400026 7.0000E-08 3.2000E+01 1.3000E+01 4063200400027 1.0000E-07 6.0000E+01 4063200400028 1.4300E-07 1.2500E+02 4063200400029 1.8700E-07 1.9500E+02 4063200400030 2.0000E-07 2.4000E+02 4063200400031 2.4000E-07 3.4500E+02 4063200400032 2.5000E-07 1.5300E+02 70. 1. 4063200400033 2.7800E-07 1.5300E+02 4063200400034 2.8200E-07 1.6000E+02 4063200400035 3.1000E-07 1.1500E+02 4063200400036 4.8000E-07 6.8000E+00 4063200400037 4.9000E-07 2.1000E+01 1. 4063200400038 5.3000E-07 1.0500E+02 4063200400039 5.4000E-07 1.9300E+02 4063200400040 5.5000E-07 2.6000E+02 4063200400041 5.7000E-07 6.5000E+02 4063200400042 5.9000E-07 2.2000E+02 4063200400043 5.9500E-07 1.5500E+02 4063200400044 6.7000E-07 6.8000E+00 6.8 1. 4063200400045 6.8000E-07 1.8500E+01 4063200400046 6.9000E-07 8.5000E+01 1. 4063200400047 7.0000E-07 1.9000E+02 4063200400048 7.3000E-07 5.9000E+02 4063200400049 7.6000E-07 2.2000E+02 4063200400050 8.0000E-07 6.8000E+00 4063200400051 ENDDATA 31 0 4063200400052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4063200499999 SUBENT 40632005 20231003 42154063200500001 BIB 6 12 4063200500002 REACTION (90-TH-229(N,F),,SIG) 4063200500003 METHOD (TOF) 4063200500004 MONITOR (90-TH-229(N,F),,SIG,,MXW) 4063200500005 COMMENT This SUBENT is converted from the ENTRY 80038 and 4063200500006 added to this entry on the technical reasons. 4063200500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4063200500008 article. 4063200500009 STATUS Source od data is not clear. Data are presented on 4063200500010 figure ( page 40 ) of J,SJA,8,39,1961 as crosses with 4063200500011 error bars 3 points; data were measured by 4063200500012 V.F.Gerasimov by the same fission chamber and target 4063200500013 at an additional experiment. 4063200500014 ENDBIB 12 0 4063200500015 COMMON 3 3 4063200500016 EN-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR 4063200500017 EV B B 4063200500018 0.0253 45. 11. 4063200500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4063200500020 DATA 3 3 4063200500021 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4063200500022 MEV B B 4063200500023 1.6000E-08 5.0000E+01 5.0000E+00 4063200500024 3.3000E-08 4.2500E+01 4.0000E+00 4063200500025 2.6000E-07 1.6000E+02 7.0000E+01 4063200500026 ENDDATA 5 0 4063200500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4063200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4063299999999