ENTRY 40963 20240208 42174096300000001 SUBENT 40963001 20240208 42174096300100001 BIB 7 18 4096300100002 TITLE Absolute measurements of the cross section for fission 4096300100003 of 235U by 1.9-MeV and 2.4-MeV neutrons using the 4096300100004 method of time-correlated associated particles 4096300100005 AUTHOR (V.A.Kalinin,S.S.Kovalenko,V.N.Kuz'Min,Yu.A.Nemilov, 4096300100006 L.M.Solin,V.I.Shpakov) 4096300100007 REFERENCE (J,SJA,64,239,1988) Engl.translation of AE,64,194,1988 4096300100008 (J,AE,64,194,1988) Issue 3. Data are given 4096300100009 REL-REF (M,,R.Arlt+,C,79KNOX,,990,1979) Exp. method details 4096300100010 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI) 4096300100011 STATUS (SPSDD,41112001) 4096300100012 HISTORY (19890420C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4096300100013 (20020729A) DATE is corrected 4096300100014 (20020729D) Superseded by 41112 4096300100015 (20240208A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4096300100016 Ref. J,SJA,64,239,1988 was added. 4096300100017 Ref. C,79KNOX,,990,1979 was moved in REL-REF - 4096300100018 experiments were done in Dresden ( 2.6 and 14.7 MeV 4096300100019 neutrons) and Rossendorf (8.2 MeV neutrons). 4096300100020 ENDBIB 18 0 4096300100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 4096300100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4096300199999 NOSUBENT 40963002 20240208 42174096300200001 ENDENTRY 2 0 4096399999999