ENTRY 40756 20231113 42164075600000001 SUBENT 40756001 20231113 42164075600100001 BIB 11 51 4075600100002 TITLE Measurements of the average number of neutrons emitted 4075600100003 in the fission of some uranium and plutonium isotopes. 4075600100004 COMMENT This article contains three parts: 4075600100005 Part I. Page 123. 4075600100006 Relative measurements of the average number of 4075600100007 neutrons emitted in the thermal fission of U233, U235, 4075600100008 Pu239, and Pu241. 4075600100009 V.I.Kalashnikova,V.I.Lebedev,L.A.Mikaelyan, 4075600100010 P.E.Spivak,V.P.Zakharova 4075600100011 Part II. Page 127. 4075600100012 Dependence of the number of neutrons emitted 4075600100013 in the fission of heavy nuclei on the excitation 4075600100014 energy of the fissionable nucleus. 4075600100015 V.I.Kalashnikova, A.V.Krasnushkin, V.I.Lebedev, 4075600100016 M.I.Pevzner, V.P.Zakharova 4075600100017 Part III. Page 131. 4075600100018 Absolute evaluation of the average number of 4075600100019 neutrons emitted in the fission of some isotopes of 4075600100020 uranium and plutonium. 4075600100021 V.I.Kalashnikova,V.I.Lebedev,P.E.Spivak,V.P.Zakharova. 4075600100022 In "V.I.Kalashnikov" (in part III) there is a misprint,4075600100023 right "V.I.Kalashnikova", see Parts I, II on pages 4075600100024 123, 127 of AEC-TR-2435,vol.1. 4075600100025 .Of compiler M.M. 4075600100026 This article was presented at 55MOSCOW ( candidates to4075600100027 55GENEVA were discussed), 4075600100028 and as mentioned in R,UCRL-50400,v.2,rev.2,1976, 4075600100029 at 55GENEVA it was reported by M.S.Kozodaev at 4075600100030 discussion of P/592 - see 55GENEVA,vol.2, 4075600100031 p.228(English), p.258(Russian edition). 4075600100032 AUTHOR (V.I.Kalashnikova,V.I.Lebedev,L.A.Mikaelyan, 4075600100033 P.E.Spivak,V.P.Zakharova, A.V.Krasnukhin, M.I.Pevzner) 4075600100034 REFERENCE (S,AEC-TR-2435,(1),123,1956) 4075600100035 Engl.translation of 55MOSCOW,1,156,1955. 4075600100036 (C,55MOSCOW,1,156,1955) 4075600100037 REL-REF (N,,M.S.Kozodaev,C,55GENEVA,2,258,1955) 4075600100038 Comments of M.S.Kozodaev at discussion of P/502. 4075600100039 Data were confirmed. 4075600100040 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4075600100041 INC-SPECT Thermal spectrum 4075600100042 DETECTOR (PROPC) Neutrons detected by 10 BF3 counters in 4075600100043 paraffin. 4075600100044 (IOCH) 4075600100045 METHOD Measurements with and without Cd of 0.6 mm thickness. 4075600100046 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes statistical error and systematic 4075600100047 errors due to corrections. 4075600100048 HISTORY (19840522T) Converted from ENTRY 80153 4075600100049 (20231113A) Ref. AEC-TR-2435,(1),123,1956 was added. 4075600100050 BIB information was updated. 4075600100051 Upper -> lower case correction. 4075600100052 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4075600100053 ENDBIB 51 0 4075600100054 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075600100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 4075600199999 SUBENT 40756002 20231113 42164075600200001 BIB 4 16 4075600200002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F),,NU,,MXW)/ 4075600200003 (92-U-235(N,F),,NU,,MXW)) 4075600200004 METHOD Several series of measurements, summary: 4075600200005 Isotope Nfragments Nneutrons alpha*NU(+-statistical)4075600200006 U235 1970560 235584 0.1196+-0.0006 4075600200007 Pu239 1452800 206272 0.1420+-0.0009 4075600200008 Where 4075600200009 alpha = (w*eta)/k, 4075600200010 w - solid angle, 4075600200011 eta - neutron detection efficiency, 4075600200012 k - chamber efficiency. 