ENTRY 40634 20231003 42154063400000001 SUBENT 40634001 20231003 42154063400100001 BIB 10 14 4063400100002 TITLE The angular distribution of gamma-quanta from 4063400100003 Sm-150(n,n'gamma) reaction 4063400100004 AUTHOR (A.M.Demidov,L.I.Govor,Yu.K.Cherepantsev) 4063400100005 REFERENCE (C,83MOSCOW,,110,1983) 4063400100006 INSTITUTE (4LATIFL) 4063400100007 FACILITY (REAC,4LATIFL) Reactor IRT 4063400100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4063400100009 INC-SPECT Reactor spectrum of fast neutrons. 4063400100010 DETECTOR No information in the article 4063400100011 MONITOR No information in the article 4063400100012 HISTORY (19840517C) 4063400100013 (20231003A) BIB information was updated. 4063400100014 Upper -> lower case correction. 4063400100015 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4063400100016 ENDBIB 14 0 4063400100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 4063400100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4063400199999 SUBENT 40634002 20231003 42154063400200001 BIB 4 9 4063400200002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,INL)62-SM-150,PAR,DA,G,LEG/REL) 4063400200003 A2 and A4 units and approximation formula are 4063400200004 not given in the article. 4063400200005 Coefficient A0 = 1. is mentioned in the article. 4063400200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4063400200007 article. 4063400200008 STATUS (TABLE,,A.M.Demidov,C,83MOSCOW,,110,1983) 4063400200009 HISTORY (20231003A) REL was added in REACTION . 4063400200010 NO-DIM -> ARB-UNITS . 4063400200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4063400200012 COMMON 1 3 4063400200013 EN-DUMMY 4063400200014 MEV 4063400200015 1. 4063400200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4063400200017 DATA 4 24 4063400200018 E NUMBER DATA DATA-ERR 4063400200019 KEV NO-DIM ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4063400200020 333.92 2. 0.21 0.02 4063400200021 333.92 4. -0.02 0.03 4063400200022 439.40 2. 0.29 0.02 4063400200023 439.40 4. -0.03 0.03 4063400200024 505.60 2. 0.29 0.05 4063400200025 505.60 4. -0.12 0.06 4063400200026 584.30 2. -0.26 0.05 4063400200027 584.30 4. -0.02 0.07 4063400200028 675.90 2. -0.19 0.06 4063400200029 675.90 4. -0.04 0.07 4063400200030 712.23 2. -0.15 0.02 4063400200031 712.23 4. -0.04 0.03 4063400200032 737.45 2. -0.16 0.03 4063400200033 737.45 4. 0.02 0.04 4063400200034 859.90 2. 0.19 0.05 4063400200035 859.90 4. -0.03 0.07 4063400200036 921.3 2. -0.01 0.07 4063400200037 921.3 4. -0.03 0.09 4063400200038 1166.0 2. -0.11 0.05 4063400200039 1166.0 4. 0.00 0.06 4063400200040 1171.0 2. 0.10 0.05 4063400200041 1171.0 4. 0.07 0.06 4063400200042 1194.0 2. 0.30 0.05 4063400200043 1194.0 4. -0.06 0.07 4063400200044 ENDDATA 26 0 4063400200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 4063400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4063499999999