ENTRY 41011 20230118 42114101100000001 SUBENT 41011001 20230118 42114101100100001 BIB 10 23 4101100100002 TITLE Investigation of the neutron interaction with 4101100100003 radioactive Lu-177 nucleus and stable Lu-175 and 4101100100004 Lu-176 nuclei 4101100100005 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebnyy,P.N.Vorona,A.I.Kal'chenko, 4101100100006 V.G.Krivenko,L.E.Chervonnaya,V.Yu.Chervyakov) 4101100100007 REFERENCE (C,87KIEV,2,204,1987) Resonance parameters given 4101100100008 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4101100100009 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) WWR-M reactor 4101100100010 METHOD (TOF,TRN) 4101100100011 MONITOR No information. 4101100100012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4101100100013 COMMENT Of compiler. 4101100100014 On Fig.1 there are data of transmission for Lu-176 4101100100015 thick and thin samples, for different irradiation 4101100100016 times, before and after second irradiation, and 4101100100017 after decay of Lu-177,178. 4101100100018 There is possibility of digitization - scale X is not 4101100100019 designated properly. 4101100100020 HISTORY (19900216C) Compiled at the centre - CJD 4101100100021 (19950403U) Energy value in SAN 004 corrected 4101100100022 (20020729A) Date is corrected 4101100100023 (20230118A) Correction for current rules. 4101100100024 Subents 005,006,007 were deleted - see COMMENT. 4101100100025 ENDBIB 23 0 4101100100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 4101100100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4101100199999 SUBENT 41011002 20230118 42114101100200001 BIB 3 9 4101100200002 REACTION 1(71-LU-175(N,0),,EN) 4101100200003 2(71-LU-175(N,G),,WID) 4101100200004 3(71-LU-175(N,EL),,WID/RED,,G) 4101100200005 SAMPLE Oxide Lu2-O3, Lu-176 content is 54.4 %, weight is 4101100200006 83.8 milligram, 4101100200007 Lu-175 thickness is 3.690 10**4 atoms/cm2, 4101100200008 Lu-176 thickness is 4.402 10**5 atoms/cm2. 4101100200009 (71-LU-176,ENR=0.544) 4101100200010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of C,87KIEV,2,204,1987 4101100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4101100200012 COMMON 1 3 4101100200013 MOMENTUM L 4101100200014 NO-DIM 4101100200015 0. 4101100200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4101100200017 DATA 6 7 4101100200018 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 34101100200019 EV EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 4101100200020 2.602 .13 79. 5. .079 .002 4101100200021 4.76 .03 65. 5. .080 .002 4101100200022 5.20 .02 74. 5. .33 .01 4101100200023 11.25 .03 .54 .04 4101100200024 13.90 .04 .94 .04 4101100200025 14.13 .04 1.08 .01 4101100200026 15.33 .05 99. 10. .24 .01 4101100200027 ENDDATA 9 0 4101100200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4101100299999 SUBENT 41011003 20230118 42114101100300001 BIB 3 6 4101100300002 REACTION 1(71-LU-176(N,0),,EN) 4101100300003 2(71-LU-176(N,G),,WID) 4101100300004 3(71-LU-176(N,EL),,WID/RED,,G) 4101100300005 SAMPLE Oxide Lu2O3, weight 83.8 milligram, Lu-175 content 4101100300006 3.690 atoms/cm2, Lu-176 content 4.402 atoms/cm2 4101100300007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of C,87KIEV,2,204,1987 4101100300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4101100300009 COMMON 1 3 4101100300010 MOMENTUM L 4101100300011 NO-DIM 4101100300012 0. 4101100300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4101100300014 DATA 6 8 4101100300015 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 34101100300016 EV EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 4101100300017 0.141 .001 64.0 0.4 0.118 0.003 4101100300018 1.575 .006 57. 1. 0.190 0.007 4101100300019 4.33 .02 60. 4. 0.115 0.002 4101100300020 6.09 .02 59. 4. 0.29 0.01 4101100300021 9.70 .025 73. 4. 0.230 0.004 4101100300022 10.77 .03 76. 5. 0.270 0.04 4101100300023 11.42 .03 0.13 0.02 4101100300024 11.85 .03 99. 13. 0.079 0.003 4101100300025 ENDDATA 10 0 4101100300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4101100399999 SUBENT 41011004 20230118 42114101100400001 BIB 5 10 4101100400002 REACTION (71-LU-177(N,G)71-LU-178,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 4101100400003 INC-SPECT Averaged reactor's slow neutron spectrum 4101100400004 ANALYSIS C-S was derived from capture reaction yields 4101100400005 determined by measured yield of Hf-178 using 7.79 eV 4101100400006 resonance at two measurements - during 10 days and 4101100400007 45.8 days. 4101100400008 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 207 of C,87KIEV,2,204,1987 4101100400009 HISTORY (19950403U) Energy value changed from 1 MeV to .0253 4101100400010 eV, MXW was added to REACTION SF8 4101100400011 (20020729U) 'DERIV' added to SF9 4101100400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4101100400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4101100400014 DATA 3 1 4101100400015 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 4101100400016 EV B B 4101100400017 2.53E-02 1000. 300. 4101100400018 ENDDATA 3 0 4101100400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4101100499999 NOSUBENT 41011005 20230118 42114101100500001 NOSUBENT 41011006 20230118 42114101100600001 NOSUBENT 41011007 20230118 42114101100700001 ENDENTRY 7 0 4101199999999