ENTRY 41079 20240906 42194107900000001 SUBENT 41079001 20240906 42194107900100001 BIB 9 27 4107900100002 TITLE Energy dependence of yields and kinetic energies of 4107900100003 235U fission fragments 4107900100004 AUTHOR (P.P.D'yachenko,B.D.Kuz'minov,L.S.Kutsaeva, 4107900100005 V.M.Piksaikin) 4107900100006 REFERENCE (J,SNP,14,629,1972) English translation 4107900100007 (J,YF,14,1129,1971) In Russian. 4107900100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4107900100009 METHOD Measurement at fast and thermal neutron beams. 4107900100010 Method is almost the same as in Entry 40235, see 4107900100011 REL-REFvof P/P.D'yachenko+; 4107900100012 but measurement-computer-center was used instead of 4107900100013 16000-channel analyzer ( as in 40235). 4107900100014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4107900100015 COMMENT Of the author V.M.Piksaikin: 4107900100016 Yields before prompt neutron emission were measured. 4107900100017 REL-REF (N,,T.R.England+,R,ENDF-349,1994) = LA-UR-94-3106 . 4107900100018 https://nds.iaea.org/endf349/ 4107900100019 (M,40235001,P.P.D'yachenko+,J,SNP,8,165,1969) 4107900100020 HISTORY (19911116T) Converted from RIDER ENTRY 90462 4107900100021 (20020729A) Date is corrected. 4107900100022 'MONITOR' keyword was deleted. 4107900100023 (20240906A) Comment of the author V.M.Piksaikin was 4107900100024 added. 4107900100025 Subents 002, 003 were deleted - data were not measured4107900100026 by authors, were derived by B.F.Rider and T.R.England,4107900100027 see REL-REF of T.R.England+. 4107900100028 Subent 004 was added (measured data, digitized Fig.3).4107900100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4107900100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 4107900100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4107900199999 NOSUBENT 41079002 20240906 42194107900200001 NOSUBENT 41079003 20240906 42194107900300001 SUBENT 41079004 20240906 42194107900400001 BIB 6 24 4107900400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)50-SN-118,PRE,FY,,AV/MSC) 4107900400003 Yields average in mass region MASS-MIN - MASS-MAX, 4107900400004 derived from several experiments of the same authors. 4107900400005 FLAG (1.) this experiment ( open circles ) 4107900400006 (2.) this experiment ( open triangles ) 4107900400007 (3.) derived from experiment published in 4107900400008 P.P.Dyachenko+,J,PL/B,31,122,1970 (crosses). 4107900400009 (4.) derived from previous measurement described in 4107900400010 Entry 40235 ( black circles) 4107900400011 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors (one pixel): 4107900400012 axis X - 0.0040 MeV, 4107900400013 axis Y - 0.0022 pc/fis for mass 118-121, 4107900400014 - 0.0007 pc/fis for mass 137-141. 4107900400015 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4107900400016 - Data point 0.0285 pc/fis at 137-141 mass, 4107900400017 EN=1.6904 MeV is on Fig.3 without error bars, 4107900400018 so DATA-ERR is not given for this point in DATA block. 4107900400019 - Data point 0.0117+-0.0048 pc/fis at 137-141, 4107900400020 EN=0.2781 MeV is presented on Fig.3 as two overlapping 4107900400021 black circles, it was digitized as one point. Probably 4107900400022 one of circle is the cross if take into account upper 4107900400023 part of Fig.3. at this EN region. 4107900400024 STATUS (CURVE,,P.P.D'yachenko+,J,SNP,14,629,1972) 4107900400025 HISTORY (20240906C) Subent was added. 4107900400026 ENDBIB 24 0 4107900400027 COMMON 2 3 4107900400028 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4107900400029 MEV PC/FIS 4107900400030 0.0061 0.0028 4107900400031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4107900400032 DATA 6 77 4107900400033 EN MASS-MIN MASS-MAX DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4107900400034 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 4107900400035 0.1151 137. 