ENTRY 40990 20240208 42174099000000001 SUBENT 40990001 20240208 42174099000100001 BIB 13 25 4099000100002 TITLE Measurement of the Lu-177-M production cross-section 4099000100003 AUTHOR (E.A.Gritsay) 4099000100004 REFERENCE (C,87KIEV,2,209,1987) 4099000100005 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4099000100006 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) 4099000100007 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Horizontal channel of the reactor WWR-M 4099000100008 MONITOR Absolute measurement 4099000100009 DETECTOR (GELI) Detector efficiency was calibrated by standard 4099000100010 sources of Sn-113, Ce-139, Eu-152,Hg-203,Na-22. 4099000100011 SAMPLE Lu(2)O(3) oxide,Lu-175 content is 45.6 % , Lu-176 4099000100012 content is 54.4 %. 4099000100013 METHOD (ACTIV) 4099000100014 INC-SPECT Reactor neutron spectrum, epithermal Westcott index 4099000100015 is equal 0.10 . 4099000100016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error due to the neutron flux determination 4099000100017 (ERR-2) Error due to the gamma-rays yield 4099000100018 uncertainty 4099000100019 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4099000100020 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4099000100021 HISTORY (19890914C) Compiled at the centre - CJD. 4099000100022 (19950926A) Neutron incident energy corrected 4099000100023 (20240208A) Upper -> lower case correction. 4099000100024 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4099000100025 Decay data were added. 4099000100026 SUBENT 005 was added (directly measured data). 4099000100027 ENDBIB 25 0 4099000100028 COMMON 4 3 4099000100029 EN-DUMMY ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-S 4099000100030 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4099000100031 1.0E+00 4. 10. 1. 4099000100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4099000100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4099000199999 SUBENT 40990002 20240208 42174099000200001 BIB 5 15 4099000200002 REACTION (71-LU-176(N,G)71-LU-177-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 4099000200003 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-177-G,6.71D,DG,208.34) Relative intensity 164.% 4099000200004 (71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,195.6,,DG,204.1,, 4099000200005 DG,208.4,,DG,214.4,,DG,218.1) 4099000200006 Gamma energy,keV Relative intensities,% 4099000200007 195.6 7.2 4099000200008 204.1 119.0 4099000200009 208.4 510.0 4099000200010 214.4 54.6 4099000200011 218.1 25.1 4099000200012 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) Decay data. 4099000200013 ANALYSIS Contribution from Lu-175 double neutron capture was 4099000200014 4% and was taken into account at isomeric ratio 4099000200015 determination. 4099000200016 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Gritsay,C,87KIEV,2,209,1987) Text page 212 4099000200017 ENDBIB 15 0 4099000200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4099000200019 DATA 2 1 4099000200020 DATA ERR-T 4099000200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM 4099000200022 5.45E-04 7.1E-05 4099000200023 ENDDATA 3 0 4099000200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4099000299999 SUBENT 40990003 20240208 42174099000300001 BIB 4 5 4099000300002 REACTION (71-LU-176(N,G)71-LU-177-M,,SIG) 4099000300003 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-177-M,160.10D) 4099000300004 ANALYSIS Averaged value for 7 measurements. 4099000300005 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Gritsay,C,87KIEV,2,209,1987) Text page 212 4099000300006 (DEP,40990005) Directly measured data in Subent 005. 4099000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4099000300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4099000300009 DATA 2 1 4099000300010 DATA ERR-T 4099000300011 B B 4099000300012 3.18 0.30 4099000300013 ENDDATA 3 0 4099000300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4099000399999 SUBENT 40990004 20240208 42174099000400001 BIB 3 3 4099000400002 REACTION (71-LU-176(N,G)71-LU-177-G,,SIG) 4099000400003 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-177-G,6.71D) 4099000400004 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Gritsay,C,87KIEV,2,209,1987) Text page 213 4099000400005 ENDBIB 3 0 4099000400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4099000400007 DATA 2 1 4099000400008 DATA ERR-T 4099000400009 B B 4099000400010 5924. 642. 4099000400011 ENDDATA 3 0 4099000400012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 4099000499999 SUBENT 40990005 20240208 42174099000500001 BIB 5 24 4099000500002 REACTION (71-LU-176(N,G)71-LU-177-M,,SIG) 4099000500003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,171.4/174.4/177.0) 4099000500004 Summarized relative intensity 175.2+-6.0 % 4099000500005 ((2.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG, 4099000500006 195.6/204.1/208.4/214.4/218.1) 4099000500007 Summarized relative intensity 715.9+-23.5 %. 4099000500008 ((3.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,228.5/233.9) 4099000500009 Summarized relative intensity 357.9+-12.8 %. 4099000500010 ((4.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,249.7) 4099000500011 Relative intensity 51.3+-2.5 %. 4099000500012 ((5.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,281.8/283.4) 4099000500013 Summarized relative intensity 121.0+-5.3 %. 4099000500014 ((6.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,378.5/385.1) 4099000500015 Summarized relative intensity 256.7+-10.8 %. 4099000500016 ((7.)71-LU-177-M,160.10D,DG,413.7/418.5) 4099000500017 Summarized relative intensity 304.5+-10.9 %. 4099000500018 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4099000500019 Values of gamma intensities are given in free text of 4099000500020 DECAY-DATA because values are too high; this question 4099000500021 was sent to the author O.Gritsay via N.Otsuka (NDS, 4099000500022 IAEA). 4099000500023 STATUS (TABLE,,E.A.Gritsay,C,87KIEV,2,209,1987) 4099000500024 Table on page 212. 4099000500025 HISTORY (20240208C) Subent was added. 4099000500026 ENDBIB 24 0 4099000500027 NOCOMMON 0 0 4099000500028 DATA 3 7 4099000500029 DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG 4099000500030 B B NO-DIM 4099000500031 3.22 0.33 1. 4099000500032 3.24 0.33 2. 4099000500033 2.90 0.29 3. 4099000500034 3.56 0.37 4. 4099000500035 2.85 0.30 5. 4099000500036 3.18 0.36 6. 4099000500037 3.63 0.39 7. 4099000500038 ENDDATA 9 0 4099000500039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4099000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4099099999999