ENTRY 40861 20240617 42174086100000001 SUBENT 40861001 20240617 42174086100100001 BIB 11 35 4086100100002 TITLE Measurement of the ratio of the cross sections for 4086100100003 fissioning of 237Np and 235U by neutrons with 4086100100004 energies in the range 4-11 MeV 4086100100005 AUTHOR (A.A.Goverdovskii, A.K.Gordyushin, B.D.Kuz'minow, 4086100100006 V.F.Mitrofanov, A.I.Sergachev, S.M.Solov'ev, 4086100100007 G.M.Stepchenkova) 4086100100008 REFERENCE (J,SJA,58,163,1985) 4086100100009 #doi:10.1007/BF01122211 4086100100010 (J,AE,58,137,1985) Russian original of SJA,58,163,1985 4086100100011 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4086100100012 FACILITY (VDGT,4RUSFEI) EGP-10M 4086100100013 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Gas target (1.2E+5 Pa) irradiated by deuteron 4086100100014 beam (1.5 microA) 4086100100015 INC-SPECT Background neutrons due to d(d,np)d above En > 5 MeV, 4086100100016 which have a continuous spectrum with average energy 4086100100017 about 3 MeV and the intensity comparative with 4086100100018 monoenergetic portion at En > 8.5 MeV. 4086100100019 DETECTOR (FISCH) Double ionization chamber (1.8E+5 Pa) 4086100100020 (SCIN) For neutron flux monitoring 4086100100021 CORRECTION Corrected for 4086100100022 . neutrons scattered by target holder, ionization 4086100100023 detector and substrates of layers (<0.04%)4086100100024 . impurity nuclide fission (0.11-0.30% at En>10 MeV)4086100100025 . fission fragments stopped in layers (0.06-0.12%)4086100100026 . nonhomogeneity of 235U and 237Np mixture (0.12-0.4%)4086100100027 STATUS (APRVD) Under question 4086100100028 HISTORY (19850517C) 4086100100029 (20130822A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4086100100030 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4086100100031 Reference of Engl.translation was added. 4086100100032 BIB information was updated. 4086100100033 ERR-ANALYS in Subent 004 was corrected according to 4086100100034 now-days rules. 4086100100035 (20240305A) VT. Major revision in 002-004. 4086100100036 (20240617U) M.M. Minor correction of BIB information. 4086100100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4086100100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 4086100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4086100199999 SUBENT 40861002 20240617 42174086100200001 BIB 6 22 4086100200002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4086100200003 MONITOR Absolute measurement (isotopic dilution method) 4086100200004 SAMPLE Nuclide content (%): 4086100200005 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100200006 Sample 235U 237Np Thickness (ug/cm2) 4086100200007 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100200008 3. 3.46 96.54 300 4086100200009 4. 4.40 95.60 300 4086100200010 5. 6.50 93.50 300 4086100200011 6. 18.26 81.74 300 4086100200012 7. 24.65 75.35 100 4086100200013 8. 34.75 65.25 98 4086100200014 9. 5.19 94.81 204 4086100200015 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100200016 Isotopic purity is 99.9% for Samples 3-8 while 4086100200017 mixture of 238U and 235U for Sample 9. 4086100200018 MISC-COL (MISC) Sample thickness 4086100200019 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,AE,58,137,1985) Table 1 4086100200020 HISTORY (20130822A) M.M. THICKNESS -> MISC was corrected 4086100200021 according to opinion of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4086100200022 (20240305A) VT. DATA: replaced the floating point to a 4086100200023 fixed point. 4086100200024 ENDBIB 22 0 4086100200025 NOCOMMON 0 0 4086100200026 DATA 3 28 4086100200027 EN DATA MISC 4086100200028 MEV NO-DIM G/CM-SQ 4086100200029 6.55 1.335 98.E-06 4086100200030 6.55 1.300 100.E-06 4086100200031 6.55 1.330 204.E-06 4086100200032 6.55 1.320 300.E-06 4086100200033 6.55 1.328 300.E-06 4086100200034 6.55 1.312 300.E-06 4086100200035 6.55 1.310 306.E-06 4086100200036 6.95 1.270 98.E-06 4086100200037 6.95 1.262 100.E-06 4086100200038 6.95 1.286 204.E-06 4086100200039 6.95 1.260 300.E-06 4086100200040 6.95 1.242 300.E-06 4086100200041 6.95 1.272 300.E-06 4086100200042 6.95 1.250 306.E-06 4086100200043 7.34 1.174 98.E-06 4086100200044 7.34 1.180 100.E-06 4086100200045 7.34 1.209 204.E-06 4086100200046 7.34 1.190 300.E-06 4086100200047 7.34 1.230 300.E-06 4086100200048 7.34 1.226 300.E-06 4086100200049 7.34 1.232 306.E-06 4086100200050 7.75 1.176 98.E-06 4086100200051 7.75 1.221 100.E-06 4086100200052 7.75 1.195 204.E-06 4086100200053 7.75 1.175 300.E-06 4086100200054 7.75 1.200 300.E-06 4086100200055 7.75 1.189 300.E-06 4086100200056 7.75 1.209 306.E-06 4086100200057 ENDDATA 30 0 4086100200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 4086100299999 SUBENT 40861003 20240617 42174086100300001 BIB 5 10 4086100300002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4086100300003 ANALYSIS Average of data measured with several samples 4086100300004 given in Subent 002. 