ENTRY 40910 20240208 42174091000000001 SUBENT 40910001 20240208 42174091000100001 BIB 16 48 4091000100002 AUTHOR (P.A.Sushkov,V.L.Alexeev, L.P.Kabina,I.A.Kondurov, 4091000100003 D.D.Warner) V.L.Alexeev = V.L.Alekseev 4091000100004 TITLE Gamma-rays and a scheme of Al-28 levels from the 4091000100005 Al-27(n,gamma) reaction 4091000100006 REFERENCE (R,LIJAF-644,1981) Gamma-rays intensities and level 4091000100007 schemes for several nuclei are given4091000100008 (C,79RIGA,,47,1979) Experiment details for Al. 4091000100009 First author P.A.Sushkov 4091000100010 (C,79RIGA,,48,1979) Preliminary data for Al-28 level 4091000100011 energies. First author V.L.Alekseev 4091000100012 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN,2FR ILL) 4091000100013 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) Reactor channel H6-H7 4091000100014 INC-SOURCE (REAC) High-neutron-flux reactor, neutron flux is 4091000100015 8.E+14 neutrons/cm-sq/sec 4091000100016 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum of the reactor 4091000100017 DETECTOR (GELI) Double germanium-lithium detector 4091000100018 METHOD Two gamma-spectra were measured for two different 4091000100019 samples. 4091000100020 Gamma energy scale was calibrated by three reference 4091000100021 lines ( see Subents 005,006); their energies were 4091000100022 determined by 411 keV gamma decay of Au-198. 4091000100023 ANALYSIS Gamma-ray energies were determined by the method 4091000100024 of the linearization of the spectrometer's trans- 4091000100025 mission characteristic, see (C,79RIGA,,511,1979) 4091000100026 EN-SEC (E,G) 4091000100027 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SPC) 4091000100028 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,DG,411.) 411.80441 keV (was given in COMMON4091000100029 block , replace by 411. as given in the article) 4091000100030 ADD-RES (DECAY) Intensities of gamma-lines which were 4091000100031 measured in 1st spectrum (Table 3) and in 2nd spectrum 4091000100032 (Table 7), but could not be placed in decay schemes. 4091000100033 ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR) Gamma energy error includes gamma-spectrum 4091000100034 linearization and line position uncertainties, 4091000100035 does not include uncertainties of data used for 4091000100036 absolutization (9ppm) and 411 keV gamma line from 4091000100037 Au-198 decay (2.6 ppm). 4091000100038 (DATA-ERR) Errors not specified 4091000100039 HISTORY (19861111C) Data compiled at CJD 4091000100040 (20010319A) Date is corrected 4091000100041 (20010716U) Last checking has been done. 4091000100042 (20240208U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4091000100043 METHOD was added. 4091000100044 MONIT1, MONIT2, MONIT3 were deleted - data are given 4091000100045 in Subents 005, 006 ( gamma energies were used for 4091000100046 energy calibration, were determined relative to Au). 