ENTRY 40696 20231016 42154069600000001 SUBENT 40696001 20231016 42154069600100001 BIB 14 64 4069600100002 TITLE Cross sections for the radiative capture of fast 4069600100003 neutrons by Ti50 and V51 4069600100004 AUTHOR (G.G.Zaikin,I.A.Korzh,N.T.Sklyar,I.A.Totskij) 4069600100005 REFERENCE (J,SJA,23,742,1967) Engl.translation of AE,23,67,1967 4069600100006 (J,AE,23,67,1967) Issue 1. 4069600100007 ((R,YFI-4,34(2),1967)= 4069600100008 (R,INDC-187,34(2),1967)) Tabulated data. In Russian. 4069600100009 INDC(CCP)*017 = INDC-187A at NDS web-site. 4069600100010 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4069600100011 FACILITY (VDG) 4069600100012 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) For En < 500 keV. 4069600100013 (P-T) For En > 800 keV 4069600100014 Thermal neutrons were obtained by a plexiglass block 4069600100015 of 17 cm thickness between accelerator target and 4069600100016 sample. 4069600100017 METHOD (ACTIV) 4069600100018 SAMPLE Natural. 4069600100019 Impurities for titanium < 3.% , 4069600100020 for vanadium < 1.%. 4069600100021 DETECTOR (PROPC) End-window proportional counters MST-17 - 4069600100022 for induced activity of samples. 4069600100023 (FISCH) U-235 fission chamber with a layer of high 4069600100024 enriched U-235 ( 0.5 mg/cm2 thickness) - 4069600100025 for neutron flux measurement. 4069600100026 Filled with Ar at atmospheric pressure. 4069600100027 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) For fast and thermal neutrons. 4069600100028 Taken from White,J.Nucl.En.19,325(1965) and 4069600100029 BNL-325(1965). 4069600100030 U-235 fission cross section used: 4069600100031 En,keV Cross-section,b En,keV Cross-section,b 4069600100032 180. 1.45 1420. 1620. 4069600100033 290. 1.32 1620. 1.27 4069600100034 410. 1.26 1830. 1.27 4069600100035 510. 1.22 2030. 1.30 4069600100036 810. 1.17 2220. 1.30 4069600100037 1020. 1.26 2610. 1.30 4069600100038 1220. 1.27 4069600100039 . The error in U-235 fission cross-section was +- 5.%. 4069600100040 . Values of the activation C-S of Ti-50 and V-51 and 4069600100041 U-235 thermal fission C-S were taken from a book of 4069600100042 I.V.Gordeev, D.A.Kardashev, A.V.Malyshev, Nuclear- 4069600100043 Physics Constants, in Russian, Gosatomizdat, Moscow, 4069600100044 1963. 4069600100045 CORRECTION For contribution of moderated neutrons < 1.%. 4069600100046 For admixture of U-238 in U-235 sample at En=2.0 MeV 4069600100047 amounted to 2.%. 4069600100048 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error in U235 fission cross-section 4069600100049 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4069600100050 article. 4069600100051 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4069600100052 In Tables 1, 2 of R,YFI-4,34(2),1967 4069600100053 data units are given as "mub". 4069600100054 On Figs. 1,2 data units are "mb". 4069600100055 Comparing with other data on Figs.1,2 4069600100056 it was concluded that DATA units are milli-barn. 4069600100057 HISTORY (19840213T) Converted from ENTRY 80097 4069600100058 (19870602U) INSTITUTE code corrected - IJI to IFU 4069600100059 (20010319A) Date is corrected 4069600100060 (20231016A) Monitor values were added. 4069600100061 Refs. R,YFI-4,34(2),1967, R,INDC(CCP)*017,34(2),1967 4069600100062 were added. 4069600100063 BIB information was updated. 4069600100064 Upper -> lower case correction. 4069600100065 STATUS: SCSRS -> TABLE . 4069600100066 ENDBIB 64 0 4069600100067 COMMON 1 3 4069600100068 ERR-1 4069600100069 PER-CENT 4069600100070 5. 4069600100071 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4069600100072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 4069600199999 SUBENT 40696002 20231016 42154069600200001 BIB 4 10 4069600200002 REACTION (22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,SIG) 4069600200003 REL-REF (N,13860010,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,91,1423,1953) 4069600200004 (N,11399007,R.L.Macklin+,J,PR,107,504,1957) 4069600200005 (N,40336102,M.V.Pasechnik+,C,58GENEVA,15,18,1958) 4069600200006 (N,,Yu.Ya.Stavisskiy+,R,ICD-1,73,1964) 4069600200007 Compilation - Table 2 on page 73. 4069600200008 . Four data sets used for comparison on Fig.2 of 4069600200009 J,SJA,23,742,1967 4069600200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,6.,10.) 4069600200011 STATUS (TABLE,,G.G.Zaikin+,R,YFI-4,34(2),1967) Table 1 4069600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4069600200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069600200014 DATA 4 8 4069600200015 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 4069600200016 KEV KEV MB MB 4069600200017 180. 73. 0.89 0.09 4069600200018 285. 65. 0.63 0.07 4069600200019 510. 60. 0.70 0.07 4069600200020 1220. 85. 0.65 0.05 4069600200021 1425. 85. 0.78 0.07 4069600200022 1625. 85. 0.48 0.06 4069600200023 1830. 90. 0.51 0.06 4069600200024 2030. 90. 0.37 0.04 4069600200025 ENDDATA 10 0 4069600200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4069600299999 SUBENT 40696003 20231016 42154069600300001 BIB 4 13 4069600300002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG) 4069600300003 REL-REF (N,11675002,A.E.Johnsrud+,J,PR,116,927,1959) 4069600300004 (N,40452010,Yu.Ya.Stavisskii+,J,AE,9,401,1960) 4069600300005 (N,11407003,W.S.Lyon+,J,PR,114,1619,1959) 4069600300006 (N,40244070,A.I.Leipunskiy+,C,58GENEVA,15,50,1958) 4069600300007 (N,13860011,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,91,1423,1953) 4069600300008 (N,11399008,R.L.Macklin+,J,PR,107,504,1957) 4069600300009 (N,40421010,V.N.Kononov+,J,AE,5,564,1958) 4069600300010 (N,11010003,V.Hummel+,J,PR,82,67,1951) 4069600300011 . Eight data sets used for comparison on Fig.1 of 4069600300012 J,SJA,23,742,1967 4069600300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,2.,3.) 4069600300014 STATUS (TABLE,,G.G.Zaikin+,R,YFI-4,34(2),1967) Table 2 4069600300015 ENDBIB 13 0 4069600300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 4069600300017 DATA 4 13 4069600300018 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 4069600300019 KEV KEV MB MB 4069600300020 187. 67. 7.11 0.45 4069600300021 293. 57. 4.92 0.31 4069600300022 409. 53. 3.18 0.20 4069600300023 520. 50. 2.11 0.13 4069600300024 806. 86. 1.65 0.12 4069600300025 1016. 84. 1.56 0.10 4069600300026 1220. 85. 1.39 0.08 4069600300027 1425. 85. 1.35 0.09 4069600300028 1626. 86. 1.33 0.09 4069600300029 1830. 90. 1.07 0.09 4069600300030 2030. 90. 0.98 0.06 4069600300031 2220. 90. 1.05 0.06 4069600300032 2610. 110. 1.10 0.07 4069600300033 ENDDATA 15 0 4069600300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4069600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4069699999999