ENTRY 40752 20231113 42164075200000001 SUBENT 40752001 20231113 42164075200100001 BIB 14 55 4075200100002 TITLE Scattering of slow neutrons by ortho- and 4075200100003 para-deuterium 4075200100004 AUTHOR (S.J.Nikitin, W.T.Smolyankin, W.Z.Kolganow,A.W.Lebedew,4075200100005 G.S.Lomkazy) 4075200100006 REFERENCE (C,55GENEVA,2,81,1955) Paper 643. 4075200100007 Russian edition page 99. 4075200100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) 4075200100009 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSITE) Heavy-water research reactor 4075200100010 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Thermal column 4075200100011 INC-SPECT Effective energy of the filtered neutrons in Be (26 cm4075200100012 of metallic beryllium powder) 0.0047 eV was 4075200100013 determined in special absorption measurements. 4075200100014 Number of neutrons with E > 0.0093 eV was < 0.5%. 4075200100015 SAMPLE .Gaseous samples with various ortho- and para-deuterium4075200100016 composition: 4075200100017 - 66.7% ortho- and 33.3 % pare-deuterium, 4075200100018 - 97.79 of ortho- and 2.21 % para-deuterium, 4075200100019 in inner tube of 200 cm long, 5 cm diameter; 4075200100020 contents were measured with accuracy up to 0.1 %. 4075200100021 The gas contained 99.2+-0.05 % of deuterium. 4075200100022 . Liquid hydrogen in space between inner and outer 4075200100023 tubes. 4075200100024 METHOD (TRN) 19 independent series: 4075200100025 - nine with gas containing 2/3 ortho- and 1/3 4075200100026 para-deuterium, mean cross-section 16.00+-0.03 b; 4075200100027 - ten with gas containing 97.7 % ortho- and 2.21 % 4075200100028 para-deuterium, mean cross-section 16.41+-0.02b. 4075200100029 Errors are determined by statistical errors and by 4075200100030 errors in pressure measurement. 4075200100031 DETECTOR (PROPC) BF3-filled proportional counter, enriched in 4075200100032 B-10 - for scattered neutrons counting. 4075200100033 . Primary intensity of the beam was controlled by two 4075200100034 monitor counters. 4075200100035 MONITOR No information 4075200100036 ADD-RES Scattering cross-section were measured by 4075200100037 transmission method (neutron energy 0.0047 eV) to be 4075200100038 - for deuterium : 4075200100039 SIGortho = 15.95+-0.03 b (even rotational quantum 4075200100040 number I, even spin), 4075200100041 SIGpara = 14.63+-0.1 b (add rotational quantum 4075200100042 number I, odd spin); 4075200100043 - for hydrogen : 4075200100044 SIGortho = 104.1+-0.7 b (even rotational quantum 4075200100045 number I, even spin), 4075200100046 SIGpara = 3.91+-0.1 b (add rotational quantum 4075200100047 number I, odd spin) 4075200100048 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error not specified 4075200100049 HISTORY (19840612T) Converted from ENTRY 80129 4075200100050 (19910722U) INSTITUTE code 'CCP' changed to 'ITE', 4075200100051 one author name (Smolyankin) corrected. 4075200100052 (20231113A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4075200100053 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4075200100054 SAMPLE, METHOD, ADD-RES were added. 4075200100055 EN: 0.0253 eV -> 0.0047 eV as given in the article. 4075200100056 "(P/643)" was deleted from references. 4075200100057 ENDBIB 55 0 4075200100058 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075200100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4075200199999 SUBENT 40752002 20231113 42164075200200001 BIB 4 5 4075200200002 REACTION (1-H-1(N,THS)1-H-1,COH,AMP) 4075200200003 STATUS (SCSRS) 4075200200004 METHOD (TRN) Transmission of ortho- and para-hydrogen. 4075200200005 ANALYSIS Calculated from A(1)=-5.42+-.05Fm and A(0)=24.9+-.05Fm 4075200200006 by NNCSC 4075200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4075200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075200200009 DATA 3 1 4075200200010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4075200200011 EV FERMI FERMI 4075200200012 0.0047 -4.33 0.11 4075200200013 ENDDATA 3 0 4075200200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4075200299999 SUBENT 40752003 20231113 42164075200300001 BIB 4 5 4075200300002 REACTION (1-H-2(N,THS)1-H-2,COH,AMP) 4075200300003 STATUS (SCSRS) 4075200300004 METHOD (TRN) Transmission of Be-filtered neutrons by ortho- 4075200300005 and para-deuterium. 4075200300006 ANALYSIS Calculated by NNCSC from amplitudes in reference. 4075200300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4075200300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075200300009 DATA 3 1 4075200300010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4075200300011 EV FERMI FERMI 4075200300012 0.0047 6.75 0.16 4075200300013 ENDDATA 3 0 4075200300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4075200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4075299999999