ENTRY            40699   20221205                             42114069900000001 
SUBENT        40699001   20221205                             42114069900100001 
BIB                  9         35                                 4069900100002 
TITLE       Study of (n,p) and (n,np) reactions on the nuclei     4069900100003 
            Al-27, Cr-50, Fe-54  at the neutron energy 14.1 MeV   4069900100004 
AUTHOR     (L.I.Klochkova, B.S.Kovrigin, V.N.Kuritsyn,            4069900100005 
           N.S.Lavrova, E.V.Cherepanov, V.A.Shibajev)             4069900100006 
REFERENCE  (C,81SAMAR,,342,1981) Table of 27Al, 50Cr, 54,58Fe c-s 4069900100007 
           ((C,80KIEV,2,58,1980)=                                 4069900100008 
           (S,INDC(CCP)-169,(2),58,1980))                         4069900100009 
           Table of 27Al,50Cr, 54Fe c-s,                          4069900100010 
            figures of proton spectra (DA, DA/DE), preliminary.   4069900100011 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSTIL)                                              4069900100012 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)                                4069900100013 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  4069900100014 
DETECTOR   (TELES,PROPC,SOLST) Detector telescope consists of the 4069900100015 
                 two proportional gas counters and                4069900100016 
                 semiconducting silicon detector                  4069900100017 
STATUS                      Data were superseded according to     4069900100018 
           the author's decision by 40998,                        4069900100019 
           then 40998 was superseded by 41118:                    4069900100020 
            40699.003 ->  41118.034                               4069900100021 
                 .004 ->  41118.035                               4069900100022 
                 .005 ->  41118.043                               4069900100023 
                 .006 ->  41118.044                               4069900100024 
                 .007 ->  41118.045                               4069900100025 
                 .008 ->  41118.002, .003, .004                   4069900100026 
                 .009 ->  41118.006, .007, .008                   4069900100027 
                 .010 ->  41118.009, .010, .011.                  4069900100028 
HISTORY    (19840123C) Compiled at the CJD                        4069900100029 
           (19870527U) One more reference inserted                4069900100030 
           (19891006A) Data superseded due to the more new ones   4069900100031 
              in ENTRY 40998.                                     4069900100032 
           (19901017U) 'P' in SF7 deleted                         4069900100033 
           (20221205A) M.M. Data Subents 003 - 010 were superseded4069900100034 
           and deleted according to comment of N.Otsuka(NDS,IAEA),4069900100035 
            all data are mentioned as preliminary in              4069900100036 
           C,87KIEV,3,315,1987, see also STATUS.                  4069900100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 4069900100038 
COMMON               1          3                                 4069900100039 
EN                                                                4069900100040 
MEV                                                               4069900100041 
 14.1                                                             4069900100042 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4069900100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 4069900199999 
SUBENT        40699002   20221205                             42114069900200001 
BIB                  5         20                                 4069900200002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE)                            4069900200003 
ERR-ANALYS  Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                      4069900200004 
            scale X - 0.014MeV, scale Y - 0.0080 mb/sr/MeV        4069900200005 
           (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4069900200006 
           the article.                                           4069900200007 
COMMENT     Of compiler  M.M. 2022-12-05.                         4069900200008 
            Preliminary digitized data were added because the data4069900200009 
            of DA/DE for Al-27 were not found in newer            4069900200010 
            publications (no tables, no figures).                 4069900200011 
            For newer data of DA and DE - see Entry 41118, Subents4069900200012 
            039 (DE for n,p + n,np reaction),                     4069900200013 
            043 (DA for n,p reaction).                            4069900200014 
STATUS     (PRELM) Data not delivered. Only preliminary data for  4069900200015 
           60 deg angle .                                         4069900200016 
           (CURVE) Fig.1 upper of C,80KIEV,2,58,1980              4069900200017 
HISTORY    (20221205A) Digitized data were added.                 4069900200018 
            Reaction was corrected                                4069900200019 
             AL-27(N,P)MG-27,,DA/DE + AL-27(N,N+P)MG-26,,DA/DE,P  4069900200020 
             -> AL-27(N,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE                            4069900200021 
            according to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA).        4069900200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 4069900200023 
COMMON               3          3                                 4069900200024 
ANG-CM     E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                     4069900200025 
ADEG       MEV        MB/SR/MEV                                   4069900200026 
 60.        0.011      0.0080                                     4069900200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4069900200028 
DATA                 3         41                                 4069900200029 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    4069900200030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   4069900200031 
      2.952     6.3127                                            4069900200032 
      3.224     4.5453                                            4069900200033 
      3.515     3.5135                                            4069900200034 
      3.770     3.2171                                            4069900200035 
      3.969     2.8892     0.1878                                 4069900200036 
      4.226     2.4520                                            4069900200037 
      4.508     2.2026                                            4069900200038 
      4.739     1.5775                                            4069900200039 
      5.022     1.2186     0.1408                                 4069900200040 
      5.241     1.5637                                            4069900200041 
      5.496     1.2986                                            4069900200042 
      5.751     0.9553                                            4069900200043 
      5.973     1.0500                                            4069900200044 
      6.282     0.8633                                            4069900200045 
      6.532     0.9738                                            4069900200046 
      6.732     0.6459                                            4069900200047 
      7.041     0.4749                                            4069900200048 
      7.320     0.4603     0.2033                                 4069900200049 
      7.544     0.4455                                            4069900200050 
      7.764     0.6654                                            4069900200051 
      8.041     0.9168                                            4069900200052 
      8.234     1.0740                                            4069900200053 
      8.546     0.6526                                            4069900200054 
      8.858     0.2781                                            4069900200055 
      9.111     0.0756                                            4069900200056 
      9.361     0.2331                                            4069900200057 
      9.581     0.5155                                            4069900200058 
      9.830     0.7043                                            4069900200059 
     10.056     0.4234                                            4069900200060 
     10.310     0.2366                                            4069900200061 
     10.534     0.1435                                            4069900200062 
     10.839     0.3637                                            4069900200063 
     11.036     0.2079                                            4069900200064 
     11.260     0.1462                                            4069900200065 
     11.537     0.3037      0.172                                 4069900200066 
     11.791     0.1168                                            4069900200067 
     12.182     0.0400                                            4069900200068 
     12.601     0.0415                                            4069900200069 
     13.048     0.0275                                            4069900200070 
     13.495     0.0292                                            4069900200071 
     13.969     0.0309                                            4069900200072 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 4069900200073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 4069900299999 
NOSUBENT      40699003   20221205                             42114069900300001 
NOSUBENT      40699004   20221205                             42114069900400001 
NOSUBENT      40699005   20221205                             42114069900500001 
NOSUBENT      40699006   20221205                             42114069900600001 
NOSUBENT      40699007   20221205                             42114069900700001 
NOSUBENT      40699008   20221205                             42114069900800001 
NOSUBENT      40699009   20221205                             42114069900900001 
NOSUBENT      40699010   20221205                             42114069901000001 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 4069999999999