ENTRY 40794 20231113 42164079400000001 SUBENT 40794001 20231113 42164079400100001 BIB 10 19 4079400100002 TITLE The Ne21(n,alpha)O18 reaction on slow neutrons 4079400100003 AUTHOR (A.I.Abramov,M.G.Yutkin) 4079400100004 REFERENCE (J,JET,14,728,1962) 4079400100005 Engl.translation of ZET,41,1023,1961 4079400100006 (J,ZET,41,1023,1961) Issue 4. 4079400100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4079400100008 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) BR-5 reactor 4079400100009 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Thermal column of BR-5 reactor. 4079400100010 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons, Cd ratio > 100. Spectrum close to 4079400100011 Maxwellian. 4079400100012 SAMPLE (10-NE-21,NAT=0.00257) 4079400100013 DETECTOR (IOCH) Two identical spherical ionization chambers: 4079400100014 - neon-filled (at 10 atm pressure); 4079400100015 - He-3 filled. 4079400100016 HISTORY (19840814T) Converted from ENTRY 80243 4079400100017 (19950926A) Corrected according to memo 4C-3/373 4079400100018 (20231113U) BIB information was updated. 4079400100019 Upper -> lower case correction. 4079400100020 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4079400100021 ENDBIB 19 0 4079400100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 4079400100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4079400199999 SUBENT 40794002 20231113 42164079400200001 BIB 5 8 4079400200002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,A)8-O-18,,SIG) 4079400200003 MONITOR (2-HE-3(N,P)1-H-3,,SIG) For 2200 m/s neutrons. 4079400200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error. 4079400200005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Abramov+,J,JET,14,728,1962) 4079400200006 Text on page 728. 4079400200007 (DEP,40794003) Measured ratio to monitor. 4079400200008 HISTORY (19950926A) Data confirmed in answer to memo 4C-3/373.4079400200009 Monitor REACTION code HE-4 was corrected to HE-3 4079400200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4079400200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4079400200012 DATA 5 1 4079400200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 4079400200014 EV B B B B 4079400200015 0.0253 96. 33. 5400. 200. 4079400200016 ENDDATA 3 0 4079400200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4079400299999 SUBENT 40794003 20231113 42164079400300001 BIB 5 6 4079400300002 REACTION ((10-NE-21(N,A)8-O-18,,SIG)/(2-HE-3(N,P)1-H-3,,SIG)) 4079400300003 METHOD The ratio of counting rates 13090+-2028. 4079400300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total experimental error. 4079400300005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Abramov+,J,JET,14,728,1962) 4079400300006 Text on page 728. 4079400300007 HISTORY (19950926C) Compiled at the centre 4079400300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4079400300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4079400300010 DATA 3 1 4079400300011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4079400300012 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4079400300013 0.0253 0.0177 0.0059 4079400300014 ENDDATA 3 0 4079400300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4079400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4079499999999