ENTRY 40736 20231113 42164073600000001 SUBENT 40736001 20231113 42164073600100001 BIB 15 42 4073600100002 TITLE Excitation of low-lying levels of Fe-56 and Ni-58 4073600100003 isotopes in the (n,n'gamma) reaction. 2. Gamma-quanta 4073600100004 yield cross-section 4073600100005 AUTHOR (D.A.Bazavov,I.E.Kashuba,V.P.Prikhod'Ko,A.A.Golubova, 4073600100006 S.V.Stolyarov) 4073600100007 REFERENCE (J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) In Russian. 4073600100008 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4073600100009 FACILITY (VDG,4UKRIJD) EG-5 in pulsed mode, frequency 4 MHz, 4073600100010 pulse time duration 4 nsec. 4073600100011 INC-SOURCE (P-T) 4073600100012 METHOD (TOF) Time resolution 10 nsec. 4073600100013 DETECTOR (GELI) Detector - sample distance 50 cm. Working volume4073600100014 of Ge(Li) detector 35 cm3, resolution ~ 5 keV for 4073600100015 1.33 MeV line of Co-60. 4073600100016 Detector efficiency was described by formula 4073600100017 ln(EPSgamma)= 7.1006 - 1.2486*ln(E), E in keV 4073600100018 with accuracy less or equal to 2.%. 4073600100019 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA,G) 4073600100020 EN-SEC (E,G) 4073600100021 CORRECTION Detector efficiency, 4073600100022 "dead time", 4073600100023 gamma-quanta self-absorption, 4073600100024 neutron beam attenuation in sample (using experimental4073600100025 total cross-sections of S.Cierjacks+ for Fe-56, 4073600100026 D.I.Garber+ for Ni-58; see REL-REFs). 4073600100027 REL-REF . S.Cierjacks,G.Schmalz,R.Toepke+, 4073600100028 J,NDS-425,2,754,1975; 4073600100029 Thick sample transmission measurement and resonance 4073600100030 analysis of the total neutron cross section of iron. 4073600100031 (R,,D.I.Garber+,R,BNL-425,(2),162,1976) 4073600100032 D.I.Garber,R.R.Kinsey, Neutron cross section. 4073600100033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes: 4073600100034 neutron beam monitor, 4073600100035 gamma-lines intensity, 4073600100036 statistical uncertainty and ERR-1. 4073600100037 (ERR-1,,2.) detector efficiency. 4073600100038 ADD-RES (COMP) Measured data are compared with theoretical 4073600100039 calculations. 4073600100040 HISTORY (19840622C) 4073600100041 (20231113U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4073600100042 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4073600100043 BIB information was updated. 4073600100044 ENDBIB 42 0 4073600100045 COMMON 1 3 4073600100046 E-NRM 4073600100047 MEV 4073600100048 0.847 4073600100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4073600199999 SUBENT 40736002 20231113 42164073600200001 BIB 3 5 4073600200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA,G) 4073600200003 SAMPLE 94. % of Fe-56 and 6. % of Fe-54,sample weight 146.3434073600200004 gram 4073600200005 (26-FE-56,ENR=0.94) 4073600200006 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 2. 4073600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4073600200008 COMMON 1 3 4073600200009 E 4073600200010 MEV 4073600200011 1.240 4073600200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600200013 DATA 4 24 4073600200014 EN ANG DATA ERR-T 4073600200015 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4073600200016 2.52 90. 2.97 0.36 4073600200017 2.52 100. 3.13 0.38 4073600200018 2.52 110. 3.46 0.45 4073600200019 2.52 120. 4.30 0.50 4073600200020 2.52 125. 4.56 0.51 4073600200021 2.52 130. 4.64 0.52 4073600200022 2.52 140. 5.55 0.49 4073600200023 2.52 150. 5.36 0.55 4073600200024 2.72 90. 5.30 0.42 4073600200025 2.72 100. 5.61 0.46 4073600200026 2.72 110. 6.13 0.45 4073600200027 2.72 120. 6.90 0.41 4073600200028 2.72 125. 7.46 0.42 4073600200029 2.72 130. 8.19 0.46 4073600200030 2.72 140. 8.66 0.49 4073600200031 2.72 150. 9.29 0.51 4073600200032 3.02 90. 9.96 0.67 4073600200033 3.02 100. 10.3 0.6 4073600200034 3.02 110. 11.2 0.6 4073600200035 3.02 120. 12.2 0.6 4073600200036 3.02 125. 12.8 0.7 4073600200037 3.02 130. 13.4 0.7 4073600200038 3.02 140. 16.4 0.9 4073600200039 3.02 150. 