ENTRY 40742 20231113 42164074200000001 SUBENT 40742001 20231113 42164074200100001 BIB 7 20 4074200100002 AUTHOR (V.A.Konks,S.A.Romanov,F.L.Shapiro) 4074200100003 REFERENCE (W,KONKS,1964) 4074200100004 Data taken from Russian compilation of 4074200100005 Yu.Yu.Stavisskiy+, see REL-REF. 4074200100006 REL-REF (N,,Yu.Yu.Stavissky+,R,ICD-1,43,1964) 4074200100007 Full text in Russian. Compilation of data. 4074200100008 Ga-0 data on Figure on page 55. 4074200100009 (N,,Yu.Yu.Stavissky+,R,INDSWG-64,12,1964) 4074200100010 Abstract in English. 4074200100011 = INDC(CCP)*005 = INDC(IAE)*010R 4074200100012 INSTITUTE (4RUSLEB) 4074200100013 METHOD (SLODT) 4074200100014 STATUS (SPSDD,40397001) Final data published at 1971 year by 4074200100015 authors A.A.Bergman,S.A.Romanov,A.E.Samsonov - 4074200100016 additional correction was introduced. 4074200100017 HISTORY (19870520U) This data set is supposedly the result of 4074200100018 the new measurement and consequently is independent 4074200100019 from data set presented in ENTRY 40397 4074200100020 (20231113U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4074200100021 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4074200100022 ENDBIB 20 0 4074200100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074200100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4074200199999 SUBENT 40742002 20231113 42164074200200001 BIB 5 12 4074200200002 REACTION (31-GA-0(N,G),,SIG,,SDT) 4074200200003 SAMPLE Two samples of 1.7E+22 and 2.7E+21 at/cm2 thickness. 4074200200004 FLAG (1.) Sample 2.7E+21 at/cm2 4074200200005 (2.) Sample 1.7E+22 at/cm2 4074200200006 STATUS (CURVE) 4074200200007 (PRELM) Mentioned as "preliminary data" in list of 4074200200008 literature K-8 in Yu.Yu.Stavissky+,R,INDSWG-64,12,1964 4074200200009 on page 81. 4074200200010 HISTORY (19840516T) Converted from SUBENTRY 80139002 4074200200011 (20231113A) SAMPLE was added, FLAG was introduced. 4074200200012 Code SDT was added in reaction according to a comment 4074200200013 from NDS,IAEA. 4074200200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4074200200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4074200200016 DATA 3 108 4074200200017 EN DATA FLAG 4074200200018 EV B NO-DIM 4074200200019 2.1000E-01 9.5000E-01 2. 4074200200020 2.8000E-01 8.5000E-01 2. 4074200200021 3.5000E-01 7.0000E-01 2. 4074200200022 4.7000E-01 6.8000E-01 2. 4074200200023 6.5000E-01 5.4000E-01 2. 4074200200024 8.5000E-01 4.8000E-01 2. 4074200200025 1.1500E+00 4.1000E-01 2. 4074200200026 1.6000E+00 3.4000E-01 2. 4074200200027 1.9000E+00 3.1000E-01 2. 4074200200028 2.3000E+00 2.8000E-01 2. 4074200200029 3.1000E+00 3.1000E-01 2. 4074200200030 4.0000E+00 2.2000E-01 2. 4074200200031 4.9000E+00 2.0000E-01 2. 4074200200032 6.3000E+00 1.8000E-01 2. 4074200200033 8.5000E+00 1.5000E-01 2. 4074200200034 1.1000E+01 1.5000E-01 2. 4074200200035 1.6000E+01 1.2000E-01 2. 4074200200036 2.0500E+01 1.1000E-01 2. 4074200200037 2.7000E+01 1.0000E-01 2. 4074200200038 3.5000E+01 9.8000E-02 2. 4074200200039 4.7000E+01 9.0000E-02 2. 4074200200040 5.8000E+01 1.2000E-01 2. 4074200200041 6.5000E+01 2.0000E-01 2. 4074200200042 7.5000E+01 6.0000E-01 2. 4074200200043 8.0000E+01 1.5500E+00 2. 4074200200044 8.5000E+01 2.4000E+00 2. 4074200200045 8.8000E+01 3.2000E+00 2. 