ENTRY 40730 20240401 42174073000000001 SUBENT 40730001 20240401 42174073000100001 BIB 6 42 4073000100002 TITLE Mass-spectroscopic studies of fission products of 4073000100003 U-233, U-235, and Pu-239. 4073000100004 AUTHOR (M.P.Anikina,P.M.Aron,V.K.Gorshkov,R.N.Ivanov, 4073000100005 L.M.Krizhansky,G.M.Kukavadze,A.N.Murin, 4073000100006 I.A.Reformatskij,B.V.Ershler) 4073000100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) 4073000100008 REFERENCE (C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) Paper # 2040. 4073000100009 (J,AE,3,546,1957) Issue 6. 4073000100010 (J,SJA,3,1436,1957) 4073000100011 #doi:10.1007/BF01522511 4073000100012 R.N.Ivanov,V.K.Gorshkov,M.P.Anikina,G.M.Kukavadze, 4073000100013 B.V.Ershler. 4073000100014 "Yields of certain heavy fragments in the fission of 4073000100015 U233" . 4073000100016 (J,JNE,9,46,1959) Engl.translation of AE,3,546. 4073000100017 R.N.Ivanov,V.K.Gorshkov,M.P.Anikina,G.M.Kukavadze, 4073000100018 B.V.Ershler. Issue 1-4. 4073000100019 "Yields of some heavy fragments in the fission of 233U"4073000100020 (J,AE,2,275,1957) Sr90 HL=19.9 yr was used. 4073000100021 (J,JNE,6,169,1957) Engl.translation of AE,2,275,1957 4073000100022 (J,SJA,2,332,1957) Engl.translation of AE,2,275,1957 4073000100023 (J,AE,4,198,1958) Sr90 HL=29.3+-1.6 yr measured 4073000100024 (J,JNE,9,167,1959) Engl.translation of AE,4,198,1958 4073000100025 (J,SJA,4,270,1958) Engl.translation of AE,4,198,1958 4073000100026 (S,AEC-TR-2435,(2),125,1956) Preliminary report for 4073000100027 233U(n,f)Ce,Nd FY by isotope-dilution method (Subent 4073000100028 004). First author G.M.Kukavadze. 4073000100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4073000100030 article 4073000100031 HISTORY (19840516T) Converted from ENTRY 80136 4073000100032 (19910128U) Institute code 'CCP' changed to 'ITE' 4073000100033 (20120512A) References were corrected. 4073000100034 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4073000100035 Upper -> lower case correction. 4073000100036 BIB information was added. 4073000100037 Subents 004-007 were added. 4073000100038 EN -> EN-DUMMY in Subents 002,003. 4073000100039 (20140414A) JNE/B -> JNE ( It was wrong presentation - 4073000100040 mistake by Elsevier ) 4073000100041 (20201214A) Refs. AE,2,275,1957 AE,4,198,1958 and their4073000100042 Engl.translations were added. 4073000100043 (20240401U) STATUS was updated in data Subents. 4073000100044 ENDBIB 42 0 4073000100045 NOCOMMON 0 0 4073000100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 4073000199999 SUBENT 40730002 20240401 42174073000200001 BIB 4 6 4073000200002 REACTION (62-SM-149(N,G)62-SM-150,,SIG,,,DERIV) 4073000200003 FACILITY (SPECM) Mass spectrometer 4073000200004 ANALYSIS Derived from ratio of Sm-149 and Sm-150 yields and 4073000200005 irradiation characteristics. 4073000200006 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000200007 Text, page 447. 4073000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4073000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4073000200010 DATA 3 1 4073000200011 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4073000200012 MEV B B 4073000200013 2.5300E-08 4.9000E+04 8.0000E+03 4073000200014 ENDDATA 3 0 4073000200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4073000299999 SUBENT 40730003 20240401 42174073000300001 BIB 4 6 4073000300002 REACTION (62-SM-151(N,ABS),,SIG,,,DERIV) 4073000300003 FACILITY (SPECM) Mass spectrometer 4073000300004 ANALYSIS C-S was derived by usage of number of Sm-151 nuclei and4073000300005 defined its absolute yield from mass-yield curve. 4073000300006 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000300007 Text, page 447. 