4091000100047 E-LVL-INI/FIN -> LVL-INI/FIN. 4091000100048 Subents 008-009 data were moved in ADD-RES of Subent 4091000100049 007 according to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4091000100050 ENDBIB 48 0 4091000100051 COMMON 2 3 4091000100052 EN-DUMMY E-RSL 4091000100053 EV EV 4091000100054 2.53E-2 40. 4091000100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4091000100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4091000199999 SUBENT 40910002 20240208 42174091000200001 BIB 3 4 4091000200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,SPC,,MXW/REL)Reference 4091000200003 quantity is not given 4091000200004 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 1. 4091000200005 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000200006 ENDBIB 4 0 4091000200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000200008 DATA 6 175 4091000200009 E E-ERR LVL-INI LVL-FIN DATA DATA-ERR 4091000200010 KEV KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4091000200011 1408.3 .4 7725. 6316. 0.95 .18 4091000200012 1525.98 .08 7725. 6198. 1.57 .14 4091000200013 1589.62 .1 1620. 30. 1.21 .13 4091000200014 1622.81 .04 1622. 0. 4.4 .3 4091000200015 1642.27 .14 2656. 1013. .53 .12 4091000200016 1705.23 .24 7725. 6019. .28 .06 4091000200017 1864.52 .15 7725. 5860. .34 .05 4091000200018 1927.43 .05 7725. 5797. 1.01 .07 4091000200019 1983.83 .04 7725. 5741. .93 .06 4091000200020 2108.29 .04 2139. 30. 2.23 .13 4091000200021 2128.94 .12 .215 .022 4091000200022 2138.892 .025 2139. 0. 1.65 .08 4091000200023 2170.77 .08 2201. 30. .37 .03 4091000200024 2255.5 .08 3875. 1620. .45 .04 4091000200025 2271.66 .03 2271. 0. 1.49 .09 4091000200026 2282.797 .02 7725. 5442. 3.63 .18 4091000200027 2347.14 .16 7725. 5377. .141 .016 4091000200028 2380.46 .16 7725. 5344. .16 .02 4091000200029 2395.2 .5 5860. 3465. .049 .015 4091000200030 2419.23 .18 4691. 2271. .101 .012 4091000200031 2451.55 .09 3465. 1013. .31 .03 4091000200032 2486.21 .16 2486. 0. .122 .015 4091000200033 2502.73 .17 3875. 1372. .124 .015 4091000200034 2547.92 .25 7725. 5177. .099 .015 4091000200035 2552.28 .24 4691. 2139. .1 .015 4091000200036 2563.1 .4 4764. 2201. .062 .013 4091000200037 2567. .3 .078 .015 4091000200038 2577.63 .03 3591. 1013. 1.73 .09 4091000200039 2590.159 .019 7725. 5134. 3.32 .16 4091000200040 2625.82 .04 4764. 2139. 1.09 .06 4091000200041 2645.7 .8 6316. 3670. .03 .015 4091000200042 2656.35 .19 2656. 0. .111 .015 4091000200043 2709.57 .06 7725. 5015. .55 .04 4091000200044 2727.82 .11 7725. 4997. .208 .017 4091000200045 2733.52 .09 6198. 3465. .3 .02 4091000200046 2821.369 .019 7725. 4903. 3.26 .16 4091000200047 2876.1 .3 5015. 2139. .086 .015 4091000200048 2921.7 .08 3935. 1013. .275 .016 4091000200049 2959.998 .015 7725. 4764. 8.5 .5 4091000200050 2987.31 .08 2987. 0. .333 .023 4091000200051 3033.757 .016 7725. 4691. 8.1 .5 4091000200052 3068. .4 4691. 1622. .063 .013 4091000200053 3075.5 .3 .082 .013 4091000200054 3128.48 .1 7725. 4596. .208 .015 4091000200055 3141.8 .15 4764. 1622. .147 .013 4091000200056 3190.85 .21 .079 .01 4091000200057 3205. .3 5344. 2139. .068 .01 4091000200058 3208.68 .17 .119 .01 4091000200059 3222.2 .3 6893. 