ENTRY 40860 20231226 42164086000000001 SUBENT 40860001 20231226 42164086000100001 BIB 11 32 4086000100002 TITLE Total neutron cross-sections for radioactive isotope 4086000100003 Gd-153 (half-life = 241.6 days) and stable isotope 4086000100004 Gd-152 4086000100005 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebnyy,P.N.Vorona,A.I.Kal'chenko,V.G.Krivenko, 4086000100006 V.Yu.Chervjakov) 4086000100007 REFERENCE (J,SJA,57,718,1984) Engl. transl. of J,AE,57,260,1984 4086000100008 #doi:10.1007/BF01123644 4086000100009 (J,AE,57,260,1984) Issue 4. Figures only. 4086000100010 (C,83KIEV,3,43,198310) Figures only. 4086000100011 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4086000100012 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) WWR-M reactor. 4086000100013 SAMPLE Before irradiation sample contained Gd-152 -30 % , 4086000100014 Gd-154 - 9.5 % , Gd-155 - 22.1 % , Gd-156 - 14.9 % , 4086000100015 Gd-157 - 8.5 % , Gd-158 - 9.1 % 4086000100016 Gadolinium oxide, weight 71.64 milligram, thickness 4086000100017 6.83E20 1/cm2. 4086000100018 Gd-153 sample was obtained by triple irradiation of 4086000100019 Gd-152 in reactor. 4086000100020 METHOD (TOF) Resolution 0.055 - 0.92 microsec/m 4086000100021 flight base 69.47 m 4086000100022 (TRN) 4086000100023 DETECTOR (PROPC) Battery of He-3 counters 4086000100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error due to the nuclei concentration 4086000100025 uncertainty 4086000100026 STATUS (APRVD) Vertebnyy, 1985-05 4086000100027 . This Entry 40860 supersedes Entry 40882. 4086000100028 HISTORY (19850511C) 4086000100029 (20110713A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4086000100030 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4086000100031 BIB information was added. 4086000100032 Ref. J,SJA was added. 4086000100033 (20231226U) Minor correction in Subent 001. 4086000100034 ENDBIB 32 0 4086000100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 4086000100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4086000199999 SUBENT 40860002 20110713 41534086000200001 BIB 2 3 4086000200002 REACTION (64-GD-152(N,TOT),,SIG) 4086000200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data were received from V.Vertebnyj. 4086000200004 Data are given on Fig.1v of J,AE,57,(4),260,1984 4086000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 4086000200006 COMMON 1 3 4086000200007 ERR-1 4086000200008 PER-CENT 4086000200009 2.0000E+00 4086000200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4086000200011 DATA 4 40 4086000200012 EN DATA ERR-S ERR-T 4086000200013 EV B B B 4086000200014 5.5800E-01 3.8700E+02 2.5000E+01 4086000200015 4.6600E-01 4.0900E+02 4086000200016 3.9400E-01 3.9200E+02 4086000200017 3.3800E-01 4.1100E+02 4086000200018 2.9300E-01 4.2200E+02 4086000200019 2.5600E-01 4.4300E+02 4086000200020 2.2600E-01 4.5600E+02 4086000200021 2.0100E-01 4.7900E+02 4086000200022 1.8000E-01 4.9800E+02 4086000200023 1.6200E-01 4.7700E+02 4086000200024 1.4600E-01 5.3300E+02 2.0000E+01 4086000200025 1.3300E-01 5.3100E+02 4086000200026 1.2200E-01 5.6900E+02 4086000200027 1.1200E-01 5.6500E+02 4086000200028 1.0300E-01 6.1200E+02 4086000200029 9.4700E-02 6.2700E+02 4086000200030 