ENTRY 40939 20240208 42174093900000001 SUBENT 40939001 20240208 42174093900100001 BIB 9 14 4093900100002 TITLE Decay scheme for Se-78 excited levels arising 4093900100003 from the reaction Se-78(n,n'gamma)Se-78 4093900100004 AUTHOR (G.A.Dostemesova,D.K.Kaipov,Yu.G.Kosyak,Yu.A.Lysikov, 4093900100005 L.V.Chekushina) 4093900100006 REFERENCE (C,86KHARKO,,63,1986) 4093900100007 INSTITUTE (4KASKAZ) 4093900100008 FACILITY (REAC,4KASKAZ) 4093900100009 INC-SPECT Reactor fast neutron spectrum 4093900100010 ANALYSIS Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer formalism 4093900100011 ADD-RES Population of energy levels are given in table. 4093900100012 HISTORY (19880222C) Compiled at the CJD 4093900100013 (20240208A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4093900100014 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4093900100015 REACTION was corrected in Subent 002. 4093900100016 ENDBIB 14 0 4093900100017 COMMON 1 3 4093900100018 EN-DUMMY 4093900100019 MEV 4093900100020 1. 4093900100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4093900100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4093900199999 SUBENT 40939002 20240208 42174093900200001 BIB 4 13 4093900200002 REACTION ((34-SE-78(N,INL)34-SE-78,,SPC)// 4093900200003 (34-SE-78(N,INL)34-SE-78,,SPC)) 4093900200004 Reference quantity for gamma-line at 613.7 keV taken 4093900200005 as 100 in the article. 4093900200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 4093900200007 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Dostemesova+,C,86KHARKO,,63,1986) 4093900200008 Table on pages 63-64. 4093900200009 HISTORY (20240208A) REACTION was corrected as ratio. 4093900200010 DATA and DATA-ERR were divided by factor 100. by 4093900200011 compiler to obtain ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM. 4093900200012 Lines 320.3, 686.3, 688.2, 881.7, 884.8, 888.9 keV 4093900200013 were deleted from DATA block - no intensities given 4093900200014 in the article. 4093900200015 ENDBIB 13 0 4093900200016 COMMON 1 3 4093900200017 E-DN 4093900200018 KEV 4093900200019 613.7 4093900200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4093900200021 DATA 4 41 4093900200022 E-NM LVL-INI DATA DATA-ERR 4093900200023 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4093900200024 331.2 2327.3 .10 E-02 .01 E-02 4093900200025 351.1 1854.0 .10 E-02 .02 E-02 4093900200026 354.7 2682.1 .10 E-02 .03 E-02 4093900200027 382.5 2890.1 .10 E-02 .01 E-02 4093900200028 449.5 1758.7 .10 E-02 .01 E-02 4093900200029 497.5 1995.9 .10 E-02 .02 E-02 4093900200030 545.6 1854.0 1.8 E-02 .2 E-02 4093900200031 613.7 613.7 100. E-02 4093900200032 687.5 1995.9 1.5 E-02 .3 E-02 4093900200033 695.2 1308.6 15.2 E-02 .3 E-02 4093900200034 757.1 2753.8 .10 E-02 .02 E-02 4093900200035 793.6 2647.3 .10 E-02 .02 E-02 4093900200036 828.1 2682.1 .4 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200037 842.7 2838.6 .7 E-02 .2 E-02 4093900200038 1005.4 2507.6 .7 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200039 1018.6 2327.3 .4 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200040 1043.5 2546.1 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200041 1079.8 2838.6 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200042 1145.1 1758.7 2.7 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200043 1198.9 2507.6 1.6 E-02 .2 E-02 4093900200044 1228.7 2537.4 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200045 1233.7 2735.3 .6 E-02 .2 E-02 4093900200046 1240.3 1854.0 4.5 E-02 .3 E-02 4093900200047 1308.6 1308.6 11.4 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200048 1338.3 2647.3 .7 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200049 1373.5 2682.1 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200050 1382.2 1995.9 1.4 E-02 .3 E-02 4093900200051 1387.5 2890.1 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200052 1411.9 2914.5 .4 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200053 1444.5 2753.8 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200054 1530.1 2838.6 .3 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200055 1576.4 2190.3 .20 E-02 4093900200056 1713.4 2327.3 2.5 E-02 .3 E-02 4093900200057 1721.3 2334.7 .6 E-02 .2 E-02 4093900200058 1894.2 2507.6 .8 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200059 1923.7 2537.4 1.2 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200060 1996.1 1995.9 2.6 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200061 2068.3 2682.1 .10 E-02 .03 E-02 4093900200062 2140.6 2753.8 .10 E-02 .03 E-02 4093900200063 2284.4 2898.4 .6 E-02 .1 E-02 4093900200064 2327.3 2327.3 .10 E-02 .02 E-02 4093900200065 ENDDATA 43 0 4093900200066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 4093900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4093999999999