ENTRY 40643 20221027 42104064300000001 SUBENT 40643001 20221027 42104064300100001 BIB 12 21 4064300100002 TITLE The elastic scattering of neutrons with an energy of 4064300100003 15 MeV by nuclei of copper,lead and U238 4064300100004 AUTHOR (B.Ya.Guzhovskii) 4064300100005 REFERENCE (J,SJA,11,1041,1962) Engl.translation of AE,11,395,19614064300100006 (J,AE,11,395,1961) Issue 4. 4064300100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4064300100008 METHOD Ring geometry 4064300100009 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSKUR) 4064300100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuterons energy up to 290 keV. 4064300100011 Thick Zr-T target. 4064300100012 SAMPLE Copper and lead - thin-walled cylinders and toroids. 4064300100013 U238 - rings with rectangular cross section. 4064300100014 DETECTOR (SCIN) Plastic and stilbene scintillators - for neutron4064300100015 detection. 50-channel amplitude analyzer. 4064300100016 CORRECTION For attenuation and multiple scattering. 4064300100017 For angular resolution. 4064300100018 MONITOR Alpha-monitor for alphas from T(d,n) reaction. 4064300100019 HISTORY (19831014T) Converted from ENTRY 80050 4064300100020 (19910701A) 'CCP' to 'KUR' converted, n-source changed.4064300100021 U-0 in SAN 002 changed to PB-0 4064300100022 (20221027A) Correction for current rules. 4064300100023 ENDBIB 21 0 4064300100024 COMMON 2 3 4064300100025 EN EN-RSL 4064300100026 MEV MEV 4064300100027 15. 0.4 4064300100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4064300100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4064300199999 SUBENT 40643002 20221027 42104064300200001 BIB 6 14 4064300200002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 4064300200003 METHOD Angular distribution was measured in the range 4064300200004 10 - 122 degrees with an angular resolution from 4064300200005 +-1 to +- 3. degrees. 4064300200006 REL-REF (A,20199007,H.Nauta,J,NP,2,124,1956) 4064300200007 (A,11716006,J.D.Anderson+,J,PR,110,160,1958) 4064300200008 (A,11806005,L.A.Rayburn,J,PR,116,1571,1959) 4064300200009 (A,20281004,K.Yuasa,J,JPJ,13,1248,1958) 4064300200010 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4064300200011 scale X - 0.154 ADEG, scale Y - 0.31 % 4064300200012 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 middle of J,SJA,11,1041,1962 4064300200013 HISTORY (19910701A) U-0 changed to PB-0 4064300200014 (20221027A) Data values (the same as in Subent .004, 4064300200015 for U-238) were replaced by digitized data for Pb-0. 4064300200016 ENDBIB 14 0 4064300200017 COMMON 2 3 4064300200018 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4064300200019 ADEG PER-CENT 4064300200020 0.451 1.28 4064300200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4064300200022 DATA 2 52 4064300200023 ANG-CM DATA-CM 4064300200024 ADEG MB/SR 4064300200025 7.208 6.44E+03 4064300200026 13.673 3.72E+03 4064300200027 13.991 2.77E+03 4064300200028 18.011 1.17E+03 4064300200029 18.630 1.00E+03 4064300200030 20.182 6.13E+02 4064300200031 22.042 3.54E+02 4064300200032 22.663 2.95E+02 4064300200033 23.892 2.79E+02 4064300200034 24.204 2.42E+02 4064300200035 24.515 2.19E+02 4064300200036 24.518 1.96E+02 4064300200037 24.524 1.66E+02 4064300200038 26.651 3.12E+02 4064300200039 26.662 2.29E+02 4064300200040 28.798 3.35E+02 