ENTRY 40932 20240208 42174093200000001 SUBENT 40932001 20240208 42174093200100001 BIB 6 15 4093200100002 TITLE Total neutron cross sections of molybdenum, 4093200100003 cadmium and bismuth 4093200100004 AUTHOR (A.B.Popov,G.S.Samosvat,Zo In Ok) 4093200100005 REFERENCE (C,85SANTA,1,617,1985) Data for bismuth are given. 4093200100006 In English. 4093200100007 (R,JINR-P3-84-669,1984) Data for molybdenum 4093200100008 and cadmium. 4093200100009 First author Zo In Ok. In Russian. 4093200100010 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 4093200100011 FACILITY (REAC) Fast pulse reactor IBR-30 in connection with 4093200100012 iron, molybdenum and cobalt filters 4093200100013 HISTORY (19870921C) Compiled at CJD 4093200100014 (19981116U) Date corrected 4093200100015 (20010810U) Last checking has been done. 4093200100016 (20240208U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4093200100017 ENDBIB 15 0 4093200100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4093200100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4093200199999 SUBENT 40932002 20240208 42174093200200001 BIB 8 16 4093200200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,TOT),,SIG) 4093200200003 SAMPLE Liquid metallic bismuth in the stainless-steel 4093200200004 container 4093200200005 METHOD (TOF,FNB) Flight path is 500m. 4093200200006 Cd and Co filters. 4093200200007 Resonance filters from Cd, Rh, Ag, Co, Mn to estimate 4093200200008 background. 4093200200009 MONITOR (83-BI-209(N,TOT),,SIG) 4093200200010 CORRECTION Corrections were made on neutron flux background 4093200200011 2 % at 130 eV and 4 % at 5 eV 4093200200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4093200200013 article. 4093200200014 STATUS (TABLE,,A.B.Popov+,C,85SANTA,1,617,1985) 4093200200015 HISTORY (19981116T) Converted from Subent 88033002 4093200200016 (20010810U) Last checking has been done. 4093200200017 (20240208A) ERR-S -> DATA-ERR. 4093200200018 ENDBIB 16 0 4093200200019 COMMON 3 3 4093200200020 EN-RSL EN-NRM MONIT 4093200200021 MICROSEC/M EV B 4093200200022 0.2 5.18 9.283 4093200200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4093200200024 DATA 3 78 4093200200025 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4093200200026 EV B B 4093200200027 105. 9.211 .03 4093200200028 96.5 9.181 .02 4093200200029 88.6 9.26 .035 4093200200030 81.7 9.161 .026 4093200200031 75.5 9.217 .03 4093200200032 70. 9.219 .02 4093200200033 65.1 9.237 .03 4093200200034 60.7 9.203 .03 4093200200035 56.7 9.18 .022 4093200200036 53.1 9.238 .03 4093200200037 49.8 9.242 .03 4093200200038 46.8 9.231 .028 4093200200039 43.3 9.213 .02 4093200200040 39.6 9.24 .027 4093200200041 36.3 9.226 .015 4093200200042 33.3 9.195 .015 4093200200043 30.8 9.287 .023 4093200200044 28.5 9.256 .02 4093200200045 26.4 9.309 .02 4093200200046 24.4 9.261 .026 4093200200047 22.4 9.24 .02 4093200200048 20.6 9.25 .02 4093200200049 19.1 9.257 .024 4093200200050 17.7 9.306 .017 4093200200051 16.4 9.282 .025 4093200200052 15.3 9.273 .025 4093200200053 14.3 9.266 .025 4093200200054 13.4 9.287 .023 4093200200055 12.6 9.274 .02 4093200200056 11.8 9.282 .024 4093200200057 11.1 9.271 .025 4093200200058 10.5 9.301 .02 4093200200059 9.91 9.29 .015 4093200200060 9.25 9.296 .02 4093200200061 8.55 9.285 .061 4093200200062 7.92 9.321 .031 4093200200063 7.36 9.308 .02 4093200200064 6.85 9.319 .02 4093200200065 6.4 9.307 .015 4093200200066 5.99 9.288 .015 4093200200067 5.62 9.279 .015 4093200200068 5.28 9.28 .015 4093200200069 4.97 9.284 .015 4093200200070 4.64 9.274 .017 4093200200071 4.31 9.28 .015 4093200200072 4.01 9.291 .015 4093200200073 3.74 9.291 .015 4093200200074 3.5 9.291 .02 4093200200075 3.27 9.258 .02 4093200200076 3.07 9.314 .02 4093200200077 2.89 9.293 .015 4093200200078 2.72 9.305 .015 4093200200079 2.57 9.292 .02 4093200200080 2.4 9.248 .02 4093200200081 2.21 9.271 .043 4093200200082 2.05 9.29 .034 4093200200083 1.9 9.288 .02 4093200200084 1.77 9.281 .024 4093200200085 1.65 9.297 .025 4093200200086 1.54 9.293 .015 4093200200087 1.44 9.268 .017 4093200200088 1.34 9.282 .02 4093200200089 1.24 9.271 .02 4093200200090 1.15 9.27 .02 4093200200091 1.06 9.305 .02 4093200200092 0.991 9.316 .02 4093200200093 0.864 9.284 .02 4093200200094 0.81 9.272 .023 4093200200095 0.755 9.297 .02 4093200200096 0.7 9.251 .022 4093200200097 0.651 9.2 .02 4093200200098 0.607 9.268 .022 4093200200099 0.567 9.22 .025 4093200200100 0.527 9.196 .044 4093200200101 0.483 9.277 .02 4093200200102 0.433 9.283 .02 4093200200103 0.387 9.248 .025 4093200200104 0.348 9.21 .01 4093200200105 ENDDATA 80 0 4093200200106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 4093200299999 SUBENT 40932003 20240208 42174093200300001 BIB 6 9 4093200300002 REACTION (42-MO-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 4093200300003 METHOD (TOF,TRN,FNB) Flight base is 1000 m 4093200300004 Filter of natural Fe (24 cm thickness). 4093200300005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Lithium glass detector NE-908 4093200300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical 4093200300007 (ERR-1,,10.) Systematical uncertainty of calibration. 4093200300008 STATUS (TABLE,,Zo In Ok+,R,JINR-P3-84-669,1984) 4093200300009 HISTORY (19981116U) Reference moved to SAN 001 4093200300010 (20010810U) Last checking has been done. 4093200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 4093200300012 COMMON 1 3 4093200300013 EN-RSL 4093200300014 EV 4093200300015 1000. 4093200300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4093200300017 DATA 3 18 4093200300018 EN DATA ERR-S 4093200300019 KEV B B 4093200300020 24. 8.52 .34 4093200300021 69. 12.1 2.1 4093200300022 81. 10.8 1.3 4093200300023 127. 10.1 .6 4093200300024 136. 9.5 .67 4093200300025 166. 10.3 .7 4093200300026 182. 9.44 .57 4093200300027 218. 9.22 .47 4093200300028 243. 9.59 .46 4093200300029 271. 8.94 .26 4093200300030 305. 9.21 .28 4093200300031 349. 9.21 .33 4093200300032 373. 9.25 .74 4093200300033 450. 8.67 .68 4093200300034 610. 7.1 .52 4093200300035 700. 6.51 .93 4093200300036 920. 6.96 .55 4093200300037 1100. 6.49 .66 4093200300038 ENDDATA 20 0 4093200300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4093200399999 SUBENT 40932004 20240208 42174093200400001 BIB 7 12 4093200400002 REACTION (48-CD-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 4093200400003 METHOD (TOF,TRN,FNB) Flight base is 1000 m . 4093200400004 Filter of natural Fe (24 cm thickness) or 4093200400005 Al(50 cm thickness). 4093200400006 DETECTOR (GLASD) Lithium glass detector NE-908 4093200400007 FLAG (1.) Data obtained with aluminum filter placed in 4093200400008 neutron beam 4093200400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical 4093200400010 (ERR-1,,10.) Systematical uncertainty of calibration. 4093200400011 STATUS (TABLE,,Zo In Ok+,R,JINR-P3-84-669,1984) 4093200400012 HISTORY (19981116U) Reference moved to SAN 001 4093200400013 (20010810U) Last checking has been done. 4093200400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4093200400015 COMMON 1 3 4093200400016 EN-RSL-FW 4093200400017 KEV 4093200400018 10. 4093200400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4093200400020 DATA 4 26 4093200400021 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG 4093200400022 KEV B B NO-DIM 4093200400023 20. 7.25 .07 1. 4093200400024 24. 7.38 .06 4093200400025 63. 7.85 .32 1. 4093200400026 69. 7.74 .5 4093200400027 81. 8.11 .21 4093200400028 110. 8.51 1.08 1. 4093200400029 127. 7.88 .09 4093200400030 128. 7.72 .37 1. 4093200400031 136. 7.92 .13 4093200400032 166. 8.54 .11 4093200400033 182. 8.38 .06 4093200400034 189. 6.27 .9 1. 4093200400035 218. 8.16 .08 4093200400036 243. 8.13 .09 4093200400037 265. 7.89 .2 1. 4093200400038 271. 7.89 .06 4093200400039 305. 8.01 .06 4093200400040 349. 7.77 .05 4093200400041 350. 6.79 .35 1. 4093200400042 373. 7.89 .13 4093200400043 380. 7.2 .33 1. 4093200400044 450. 7.5 .18 4093200400045 610. 7.51 .07 4093200400046 700. 7.43 .017 4093200400047 920. 7.15 .09 4093200400048 1100. 6.19 .1 4093200400049 ENDDATA 28 0 4093200400050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4093200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4093299999999