ENTRY            40912   20160604                             41764091200000001 
SUBENT        40912001   20160604                             41764091200100001 
BIB                 12         49                                 4091200100002 
TITLE       Measurement of the neutron-induced fission            4091200100003 
            cross-section of the transactinium isotopes relative  4091200100004 
            to U-235 from 4 to 11 MeV.                            4091200100005 
AUTHOR     (A.A.Goverdovsky,A.K.Gordjushin,B.D.Kuzminov,          4091200100006 
           V.F.Mitrofanov,A.I.Sergachev)                          4091200100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFEI)                                              4091200100008 
REFERENCE  (C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)    Curves are given including   4091200100009 
                                     that for Am-243              4091200100010 
REL-REF    (O,40888002,A.A.Goverdovsky+,C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)     4091200100011 
            Th-232 data                                           4091200100012 
           (O,40913002,A.A.Goverdovsky+,C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)     4091200100013 
            U-234 data                                            4091200100014 
           (O,40921002,A.A.Goverdovsky+,C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)     4091200100015 
            U-236 data                                            4091200100016 
           (O,40831003,A.A.Goverdovsky+,C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)     4091200100017 
            U-238 data                                            4091200100018 
           (O,40861004,A.A.Goverdovsky+,C,85SANTA,1,629,1985)     4091200100019 
            Np-237 data                                           4091200100020 
FACILITY   (VDG)                                                  4091200100021 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) Double ionization chamber                       4091200100022 
CORRECTION  Corrections were made on the moderation of fiss.frag. 4091200100023 
            in sample .15% , on the scattered neutrons background 4091200100024 
            .10% , on the efficiency difference of thin ioniz.    4091200100025 
            chambers 4.00 % , on the difference of neutron flux   4091200100026 
            in Am-243 and U-235 layers 2.0% , on the noncorrelated4091200100027 
            neutron background of the experimental hall 1.5% ,    4091200100028 
            on the fission of admixture isotopes 0.6% , on the    4091200100029 
            correlated neutron background 3.5% .                  4091200100030 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  4091200100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)  Energy dependence normalization error.        4091200100032 
           (ERR-2)  Error of determination of fragments           4091200100033 
                    detecting efficiencies.                       4091200100034 
           (ERR-3)  Neutron background components release error   4091200100035 
           (ERR-4)  Error of corrections .                        4091200100036 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error  about 1.0%, given in DATA   4091200100037 
                   block.                                         4091200100038 
INC-SOURCE (D-D)                                                  4091200100039 
HISTORY    (19870918C)  Compiled at the CJD                       4091200100040 
           (20111021A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       4091200100041 
            Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               4091200100042 
            BIB information  was added.                           4091200100043 
            Subent 002 was superseded.                            4091200100044 
           (20160602U) SD: Year of the ref. 85SANTA corrected :   4091200100045 
           1986 -> 1985.                                          4091200100046 
           (20170710U) M.M. Previous correction of SD was         4091200100047 
           checked at CJD.                                        4091200100048 
            COREL was deleted for 40888002, 40913002,40921002,    4091200100049 
            40831003, 40861004 acording to a comment of N.Otsuka  4091200100050 
             (NDS,IAEA) .                                         4091200100051 
ENDBIB              49          0                                 4091200100052 
COMMON               4          3                                 4091200100053 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            4091200100054 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         4091200100055 
  2.5        1.5        1.0        0.3                            4091200100056 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4091200100057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 4091200199999 
SUBENT        40912002   20111021                             41544091200200001 
BIB                  5          8                                 4091200200002 
REACTION   ((95-AM-243(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG))           4091200200003 
SAMPLE      U-235 impurity value in targets 15.2, 25.2, 35.8 % .  4091200200004 
METHOD     (MOMIX)                                                4091200200005 
STATUS     (SPSDD,41058002) Superseded by newer publication.      4091200200006 
COMMENT    Of compiler M.M. 20111021. Source of data is not clear,4091200200007 
            probably from authors. Subent is superseded by newer  4091200200008 
            publication, data differs only in one first point     4091200200009 
            (errors values).                                      4091200200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4091200200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4091200200012 
DATA                 5         32                                 4091200200013 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  DATA       ERR-S      ERR-T                 4091200200014 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT              4091200200015 
  4.97       .16       1.552       .8         2.6                 4091200200016 
  5.21       .16       1.567      1.1         2.8                 4091200200017 
  5.41       .15       1.560      1.3         2.8                 4091200200018 
  5.64       .14       1.655      1.5         2.9                 4091200200019 
  5.89       .14       1.634       .5         2.6                 4091200200020 
  6.14       .13       1.596      1.2         2.8                 4091200200021 
  6.38       .12       1.598      1.1         2.8                 4091200200022 
  6.56       .11       1.598      1.0         2.7                 4091200200023 
  6.79       .11       1.573       .8         2.6                 4091200200024 
  6.96       .10       1.522      1.0         2.7                 4091200200025 
  7.19       .10       1.503      1.0         2.7                 4091200200026 
  7.35       .10       1.502       .7         2.6                 4091200200027 
  7.58       .10       1.472       .8         2.6                 4091200200028 
  7.74       .09       1.483       .9         2.7                 4091200200029 
  7.90       .09       1.494       .8         2.6                 4091200200030 
  8.07       .09       1.492       .9         2.7                 4091200200031 
  8.23       .09       1.473       .7         2.6                 4091200200032 
  8.39       .08       1.428       .8         2.6                 4091200200033 
  8.55       .08       1.420       .8         2.6                 4091200200034 
  8.86       .08       1.393      1.0         2.8                 4091200200035 
  9.02       .07       1.417       .7         2.7                 4091200200036 
  9.18       .07       1.423      1.1         2.8                 4091200200037 
  9.33       .07       1.409      1.2         2.8                 4091200200038 
  9.49       .07       1.417      1.0         2.8                 4091200200039 
  9.59       .07       1.411       .7         2.7                 4091200200040 
  9.74       .07       1.423       .8         2.7                 4091200200041 
  9.85       .07       1.429       .8         2.7                 4091200200042 
  9.95       .07       1.418      1.1         2.8                 4091200200043 
 10.05       .06       1.409       .9         2.7                 4091200200044 
 10.20       .06       1.391      1.0         2.8                 4091200200045 
 10.31       .06       1.369       .8         2.7                 4091200200046 
 10.41       .06       1.392       .8         2.7                 4091200200047 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4091200200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4091200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4091299999999