ENTRY 40691 20231012 42154069100000001 SUBENT 40691001 20231012 42154069100100001 BIB 7 11 4069100100002 TITLE Fast neutron capture cross sections for rhenium 4069100100003 AUTHOR (Yu.Ya.Stavisskii,A.V.Shapar',R.N.Krasnokutskii) 4069100100004 REFERENCE (J,SJA,19,905,1965) 4069100100005 (J,AE,19,42,1965) Issue 1. 4069100100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4069100100007 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) 4069100100008 INC-SOURCE (P-T) 4069100100009 HISTORY (19840127T) Converted from ENTRY 80084 4069100100010 (20231012U) BIB information was updated. 4069100100011 Upper -> lower case correction. 4069100100012 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4069100100013 ENDBIB 11 0 4069100100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069100100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4069100199999 SUBENT 40691002 20231012 42154069100200001 BIB 9 19 4069100200002 REACTION (75-RE-0(N,G),,SIG) 4069100200003 SAMPLE Sample thickness is 6.0E22 atoms/cm2 4069100200004 METHOD (ACTIV) 4069100200005 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillation counter with CaF(2) crystal 4069100200006 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) For energy dependence. 4069100200007 From J.Hughes,R.Schwartz, Atlas of Neutron Cross 4069100200008 Sections, Russian translation, Moscow, Atomizdat,1959. 4069100200009 ((MONIT)75-RE-0(N,G),,SIG) For absolute normalization a4069100200010 600 keV - from additional measurement, Subent 003. 4069100200011 MONIT-REF ((MONIT)40691003,Yu.Ya.Stavisskii+,J,SJA,19,905,1965) 4069100200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4069100200013 article. 4069100200014 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of energy dependence determination 4069100200015 relative to U-235. 4069100200016 STATUS (CURVE,,Yu.Ya.Stavisskii+,J,SJA,19,905,1965) 4069100200017 (DEP,40691003) C-S at 600 keV measured at additional 4069100200018 experiment. 4069100200019 HISTORY (20231012A) Data at 600 keV were moved in Subent 003 - 4069100200020 they were measured at an additional experiment. 4069100200021 ENDBIB 19 0 4069100200022 COMMON 6 3 4069100200023 EN-ERR EN-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR ERR-1 4069100200024 KEV KEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 4069100200025 16. 600. 325. 60. 22. 7. 4069100200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4069100200027 DATA 2 13 4069100200028 EN DATA 4069100200029 MEV B 4069100200030 2.0000E-02 1.8000E+00 4069100200031 3.8000E-02 1.4000E+00 4069100200032 6.0000E-02 1.1000E+00 4069100200033 9.3000E-02 8.5000E-01 4069100200034 1.2000E-01 7.2000E-01 4069100200035 1.6500E-01 6.7000E-01 4069100200036 1.8000E-01 6.0000E-01 4069100200037 2.2500E-01 5.3000E-01 4069100200038 2.9500E-01 4.7000E-01 4069100200039 3.2000E-01 4.2000E-01 4069100200040 4.3000E-01 3.5000E-01 4069100200041 8.1000E-01 2.9000E-01 4069100200042 1.0100E+00 2.7500E-01 4069100200043 ENDDATA 15 0 4069100200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 4069100299999 SUBENT 40691003 20231012 42154069100300001 BIB 10 20 4069100300002 REACTION (75-RE-0(N,G),,SIG) 4069100300003 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) BR-5 reactor 4069100300004 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Horizontal channel of thermal column of BR-5 4069100300005 reactor - for thermal neutrons irradiation. 4069100300006 SAMPLE Relatively thick target. 4069100300007 METHOD (ACTIV) 4069100300008 Irradiation by thermal and fast neutrons - 4069100300009 2 hr and 20 hr, respectively. 4069100300010 MONITOR (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SIG) 4069100300011 for thermal and 600 keV neutrons. 4069100300012 Re isotopes absorption cross sections for thermal 4069100300013 neutrons - from J.Hughes,R.Schwartz, Atlas of Neutron 4069100300014 Cross Sections, Russian translation, Moscow, A 4069100300015 Atomizdat,1959. 4069100300016 DETECTOR (PROPC) End-window beta-counters. 4069100300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4069100300018 article. 4069100300019 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.Ya.Stavisskii+,J,SJA,19,905,1965) 4069100300020 Text on page 905. 4069100300021 HISTORY (20231012T) Data at 600 keV were moved from Subent 002.4069100300022 ENDBIB 20 0 4069100300023 COMMON 1 3 4069100300024 EN-RSL 4069100300025 KEV 4069100300026 100. 4069100300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4069100300028 DATA 3 1 4069100300029 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4069100300030 KEV MB MB 4069100300031 600. 325. 60. 4069100300032 ENDDATA 3 0 4069100300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4069100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4069199999999