8.7700E-02 6.4700E+02 4086000200031 8.1400E-02 6.3600E+02 4086000200032 7.5800E-02 6.6500E+02 4086000200033 7.0800E-02 6.6200E+02 4086000200034 6.6200E-02 6.8500E+02 2.0000E+01 4086000200035 6.2100E-02 7.0400E+02 4086000200036 5.8300E-02 8.2500E+02 4086000200037 5.4900E-02 7.6000E+02 4086000200038 5.1700E-02 7.6900E+02 4086000200039 4.8900E-02 8.0700E+02 4086000200040 4.6200E-02 8.0800E+02 4086000200041 4.3800E-02 8.4500E+02 4086000200042 4.1500E-02 7.9000E+02 4086000200043 3.9500E-02 8.3000E+02 4086000200044 3.7500E-02 8.6500E+02 3.0000E+01 4086000200045 3.5800E-02 8.5400E+02 4086000200046 3.4100E-02 9.0300E+02 4086000200047 3.2500E-02 8.9800E+02 4086000200048 3.1100E-02 1.0040E+03 4086000200049 2.9700E-02 9.4200E+02 4086000200050 2.8500E-02 1.0380E+03 4086000200051 2.7300E-02 1.0300E+03 4086000200052 2.6200E-02 9.5000E+02 4086000200053 2.5300E-02 1.0250E+03 6.0000E+01 2.3000E+02 4086000200054 ENDDATA 42 0 4086000200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 4086000299999 SUBENT 40860003 20110713 41534086000300001 BIB 3 4 4086000300002 REACTION (64-GD-153(N,TOT),,SIG) 4086000300003 DECAY-DATA (64-GD-153,241.6D) 4086000300004 STATUS (TABLE) Data were received from V.Vertebnyj. 4086000300005 Data are given on Fig.1v of J,AE,57,(4),260,1984 4086000300006 ENDBIB 4 0 4086000300007 COMMON 1 3 4086000300008 ERR-1 4086000300009 PER-CENT 4086000300010 5.0000E+00 4086000300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4086000300012 DATA 4 40 4086000300013 EN DATA ERR-S ERR-T 4086000300014 EV B B B 4086000300015 5.5800E-01 1.1200E+03 3.4000E+02 4086000300016 4.6600E-01 1.4780E+03 4086000300017 3.9400E-01 1.3660E+03 4086000300018 3.3800E-01 1.4430E+03 4086000300019 2.9300E-01 1.5900E+03 4086000300020 2.5600E-01 1.6200E+03 4086000300021 2.2600E-01 1.7900E+03 4086000300022 2.0100E-01 2.1440E+03 4086000300023 1.8000E-01 2.1050E+03 4086000300024 1.6200E-01 2.8340E+03 4086000300025 1.4600E-01 2.4920E+03 2.8000E+02 4086000300026 1.3300E-01 3.2660E+03 4086000300027 1.2200E-01 2.9930E+03 4086000300028 1.1200E-01 3.6990E+03 4086000300029 1.0300E-01 3.4030E+03 4086000300030 9.4700E-02 3.6660E+03 4086000300031 8.7700E-02 3.9770E+03 4086000300032 8.1400E-02 4.8930E+03 4086000300033 7.5800E-02 5.1770E+03 4086000300034 7.0800E-02 5.8370E+03 4086000300035 6.6200E-02 6.3330E+03 2.6000E+02 4086000300036 6.2100E-02 6.3610E+03 4086000300037 5.8300E-02 5.9720E+03 4086000300038 5.4900E-02 7.2840E+03 4086000300039 5.1700E-02 8.0370E+03 4086000300040 4.8900E-02 8.0650E+03 4086000300041 4.6200E-02 9.0510E+03 4086000300042 4.3800E-02 9.5940E+03 4086000300043 4.1500E-02 1.0883E+04 4086000300044 3.9500E-02 1.0608E+04 4086000300045 3.7500E-02 1.0825E+04 4.2000E+02 4086000300046 3.5800E-02 1.2107E+04 4086000300047 3.4100E-02 1.1841E+04 4086000300048 3.2500E-02 1.2429E+04 4086000300049 3.1100E-02 1.1480E+04 4086000300050 2.9700E-02 1.3655E+04 4086000300051 2.8500E-02 1.2214E+04 4086000300052 2.7300E-02 1.3123E+04 4086000300053 2.6200E-02 1.4909E+04 4086000300054 2.5300E-02 1.4470E+04 7.7000E+02 3.0000E+03 4086000300055 ENDDATA 42 0 4086000300056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4086000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4086099999999