4086100300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Isotopic composition 4086100300006 (ERR-2) 237Np/235U detection efficiency ratio 4086100300007 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4086100300008 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,AE,58,137,1985) Table 1 4086100300009 (DEP,40861002) Data for each sample 4086100300010 HISTORY (20240305A) VT. 4086100300011 DATA: replaced the floating point to a fixed point. 4086100300012 ENDBIB 10 0 4086100300013 COMMON 2 3 4086100300014 ERR-1 ERR-2 4086100300015 PER-CENT PER-CENT 4086100300016 1. 0.4 4086100300017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4086100300018 DATA 3 4 4086100300019 EN DATA ERR-T 4086100300020 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4086100300021 6.55 1.319 0.016 4086100300022 6.95 1.263 0.015 4086100300023 7.34 1.206 0.015 4086100300024 7.75 1.195 0.014 4086100300025 ENDDATA 6 0 4086100300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4086100399999 SUBENT 40861004 20240617 42174086100400001 BIB 7 23 4086100400002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4086100400003 SAMPLE Nuclide content (%): 4086100400004 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100400005 Sample 235U 237Np Thickness (ug/cm2) 4086100400006 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100400007 1. 99.992 410; 256 4086100400008 2. 99.05 460 4086100400009 -------------------------------------------------- 4086100400010 ANALYSIS Normalized to absolutely measured data 4086100400011 FLAG (1.) Normalizing points 4086100400012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty (0.8-1.1%) 4086100400013 (ERR-1,0.3,0.6) 237Np/235U detection efficiency ratio4086100400014 (ERR-2) Normalization 4086100400015 (ERR-3,,0.1) Corrections 4086100400016 (ERR-4,0.10,0.45) Background subtraction above 8 MeV 4086100400017 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4086100400018 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,AE,58,137,1985) Table 2 4086100400019 (DEP,40861003) Data from absolute measurements 4086100400020 . In 40833.002 - preliminary data of first run, 4086100400021 superseded by 40861.004. 4086100400022 HISTORY (20240305A) VT. DATA: 81->78, 1.213->1.206, 1.10->0.83 4086100400023 and 1.45->1.24 at 7.34 MeV. Replaced the floating point4086100400024 to a fixed point. 4086100400025 ENDBIB 23 0 4086100400026 COMMON 1 3 4086100400027 ERR-2 4086100400028 PER-CENT 4086100400029 0.85 4086100400030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4086100400031 DATA 6 35 4086100400032 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-S ERR-T FLAG 4086100400033 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 4086100400034 4.44 150. 1.363 1.00 1.37 4086100400035 4.97 130. 1.420 0.92 1.32 4086100400036 5.21 123. 1.416 0.94 1.33 4086100400037 5.44 120. 1.449 1.05 1.41 4086100400038 5.66 116. 1.458 1.07 1.43 4086100400039 5.88 109. 1.481 0.93 1.32 4086100400040 6.11 102. 1.434 0.89 1.30 4086100400041 6.14 102. 1.409 1.11 1.46 4086100400042 6.35 98. 1.361 1.07 1.43 4086100400043 6.38 96. 1.365 0.95 1.34 4086100400044 6.55 92. 1.319 0.45 1.21 1. 4086100400045 6.75 88. 1.262 1.16 1.50 4086100400046 6.95 84. 1.263 0.48 1.19 1. 4086100400047 7.15 81. 1.213 1.10 1.45 4086100400048 7.34 78. 1.206 0.83 1.24 1. 4086100400049 7.53 75. 1.198 1.21 1.53 4086100400050 7.75 73. 1.195 0.54 1.17 1. 4086100400051 7.94 70. 1.172 1.08 1.43 4086100400052 8.12 68. 1.169 1.00 1.37 4086100400053 8.31 66. 1.172 1.12 1.48 4086100400054 8.50 64. 1.159 0.89 1.30 4086100400055 8.66 63. 1.154 0.90 1.33 4086100400056 8.82 62. 1.163 0.78 1.25 4086100400057 9.01 60. 1.145 0.86 1.34 4086100400058 9.18 59. 1.142 0.99 1.42 4086100400059 9.35 58. 1.126 0.90 1.34 4086100400060 9.51 56. 1.127 1.08 1.49 4086100400061 9.65 55. 1.123 1.00 1.42 4086100400062 9.82 54. 1.129 1.10 1.50 4086100400063 9.96 53. 1.120 1.12 1.55 4086100400064 10.11 53. 1.115 1.00 1.47 4086100400065 10.22 52. 1.125 0.90 1.40 4086100400066 10.36 52. 1.132 1.05 1.50 4086100400067 10.49 50. 1.120 1.15 1.57 4086100400068 10.69 50. 1.127 1.20 1.61 4086100400069 ENDDATA 37 0 4086100400070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 4086100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4086199999999