4073000300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4073000300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4073000300010 DATA 3 1 4073000300011 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4073000300012 MEV B B 4073000300013 2.5300E-08 8.0000E+03 1.5000E+03 4073000300014 ENDDATA 3 0 4073000300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4073000399999 SUBENT 40730004 20240401 42174073000400001 BIB 7 16 4073000400002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4073000400003 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons. 4073000400004 METHOD Isotope dilution method. 4073000400005 CORRECTION Corrections were done: 4073000400006 FLAG (1.) Correction for Sr-90 (HL=29.3 yr) decay is 4073000400007 included. 4073000400008 (2.) Correction for Cs-137 (HL=33 yr) decay is 4073000400009 included. 4073000400010 cross-section of 3.5E6 b is included. 4073000400011 (3.) Correction for reaction Nd-143(n,g)Nd-144 using 4073000400012 cross-section 280 b is included. 4073000400013 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000400014 Table 1. 4073000400015 Sr-88,-90 yields are given in At.Energy,v.4,p.198,1958 4073000400016 (5.3+-0.3)% and (5.8+-0.4)%, respectively. 4073000400017 HISTORY (20201214U) Information was added in STATUS 4073000400018 ENDBIB 16 0 4073000400019 COMMON 1 3 4073000400020 EN-DUMMY 4073000400021 EV 4073000400022 2.5300E-02 4073000400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073000400024 DATA 5 13 4073000400025 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4073000400026 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 4073000400027 38. 88. 5.50 0.30 4073000400028 38. 90. 5.80 0.40 1. 4073000400029 55. 133. 5.20 0.30 4073000400030 55. 137. 5.80 0.30 2. 4073000400031 58. 140. 5.45 0.50 4073000400032 58. 142. 5.50 0.50 4073000400033 60. 143. 5.00 0.30 3. 4073000400034 60. 144. 3.80 0.40 3. 4073000400035 60. 145. 2.82 0.25 4073000400036 60. 146. 2.20 0.15 4073000400037 60. 148. 1.03 0.10 4073000400038 60. 150. 0.51 0.08 4073000400039 62. 149. 0.66 0.13 4073000400040 ENDDATA 15 0 4073000400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4073000499999 SUBENT 40730005 20240401 42174073000500001 BIB 6 11 4073000500002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4073000500003 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons. 4073000500004 METHOD Integral mass-spectrographic method. 4073000500005 CORRECTION Corrections were done: 4073000500006 FLAG (1.) Correction for Cs-137 (HL=33 yr) decay is 4073000500007 included. 4073000500008 (2.) Correction for reaction Nd-143(n,g)Nd-144 using 4073000500009 cross-section 280 b is included. 4073000500010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000500011 Table 1. 4073000500012 Table of J,SJA,3,1436,1957 - prelim.data. 4073000500013 ENDBIB 11 0 4073000500014 COMMON 1 3 4073000500015 EN-DUMMY 4073000500016 EV 4073000500017 2.5300E-02 4073000500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073000500019 DATA 5 17 4073000500020 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4073000500021 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 4073000500022 55. 133. 5.50 0.13 4073000500023 55. 137. 6.16 0.14 1. 4073000500024 57. 139. 5.91 0.23 4073000500025 58. 140. 6.16 0.24 4073000500026 58. 142. 6.06 0.24 4073000500027 59. 141. 5.57 0.19 4073000500028 60. 143. 5.19 0.17 2. 4073000500029 60. 144. 3.84 0.15 2. 4073000500030 60. 145. 2.88 0.08 4073000500031 60. 146. 2.24 0.07 4073000500032 60. 148. 1.07 0.04 4073000500033 60. 150. 0.49 0.02 4073000500034 61. 147. 1.53 0.06 4073000500035 62. 149. 0.70 0.03 4073000500036 62. 151. 0.33 0.03 4073000500037 62. 152. 