3670. .07 .009 4091000200060 3230.6 .4 4244. 1013. .05 .008 4091000200061 3239.1 .4 5377. 2139. .04 .008 4091000200062 3254.3 .5 5741. 2486. .036 .009 4091000200063 3265.36 .17 3295. 30. .37 .05 4091000200064 3275.4 .7 7176. 3901. .024 .01 4091000200065 3296.7 .4 3295. 0. .065 .01 4091000200066 3302.95 .04 5442. 2139. 1.12 .05 4091000200067 3311.4 .4 5797. 2486. .045 .011 4091000200068 3316.1 .3 3347. 30. .056 .012 4091000200069 3346.97 .06 3347. 0. .488 .025 4091000200070 3391.87 .05 4764. 1372. .56 .03 4091000200071 3410.4 .7 6757. 3347. .025 .009 4091000200072 3464.957 .023 3465. 0. 7.2 .4 4091000200073 3480.57 .2 7725. 4244. .175 .015 4091000200074 3532.7 .4 6019. 2486. .041 .009 4091000200075 3560.48 .04 3591. 30. 1.01 .06 4091000200076 3584.26 .23 7176. 3591. .089 .012 4091000200077 3591.123 .023 3591. 0. 4.71 .24 4091000200078 3623.63 .15 4997. 1372. .114 .01 4091000200079 3639.94 .15 3670. 30. .11 .01 4091000200080 3659.88 .22 6316. 2656. .079 .01 4091000200081 3670.62 .19 3670. 0. .087 .009 4091000200082 3678.09 .07 3709. 30. .332 .011 4091000200083 3708.75 .07 3709. 0. .459 .023 4091000200084 3712.5 .5 6198. 2486. .056 .012 4091000200085 3754.77 .14 5377. 1622. .136 .011 4091000200086 3789.18 .04 7725. 3935. 1.02 .06 4091000200087 3803.6 .5 5177. 1372. .029 .008 4091000200088 3817.66 .25 6019. 2201. .059 .008 4091000200089 3823.42 .05 7725. 3901. .51 .02 4091000200090 3849.037 .024 7725. 3875. 3.29 .17 4091000200091 3875.433 .024 3875. 0. 2.8 .14 4091000200092 3889.68 .11 4903. 1013. .265 .017 4091000200093 3900.92 .22 3901. 0. .246 .019 4091000200094 3904.49 .2 3935. 30. .266 .019 4091000200095 3921.1 .5 7269. 3347. .046 .013 4091000200096 3935.11 .08 3935. 0. .366 .014 4091000200097 4001.5 .13 5015. 1013. .16 .012 4091000200098 4015.52 .04 7725. 3709. .82 .015 4091000200099 4044.1 .6 6316. 2271. .028 .008 4091000200100 4054.27 .11 7725. 3670. .159 .011 4091000200101 4060.04 .25 6198. 2139. .064 .011 4091000200102 4068.84 .13 5442. 1372. .142 .011 4091000200103 4133.398 .024 7725. 3591. 7.3 .4 4091000200104 4165.9 .4 .089 .012 4091000200105 4169.5 .23 .128 .013 4091000200106 4185.26 .21 .082 .009 4091000200107 4213.4 .3 4244. 30. .081 .01 4091000200108 4259.559 .02 7725. 3465. 7.4 .4 4091000200109 4280.05 .12 .183 .014 4091000200110 4330.6 .5 5344. 1013. .032 .007 4091000200111 4355. .4 7342. 2987. .051 .009 4091000200112 4377.58 .04 7725. 3347. .438 .023 4091000200113 4396.29 .15 6019. 1622. .097 .007 4091000200114 4424.14 .12 5797. 1372. .42 .03 4091000200115 4428.38 .09 .91 .05 4091000200116 4484.59 .21 6757. 2271. .067 .007 4091000200117 4511.85 .13 .14 .01 4091000200118 4566. .6 4596. 30. .043 .011 4091000200119 4575.56 .05 6198. 1622. .34 .02 4091000200120 4596.2 .12 4596. 0. .132 .011 4091000200121 4617.1 .4 6757. 2139. .068 .009 4091000200122 4621.47 .13 6893. 2271. .18 .01 4091000200123 4646.8 .3 6019. 1372. .065 .007 4091000200124 4660.09 .03 4691. 30. 2.82 .15 4091000200125 4690.738 .018 4691. 0. 4.91 .25 4091000200126 4733.82 .03 4764. 