4064300200041 29.402 4.44E+02 4064300200042 30.326 4.08E+02 4064300200043 30.935 4.70E+02 4064300200044 32.160 5.11E+02 4064300200045 33.995 6.31E+02 4064300200046 34.613 5.64E+02 4064300200047 36.454 5.72E+02 4064300200048 38.300 5.11E+02 4064300200049 40.147 4.38E+02 4064300200050 41.994 3.80E+02 4064300200051 43.848 2.68E+02 4064300200052 46.009 1.83E+02 4064300200053 47.867 1.17E+02 4064300200054 50.948 8.44E+01 4064300200055 52.494 6.02E+01 4064300200056 52.805 5.30E+01 4064300200057 54.653 4.48E+01 4064300200058 56.484 6.10E+01 4064300200059 58.033 4.12E+01 4064300200060 60.477 5.85E+01 4064300200061 61.086 6.65E+01 4064300200062 65.073 7.55E+01 4064300200063 65.076 6.74E+01 4064300200064 68.758 7.24E+01 4064300200065 72.453 5.23E+01 4064300200066 77.379 3.43E+01 4064300200067 79.236 2.22E+01 4064300200068 81.087 1.67E+01 4064300200069 84.168 1.21E+01 4064300200070 84.185 7.40E+00 4064300200071 89.091 8.64E+00 4064300200072 94.593 1.72E+01 4064300200073 99.501 1.93E+01 4064300200074 102.580 1.48E+01 4064300200075 110.560 1.40E+01 4064300200076 121.320 1.04E+01 4064300200077 ENDDATA 54 0 4064300200078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 4064300299999 SUBENT 40643003 20221027 42104064300300001 BIB 5 15 4064300300002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,EL)29-CU-0,,DA) 4064300300003 METHOD Angular distribution was measured in the range 4064300300004 16 - 80 degrees with an angular resolution from 4064300300005 +-1 to +- 3. degrees. 4064300300006 REL-REF (A,11322010,J.H.Coon+,J,PR,111,250,1958) 4064300300007 (A,,S.Berko+,J,NP,6,210,1958) 4064300300008 #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(58)90101-9 4064300300009 Data on figure. 4064300300010 STATUS (SCSRS) 4064300300011 . Source of data in not clear. 4064300300012 . On Fig.2 lower of J,SJA,11,1041,1962 4064300300013 these data are given as dependence from scattering 4064300300014 angle in center-of-mass-system. 4064300300015 HISTORY (20221027A) ANG-RSL = 3 ADEG was deleted - see 4064300300016 METHOD. 4064300300017 ENDBIB 15 0 4064300300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4064300300019 DATA 2 18 4064300300020 COS-CM DATA-CM 4064300300021 NO-DIM MB/SR 4064300300022 9.6590E-01 1.5000E+03 4064300300023 9.4550E-01 1.2000E+03 4064300300024 9.3360E-01 6.8000E+02 4064300300025 8.8290E-01 4.1000E+02 4064300300026 8.4800E-01 2.0000E+02 4064300300027 8.0900E-01 1.3000E+02 4064300300028 7.8800E-01 1.1000E+02 4064300300029 7.6600E-01 8.8000E+01 4064300300030 7.0710E-01 7.4000E+01 4064300300031 6.0180E-01 2.9000E+01 4064300300032 5.2990E-01 2.6000E+01 4064300300033 4.6950E-01 1.3000E+01 4064300300034 4.2260E-01 9.6000E+00 4064300300035 3.5840E-01 1.3000E+01 4064300300036 2.9240E-01 2.0000E+01 4064300300037 2.2500E-01 2.5000E+01 4064300300038 1.3920E-01 2.7000E+01 4064300300039 8.7200E-02 2.8000E+01 4064300300040 ENDDATA 20 0 4064300300041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4064300399999 SUBENT 40643004 20221027 42104064300400001 BIB 6 17 4064300400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,DA) 4064300400003 METHOD Angular distribution was measured in the range 4064300400004 10 - 155 degrees with an angular resolution from 4064300400005 +-2 to +- 7. degrees. 4064300400006 CRITIQUE Of S.Simakov. 