ENTRY 40692 20231012 42154069200000001 SUBENT 40692001 20231012 42154069200100001 BIB 5 15 4069200100002 TITLE Reactor burn-up cross-section of Pm149 and poisoning by4069200100003 samarium 4069200100004 AUTHOR (I.A.Kondurov,L.M.Gracheva,A.I.Egorov,D.M.Kaminker, 4069200100005 A.M.Nikitin,Yu.V.Petrov) 4069200100006 REFERENCE (J,SJA,19,1086,1965) Engl.translation of AE,19,188,19654069200100007 (J,AE,19,188,1965) Issue 2. 4069200100008 (J,JNE/AB,20,814,1966) 4069200100009 Engl.translation of AE,19,188,1965. 4069200100010 INSTITUTE (4RUSFTI) 4069200100011 HISTORY (19840127T) Converted from ENTRY 80085 4069200100012 (19910128U) INSTITUTE code 'CCP' changed to 'FTI' 4069200100013 (20050827U) Correction according to Memo CP-E/70 4069200100014 (20231012A) BIB information was updated. 4069200100015 Upper -> lower case correction. 4069200100016 Reaction in Subent 002 was corrected. 4069200100017 ENDBIB 15 0 4069200100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069200100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4069200199999 SUBENT 40692002 20231012 42154069200200001 BIB 9 20 4069200200002 REACTION (61-PM-149(N,G)61-PM-150,,SIG) 4069200200003 For neutrons of 2200 m/sec 4069200200004 INC-SPECT Flux 10E+14 n/cm2 in the water space of WWR-M reactor.4069200200005 Cd ratio for Pm was measured to be ~15. 4069200200006 METHOD (ACTIV) 4069200200007 (CHSEP) 4069200200008 DETECTOR (SCIN) scintillation gamma-spectrometer with 60 x 40 mm4069200200009 NaI(Tl) crystal. 4069200200010 DECAY-DATA (61-PM-149,,DG,285.,0.032) 3.2+-0.3 %. 4069200200011 Intensity was measured by 4Pi beta-counter and 4069200200012 calibrated scintillation spectrometer. 4069200200013 (61-PM-150,,DG,340.,0.71) 71.+-4 %. 4069200200014 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) For 2200 m/s neutrons. 4069200200015 From Handbook of Nuclear Physics, in Russian, 4069200200016 Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1960. 4069200200017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4069200200018 article. 4069200200019 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Kondurov,J,SJA,19,1086,1965) 4069200200020 Text page 1087. 4069200200021 HISTORY (20231012A) EN-DUMMY -> EN, SPA deleted. 4069200200022 ENDBIB 20 0 4069200200023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069200200024 DATA 5 1 4069200200025 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 4069200200026 EV B B B B 4069200200027 0.0253 1700. 300. 37. 1.5 4069200200028 ENDDATA 3 0 4069200200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4069200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4069299999999