ENTRY 40720 20230703 42134072000000001 SUBENT 40720001 20230703 42134072000100001 BIB 13 40 4072000100002 TITLE Radiative capture cross section of fast neutrons by 4072000100003 197Au, 236U and 237Np nuclei 4072000100004 AUTHOR (A.N.Davletshin,A.O.Tipunkov,S.V.Tikhonov, 4072000100005 V.A.Tolstikov,L.E.Sherman,V.V.Tuzhilov,O.T.Grudzevich) 4072000100006 Three last authors are from secondary ref. 4072000100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4072000100008 (4RUSMIF) 4072000100009 REFERENCE (J,SJA,58,216,1985) Engl.tansl.of AE,58,183,1985 4072000100010 (J,AE,58,183,1985) Data given 4072000100011 ((J,YK,,(2/51),3,1983)= 4072000100012 (R,INDC(CCP)-207,3,1983)) Preliminary data 4072000100013 ((C,83KIEV,2,181,1983)= 4072000100014 (R,INDC(CCP)-235,(2),181,1983)) Graph is given 4072000100015 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) KG-2.5 4072000100016 METHOD (ACTIV) 4072000100017 INC-SOURCE (P-T) 4072000100018 (P-LI7) 4072000100019 SAMPLE Gold and uranium-oxide,1 gram each 4072000100020 DETECTOR (GELI) 4072000100021 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,92-U-236(N,G)92-U-237,,SIG) 4072000100022 Activation cross-section for thermal energy 4072000100023 (ASSUM2,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-M,,SIG) 4072000100024 Activation cross-section for thermal energy 4072000100025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Activity ratio error 4072000100026 (ERR-2) Detector efficiency error 4072000100027 (ERR-3,1.8,2.7) Scattering correction error 4072000100028 (ERR-S,3.,3.6) Statistical error 4072000100029 STATUS (APRVD) Tolstikov 1984-04-25 4072000100030 HISTORY (19840428C) + + Compiled at CJD 4072000100031 (19850617U) Some new data-errors introduced 4072000100032 (19870612U) One data-line corrected 4072000100033 (19890407A) Data superseded due to the new 4072000100034 measurements available 4072000100035 (20030606A) Entry deleted due to data repetition in 4072000100036 40969 4072000100037 (20180320U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4072000100038 Refs. INDC(CCP)-207,3,1983, INDC(CCP)-235,181,1983 , 4072000100039 SJA,58,216,1985 were added. 4072000100040 (20230703A) Data were restored in Subent 002 according 4072000100041 to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4072000100042 ENDBIB 40 0 4072000100043 COMMON 6 3 4072000100044 ASSUM1 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2 ASSUM2-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 4072000100045 B B B B PER-CENT PER-CENT 4072000100046 5.2 0.3 98.8 0.3 1.6 2.2 4072000100047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4072000100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 4072000199999 SUBENT 40720002 20230703 42134072000200001 BIB 7 12 4072000200002 REACTION (92-U-236(N,G)92-U-237,,SIG) 4072000200003 MONITOR ((MONIT)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-M,,SIG) 4072000200004 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-M,2.70D,DG,412.) 4072000200005 DECAY-DATA (92-U-237,6.75D,DG,208.) 4072000200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Error of the data without the error of the 4072000200007 standard cross-section 4072000200008 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4072000200009 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Davletshin,J,SJA,58,216,1985) 4072000200010 Table 2 - data and monitor, Table 1 -uncertainties. 4072000200011 (SPSDD,40969003) In 40969003 - data revised taking into4072000200012 account new measurement (comment of authors in 40969). 4072000200013 HISTORY (20230703S) Data were restored. ERR-6 -> DATA-ERR1 4072000200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4072000200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4072000200016 DATA 7 12 4072000200017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T DATA-ERR1 MONIT 4072000200018 MONIT-ERR 4072000200019 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT MB 4072000200020 PER-CENT 4072000200021 166. 37. 223. 10.7 3.7 253.1 4072000200022 10. 4072000200023 168. 35. 213. 10.7 4.7 251.5 4072000200024 10. 4072000200025 174. 30. 208. 10.7 4.7 247.1 4072000200026 10. 4072000200027 206. 26. 205. 7.1 3.6 245.5 4072000200028 6.1 4072000200029 240. 24. 194. 7.1 3.5 234.4 4072000200030 6.1 4072000200031 354. 41. 174. 6.9 3.3 179.6 4072000200032 6.1 4072000200033 459. 36. 153. 6.8 3.2 142.7 4072000200034 6.1 4072000200035 551. 51. 161. 5.1 3.0 124.7 4072000200036 4.1 4072000200037 718. 44. 177. 5.1 3.1 99.0 4072000200038 4.1 4072000200039 890. 43. 163. 5.1 2.9 85.8 4072000200040 4.1 4072000200041 1046. 45. 149. 7.7 2.9 81.3 4072000200042 7. 4072000200043 1146. 38. 126. 7.7 2.9 77.8 4072000200044 7. 4072000200045 ENDDATA 28 0 4072000200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 4072000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4072099999999