ENTRY 40741 20231113 42164074100000001 SUBENT 40741001 20231113 42164074100100001 BIB 11 27 4074100100002 TITLE Neutron-induced fission cross sections of Th232 and 4074100100003 U238 in the energy range of 3 to 11 MeV and of U233, 4074100100004 U235, Np237 and Pu239 in the energy range of 3 to 4074100100005 8 MeV. 4074100100006 AUTHOR (S.P.Kalinin,V.M.Pankratov) 4074100100007 REFERENCE (C,58GENEVA,16,136,1958) Paper 2149. 4074100100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4074100100009 EXP-YEAR (1954) 1954 - 1957 years. 4074100100010 FACILITY (CYCLO) 4074100100011 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Protons of energy 7.3, 9.5, 12 MeV, energy spread4074100100012 < 1.% were determined in measuring the range in Al 4074100100013 foils. 4074100100014 DETECTOR (FISCH) Multilayer ionization fission chambers. 4074100100015 Filled with Ar. 4074100100016 CORRECTION For backgrounds. 4074100100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,5.) Uncertainty in shape of cross-section 4074100100018 curves. 4074100100019 (ERR-2,,5.) Uncertainty of neutron beam. 4074100100020 (ERR-3,,1.) Uncertainties connected with background 4074100100021 due to scattered neutrons and background measured 4074100100022 without sample. 4074100100023 HISTORY (19840516T) Converted from ENTRY 80137 4074100100024 (19860707U) INSTITUTE code corrected 4074100100025 (20231113A) Subent was added (U-235 data) 4074100100026 Upper -> lower case correction. 4074100100027 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4074100100028 BIB information was updated. 4074100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4074100100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4074100199999 SUBENT 40741002 20231113 42164074100200001 BIB 4 9 4074100200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG) 4074100200003 SAMPLE (90-TH-232,NAT=1.00) 3 layers. 4074100200004 STATUS (CURVE) Source of data is not clear - digitized 4074100200005 Fig.4 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) or 4074100200006 Fig.6 of Atom. Energiya 14,177(1963) 4074100200007 COMMENT Data published in 58GENEVA were renormalized due to 4074100200008 better values of long counter efficiency and 4074100200009 presented in V.M. Pankratov, Atom. Energiya 4074100200010 14,177(1963) - Entry 40653. 4074100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4074100200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100200013 DATA 2 9 4074100200014 EN DATA 4074100200015 MEV B 4074100200016 3.10 0.125 4074100200017 3.70 0.135 4074100200018 4.20 0.140 4074100200019 4.90 0.130 4074100200020 5.90 0.130 4074100200021 6.10 0.160 4074100200022 6.50 0.230 4074100200023 6.80 0.300 4074100200024 7.20 0.335 4074100200025 ENDDATA 11 0 4074100200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4074100299999 SUBENT 40741003 20231113 42164074100300001 BIB 5 11 4074100300002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),,SIG) 4074100300003 SAMPLE U-233 of 1.247E-13 1/sec alpha decay constant. 4074100300004 (92-U-233,ENR=1.00) 1 layer. 4074100300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,10.) Total uncertainty 4074100300006 STATUS (CURVE) Source of data is not clear - digitized 4074100300007 Fig.7 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) or 4074100300008 Fig.7 of Atom. Energiya 14,177(1963) 4074100300009 COMMENT Data published in 58GENEVA were renormalized due to 4074100300010 better values of long counter efficiency and 4074100300011 presented in V.M. Pankratov, Atom. Energiya 4074100300012 14,177(1963) - Entry 40653. 4074100300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4074100300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100300015 DATA 2 13 4074100300016 EN DATA 4074100300017 MEV B 4074100300018 3.05 1.98 4074100300019 3.70 1.91 4074100300020 4.20 1.78 4074100300021 5.00 1.73 4074100300022 5.30 1.74 4074100300023 5.70 1.74 4074100300024 6.10 1.88 4074100300025 6.55 2.04 4074100300026 6.90 2.18 4074100300027 7.35 2.24 4074100300028 7.75 2.29 4074100300029 8.10 2.30 4074100300030 8.35 2.34 4074100300031 ENDDATA 15 0 4074100300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4074100399999 SUBENT 40741004 20231113 42164074100400001 BIB 5 12 4074100400002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG) 4074100400003 SAMPLE Np-237 of 9.762E-15 1/sec alpha decay constant. 4074100400004 (93-NP-237,NAT=1.00) 4074100400005 - Entry 40653. 4074100400006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,7.) Total uncertainty 4074100400007 COMMENT Data published in 58GENEVA were renormalized due to 4074100400008 better values of long counter efficiency and 4074100400009 presented in V.M. Pankratov, Atom. Energiya 4074100400010 14,177(1963) - Entry 40653. 