17.7 0.9 4073600200040 ENDDATA 26 0 4073600200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4073600299999 SUBENT 40736003 20231113 42164073600300001 BIB 3 5 4073600300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA,G) 4073600300003 SAMPLE 94. % of Fe-56 and 6. % of Fe-54,sample weight 146.3434073600300004 gram 4073600300005 (26-FE-56,ENR=0.94) 4073600300006 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 2. 4073600300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4073600300008 COMMON 2 3 4073600300009 EN E 4073600300010 MEV MEV 4073600300011 3.02 1.820 4073600300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600300013 DATA 3 8 4073600300014 ANG DATA ERR-T 4073600300015 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4073600300016 90. 10.1 0.6 4073600300017 100. 11.5 0.7 4073600300018 110. 11.8 0.7 4073600300019 120. 11.4 0.7 4073600300020 125. 12.5 0.7 4073600300021 130. 12.3 0.7 4073600300022 140. 14.9 0.9 4073600300023 150. 17.8 1.0 4073600300024 ENDDATA 10 0 4073600300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4073600399999 SUBENT 40736004 20231113 42164073600400001 BIB 3 5 4073600400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 4073600400003 SAMPLE 94. % of Fe-56 and 6. % of Fe-54,sample weight 146.3434073600400004 gram 4073600400005 (26-FE-56,ENR=0.94) 4073600400006 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 2. 4073600400007 ENDBIB 5 0 4073600400008 COMMON 1 3 4073600400009 E 4073600400010 MEV 4073600400011 1.240 4073600400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600400013 DATA 3 3 4073600400014 EN DATA ERR-T 4073600400015 MEV MB MB 4073600400016 2.52 53.4 0.8 4073600400017 2.72 90.9 0.7 4073600400018 3.02 167.7 1.7 4073600400019 ENDDATA 5 0 4073600400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4073600499999 SUBENT 40736005 20231113 42164073600500001 BIB 3 5 4073600500002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 4073600500003 SAMPLE 94. % of Fe-56 and 6. % of Fe-54,sample weight 146.3434073600500004 gram 4073600500005 (26-FE-56,ENR=0.94) 4073600500006 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 2. 4073600500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4073600500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4073600500009 DATA 4 1 4073600500010 EN E DATA ERR-T 4073600500011 MEV MEV MB MB 4073600500012 3.02 1.820 166.1 3.3 4073600500013 ENDDATA 3 0 4073600500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4073600599999 SUBENT 40736006 20231113 42164073600600001 BIB 4 6 4073600600002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,DA,G) 4073600600003 SAMPLE 99.7 % of Ni-58, sample weight 65.840 gram 4073600600004 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.997) 4073600600005 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 3. 4073600600006 HISTORY (20231113A) Data were corrected as given in Table 3 - 4073600600007 - deleted when data values are absent in Table 3. 4073600600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4073600600009 COMMON 1 3 4073600600010 E 4073600600011 MEV 4073600600012 1.454 4073600600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600600014 DATA 4 63 4073600600015 EN ANG DATA ERR-T 4073600600016 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4073600600017 1.91 30. 38.9 1.4 4073600600018 1.91 40. 40.7 1.5 4073600600019 1.91 50. 39.1 1.4 4073600600020 1.91 55. 36.2 1.3 4073600600021 1.91 60. 34.8 1.2 4073600600022 1.91 70. 28.0 1.0 4073600600023 1.91 80. 26.1 1.0 4073600600024 1.91 90. 24.5 1.0 4073600600025 1.91 100. 25.7 1.2 4073600600026 1.91 110. 27.2 1.3 4073600600027 1.91 125. 36.4 1.5 4073600600028 1.91 140. 40.2 1.6 4073600600029 1.91 150. 39.2 1.5 4073600600030 2.11 30. 32.8 1.6 4073600600031 2.11 40. 34.3 1.4 4073600600032 2.11 50. 30.9 1.1 4073600600033 2.11 55. 30.9 1.1 4073600600034 2.11 60. 29.4 1.0 4073600600035 2.11 70. 25.1 0.9 4073600600036 2.11 80. 22.3 0.7 4073600600037 2.11 90. 19.8 0.7 4073600600038 2.11 100. 