0.21 0.02 4073000500038 63. 153. 0.13 0.02 4073000500039 ENDDATA 19 0 4073000500040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4073000599999 SUBENT 40730006 20240401 42174073000600001 BIB 6 9 4073000600002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4073000600003 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons. 4073000600004 METHOD Integral mass-spectrographic method. 4073000600005 CORRECTION Corrections were done: 4073000600006 FLAG (1.) Correction for reaction Nd-143(n,g)Nd-144 using 4073000600007 cross-section 280 b is included. 4073000600008 (2.) Taken as standard. 4073000600009 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000600010 Table 1. 4073000600011 ENDBIB 9 0 4073000600012 COMMON 1 3 4073000600013 EN-DUMMY 4073000600014 EV 4073000600015 2.5300E-02 4073000600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073000600017 DATA 5 10 4073000600018 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4073000600019 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 4073000600020 58. 140. 6.30 0.30 4073000600021 58. 142. 5.80 0.20 4073000600022 60. 143. 5.80 0.20 1. 4073000600023 60. 144. 5.60 0.30 1. 4073000600024 60. 145. 4.00 0.10 4073000600025 60. 146. 3.20 2. 4073000600026 60. 148. 1.70 0.10 4073000600027 60. 150. 0.70 0.10 4073000600028 61. 147. 2.90 0.40 4073000600029 62. 149. 1.50 0.30 4073000600030 ENDDATA 12 0 4073000600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4073000699999 SUBENT 40730007 20240401 42174073000700001 BIB 6 19 4073000700002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW) 4073000700003 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons. 4073000700004 METHOD Integral mass-spectrographic method. 4073000700005 CORRECTION Corrections were done: 4073000700006 FLAG (1.) Correction for Sr-90 (HL=29.3 yr) decay is 4073000700007 included. 4073000700008 (2.) Correction for reaction Xe-135(n,g)Xe-136 using 4073000700009 cross-section of 3.5E6 b is included. 4073000700010 (3.) Correction for Cs-137 (HL=33 yr) decay is 4073000700011 included. 4073000700012 (4.) The yield was determined by means of an 4073000700013 "external standard" 4073000700014 (5.) Correction for reaction Nd-143(n,g)Nd-144 using 4073000700015 cross-section 280 b is included. 4073000700016 (6.) Correction for reaction Nd-143(n,g)Nd-144 using 4073000700017 cross-section 280 b and for Ce-144 (HL=282 d) decay 4073000700018 are included . 4073000700019 STATUS (TABLE,,M.P.Anikina,C,58GENEVA,15,446,1958) 4073000700020 Table 1. 4073000700021 ENDBIB 19 0 4073000700022 COMMON 1 3 4073000700023 EN-DUMMY 4073000700024 EV 4073000700025 2.5300E-02 4073000700026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073000700027 DATA 5 20 4073000700028 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4073000700029 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 4073000700030 38. 88. 1.39 0.04 4073000700031 38. 90. 2.31 0.05 1. 4073000700032 55. 133. 5.26 0.13 4073000700033 55. 135. 6.95 0.19 2. 4073000700034 55. 137. 6.50 0.16 3. 4073000700035 56. 138. 6.26 0.15 4073000700036 58. 140. 5.52 0.14 4073000700037 58. 142. 6.66 0.17 4073000700038 59. 141. 6.02 0.18 4. 4073000700039 60. 143. 6.10 0.15 5. 4073000700040 60. 144. 5.50 0.17 6. 4073000700041 60. 145. 4.20 0.11 4073000700042 60. 146. 3.53 0.09 4073000700043 60. 148. 2.30 0.05 4073000700044 60. 150. 1.35 0.02 4073000700045 61. 147. 2.58 0.05 4073000700046 62. 149. 1.68 0.02 4073000700047 62. 151. 1.01 0.02 4073000700048 62. 152. 0.75 0.015 4073000700049 62. 154. 0.36 0.009 4073000700050 ENDDATA 22 0 4073000700051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 4073000799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4073099999999