4064300400007 Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 4064300400008 ~0.94 MeV. First ex.level 0.0499 MeV. 4064300400009 See REL-REF, page 136. 4064300400010 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 4064300400011 (A,11322026,J.H.Coon+,J,PR,111,250,1958) U-nat 4064300400012 STATUS (SCSRS) 4064300400013 . Source of data in not clear. 4064300400014 . On Fig.2 upper of J,SJA,11,1041,1962 4064300400015 these data are given as dependence from scattering 4064300400016 angle in center-of-mass-system. 4064300400017 HISTORY (20221027A) EXL was added in SF5 according to a comment4064300400018 of S.Simakov. 4064300400019 ENDBIB 17 0 4064300400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 4064300400021 DATA 2 67 4064300400022 COS-CM DATA-CM 4064300400023 NO-DIM MB/SR 4064300400024 9.9250E-01 6.6000E+03 4064300400025 9.8480E-01 5.6000E+03 4064300400026 9.7630E-01 3.6000E+03 4064300400027 9.7030E-01 2.7000E+03 4064300400028 9.6130E-01 1.3000E+03 4064300400029 9.5370E-01 8.4000E+02 4064300400030 9.4550E-01 4.6000E+02 4064300400031 9.3041E-01 2.4000E+02 4064300400032 9.3040E-01 2.7000E+02 4064300400033 9.2050E-01 2.1000E+02 4064300400034 9.1350E-01 2.4000E+02 4064300400035 9.0630E-01 3.3000E+02 4064300400036 8.7460E-01 4.6000E+02 4064300400037 8.5720E-01 5.0000E+02 4064300400038 8.2900E-01 5.0000E+02 4064300400039 8.1920E-01 4.3000E+02 4064300400040 7.9340E-01 3.9000E+02 4064300400041 7.3140E-01 2.6000E+02 4064300400042 7.1930E-01 1.8000E+02 4064300400043 6.9470E-01 1.5000E+02 4064300400044 6.8200E-01 1.0000E+02 4064300400045 6.6910E-01 1.1000E+02 4064300400046 6.4280E-01 8.6000E+01 4064300400047 6.0180E-01 9.0000E+01 4064300400048 5.5920E-01 8.8000E+01 4064300400049 5.2990E-01 8.6000E+01 4064300400050 5.1500E-01 9.8000E+01 4064300400051 4.6170E-01 8.5000E+01 4064300400052 4.5400E-01 9.6000E+01 4064300400053 4.4620E-01 7.2000E+01 4064300400054 3.9070E-01 6.1000E+01 4064300400055 3.8270E-01 7.1000E+01 4064300400056 3.5840E-01 5.4000E+01 4064300400057 3.0070E-01 4.8000E+01 4064300400058 2.9240E-01 3.9000E+01 4064300400059 2.0790E-01 2.8000E+01 4064300400060 1.7360E-01 2.7000E+01 4064300400061 1.3920E-01 2.0000E+01 4064300400062 1.1320E-01 3.2000E+01 4064300400063 9.5900E-02 1.9000E+01 4064300400064 8.7200E-02 2.1000E+01 4064300400065 5.2300E-02 2.8000E+01 4064300400066 3.4900E-02 2.4000E+01 4064300400067 0.0000E+00 2.2000E+01 4064300400068 -3.4900E-02 2.2000E+01 4064300400069 -6.1100E-02 2.9000E+01 4064300400070 -6.9800E-02 2.4000E+01 4064300400071 -1.5640E-01 1.8000E+01 4064300400072 -1.5641E-01 2.0000E+01 4064300400073 -2.1610E-01 2.2000E+01 4064300400074 -2.3340E-01 1.9000E+01 4064300400075 -3.0900E-01 1.4000E+01 4064300400076 -3.2560E-01 1.2000E+01 4064300400077 -3.9070E-01 9.0000E+00 4064300400078 -4.3840E-01 9.5000E+00 4064300400079 -4.6950E-01 7.5000E+00 4064300400080 -4.7720E-01 1.1000E+01 4064300400081 -4.8480E-01 1.0000E+01 4064300400082 -5.5190E-01 1.1000E+01 4064300400083 -5.5191E-01 1.3000E+01 4064300400084 -6.2250E-01 1.4000E+01 4064300400085 -6.6910E-01 1.1000E+01 4064300400086 -6.9470E-01 1.2000E+01 4064300400087 -7.5470E-01 8.9000E+00 4064300400088 -8.0900E-01 6.4000E+00 4064300400089 -8.5720E-01 9.7000E+00 4064300400090 -8.9880E-01 7.7000E+00 4064300400091 ENDDATA 69 0 4064300400092 ENDSUBENT 91 0 4064300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4064399999999