21.3 0.8 4073600600039 2.11 110. 24.5 0.9 4073600600040 2.11 125. 31.8 1.1 4073600600041 2.11 140. 34.7 1.1 4073600600042 2.11 150. 34.2 1.2 4073600600043 2.32 30. 26.8 1.1 4073600600044 2.32 40. 28.9 1.2 4073600600045 2.32 50. 28.1 0.9 4073600600046 2.32 55. 28.1 1.0 4073600600047 2.32 60. 26.6 0.9 4073600600048 2.32 70. 21.9 0.8 4073600600049 2.32 80. 19.8 0.7 4073600600050 2.32 90. 18.2 0.6 4073600600051 2.32 100. 19.0 0.7 4073600600052 2.32 110. 22.1 0.8 4073600600053 2.32 125. 27.4 0.9 4073600600054 2.32 140. 28.3 0.9 4073600600055 2.32 150. 26.9 0.9 4073600600056 2.52 90. 29.7 1.1 4073600600057 2.52 100. 30.8 1.1 4073600600058 2.52 110. 33.6 1.1 4073600600059 2.52 120. 34.8 1.3 4073600600060 2.52 125. 37.8 1.4 4073600600061 2.52 130. 38.9 1.4 4073600600062 2.52 140. 38.1 1.4 4073600600063 2.52 150. 44.2 1.5 4073600600064 2.72 90. 38.1 1.3 4073600600065 2.72 100. 39.1 1.3 4073600600066 2.72 110. 40.6 1.3 4073600600067 2.72 120. 42.5 1.4 4073600600068 2.72 125. 44.0 1.4 4073600600069 2.72 130. 47.3 1.5 4073600600070 2.72 140. 49.7 1.5 4073600600071 2.72 150. 53.7 1.6 4073600600072 3.02 90. 46.0 1.5 4073600600073 3.02 100. 46.6 1.5 4073600600074 3.02 110. 47.3 1.5 4073600600075 3.02 120. 47.7 1.5 4073600600076 3.02 125. 50.9 1.6 4073600600077 3.02 130. 54.1 1.7 4073600600078 3.02 140. 58.1 1.9 4073600600079 3.02 150. 65.7 2.2 4073600600080 ENDDATA 65 0 4073600600081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 4073600699999 SUBENT 40736007 20231113 42164073600700001 BIB 3 4 4073600700002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,DA,G) 4073600700003 SAMPLE 99.7 % of Ni-58, sample weight 65.840 gram 4073600700004 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.997) 4073600700005 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 3. 4073600700006 ENDBIB 4 0 4073600700007 COMMON 2 3 4073600700008 EN E 4073600700009 MEV MEV 4073600700010 3.02 1.320 4073600700011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600700012 DATA 3 8 4073600700013 ANG DATA ERR-T 4073600700014 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4073600700015 90. 5.56 0.57 4073600700016 100. 5.94 0.67 4073600700017 110. 6.86 0.61 4073600700018 120. 7.71 0.61 4073600700019 125. 7.53 0.59 4073600700020 130. 8.33 0.65 4073600700021 140. 9.00 0.87 4073600700022 150. 8.40 0.89 4073600700023 ENDDATA 10 0 4073600700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4073600799999 SUBENT 40736008 20231113 42164073600800001 BIB 3 4 4073600800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,SIG,G) 4073600800003 SAMPLE 99.7 % of Ni-58, sample weight 65.840 gram 4073600800004 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.997) 4073600800005 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 3. 4073600800006 ENDBIB 4 0 4073600800007 COMMON 1 3 4073600800008 E 4073600800009 MEV 4073600800010 1.454 4073600800011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4073600800012 DATA 3 6 4073600800013 EN DATA ERR-T 4073600800014 MEV MB MB 4073600800015 1.91 412.5 0.4 4073600800016 2.11 351.0 0.3 4073600800017 2.32 300.9 1.5 4073600800018 2.52 453.7 7.2 4073600800019 2.72 564.8 2.9 4073600800020 3.02 670.3 4.8 4073600800021 ENDDATA 8 0 4073600800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4073600899999 SUBENT 40736009 20231113 42164073600900001 BIB 3 4 4073600900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,SIG,G) 4073600900003 SAMPLE 99.7 % of Ni-58, sample weight 65.840 gram 4073600900004 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.997) 4073600900005 STATUS (TABLE,,D.A.Bazavov+,J,UFZ,28,(12),1791,1983) Table 3. 4073600900006 ENDBIB 4 0 4073600900007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4073600900008 DATA 4 1 4073600900009 EN E DATA ERR-T 4073600900010 MEV MEV MB MB 4073600900011 3.02 1.320 91.8 1.5 4073600900012 ENDDATA 3 0 4073600900013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4073600999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 4073699999999