ENTRY            40750   20180320                             41784075000000001 
SUBENT        40750001   20180320                             41784075000100001 
BIB                 12         31                                 4075000100002 
TITLE       240Pu neutron radiation capture measured in the BR-5  4075000100003 
            reactor core                                          4075000100004 
AUTHOR     (V.I.Ivanov,V.A.Tolstikov)                             4075000100005 
REFERENCE  ((J,YK,,(1/36),26,1980)=                               4075000100006 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980))                             4075000100007 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-158,2,1981) Abstract in English.          4075000100008 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFEI)                                              4075000100009 
METHOD     (ASEP)         Mass-spectrometric separation           4075000100010 
FACILITY   (REAC,4RUSFEI)  Fast reactor 'BR-5', 5000 kWt          4075000100011 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 4075000100012 
INC-SPECT     One neutron spectrum is that  of the reactor core   4075000100013 
              and other one is that near the reflector.           4075000100014 
SAMPLE       Mixture of Pu-240 with lanthanum,Pu-239 content is   4075000100015 
             8.89+-.22 % , Pu-241 content is .16+-.01 %           4075000100016 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-241,432.7YR) 432.7+-0.6 yr                      4075000100017 
           (94-PU-240,6.54E+3YR)  (6.54+-0.01)*10**3 yr           4075000100018 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error of the mass spectrometry                 4075000100019 
           (ERR-2) Error of the correction on Pu-240 and Pu-241   4075000100020 
                   fission                                        4075000100021 
           (ERR-3) Error of the correction of Pu-241 decay        4075000100022 
           (ERR-4) Error of the background subtraction            4075000100023 
           (ERR-5) Error of the extrapolation to the central      4075000100024 
                   plane of the reactor core                      4075000100025 
           (ERR-T) Total error                                    4075000100026 
HISTORY    (19840531C) Compiled at the CJD                        4075000100027 
           (19870218A) Invalid multiple reaction data in four     4075000100028 
                     Subents transferred in new ones              4075000100029 
           (20180320U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction .      4075000100030 
           Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.                4075000100031 
           Refs. of INDC(CCP) reports were added.                 4075000100032 
           BIB information was updated.                           4075000100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 4075000100034 
COMMON               6          3                                 4075000100035 
EN-DUMMY   ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      4075000100036 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4075000100037 
 1.0        2.          .4         .3        3.6         4.       4075000100038 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4075000100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 4075000199999 
SUBENT        40750002   20180320                             41784075000200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 4075000200002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000200003 
                                   reactor spectrum               4075000200004 
MONITOR     CS was determined by neutron flux.                    4075000200005 
INC-SPECT            Neutron fluence in the reactor center        4075000200006 
              (1.31+-0.07)*10**22 n/cm2 .                         4075000200007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-6)  Error of the fluence determination            4075000200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4075000200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000200011 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000200012 
DATA       ERR-T      ERR-6                                       4075000200013 
B          B          PER-CENT                                    4075000200014 
 .212       .017       5.3                                        4075000200015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000200016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 4075000299999 
SUBENT        40750003   20180320                             41784075000300001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000300002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000300003 
                                        reactor spectrum          4075000300004 
MONITOR    (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000300005 
            calculated by 'ARAMACO'-program with BNAB-78 Constants4075000300006 
            Indicator calculated according to BNAB-78             4075000300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000300010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000300011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000300012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000300013 
 211.       18.        141.                                       4075000300014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000399999 
SUBENT        40750004   20180320                             41784075000400001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000400002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000400003 
                                        reactor spectrum          4075000400004 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,G)92-U-236,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000400005 
            calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program, BNAB-78 constants4075000400006 
            Indicator calculated according to BNAB-78             4075000400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000400010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000400011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000400012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000400013 
 202.       14.        239.                                       4075000400014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000400015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000499999 
SUBENT        40750005   20180320                             41784075000500001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000500002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000500003 
                                        reactor spectrum          4075000500004 
MONITOR    (92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000500005 
            calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program, BNAB-78 constants4075000500006 
            Indicator calculated according to BNAB-70             4075000500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000500009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000500010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000500011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000500012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000500013 
 240.       18.        161.                                       4075000500014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000500015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000599999 
SUBENT        40750006   20180320                             41784075000600001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000600002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000600003 
                                        reactor spectrum          4075000600004 
MONITOR    (94-PU-239(N,G)94-PU-240,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron       4075000600005 
            spectrum calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program, BNAB-78 4075000600006 
            constants. Indicator calculated according to BNAB-78  4075000600007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000600008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000600009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000600010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000600011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000600012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000600013 
 190.       13.        156.                                       4075000600014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000600015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000699999 
SUBENT        40750007   20180320                             41784075000700001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000700002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA)  Averaged over     4075000700003 
                                       reactor spectrum           4075000700004 
MONITOR    (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000700005 
            calculated by the 'M-26'-program, BNAB-70 constants   4075000700006 
            Indicator calculated according to BNAB-70             4075000700007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000700008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000700009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000700010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000700011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000700012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000700013 
 221.        19.        148.                                      4075000700014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000700015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000799999 
SUBENT        40750008   20180320                             41784075000800001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000800002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000800003 
                                       reactor spectrum           4075000800004 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,G)92-U-236,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000800005 
            calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program,BNAB-78 constants 4075000800006 
            Indicator calculated according to ENDL-76             4075000800007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000800009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000800010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000800011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000800012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000800013 
  210.       15.        248.                                      4075000800014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000800015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000899999 
SUBENT        40750009   20180320                             41784075000900001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075000900002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075000900003 
                                       reactor spectrum           4075000900004 
MONITOR    (92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron spectrum4075000900005 
            calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program,BNAB-78 constants 4075000900006 
            Indicator calculated according to ENDF                4075000900007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075000900008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075000900009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075000900010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075000900011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075000900012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075000900013 
  203.       15.        136.                                      4075000900014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075000900015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075000999999 
SUBENT        40750010   20180320                             41784075001000001 
BIB                  3          6                                 4075001000002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(N,G)94-PU-241,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over      4075001000003 
                                        reactor spectrum          4075001000004 
MONITOR    (94-PU-239(N,G)94-PU-240,,SIG,,SPA,CALC) Neutron       4075001000005 
           spectrum calculated by the 'ARAMACO'-program, BNAB-78  4075001000006 
           constants, indicator calculated according to ENDF      4075001000007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of INDC(CCP)-155,26,1980               4075001000008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4075001000009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4075001000010 
DATA                 3          1                                 4075001000011 
DATA       ERR-T      MONIT                                       4075001000012 
MB         MB         MB                                          4075001000013 
  210.       14.        172.                                      4075001000014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4075001000015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4075001099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 4075099999999