30. 5.9 .3 4091000200127 4754.19 .12 6893. 2139. .45 .05 4091000200128 4764.47 .04 4764. 0. .97 .05 4091000200129 4781.9 .5 7269. 2486. .035 .008 4091000200130 4825.48 .21 6198. 1372. .061 .006 4091000200131 4867.82 .09 .18 .02 4091000200132 4903.113 .019 4903. 0. 3.27 .17 4091000200133 4984.37 .12 5015. 30. .126 .009 4091000200134 4996.5 .2 4997. 0. .16 .02 4091000200135 5005.12 .25 6019. 1013. .056 .006 4091000200136 5068.41 .09 7725. 2656. .181 .011 4091000200137 5103.71 .05 5134. 30. .505 .012 4091000200138 5134.266 .022 5134. 0. 3.22 .16 4091000200139 5176.53 .24 5177. 0. .059 .006 4091000200140 5202.7 .4 7342. 2139. .032 .004 4091000200141 5238.33 .06 7725. 2486. .271 .015 4091000200142 5269.7 .3 6893. 1622. .039 .008 4091000200143 5302.58 .05 6316. 1013. .52 .03 4091000200144 5313. .8 5344. 30. .2 .06 4091000200145 5342.8 .9 5344. 0. .025 .008 4091000200146 5377.37 .17 5377. 0. .086 .008 4091000200147 5410.93 .05 5442. 30. 1.9 .1 4091000200148 5427.2 .3 6441. 1013. .061 .008 4091000200149 5452.64 .11 7725. 2271. .184 .014 4091000200150 5523.24 .17 7725. 2201. .07 .006 4091000200151 5585.53 .03 7725. 2139. 1.17 .06 4091000200152 5709.89 .04 5741. 30. .63 .04 4091000200153 5766.29 .05 5797. 30. .4 .02 4091000200154 5796.95 .11 5797. 0. .13 .01 4091000200155 5802.9 .4 7176. 1372. .042 .004 4091000200156 5860.03 .11 5860. 0. .153 .01 4091000200157 5923.7 .3 .051 .006 4091000200158 5969. .4 7342. 1372. .034 .004 4091000200159 5988.2 .4 6019. 30. .03 .004 4091000200160 6018.76 .08 6019. 0. .201 .012 4091000200161 6101.348 .025 7725. 1622. 2.7 .14 4091000200162 6162. .7 7176. 1013. .017 .004 4091000200163 6198. .04 6198. 0. .71 .04 4091000200164 6315.85 .03 6316. 0. 2.16 .11 4091000200165 6351.13 .18 7725. 1372. .1 .01 4091000200166 6440.5 .04 6441. 0. .69 .04 4091000200167 6591.41 .1 .16 .01 4091000200168 6619.92 .13 .49 .04 4091000200169 6623.4 .5 .076 .019 4091000200170 6710.55 .04 7725. 1013. .94 .05 4091000200171 6726.5 .7 6757. 30. .07 .02 4091000200172 6752.4 .3 .05 .005 4091000200173 6800.4 .5 .03 .005 4091000200174 6822.67 .25 6854. 30. .051 .005 4091000200175 6853.6 1.4 6854. 0. .013 .006 4091000200176 6862.1 .11 6893. 30. .194 .011 4091000200177 6893.3 .4 6893. 0. .03 .005 4091000200178 6936.99 .12 .14 .009 4091000200179 7135.5 .3 .066 .007 4091000200180 7175.38 .15 7176. 0. .14 .01 4091000200181 7237.36 .22 7269. 30. .096 .007 4091000200182 7268.6 .6 7269. 0. .039 .007 4091000200183 7341.6 .3 7342. 0. .07 .007 4091000200184 7693.297 .025 7725. 30. 3.68 .19 4091000200185 7723.93 .021 7725. 0. 30. 1.5 4091000200186 ENDDATA 177 0 4091000200187 ENDSUBENT 186 0 4091000299999 SUBENT 40910003 20240208 42174091000300001 BIB 3 5 4091000300002 REACTION (17-CL-35(N,G)17-CL-36,,SPC,,MXW/REL) Reference 4091000300003 quantity is not given. 4091000300004 Gamma-peak area /10. 4091000300005 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 5. 