ENTRY 40693 20231012 42154069300000001 SUBENT 40693001 20231012 42154069300100001 BIB 7 12 4069300100002 TITLE Cross section of V, Zr, Zr90, Zr91, and Zr94 for 4069300100003 radiative capture of neutrons with energies 1-50,000 eV4069300100004 AUTHOR (S.P.Kapchigashev) 4069300100005 REFERENCE (J,SJA,19,1212,1965) Engl.translation of AE,19,294,19654069300100006 (J,AE,19,294,1965) Issue 3 4069300100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4069300100008 METHOD (SLODT) 4069300100009 DETECTOR (PROPC,SCIN) 4069300100010 HISTORY (19870128D) Data transferred into ENTRY 40034. 4069300100011 This ENTRY is deleted 4069300100012 (20231012U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4069300100013 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4069300100014 ENDBIB 12 0 4069300100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069300100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4069300199999 NOSUBENT 40693002 19870128 42154069300200001 NOSUBENT 40693003 19870128 42154069300300001 NOSUBENT 40693004 19870128 42154069300400001 NOSUBENT 40693005 19870128 42154069300500001 NOSUBENT 40693006 19870128 42154069300600001 NOSUBENT 40693007 19870128 42154069300700001 NOSUBENT 40693008 19870128 42154069300800001 NOSUBENT 40693009 19870128 42154069300900001 NOSUBENT 40693010 19870128 42154069301000001 NOSUBENT 40693011 19870128 42154069301100001 ENDENTRY 11 0 4069399999999