ENTRY 40833 20240617 42174083300000001 SUBENT 40833001 20240617 42174083300100001 BIB 11 31 4083300100002 TITLE Cross section for fission of 237Np induced by neutrons 4083300100003 in the (n,n'f) threshold region 4083300100004 AUTHOR (A.A.Goverdovskiy, A.K.Gordyushin, B.D.Kuz'minov, 4083300100005 V.F.Mitrovanov, A.I.Sergachev, S.M.Solov'ev, 4083300100006 P.S.Soloshenkov) 4083300100007 REFERENCE (R,FEI-1552,1984) 4083300100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4083300100009 FACILITY (VDGT,4RUSFEI) EGP-10M 4083300100010 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Gaseous deuterium target. 4083300100011 METHOD (TOF) Flight base 60 cm 4083300100012 DETECTOR (FISCH) Double ionization chamber. Filled with methane 4083300100013 at 1.8 atm pressure. Fission detection efficiency 4083300100014 96 % for Np, 98 % for U. 4083300100015 CORRECTION Corrected for 4083300100016 . background neutron scattering (<0.2%) 4083300100017 . fragments slowing-down in sample (<0.5%) 4083300100018 . admixture isotopes fission (0.2-0.3%) 4083300100019 . experimental hall background (<0.15%) 4083300100020 . geometry in Monte Carlo method (<0.1%) 4083300100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4083300100022 (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty 4083300100023 (ERR-1) normalization (~2%) 4083300100024 (ERR-2) 237Np/235U detection efficiency ratio (1.2%) 4083300100025 (ERR-3) corrections (0.2%) 4083300100026 HISTORY (19850218C) 4083300100027 (20231226A) ERR-S was deleted from COMMON block - it's 4083300100028 given in DATA block. 4083300100029 Upper -> lower case correction. 4083300100030 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4083300100031 (20240308A) VT. Revision in 002. BIB section updated. 4083300100032 (20240617U) M.M. Minor correction of BIB information. 4083300100033 ENDBIB 31 0 4083300100034 COMMON 3 3 4083300100035 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 4083300100036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4083300100037 2. 1.2 0.2 4083300100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4083300100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4083300199999 SUBENT 40833002 20240617 42174083300200001 BIB 5 19 4083300200002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4083300200003 MONITOR Absolute measurement (isotopic dilution method) 4083300200004 SAMPLE Layers of 50 mm diameter on Al backings of 20 micron 4083300200005 thickness. 4083300200006 Nuclide content (%): 4083300200007 --------------------------------------------------- 4083300200008 Sample 235U 237Np Thickness (mg/cm2) 4083300200009 --------------------------------------------------- 4083300200010 1. 99.992 0.258 4083300200011 2. 5.889 94.111 0.300 4083300200012 3. 99.994 0.41 4083300200013 4. 99.05 0.46 4083300200014 ---------------------------------------------------- 4083300200015 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Goverdovskij+,R,FEI-1552,1984) Table 2 4083300200016 (PRELM) 4083300200017 (SPSDD,40861004) 4083300200018 HISTORY (20240617A) Code SPSDD was added - in 40861 data from 4083300200019 FEI-1552 are not mentioned and are not used on figure 4083300200020 fro comparison with other data. 4083300200021 ENDBIB 19 0 4083300200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 4083300200023 DATA 5 16 4083300200024 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T ERR-S 4083300200025 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 4083300200026 5.66 116. 1.315 3.38 0.7 4083300200027 5.88 108. 1.331 2.40 0.8 4083300200028 6.10 103. 1.395 2.45 1.0 4083300200029 6.32 97. 1.349 2.42 0.9 4083300200030 6.50 93. 1.330 2.42 0.9 4083300200031 6.68 89. 1.312 2.42 0.9 4083300200032 7.34 78. 1.232 1.75 0.6 4083300200033 7.96 70. 1.161 2.45 1.0 4083300200034 8.10 68. 1.151 2.45 1.0 4083300200035 8.39 65. 1.177 2.44 1.0 4083300200036 8.64 63. 1.157 2.46 0.8 4083300200037 8.78 62. 1.170 2.47 0.9 4083300200038 9.03 60. 1.150 2.45 1.0 4083300200039 9.17 59. 1.150 2.52 1.0 4083300200040 9.44 57. 1.135 2.50 1.1 4083300200041 10.06 53. 1.123 2.50 1.1 4083300200042 ENDDATA 18 0 4083300200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 4083300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4083399999999