4091000300006 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4091000300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000300009 DATA 4 93 4091000300010 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4091000300011 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4091000300012 1601.24 .22 24. 3. 4091000300013 1731.4 .5 11. 3. 4091000300014 1951.15 .05 374. 7. 4091000300015 1959.32 .05 255. 6. 4091000300016 2022.1 .4 17. 4. 4091000300017 2033.9 .4 18. 3. 4091000300018 2074.9 .5 9. 3. 4091000300019 2155.5 .6 14. 3. 4091000300020 2179.4 .6 15. 3. 4091000300021 2238.6 .5 47. 4. 4091000300022 2311.3 .4 24. 4. 4091000300023 2327.4 .4 22. 4. 4091000300024 2469.3 .3 42. 5. 4091000300025 2491.1 .6 17. 4. 4091000300026 2529.3 .6 15. 4. 4091000300027 2536.8 .5 20. 4. 4091000300028 2545.7 .6 15. 4. 4091000300029 2676.14 .13 96. 6. 4091000300030 2796.5 .5 27. 5. 4091000300031 2801.1 .4 39. 5. 4091000300032 2810.9 .3 37. 4. 4091000300033 2845.41 .13 79. 5. 4091000300034 2863.86 .05 422. 8. 4091000300035 2870.36 .22 61. 5. 4091000300036 2894.7 .22 49. 5. 4091000300037 2955. .7 26. 6. 4091000300038 2974.6 .18 83. 6. 4091000300039 2994.51 .18 73. 6. 4091000300040 3001.26 .22 55. 6. 4091000300041 3015.72 .13 97. 8. 4091000300042 3061.56 .07 267. 7. 4091000300043 3116.05 .21 65. 7. 4091000300044 3251.9 .4 30. 4. 4091000300045 3333.3 .13 120. 6. 4091000300046 3374.2 .4 87. 13. 4091000300047 3428.93 .23 58. 6. 4091000300048 3566.9 .5 26. 5. 4091000300049 3599.04 .18 91. 6. 4091000300050 3604.8 .4 61. 7. 4091000300051 3633.8 .5 43. 7. 4091000300052 3660.2 .4 38. 5. 4091000300053 3749.7 .5 34. 5. 4091000300054 3774.4 .3 48. 5. 4091000300055 3809.7 .5 27. 5. 4091000300056 3821.6 .22 165. 18. 4091000300057 3962.13 .18 97. 6. 4091000300058 3981.4 .22 123. 12. 4091000300059 4054.01 .13 113. 6. 4091000300060 4060.6 .5 28. 5. 4091000300061 4083.35 .13 117. 6. 4091000300062 4140. .8 27. 8. 4091000300063 4297.6 .4 47. 7. 4091000300064 4355.2 .6 21. 5. 4091000300065 4414.8 .5 28. 5. 4091000300066 4440.17 .1 182. 7. 4091000300067 4517.7 .7 21. 5. 4091000300068 4524.82 .22 100. 7. 4091000300069 4549.07 .18 91. 7. 4091000300070 4587.2 .8 34. 9. 4091000300071 4616.65 .22 135. 9. 4091000300072 4729.2 .3 154. 15. 4091000300073 4748.7 .9 23. 6. 4091000300074 4815.8 .8 27. 6. 4091000300075 4944.68 .11 189. 7. 4091000300076 4979.89 .06 600. 10. 4091000300077 5017.7 .3 57. 6. 4091000300078 5078.6 .5 26. 5. 4091000300079 5151.4 .4 50. 5. 4091000300080 5205.9 .4 37. 5. 4091000300081 5246.77 .18 90. 7. 4091000300082 5474.1 .7 23. 4. 4091000300083 5517.2 .09 287. 7. 4091000300084 5604.5 .4 54. 6. 4091000300085 5702.4 .25 75. 6. 4091000300086 5715.3 .06 910. 14. 4091000300087 5733.19 .2 85. 6. 4091000300088 5776.9 .7 23. 5. 4091000300089 5902.84 .11 184. 7. 4091000300090 5956.2 .6 28. 5. 4091000300091 6086.78 .18 142. 8. 4091000300092 6110.69 .04 3453. 23. 4091000300093 6184.3 .6 31. 5. 4091000300094 6267.81 .22 78. 5. 4091000300095 6379.5 .4 43. 5. 4091000300096 6422.1 .3 54. 5. 4091000300097 6487.5 .5 28. 4. 4091000300098 6543.6 .6 24. 4. 4091000300099 6619.77 .09 1440. 24. 4091000300100 6627.8 .06 775. 12. 