ENTRY 40882 20231226 42164088200000001 SUBENT 40882001 20231226 42164088200100001 BIB 9 26 4088200100002 TITLE Total neutron cross-section for radioactive isotope 4088200100003 gadolinium-153 (half-life equal 241.6 days) and for 4088200100004 stable isotope gadolinium-152 4088200100005 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebnyy,P.N.Vorona,A.I.Kal'chenko, 4088200100006 V.G.Krivenko,V.Yu.Chervyakov) 4088200100007 REFERENCE ((C,83KIEV,3,43,1983)= 4088200100008 (R,INDC(CCP)-235,(3),43,1983)) 4088200100009 (R,KIYAI-76-16,1976) Experimental details 4088200100010 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4088200100011 FACILITY (REAC) 4088200100012 SAMPLE Gd-153 was obtained by the irradiation of initial 4088200100013 sample in the reactor. Initial sample content: 4088200100014 Gd-152 30.+-0.1 %, thickness 2.05E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100015 Gd-154 9.5+-0.1 %, thickness 0.65E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100016 Gd-155 22.1+-.1 %, thickness 1.51E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100017 Gd-156 14.9+-.1 %, thickness 1.02E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100018 Gd-157 8.5+-0.1 %, thickness 0.58E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100019 Gd-158 9.1+-0.1 %, thickness 0.62E+20 nucl/cm2 4088200100020 METHOD (TOF) Resolution 1., 0.22 and 0.55 microsec/m 4088200100021 STATUS (SPSDD,40860001) Final data. 4088200100022 HISTORY (19851202C) Compiled by Maev 4088200100023 (20231226A) Ref. INDC(CCP)-235,(3),43,1983 was added. 4088200100024 Upper -> lower case correction . 4088200100025 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4088200100026 ENTRY 40882 was superseded by 40860(final point-wise 4088200100027 data from the author). 4088200100028 ENDBIB 26 0 4088200100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 4088200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4088200199999 NOSUBENT 40882002 20231226 42164088200200001 NOSUBENT 40882003 20231226 42164088200300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 4088299999999