ENTRY 40717 20231113 42164071700000001 SUBENT 40717001 20231113 42164071700100001 BIB 15 54 4071700100002 TITLE Measurement of absorption cross-sections for neutrons 4071700100003 with a mean energy of 24 keV by transmission in a 4071700100004 spherical geometry 4071700100005 AUTHOR (T.S.Belanova,A.A.Van'kov,F.F.Mikhaylus, 4071700100006 Yu.Ya.Stavisskiy) 4071700100007 REFERENCE (C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700100008 STI/PUB/140 4071700100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4071700100010 INC-SOURCE Sb-Be neutron source of 30 mm diameter, Be thickness 4071700100011 2-4 mm, intensity ~10**8 n/sec. 4071700100012 Mean neutron energy 24 keV. 4071700100013 SAMPLE Spherical layers 4071700100014 METHOD (SHELT) Spherical shell transmission. 4071700100015 Independent measurements by 4071700100016 1) long counter and 4071700100017 2) fission chambers in water tank. 4071700100018 To search resonance blocking of fast neutrons, 4071700100019 the samples deluted by Pb-Bi alloy ( volume content 4071700100020 in sample ~ 70 %) and samples of different thickness 4071700100021 were used. 4071700100022 DETECTOR (LONGC) System of long counters was used for neutrons 4071700100023 detection. 4071700100024 (FISCH) Water tank with little fission chambers 4071700100025 containing U-235 layer was used for neutrons detection.4071700100026 ANALYSIS Monte-Carlo method to calculate transmissions. 4071700100027 Table 2 contains resulting data obtained from 4071700100028 measurements by long counter and water tank with 4071700100029 fission chambers. 4071700100030 MONITOR Absolute measurements 4071700100031 CORRECTION . For 4071700100032 non-monoenergetic neutrons; 4071700100033 neutron source dimensions and absorption in the 4071700100034 neutron source; 4071700100035 attenuation of neutrons in the water tank; 4071700100036 absorption in Pb-Bi alloy; 4071700100037 fission of U-235 admixture in natural U-238. 4071700100038 Total correction was in a range 5 - 25 %. 4071700100039 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error. 4071700100040 REL-REF (O,40808001,A.A.Van'kov+,J,SJA,19,903,1965) 4071700100041 Data for U-235 and Pu-239. 4071700100042 (O,40072001,T.S.Belanova+,J,SJA,19,858,1965) Data for 4071700100043 Cr, Zn, Zr, Nb, Ag, Cd, Sn,Sb, W, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi,Th, 4071700100044 U-238 given in Table 2 of 66PARIS,I,455(96),1966. 4071700100045 COMMENT Of authors. Data of Table 2 in 66PARIS,I,455(96),1966 4071700100046 are final. See title of Table 2. 4071700100047 Of compiler. 4071700100048 Data for U-238 were revised in A.A.Van'kov+, 4071700100049 R,YK-9,44,1972, and are given in 40072.019 - 4071700100050 misprint in U-235 admixture was corrected and resonance4071700100051 structure was taken into account. 4071700100052 HISTORY (19840418T) Converted from ENTRY 80163 4071700100053 (20231113U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4071700100054 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4071700100055 Subents 004-006 were added - Cu, Mo, In data. 4071700100056 ENDBIB 54 0 4071700100057 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 4071700199999 SUBENT 40717002 20231113 42164071700200001 BIB 2 6 4071700200002 REACTION (38-SR-0(N,G),,SIG) 4071700200003 STATUS (TABLE,,T.S.Belanova+,C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700200004 Table 2. 4071700200005 . This Subent data ( 108+-15 mb) supersede Subent 4071700200006 40072.038 data (105.+-13. mb) - see comment of authors 4071700200007 in Subent 40717.001. 4071700200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4071700200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700200010 DATA 3 1 4071700200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4071700200012 KEV MB MB 4071700200013 24. 108. 15. 4071700200014 ENDDATA 3 0 4071700200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4071700299999 SUBENT 40717003 20231113 42164071700300001 BIB 3 8 4071700300002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,G),,SIG) 4071700300003 STATUS (TABLE,,T.S.Belanova+,C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700300004 Table 2. 4071700300005 (COREL,40374008) Data of earlier publication of 4071700300006 1958 year - 50.+-1 mb at 25.+-4. keV - are in 4071700300007 Subent 40374008 ( experiment at 1952-1955 years) 4071700300008 are not mentioned in C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966 4071700300009 HISTORY (20231113U) COMMENT was deleted. COREL was added. 4071700300010 ENDBIB 8 0 4071700300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700300012 DATA 3 1 4071700300013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4071700300014 MEV MB MB 4071700300015 24. 23. 6. 4071700300016 ENDDATA 3 0 4071700300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4071700399999 SUBENT 40717004 20231113 42164071700400001 BIB 3 7 4071700400002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,G),,SIG) 4071700400003 STATUS (TABLE,,T.S.Belanova+,C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700400004 Table 2. 4071700400005 . This Subent data ( 58.+-8. mb) supersede Subent 4071700400006 40072.003 data ( 59.+-8. mb) - see comment of authors 4071700400007 in Subent 40717.001. 4071700400008 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4071700400009 ENDBIB 7 0 4071700400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700400011 DATA 3 1 4071700400012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4071700400013 KEV MB MB 4071700400014 24. 58. 8. 4071700400015 ENDDATA 3 0 4071700400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4071700499999 SUBENT 40717005 20231113 42164071700500001 BIB 3 11 4071700500002 REACTION (42-MO-0(N,G),,SIG) 4071700500003 STATUS (TABLE,,T.S.Belanova+,C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700500004 Table 2. 4071700500005 . This Subent data ( 192.+-30. mb) supersede 4071700500006 - Subent 40072.007 data ( 192.+-12. mb) - see comment 4071700500007 authors in Subent 40717.001; 4071700500008 (COREL,40375008) Data of earlier publication of 4071700500009 1960 year - 262.+-11. mb at 24.+-3. keV - are in 4071700500010 Subent 40375008 are not mentioned in 4071700500011 C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966 4071700500012 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4071700500013 ENDBIB 11 0 4071700500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700500015 DATA 3 1 4071700500016 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4071700500017 KEV MB MB 4071700500018 24. 192. 30. 4071700500019 ENDDATA 3 0 4071700500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4071700599999 SUBENT 40717006 20231113 42164071700600001 BIB 3 7 4071700600002 REACTION (49-IN-0(N,G),,SIG) 4071700600003 STATUS (TABLE,,T.S.Belanova+,C,66PARIS,I,455(96),1966) 4071700600004 Table 2. 4071700600005 . This Subent data ( 776.+-66. mb) supersede Subent 4071700600006 40072.010 data ( 778.+-66. mb) - see comment of authors4071700600007 in Subent 40717.001. 4071700600008 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4071700600009 ENDBIB 7 0 4071700600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4071700600011 DATA 3 1 4071700600012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4071700600013 KEV MB MB 4071700600014 24. 776. 66. 4071700600015 ENDDATA 3 0 4071700600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4071700699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4071799999999