4091000300101 6950. .6 25. 4. 4091000300102 6977.93 .07 381. 8. 4091000300103 7414.06 .05 1642. 20. 4091000300104 7790.28 .05 1305. 16. 4091000300105 ENDDATA 95 0 4091000300106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 4091000399999 SUBENT 40910004 20240208 42174091000400001 BIB 3 5 4091000400002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(N,G),,SPC,,MXW/REL) Reference 4091000400003 quantity is not given 4091000400004 Gamma-peak area /10. 4091000400005 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 6. 4091000400006 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000400007 ENDBIB 5 0 4091000400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000400009 DATA 4 47 4091000400010 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4091000400011 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4091000400012 1404.62 .18 32. 3. 4091000400013 1847.19 .18 44. 4. 4091000400014 1988.3 .3 26. 3. 4091000400015 2042. .4 22. 4. 4091000400016 2105.2 .6 28. 7. 4091000400017 2190.12 .22 37. 4. 4091000400018 2356. .7 12. 4. 4091000400019 2436.2 .4 30. 4. 4091000400020 2473.4 .9 17. 5. 4091000400021 2516.2 .4 23. 4. 4091000400022 2693.96 .1 122. 5. 4091000400023 2710.63 .22 80. 10. 4091000400024 3146.8 .5 27. 5. 4091000400025 3271.6 .4 30. 5. 4091000400026 3341.3 .3 65. 6. 4091000400027 3370.9 .7 52. 10. 4091000400028 3437.22 .1 170. 7. 4091000400029 3472.66 .18 87. 7. 4091000400030 3501.18 .22 93. 7. 4091000400031 3638. .3 71. 7. 4091000400032 3694.14 .22 59. 5. 4091000400033 3719.6 .4 32. 5. 4091000400034 3742. .4 30. 5. 4091000400035 3858.9 .4 40. 5. 4091000400036 3998.6 .6 42. 8. 4091000400037 4028.1 .3 81. 7. 4091000400038 4104.16 .13 124. 6. 4091000400039 4121.76 .18 83. 7. 4091000400040 4168.5 .4 37. 5. 4091000400041 4184.1 .5 38. 6. 4091000400042 4203.4 .4 50. 6. 4091000400043 4225.7 .4 39. 6. 4091000400044 4406.7 .6 25. 5. 4091000400045 4530.19 .14 189. 8. 4091000400046 4654.41 .18 141. 9. 4091000400047 4804. .3 59. 6. 4091000400048 5006. .1 232. 7. 4091000400049 5162.22 .18 78. 6. 4091000400050 5183. .3 105. 8. 4091000400051 5263.3 .1 391. 9. 4091000400052 5309.27 .18 122. 6. 4091000400053 5370.7 .5 18. 5. 4091000400054 5595.6 .4 45. 5. 4091000400055 5814.8 .5 34. 5. 4091000400056 5920.94 .22 72. 6. 4091000400057 6294.69 .04 2250. 18. 4091000400058 7700.9 .6 670. 11. 4091000400059 ENDDATA 49 0 4091000400060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 4091000499999 SUBENT 40910005 20240208 42174091000500001 BIB 4 6 4091000500002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,G)6-C-13,,SPC,,MXW/REL) Reference quantity 4091000500003 is not given 4091000500004 FLAG (1.) This gamma-line serves as reference line for 4091000500005 gamma energy calibration. 4091000500006 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 2. 4091000500007 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000500008 ENDBIB 6 0 4091000500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000500010 DATA 5 2 4091000500011 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4091000500012 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 4091000500013 3683.81 .14 .15 .12 4091000500014 4945.33 .06 .3 .02 1. 