ENTRY            40668   20180212                             41784066800000001 
SUBENT        40668001   20180212                             41784066800100001 
BIB                 12         38                                 4066800100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4066800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,SJA,57,504,1984) Eng.trans.of AE,57,61,1984         4066800100004 
           (J,AE,57,61,1984) - final publ.  Issue 1               4066800100005 
           ((J,YK,,(1/40),44,1981)=                               4066800100006 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-167,44,1981))                             4066800100007 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-177,35,1982) English transl. of           4066800100008 
                                       YK,,(1/40),44,1981         4066800100009 
AUTHOR     (P.E.Vorotnikov,L.D.Kozlov,Ju.D.Molchanov,G.A.Shuf)    4066800100010 
TITLE       0.4 - 1.3 MeV neutron-induced fission cross section   4066800100011 
           for Cm-244                                             4066800100012 
FACILITY   (VDG,4RUSKUR) Impulse electrostatic accelerator        4066800100013 
INC-SOURCE (P-T) Ti-T target,                                     4066800100014 
SAMPLE     The layer of fissile material with a diameter of       4066800100015 
            ~1.5 mm and containing 5 ng of 244Cm.                 4066800100016 
            Sample structure: 0.12+-.08% of Am-241; 4.1+-1% of    4066800100017 
           Am-243; 0.08+-0.08 of Cm-243; 76.+-3.5% of Cm-244,     4066800100018 
           1.3+-.4% of Cm-245; 18.+-3.% of Cm-246; 0.4+-1% of     4066800100019 
           Cm-247,0.4+-.1% of Cm-248                              4066800100020 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Gas scintillation chamber with a diam. of 2 cm  4066800100021 
           and a thickness of 1 cm, filled with xenon to a        4066800100022 
           pressure of 1.5 atm (1 atm = 101.325 kPa) and connected4066800100023 
           with a FEU-30 photomultiplier.                         4066800100024 
MONITOR    .Absolute measurement                                  4066800100025 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              4066800100026 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty of neutron flux                    4066800100027 
           (ERR-T) Total error                                    4066800100028 
STATUS     (APRVD)  Vorotnikov 1984/01/12                         4066800100029 
           (TABLE) Table 1 from AE,57,(1),61,1984 (same data in   4066800100030 
           YK,,(1/40),44,1981; small diff. only in ERR-T).        4066800100031 
HISTORY    (19840606C)                                            4066800100032 
           (20160528A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 4066800100033 
           Ref. YK,1/40,44,1981 -> YK,1981,(1/40),44;             4066800100034 
           Refs SJA,57,504,1984; INDC(CCP)-177,35,1982            4066800100035 
           were added. Title and list of authors update           4066800100036 
           following INDC(CCP)-177,35. BIB, ERR-ANALYS update.    4066800100037 
           (20170710A) M.M. Previous correction of SD was         4066800100038 
           checked at CJD. R,INDC(CCP)-167,44,1981 was added .    4066800100039 
           (20180212U) M.M. Ref. SJA was moved as first.          4066800100040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 4066800100041 
COMMON               1          3                                 4066800100042 
ERR-1                                                             4066800100043 
PER-CENT                                                          4066800100044 
  6.                                                              4066800100045 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4066800100046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 4066800199999 
SUBENT        40668002   20160528                             41764066800200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 4066800200002 
REACTION   (96-CM-244(N,F),,SIG)                                  4066800200003 
HISTORY    (20160528A) SD: ERR-S update and ERR-T added according 4066800200004 
           to the Tbl.1 from AE,57,(1),61,1984                    4066800200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 4066800200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4066800200007 
DATA                 5          8                                 4066800200008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-S      ERR-T                 4066800200009 
KEV        KEV        B          PER-CENT   PER-CENT              4066800200010 
       390.        70.       0.18        15.        28.           4066800200011 
       480.        90.       0.44         8.        18.           4066800200012 
       580.        90.       0.65        5.3        17.           4066800200013 
       690.        90.       1.06        3.2        17.           4066800200014 
       790.       100.       1.72        2.7        13.           4066800200015 
       950.        95.       1.77        2.2        12.           4066800200016 
      1080.        90.       1.63        1.8        12.           4066800200017 
      1280.        80.       1.58        1.7        17.           4066800200018 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 4066800200019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4066800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4066899999999