ENTRY 40941 20240208 42174094100000001 SUBENT 40941001 20240208 42174094100100001 BIB 9 13 4094100100002 TITLE Decay scheme for excited states of the nucleus 4094100100003 Se-80 in the reaction Se-80(n,n'gamma)Se-80 4094100100004 AUTHOR (L.V.Chekushina,Yu.G.Kosyak,D.K.Kaipov,Yu.A.Lysikov, 4094100100005 G.A.Dostemesova) 4094100100006 REFERENCE (C,86KHARKO,,66,1986) Data table is given 4094100100007 INSTITUTE (4KASKAZ) 4094100100008 FACILITY (REAC,4KASKAZ) 4094100100009 INC-SPECT Reactor's fast neutrons 4094100100010 MONITOR No Information 4094100100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error is not specified 4094100100012 HISTORY (19880407C) Compiled at the CJD 4094100100013 (20010315A) Date is corrected 4094100100014 (20240208U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4094100100015 ENDBIB 13 0 4094100100016 COMMON 1 3 4094100100017 EN-DUMMY 4094100100018 MEV 4094100100019 1. 4094100100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4094100100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4094100199999 SUBENT 40941002 20240208 42174094100200001 BIB 2 3 4094100200002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,INL)34-SE-80,,SPC,,REL) Reference quantity 4094100200003 is not given 4094100200004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.V.Chekushina+,C,86KHARKO,,66,1986) 4094100200005 ENDBIB 3 0 4094100200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4094100200007 DATA 4 34 4094100200008 E LVL-INI DATA DATA-ERR 4094100200009 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4094100200010 666.4 666.4 98. 5. 4094100200011 671. 2121. 2. 4094100200012 783.0 1449.5 6.9 .2 4094100200013 793.0 2494.4 .75 .05 4094100200014 812.4 1478.8 4.6 .2 4094100200015 861.6 2311.4 .50 .04 4094100200016 894.7 2344.3 1.9 .2 4094100200017 1035.0 1701.4 10. 1. 4094100200018 1064. 2494.4 .10 .02 4094100200019 1078.6 3038. .25 .02 4094100200020 1124.1 2825.5 .22 .03 4094100200021 1178.2 2627.7 0. 4094100200022 1207.0 1873.4 2.1 .1 4094100200023 1293.6 1959.9 3.3 .2 4094100200024 1307.9 2786.7 .52 .05 4094100200025 1449.5 1449.5 11. 4094100200026 1454. 2121. 2. 4094100200027 1498.1 2947.9 .31 .03 4094100200028 1558.9 3038. .20 .01 4094100200029 1589. 3038. .21 .02 4094100200030 1645.0 2311.4 2.3 .1 4094100200031 1678.0 2344.3 .60 .03 4094100200032 1828.8 2494.4 .50 .05 4094100200033 1847.3 2513.7 1.93 .10 4094100200034 1959.8 1959.9 2.1 .1 4094100200035 2050.2 2716.6 1.45 .10 4094100200036 2160.4 2826.8 1.2 .1 4094100200037 2281. 2947.9 .30 .03 4094100200038 2343. 2344.3 .10 .02 4094100200039 2357.7 3024.1 .23 .02 4094100200040 2459.5 3125.9 .26 .04 4094100200041 2514. 2513.7 .07 4094100200042 2817.7 2817.7 .53 .05 4094100200043 3025. 3024.1 .07 4094100200044 ENDDATA 36 0 4094100200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 4094100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4094199999999