141. 0.0069 0.0039 3. 4107900400036 0.1154 118. 121. 6.3583 0.0491 3. 4107900400037 0.1876 137. 141. 0.0104 0.0052 3. 4107900400038 0.2061 118. 121. 6.3984 0.0491 3. 4107900400039 0.2781 137. 141. 0.0117 0.0048 4. 4107900400040 0.2965 118. 121. 6.3715 0.0491 4. 4107900400041 0.3146 118. 121. 6.3804 0.0491 3. 4107900400042 0.3958 137. 141. 0.0129 0.0052 3. 4107900400043 0.4144 118. 121. 6.4249 0.0491 3. 4107900400044 0.5044 137. 141. 0.0155 0.0043 3. 4107900400045 0.5221 118. 121. 6.2328 0.0536 3. 4107900400046 0.5949 137. 141. 0.0116 0.0048 3. 4107900400047 0.6130 118. 121. 6.3220 0.0536 1. 4107900400048 0.6131 137. 141. 0.0151 0.0056 1. 4107900400049 0.6133 118. 121. 6.3666 0.0535 3. 4107900400050 0.7036 137. 141. 0.0173 0.0043 1. 4107900400051 0.7128 118. 121. 6.3710 0.0580 1. 4107900400052 0.7397 137. 141. 0.0121 0.0043 4. 4107900400053 0.7493 118. 121. 6.4290 0.0536 4. 4107900400054 0.8031 137. 141. 0.0138 0.0048 1. 4107900400055 0.8119 118. 121. 6.2682 0.0536 1. 4107900400056 0.9028 137. 141. 0.0220 0.0052 1. 4107900400057 0.9210 118. 121. 6.3573 0.0580 1. 4107900400058 0.9752 137. 141. 0.0177 0.0074 2. 4107900400059 1.0120 118. 121. 6.4688 0.0625 2. 4107900400060 1.0837 137. 141. 0.0155 0.0056 4. 4107900400061 1.1109 137. 141. 0.0185 0.0052 1. 4107900400062 1.1203 118. 121. 6.3928 0.0402 1. 4107900400063 1.1204 118. 121. 6.4240 0.0446 4. 4107900400064 1.2105 137. 141. 0.0151 0.0056 1. 4107900400065 1.2289 118. 121. 6.4016 0.0536 1. 4107900400066 1.3192 118. 121. 6.3613 0.0536 1. 4107900400067 1.3192 137. 141. 0.0211 0.0061 1. 4107900400068 1.3373 137. 141. 0.0250 0.0061 4. 4107900400069 1.3467 118. 121. 6.4282 0.0580 4. 4107900400070 1.4185 118. 121. 6.2987 0.0669 2. 4107900400071 1.4188 137. 141. 0.0250 0.0069 2. 4107900400072 1.5093 137. 141. 0.0259 0.0056 2. 4107900400073 1.5095 137. 141. 0.0350 0.0061 1. 4107900400074 1.5180 118. 121. 6.2852 0.0714 2. 4107900400075 1.5263 118. 121. 6.1334 0.0625 1. 4107900400076 1.5819 137. 141. 0.0332 0.0086 2. 4107900400077 1.5820 137. 141. 0.0401 0.0091 2. 4107900400078 1.6086 118. 121. 6.2985 0.0714 2. 4107900400079 1.6174 118. 121. 6.2493 0.0714 2. 4107900400080 1.6904 137. 141. 0.0285 2. 4107900400081 1.6905 137. 141. 0.0319 0.0061 4. 4107900400082 1.6991 118. 121. 6.2939 0.0625 4. 4107900400083 1.7266 118. 121. 6.3697 0.0625 2. 4107900400084 1.7629 137. 141. 0.0354 0.0061 2. 4107900400085 1.7805 118. 121. 6.2849 0.0625 2. 4107900400086 1.8080 137. 141. 0.0233 0.0074 2. 4107900400087 1.8351 118. 121. 6.3473 0.0714 2. 4107900400088 1.8622 137. 141. 0.0198 0.0074 2. 4107900400089 1.9158 118. 121. 6.1865 0.0759 2. 4107900400090 1.9437 137. 141. 0.0172 0.0078 2. 4107900400091 1.9710 118. 121. 6.3739 0.0580 2. 4107900400092 2.0162 137. 141. 0.0271 0.0065 2. 4107900400093 2.0345 137. 141. 0.0384 0.0061 4. 4107900400094 2.0522 118. 121. 6.3202 0.0491 4. 4107900400095 2.1339 118. 121. 6.3648 0.0625 2. 4107900400096 2.2696 118. 121. 6.3423 0.0625 2. 4107900400097 2.2698 137. 141. 0.0349 0.0086 2. 4107900400098 2.5144 137. 141. 0.0440 0.0082 2. 4107900400099 2.5227 118. 121. 6.2795 0.0714 2. 4107900400100 2.5418 137. 141. 0.0570 0.0074 4. 4107900400101 2.5681 118. 121. 6.3107 0.0625 4. 4107900400102 2.7771 137. 141. 0.0552 0.0082 2. 4107900400103 2.7853 118. 121. 6.3104 0.0580 4. 4107900400104 3.0847 137. 141. 0.0461 0.0086 4. 4107900400105 3.1018 118. 121. 6.2520 0.0491 4. 4107900400106 3.5104 137. 141. 0.0651 0.0099 4. 4107900400107 3.5271 118. 121. 6.2158 0.0625 4. 4107900400108 5.0015 118. 121. 6.0265 0.0536 4. 4107900400109 5.0050 137. 141. 0.1299 0.0156 4. 4107900400110 6.0010 137. 141. 0.1468 0.0177 4. 4107900400111 6.0062 118. 121. 6.0164 0.0491 4. 4107900400112 ENDDATA 79 0 4107900400113 ENDSUBENT 112 0 4107900499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4107999999999