ENTRY 40908 20240208 42174090800000001 SUBENT 40908001 20240208 42174090800100001 BIB 9 16 4090800100002 TITLE Au-198 isomeric state excitation in the reaction 4090800100003 (n,gamma) at En = 14.6 MeV 4090800100004 AUTHOR (V.L.Demekhin,B.E.Leshchenko,V.K.Maydanyuk,G.Peto, 4090800100005 V.A.Plyuyko) 4090800100006 REFERENCE (C,84ALMAAT,,329,1984) 4090800100007 INSTITUTE (4UKRKGU) 4090800100008 FACILITY (NGEN) Neutron generator 4090800100009 METHOD (ACTIV) 4090800100010 DETECTOR (GELI) 4090800100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 4090800100012 HISTORY (19861010C) Compiled at CJD 4090800100013 (20010319A) DATE is corrected 4090800100014 (20240208A) BIB information was updated. 4090800100015 MONITOR line was moved in Subent 002 and corrected as 4090800100016 ASSUMED. 4090800100017 Upper -> lower case correction. 4090800100018 ENDBIB 16 0 4090800100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 4090800100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4090800199999 SUBENT 40908002 20240208 42174090800200001 BIB 7 16 4090800200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) 4090800200003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-M,2.30D) 811.7 keV gamma-line was not used 4090800200004 for C-S calculation due to very low it's intensity. 4090800200005 (79-AU-198-G,2.69D,DG,411.8) 4090800200006 ASSUMED (ASSUM,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG) 4090800200007 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Experimental Au-198-G decay curve was compared 4090800200008 with theoretical calculation, taking into account 4090800200009 decay of Au-198-M isomeric state and using results of 4090800200010 V.K.Maydanyuk+, see REL-REF. 4090800200011 REL-REF (N,,V.K.Maydanyuk+,C,82KIEV,,541,1982) 4090800200012 STATUS (TABLE,,V.L.Demekhin+,C,84ALMAAT,,329,1984) 4090800200013 Text on page 329. 4090800200014 HISTORY (20240208A) DATA-ERR: 100. -> 140. microbarn as given 4090800200015 in the article. 4090800200016 DERIV code was added in REACTION according to a 4090800200017 comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4090800200018 ENDBIB 16 0 4090800200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 4090800200020 DATA 5 1 4090800200021 EN DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 4090800200022 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MB MB 4090800200023 14.6 400. 140. 1.4 0.4 4090800200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4090800200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4090800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4090899999999