ENTRY 40637 20231006 42154063700000001 SUBENT 40637001 20231006 42154063700100001 BIB 14 27 4063700100002 TITLE Cross section for the reaction Th232(n,2n)Th231 4063700100003 at 14.7 MeV neutron energy 4063700100004 AUTHOR (Yu.A.Zysin,A.A.Kovrizhnykh,A.A.Lbov,L.I.Sel'chenkov) 4063700100005 REFERENCE (J,SJA,8,310,1961) Engl.translation of AE,8,360,1960 4063700100006 (J,AE,8,360,1960) Issue 4. 4063700100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4063700100008 EXP-YEAR (1956) 1956 - 1957 years. 4063700100009 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSKUR) Low-voltage linear accelerator. 4063700100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuteron energy ~ 150 keV. 4063700100011 SAMPLE Mixture of the thorium nitrate Th(NO(3))(4)*4H(2)O 4063700100012 (0.2 g) and uranium oxide U(3)O(8) (0.6 g). 4063700100013 Placed at ~ 7 mm distance from tritium target center. 4063700100014 METHOD (ACTIV) Six irradiations, time of irradiation 3-11 hr. 4063700100015 (CHSEP) For required isotopes. 4063700100016 DETECTOR (D4PI) 4063700100017 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 4063700100018 (ASSUM2,92-U-238(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY) 4063700100019 (ASSUM3,92-U-238(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY) 4063700100020 PART-DET (B-) 4063700100021 CORRECTION For disintegration during the irradiation time, 4063700100022 and for Tc99m and La140. 4063700100023 For increasing activity of the natural decay products 4063700100024 of Th232. 4063700100025 HISTORY (19831011C) Compiled at the centre 4063700100026 (20231006A) EN-NRM=14.7 MeV was deleted ( the same as 4063700100027 incident neutron energy EN). 4063700100028 MONITOR -> ASSUMED . 4RUSRUS -> 4RUKUR 4063700100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4063700100030 COMMON 3 3 4063700100031 ASSUM1 ASSUM2 ASSUM3 4063700100032 B PC/FIS PC/FIS 4063700100033 1.1 6.3 4.7 4063700100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4063700100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4063700199999 SUBENT 40637002 20231006 42154063700200001 BIB 4 19 4063700200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,2N)90-TH-231,,SIG) 4063700200003 ANALYSIS Formula for n,2n cross section calculation is given 4063700200004 on page 310 of SJA,8,310,1961: 4063700200005 SIGn,2n=((Nth*HLth)/(Nmo*HLmo))* 4063700200006 (SIGufis*Ymou*(232Pu/238Pth)+SIGthfis*Ymoth)), 4063700200007 where 4063700200008 SIGufis, SIGthfis - fission cross-section for U238 and 4063700200009 Th232 at 14 MeV; 4063700200010 HLth, HLmo - half-life of Th231 and Mo99 (or Ba140); 4063700200011 Nth, Nmo - number of Th231, Mo99 (or Ba140) 4063700200012 disintegrations per time unit at the end irradiation 4063700200013 and referred to the total amounts of Th232 and U-238; 4063700200014 Ymou, YYmoth - Mo ( or Ba) yield at fission of U238 and4063700200015 Th232 at 14 MeV; 4063700200016 Pth, Pu - weights of Th232 and U238. 4063700200017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes statistical uncertainty and 4063700200018 uncertainties of fission cross sections and fragment 4063700200019 yields. 4063700200020 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.A.Zysin+,J,SJA,8,310,1961) Text page 310. 4063700200021 ENDBIB 19 0 4063700200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 4063700200023 DATA 3 1 4063700200024 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4063700200025 MEV B B 4063700200026 14.7 0.65 0.15 4063700200027 ENDDATA 3 0 4063700200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4063700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4063799999999