4074100400011 STATUS Source of data is not clear - from authors or 4074100400012 digitized Fig.5 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) or 4074100400013 Fig.9 of Atom. Energiya 14,177(1963) 4074100400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4074100400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100400016 DATA 2 13 4074100400017 EN DATA 4074100400018 MEV B 4074100400019 2.50 1.74 4074100400020 3.00 1.62 4074100400021 3.50 1.62 4074100400022 4.10 1.50 4074100400023 4.80 1.48 4074100400024 5.00 1.42 4074100400025 5.50 1.48 4074100400026 5.70 1.50 4074100400027 6.10 1.68 4074100400028 6.40 1.92 4074100400029 7.00 2.13 4074100400030 8.00 2.36 4074100400031 8.30 2.38 4074100400032 ENDDATA 15 0 4074100400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4074100499999 SUBENT 40741005 20231113 42164074100500001 BIB 5 10 4074100500002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 4074100500003 SAMPLE U-238 of natural content. 4074100500004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,7.) Total uncertainty 4074100500005 COMMENT Data published in 58GENEVA were renormalized due to 4074100500006 better values of long counter efficiency and 4074100500007 presented in V.M. Pankratov, Atom. Energiya 4074100500008 14,177(1963) - Entry 40653. 4074100500009 STATUS Source of data is not clear - from authors or 4074100500010 digitized Fig.6 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) or 4074100500011 Fig.10 of Atom. Energiya 14,177(1963) 4074100500012 ENDBIB 10 0 4074100500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100500014 DATA 2 7 4074100500015 EN DATA 4074100500016 MEV B 4074100500017 3.10 0.53 4074100500018 3.60 0.55 4074100500019 4.20 0.56 4074100500020 4.80 0.55 4074100500021 5.30 0.55 4074100500022 5.70 0.59 4074100500023 6.40 0.80 4074100500024 ENDDATA 9 0 4074100500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4074100599999 SUBENT 40741006 20231113 42164074100600001 BIB 4 7 4074100600002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG) 4074100600003 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.99) 1 % of Pu-240. 4074100600004 STATUS Source of data is not clear - from authors or 4074100600005 digitized Fig.9 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) 4074100600006 HISTORY (20231113U) Wrong comment was deleted - scale of 4074100600007 cross-sections on Fig.9 with ticks 1.0 b, 2.0 b is 4074100600008 o'k ( not 10 and 20 b). 4074100600009 ENDBIB 7 0 4074100600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074100600011 DATA 2 13 4074100600012 EN DATA 4074100600013 MEV B 4074100600014 3.00 1.95 4074100600015 3.60 2.00 4074100600016 4.10 1.97 4074100600017 4.80 1.92 4074100600018 5.25 2.00 4074100600019 5.70 1.98 4074100600020 6.10 1.97 4074100600021 6.50 2.07 4074100600022 6.90 2.19 4074100600023 7.30 2.32 4074100600024 7.75 2.39 4074100600025 8.00 2.42 4074100600026 8.25 2.38 4074100600027 ENDDATA 15 0 4074100600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4074100699999 SUBENT 40741007 20231113 42164074100700001 BIB 6 14 4074100700002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4074100700003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.885) 11.5 % U-238. 4074100700004 4 layers. 4074100700005 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization uncertainties (1/2 pixel): 4074100700006 scale X - 0.012 MeV, scale Y - 0.0024 b. 4074100700007 (ERR-T,,7.) Total uncertainty 4074100700008 STATUS (CURVE,,V.M.Pankratov+,J,AE,14,177,1963) 4074100700009 Fig.7 of Atom. Energiya 14,177(1963) - black circles. 4074100700010 Fig.7 of C,58GENEVA,16,136(2149),1958) -prelim.data. 4074100700011 COMMENT Data published in 58GENEVA were renormalized due to 4074100700012 better values of long counter efficiency and 4074100700013 presented in V.M. Pankratov, Atom. Energiya 4074100700014 14,177(1963) - Entry 40653. 4074100700015 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4074100700016 ENDBIB 14 0 4074100700017 COMMON 2 3 4074100700018 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4074100700019 MEV B 4074100700020 0.0092 0.0022 4074100700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4074100700022 DATA 2 11 4074100700023 EN DATA 4074100700024 MEV B 4074100700025 2.301 1.4628 4074100700026 2.916 1.2820 4074100700027 3.534 1.2472 4074100700028 4.105 1.2076 4074100700029 5.225 1.1723 4074100700030 5.653 1.1474 4074100700031 6.016 1.3416 4074100700032 6.450 1.5358 4074100700033 7.289 1.7051 4074100700034 8.006 1.7772 4074100700035 8.294 1.8255 4074100700036 ENDDATA 13 0 4074100700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4074100799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4074199999999