4091000500015 ENDDATA 4 0 4091000500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4091000599999 SUBENT 40910006 20240208 42174091000600001 BIB 4 6 4091000600002 REACTION (52-TE-123(N,G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,MXW/REL) Reference 4091000600003 quantity is not given 4091000600004 FLAG (1.) This gamma-line serves as reference line for 4091000600005 gamma energy calibration. 4091000600006 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 2. 4091000600007 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4091000600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000600010 DATA 5 2 4091000600011 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4091000600012 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 4091000600013 1690.97 .04 2.43 .15 1. 4091000600014 2090.89 .08 0.34 .03 1. 4091000600015 ENDDATA 4 0 4091000600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4091000699999 SUBENT 40910007 20240208 42174091000700001 BIB 4 9 4091000700002 REACTION (51-SB-123(N,G)51-SB-124,,SPC,,MXW/REL) Reference 4091000700003 quantity is not given 4091000700004 ADD-RES Gamma quanta from reaction 4091000700005 - 82-PB-207(N,G)82-PB-208 and their relative intensity 4091000700006 7367.87 +- 0.04 keV 2.41 +- 0.12 4091000700007 - 82-PB-206(N,G)82-PB-207 4091000700008 6737.21 +- 0.16 keV 0.12 +- 0.01 4091000700009 STATUS (TABLE,,P.A.Sushkov+,R,LIJAF-644,1981) Table 2. 4091000700010 HISTORY (20240208A) REL/MXW -> MXW/REL 4091000700011 ENDBIB 9 0 4091000700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4091000700013 DATA 4 27 4091000700014 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4091000700015 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4091000700016 5182.6 .3 .054 .006 4091000700017 5224.93 .11 .19 .011 4091000700018 5230.05 .18 .102 .008 4091000700019 5287.1 .6 .023 .006 4091000700020 5307.7 .4 .055 .006 4091000700021 5324.9 .4 .041 .006 4091000700022 5338.49 .15 .158 .011 4091000700023 5446.37 .14 .206 .013 4091000700024 5499.4 .5 .025 .004 4091000700025 5570.6 .1 .013 .004 4091000700026 5597.91 .12 .133 .008 4091000700027 5604.48 .09 .252 .014 4091000700028 5611.1 .4 .055 .006 4091000700029 5868.73 .05 .53 .03 4091000700030 5981.5 .7 .02 .004 4091000700031 5996.3 .3 .043 .004 4091000700032 6028.17 .09 .21 .016 4091000700033 6048.26 .06 .25 .03 4091000700034 6064.6 .4 .037 .004 4091000700035 6082.68 .06 .415 .022 4091000700036 6253.15 .14 .115 .008 4091000700037 6335.57 .05 .44 .03 4091000700038 6363.6 .05 .69 .04 4091000700039 6379.7 .05 1.24 .07 4091000700040 6426.7 .5 .031 .004 4091000700041 6456.48 .09 .214 .012 4091000700042 6467.2 .05 .55 .03 4091000700043 ENDDATA 29 0 4091000700044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 4091000799999 NOSUBENT 40910008 20240208 42174091000800001 NOSUBENT 40910009 20240208 42174091000900001 ENDENTRY 9 0 4091099999999