ENTRY            40907   20150302                             41684090700000001 
SUBENT        40907001   20150302                             41684090700100001 
BIB                 10         21                                 4090700100002 
INSTITUTE  (4LATIFL)                                              4090700100003 
REFERENCE 1(C,84ALMAAT,,143,198404)                               4090700100004 
          2(C,85LENING,,372,1985)                                 4090700100005 
AUTHOR    1(M.R.Beytin'sh,I.L.Kuvaga,P.T.Prokof'ev)               4090700100006 
          2(N.D.Kramer,V.A.Bondarenko,M.P.Beytin'sh,I.L.Kuvaga,   4090700100007 
           P.T.Prokof'eV)                                         4090700100008 
TITLE     1 New levels of the Lu-176 excited in the (n,n'gamma)   4090700100009 
           reaction.                                              4090700100010 
          2 Lu-176m fast neutrons activation cross section.       4090700100011 
REL-REF    (N,,M.R.Beitins+,J,IZL,,(2),16,1985)                   4090700100012 
            "The investigation of Lu-176 in the (n,n'gamma)       4090700100013 
            reaction" ( not available for checking, M.M.)         4090700100014 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 4090700100015 
DETECTOR   (GELI) For gammas.                                     4090700100016 
MONITOR     No information                                        4090700100017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Not specified                              4090700100018 
HISTORY    (19861012C)  Compiled at CJD                           4090700100019 
           (20010319A) Date is corrected                          4090700100020 
           (20150302A) M.M. Ref. C,85LENING,,372,1985 was added.  4090700100021 
           Articles were checked, BIB information was updated.    4090700100022 
           Subent 003 was added.                                  4090700100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 4090700100024 
COMMON               1          3                                 4090700100025 
EN-DUMMY                                                          4090700100026 
EV                                                                4090700100027 
  1.0000E+6                                                       4090700100028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4090700100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 4090700199999 
SUBENT        40907002   20150302                             41684090700200001 
BIB                  8         13                                 4090700200002 
REACTION   (71-LU-176(N,INL)71-LU-176,,SPC,,FIS/REL) Reference    4090700200003 
                      quantity for data is not given              4090700200004 
EN-SEC      LVL-INI,71-LU-176                                     4090700200005 
            LVL-FIN,71-LU-176                                     4090700200006 
FACILITY   (REAC)  IRT-M reactor                                  4090700200007 
INC-SPECT   Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor                  4090700200008 
DETECTOR   (GELI)  VOlume 40 cm**3,resolution =.3 keV             4090700200009 
                   at the energy 121.4 keV                        4090700200010 
COMMENT     Only new energy levels are given in the table .       4090700200011 
            Total intensity of the gamma-transition is equal      4090700200012 
            I(gamma) +I(electron)                                 4090700200013 
FLAG       (1.)  Intensity given is corrected on the background   4090700200014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of C,84ALMAAT,,143,19840.                4090700200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4090700200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4090700200017 
DATA                 7          8                                 4090700200018 
E          E-ERR      LVL-INI    LVL-FIN    DATA       DATA-ERR   4090700200019 
FLAG                                                              4090700200020 
KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  4090700200021 
NO-DIM                                                            4090700200022 
  56.1        .2       1097.3     1043.7       .4         .3      4090700200023 
        1.                                                        4090700200024 
 229.0        .2        618.0      389.0       1.2        .4      4090700200025 
 249.6        .2        876.6      618.0        .7        .3      4090700200027 
 315.6        .2       1043.7      728.3        .8        .3      4090700200029 
 330.0        .2       1043.7      713.6        .7        .3      4090700200031 
 369.0        .2       1097.3      728.3        .8        .3      4090700200033 
 434.0        .3        618.0      184.1        1.2       .3      4090700200035 
 478.6        .3        876.6      389.0         .6       .4      4090700200037 
       1.                                                         4090700200038 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 4090700200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 4090700299999 
SUBENT        40907003   20150302                             41684090700300001 
BIB                  9         17                                 4090700300002 
REACTION   (71-LU-176(N,INL)71-LU-176-M,,SIG,,SPA)                4090700300003 
            Lu-176-M activation cross-section.                    4090700300004 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-176-M,3.68HR) 126.5 keV, 1- level.              4090700300005 
FACILITY   (REAC,4LATIFL)                                         4090700300006 
METHOD     (FNB) Neutron beam filters - B4C (10mm), Cd (1mm).     4090700300007 
           To exclude contribution of (n,gamma) reaction in       4090700300008 
           Lu-176-m production, three samples were used.          4090700300009 
SAMPLE     Three samples of Lu(2)O(3) tablets, mass 600 mg,       4090700300010 
           diameter 12.8 mm, thickness 2-3 mm.                    4090700300011 
            Enrichment  in Lu-176 - 54.4%, 27.1%, 2.6%(natural).  4090700300012 
INC-SPECT   Neutron flux was measured by threshold detectors.     4090700300013 
            For En > or = 120 keV - 5.5E+7 n/cm2/sec .            4090700300014 
REL-REF    (M,,Kh.Ya.Bondars+,J,IZL,,(2),3,1980)                  4090700300015 
            Method to measure the fast neutron beam by threshold  4090700300016 
            detectors.                                            4090700300017 
DETECTOR   (THRES) For neutron beam.                              4090700300018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of C,85LENING,,372,1985.                 4090700300019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 4090700300020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4090700300021 
DATA                 2          1                                 4090700300022 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4090700300023 
B          B                                                      4090700300024 
0.22       0.05                                                   4090700300025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4090700300026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 4090700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4090799999999