4074200200046 9.0000E+01 4.5000E+00 2. 4074200200047 9.5000E+01 5.5000E+00 2. 4074200200048 1.0500E+02 6.0000E+00 2. 4074200200049 1.1000E+02 5.4000E+00 2. 4074200200050 1.3000E+02 4.1000E+00 2. 4074200200051 1.4000E+02 3.0000E+00 2. 4074200200052 1.5000E+02 2.1000E+00 2. 4074200200053 1.5500E+02 1.7500E+00 2. 4074200200054 1.6000E+02 9.5000E-01 2. 4074200200055 1.6500E+02 7.2000E-01 2. 4074200200056 1.7500E+02 5.9000E-01 2. 4074200200057 1.9000E+02 4.5000E-01 2. 4074200200058 2.1500E+02 4.8500E-01 2. 4074200200059 2.2500E+02 6.1000E-01 2. 4074200200060 2.5000E+02 8.9000E-01 2. 4074200200061 2.7000E+02 1.5000E+00 2. 4074200200062 2.8500E+02 1.8000E+00 2. 4074200200063 3.0000E+02 2.3000E+00 2. 4074200200064 3.3500E+02 2.5000E+00 2. 4074200200065 3.6000E+02 2.4000E+00 2. 4074200200066 4.0000E+02 1.8500E+00 2. 4074200200067 4.5000E+02 1.7500E+00 2. 4074200200068 4.8000E+02 1.3000E+00 2. 4074200200069 5.2500E+02 9.5000E-01 2. 4074200200070 6.0000E+02 8.5000E-01 2. 4074200200071 6.0001E+02 1.2000E+00 1. 4074200200072 6.4000E+02 9.5000E-01 2. 4074200200073 6.8000E+02 1.2500E+00 1. 4074200200074 7.0000E+02 1.3000E+00 1. 4074200200075 7.3000E+02 8.5000E-01 2. 4074200200076 7.7000E+02 1.1000E+00 1. 4074200200077 8.0000E+02 7.0000E-01 2. 4074200200078 8.0001E+02 9.4000E-01 1. 4074200200079 8.5000E+02 5.3000E-01 2. 4074200200080 8.5001E+02 7.2000E-01 1. 4074200200081 9.0000E+02 4.3000E-01 2. 4074200200082 9.4000E+02 5.3000E-01 1. 4074200200083 9.5000E+02 3.2000E-01 2. 4074200200084 1.0500E+03 2.9000E-01 2. 4074200200085 1.0501E+03 3.7000E-01 1. 4074200200086 1.1500E+03 3.2000E-01 2. 4074200200087 1.1501E+03 4.1000E-01 1. 4074200200088 1.3000E+03 4.7000E-01 1. 4074200200089 1.4000E+03 4.8000E-01 2. 4074200200090 1.5000E+03 5.8000E-01 1. 4074200200091 1.6000E+03 5.4000E-01 2. 4074200200092 1.6001E+03 6.9000E-01 1. 4074200200093 1.7000E+03 7.0000E-01 1. 4074200200094 1.7501E+03 5.8000E-01 2. 4074200200095 1.8000E+03 5.4000E-01 2. 4074200200096 1.8001E+03 6.2000E-01 1. 4074200200097 1.9000E+03 4.8000E-01 2. 4074200200098 1.9001E+03 5.9000E-01 1. 4074200200099 2.1000E+03 4.1000E-01 2. 4074200200100 2.2000E+03 4.8000E-01 1. 4074200200101 2.2500E+03 3.6000E-01 2. 4074200200102 2.5000E+03 4.0000E-01 1. 4074200200103 2.7000E+03 3.2000E-01 2. 4074200200104 2.7500E+03 3.9500E-01 1. 4074200200105 2.9000E+03 3.2000E-01 2. 4074200200106 3.2000E+03 3.8500E-01 1. 4074200200107 3.6000E+03 3.2000E-01 2. 4074200200108 3.7000E+03 3.7000E-01 1. 4074200200109 4.2000E+03 3.3000E-01 2. 4074200200110 4.5000E+03 2.9000E-01 2. 4074200200111 4.7500E+03 2.8000E-01 2. 4074200200112 5.7000E+03 2.5000E-01 2. 4074200200113 6.8000E+03 2.4500E-01 2. 4074200200114 8.0000E+03 2.1000E-01 2. 4074200200115 1.0000E+04 1.9000E-01 2. 4074200200116 1.1000E+04 1.8000E-01 2. 4074200200117 1.4000E+04 1.7500E-01 2. 4074200200118 1.5500E+04 1.7500E-01 2. 4074200200119 1.8000E+04 1.6500E-01 2. 4074200200120 2.0000E+04 1.6000E-01 2. 4074200200121 2.4000E+04 1.3000E-01 2. 4074200200122 2.8000E+04 1.2000E-01 2. 4074200200123 3.5000E+04 9.1000E-02 2. 4074200200124 4.2000E+04 8.9000E-02 2. 4074200200125 5.8000E+04 6.8000E-02 2. 4074200200126 7.9000E+04 4.7000E-02 2. 4074200200127 ENDDATA 110 0 4074200200128 ENDSUBENT 127 0 4074200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4074299999999