ENTRY 40988 20240208 42174098800000001 SUBENT 40988001 20240208 42174098800100001 BIB 14 27 4098800100002 TITLE Thermal neutrons radiation capture cross-section 4098800100003 for U-236 and Th-232 4098800100004 AUTHOR (A.N.Davletshin,V.V.Sinitsa,O.A.Tipunkov, 4098800100005 S.V.Tikhonov,V.A.Tolstikov) 4098800100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4098800100007 REFERENCE (C,87KIEV,2,309,1987) 4098800100008 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) Reactor BR-10. 4098800100009 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) 4098800100010 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 4098800100011 MONIT-REF (,S.F.Mughabghab+,B,NEUT.CS 1A,,,1981) 4098800100012 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,DG,412.) 4098800100013 DETECTOR (GELI) 4098800100014 METHOD (ACTIV) 4098800100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 4098800100016 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of detector absolute efficiency 4098800100017 for Au. 4098800100018 (ERR-2,0.4,0.5) Uncertainty including statistics and 4098800100019 corrections for self-absorption and for activation 4098800100020 by scattering neutrons. 4098800100021 CORRECTION For self-shielding : 4098800100022 Au - 1.057, U - 1.009, Th - 1.010. 4098800100023 For activation by scattered neutrons - 0.987, 0.973, 4098800100024 0.977, respectively. 4098800100025 HISTORY (19890913C) Compiled at the centre - CJD. 4098800100026 (20240208A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4098800100027 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4098800100028 Decay data, partial uncertainties were added. 4098800100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4098800100030 COMMON 1 3 4098800100031 ERR-1 4098800100032 PER-CENT 4098800100033 1.5 4098800100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4098800100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4098800199999 SUBENT 40988002 20240208 42174098800200001 BIB 6 13 4098800200002 REACTION (92-U-236(N,G)92-U-237,,SIG) 4098800200003 SAMPLE U(3)O(8) powder in the stainless-steel container, 4098800200004 U-236 content 98.5 %. 4098800200005 DECAY-DATA (92-U-237,,DG,208.) 4098800200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) Uncertainty of detector absolute efficiency 4098800200007 for U 4098800200008 REL-REF (A,,,R,BNL-325,(1),1973) 5.2+-0.3 b 4098800200009 (A,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) 5.1+-0.3 b 4098800200010 (A,,S.F.Mughabghab+,B,NEUT.CS 1A,,,1981) 5.11+-0.21 b 4098800200011 (A,40579006,L.N.Yurova+,C,83KIEV,2,177,1983) 4098800200012 5.00+-0.14 b 4098800200013 STATUS (TABLE),,A.N.Davletshin+,C,87KIEV,2,309,1987) 4098800200014 Table on page 311. 4098800200015 ENDBIB 13 0 4098800200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 4098800200017 DATA 4 1 4098800200018 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-3 4098800200019 EV B B PER-CENT 4098800200020 2.53E-02 5.09 0.10 1.1 4098800200021 ENDDATA 3 0 4098800200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4098800299999 SUBENT 40988003 20240208 42174098800300001 BIB 6 10 4098800300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG) 4098800300003 SAMPLE ThO(2) powder in the stainless-steel container 4098800300004 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-233,,DG,312.) 4098800300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) Uncertainty of detector absolute efficiency 4098800300006 for Th. 4098800300007 REL-REF (A,,,R,BNL-325,(1),1973) 7.4+-0.008 b 4098800300008 (A,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) 7.4+-0.1 b 4098800300009 (A,,S.F.Mughabghab+,B,NEUT.CS 1A,,,1981) 7.37+-0.06 b 4098800300010 STATUS (TABLE),,A.N.Davletshin+,C,87KIEV,2,309,1987) 4098800300011 Table on page 311. 4098800300012 ENDBIB 10 0 4098800300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4098800300014 DATA 4 1 4098800300015 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-3 4098800300016 EV B B PER-CENT 4098800300017 2.53E-02 7.49 0.20 2. 4098800300018 ENDDATA 3 0 4098800300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4098800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4098899999999