4075600200013 STATUS (TABLE,,V.I.Kalashnikova+,S,AEC-TR-2435,(1),123,1956) 4075600200014 Table 3 on page 126. 4075600200015 See also text of M.S.Kozodaev,C,55GENEVA,2,258,1955 - 4075600200016 data were confirmed. 4075600200017 HISTORY (19840522T) Converted from SUBENTRY 80153002 4075600200018 ENDBIB 16 0 4075600200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075600200020 DATA 3 1 4075600200021 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4075600200022 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4075600200023 0.0253 1.19 0.01 4075600200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4075600200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4075600299999 SUBENT 40756003 20231113 42164075600300001 BIB 6 24 4075600300002 REACTION ((94-PU-241(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW)/ 4075600300003 (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW)) 4075600300004 SAMPLE 1) 0.92 Pu241 + 0.08 Pu239 and 2) Pu239. 4075600300005 METHOD (COINC) Coincidences between fragments and fission 4075600300006 neutrons. 4075600300007 Two series of measurements with somewhat different 4075600300008 values of eta: 4075600300009 Series Sample Nfragments Ncoincidences NU*w*eta 4075600300010 I 1) 521.024 68.124 0.1308+-0.0006 4075600300011 2) 359.520 32.576 0.1255+-0.0009 4075600300012 II 1) 117.568 15.888 0.1351+-0.0013 4075600300013 2) 320.960 41.688 0.1299+-0.0008 4075600300014 Where 4075600300015 w - solid angle, 4075600300016 eta - detection efficiency. 4075600300017 COMMENT Of authors. In coincidence method the delayed neutrons 4075600300018 were naturally excluded from the count. 4075600300019 STATUS (TABLE,,V.I.Kalashnikova+,S,AEC-TR-2435,(1),123,1956) 4075600300020 Table 3 on page 126. 4075600300021 See also text of M.S.Kozodaev,C,55GENEVA,2,258,1955 - 4075600300022 data were confirmed. 4075600300023 HISTORY (19840522T) Converted from SUBENTRY 80153003 4075600300024 (20231113A) U-235 -> Pu-239 as given in Table 3. 4075600300025 PR code was added in reaction - see comment of authors.4075600300026 ENDBIB 24 0 4075600300027 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075600300028 DATA 3 1 4075600300029 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4075600300030 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4075600300031 0.0253 1.04 0.01 4075600300032 ENDDATA 3 0 4075600300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4075600399999 SUBENT 40756004 20231113 42164075600400001 BIB 4 16 4075600400002 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW)/ 4075600400003 (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW)) 4075600400004 METHOD Several series of measurements, summary: 4075600400005 Isotope Nfragments Nneutrons alpha*NU(+-statistical)4075600400006 U233 1261184 256008 0.1237+-0.0006 4075600400007 U235 1970560 235584 0.1196+-0.0006 4075600400008 Where 4075600400009 alpha = (w*eta)/k, 4075600400010 w - solid angle, 4075600400011 eta - neutron detection efficiency. 4075600400012 k - chamber efficiency, 4075600400013 STATUS (TABLE,,V.I.Kalashnikova+,S,AEC-TR-2435,(1),123,1956) 4075600400014 Table 3 on page 126. 4075600400015 See also text of M.S.Kozodaev,C,55GENEVA,2,258,1955 - 4075600400016 data were confirmed. 4075600400017 HISTORY (19840522T) Converted from SUBENTRY 80153004 4075600400018 ENDBIB 16 0 4075600400019 NOCOMMON 0 0 4075600400020 DATA 3 1 4075600400021 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4075600400022 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4075600400023 0.0253 1.03 0.01 4075600400024 ENDDATA 3 0 4075600400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4075600499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4075699999999