ENTRY 40972 20230215 42124097200000001 SUBENT 40972001 20230215 42124097200100001 BIB 11 35 4097200100002 TITLE Study of reaction Fe-56(n,n'gamma) with 14.1-MeV 4097200100003 neutrons 4097200100004 AUTHOR (A.A.Lychagin,S.P.Simakov,B.V.Devkin,O.A.Salnikov, 4097200100005 A.A.Androsenko,P.A.Androsenko,A.B.Pashchenko, 4097200100006 O.T.Grudzevich,G.Petoe,T.Staricskai,L.Vasvari) 4097200100007 REFERENCE (J,SNP,45,761,1987) Engl.trans.of J,YF,45,(5),1226,19874097200100008 (J,YF,45,1226,1987) Data curve is given. Issue 5. 4097200100009 ((C,86DUBROV,,272,1986)= 4097200100010 (R,INDC(YUG)-010,272,1986)) Preliminary results 4097200100011 (R,FEI-1722,1985) Experimental details 4097200100012 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI,3HUNKOS) 4097200100013 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 4097200100014 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence of neutrons and 0.846 MeV gammas 4097200100015 (TOF) 4097200100016 DETECTOR (COIN,GELI,SCIN) Scintillator NE-127 100 mm diameter 4097200100017 and 50 mm thickness and coaxial Ge(Li) of 4097200100018 50 cm3 volume, time resolution ~6 nsec. 4097200100019 Neutron detector efficiency was measured by neutron 4097200100020 spectrum of Cf-252 spontaneous fission. 4097200100021 PART-DET (G,N) 4097200100022 CORRECTION Background was measured without sample. 4097200100023 For random coincidences. 4097200100024 For contribution of 57Fe(n,2n)56Fe (calculated 4097200100025 theoretically) and 2H(d,n)3He (measured) reactions. 4097200100026 STATUS (APRVD) Lychagin, 1988-12. Confirmed 1992-04-21 4097200100027 HISTORY (19890424C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4097200100028 (19920423A) Incident neutron energy EN=14.1 MeV given 4097200100029 Data-type changed 4097200100030 Data-units and -heading corrected 4097200100031 (19930219U) Reaction code in SAN 002 corrected 4097200100032 (20020729A) Date is corrected 4097200100033 (20180217A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4097200100034 Ref.SNP,45,761,1987 was added. 4097200100035 (20230215A) Update for current rules and dictionaries. 4097200100036 Ref. R,FEI-1771,1985 (misprinted) -> R,FEI-1722,1985. 4097200100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4097200100038 COMMON 1 3 4097200100039 EN 4097200100040 EV 4097200100041 1.41E+7 4097200100042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4097200100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 4097200199999 SUBENT 40972002 20230215 42124097200200001 BIB 10 25 4097200200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,DE) 4097200200003 SAMPLE Natural iron, metallic hollow cylinder, inner 4097200200004 diameter 15 mm, outer diameter 35 mm, height 10 mm 4097200200005 MONITOR Normalization to angle-average double-differential C-S4097200200006 of neutron inelastic scattering at energy range from 4097200200007 3.5 to 5 MeV. 4097200200008 MONIT-REF (,A.A.Lychagin+,R,FEI-923,1973) 4097200200009 EN-SEC (E,N) Energy resolution ~6 keV for 1.17 MeV gamma 4097200200010 energy 4097200200011 ANALYSIS Up to 96% of all gamma transitions from the excited 4097200200012 states of Fe-56 go through the low-lying 2+ state of 4097200200013 energy 0.846 MeV therefore this coincidence spectrum 4097200200014 descibes just Fe-56(n,n'gamma) reaction. 4097200200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error 4097200200016 ADD-RES Integral of exp. dif. C-S from 0.1 to 0.9 MeV is 4097200200017 55 +- 29 mb (Table 1 of INDC(YUG)-010,,272,1986, 4097200200018 Table of J,SNP,45,761,1987) 4097200200019 STATUS (TABLE) From author A.A.Lychagin 4097200200020 . This Subent 40972.002 ( data from A.Lychagin) 4097200200021 supersedes Subent 40936.002 ( data from S.Simakov) 4097200200022 . Fig.2 of INDC(YUG)-010,,272,1986; 4097200200023 Fig.2 of J,SNP,45,761,1987 4097200200024 HISTORY (19920423A) Data-unit changed from B/MEV to MB/MEV 4097200200025 Data-heading 'EN' changed to 'E' 4097200200026 (19930219U) SF7 in reaction code deleted 4097200200027 ENDBIB 25 0 4097200200028 NOCOMMON 0 0 4097200200029 DATA 3 38 4097200200030 E DATA DATA-ERR 4097200200031 MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 4097200200032 .8 5.6 7.5 4097200200033 1. 11.3 7.9 4097200200034 1.2 18.5 7.2 4097200200035 1.4 32.1 6.1 4097200200036 1.6 38.7 4.2 4097200200037 1.8 51.4 6.7 4097200200038 2.0 56.9 4.6 4097200200039 2.2 70.7 10.8 4097200200040 2.4 98.5 27.2 4097200200041 2.6 103.3 35.6 4097200200042 2.8 197.7 37.9 4097200200043 3.0 196.8 33.3 4097200200044 3.2 186.9 26.2 4097200200045 3.4 170.9 25.5 4097200200046 3.6 146.0 22.9 4097200200047 3.8 141.0 25.2 4097200200048 4.0 134.5 26.0 4097200200049 4.2 111.9 26.2 4097200200050 4.4 110.6 27.3 4097200200051 4.6 89.7 22.0 4097200200052 4.8 85.1 16.7 4097200200053 5.0 83.6 12.1 4097200200054 5.2 82.3 14.6 4097200200055 5.4 77.5 12.2 4097200200056 5.6 65.3 15.6 4097200200057 5.8 64.7 16.8 4097200200058 6.0 56.5 12.4 4097200200059 6.4 57.7 11.9 4097200200060 6.6 41.3 8.4 4097200200061 7.0 43.7 8.7 4097200200062 7.2 37.7 7.5 4097200200063 7.6 38.6 13.5 4097200200064 8.0 28.8 10.1 4097200200065 8.4 29.3 12.1 4097200200066 8.8 23.2 7.7 4097200200067 9.2 26.1 12.5 4097200200068 9.8 16.3 10.4 4097200200069 10.4 18.9 18.5 4097200200070 ENDDATA 40 0 4097200200071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 4097200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4097299999999